Feral Confessions – Adrianna And The Alpha

Chapter 522 - Darla And The Ring

Adrianna was curious as to why Fleur wanted to adopt a baby. When Fleur didn't answer her, she prodded her, "Fleur, why do you want to adopt a baby?" 

Fleur stopped and so did Adrianna. Rest of them walked ahead. 

Fleur was pretty excited to visit the orphanage. She had been thinking about it for a long time but wasn't sure what kind of a parent she would be. She collected her thoughts and answered, "Adrianna, when I got married to Liam, I had told him that I didn't want to have babies so early. We have forever to live and so we can wait. Although he was a little unhappy earlier, he respected my decision. However, I know that he is not happy on the inside and at the same time I am not prepared to have a baby. So I came up with the idea of adopting a child."

Fleur paused before continuing, "I am scared as hell when I think of having my own child. Maybe later when I am ready I will go for it. I come here often to play with these kids or to deliver supplies when needed. Dmitri has given the charge of this orphanage to Liam. I mingle with these children very often and there is one child that has managed to attract my attention to such an extent that I am always thinking about motherhood." She bit her lip. "I am deeply attached to the child and if Dmitri feels that I can be a good mother, I will adopt the baby." Fleur stopped and took a deep breath. She looked at her toes, which were already diffing in her sandal.

Adrianna looked at Fleur's nervous face. She smiled and picked her chin. "That's a lovely decision Fleur and I am so proud of you. I am sure Dmitri won't have any issues with it. But have you talked to Liam?" 

"Yes!" Fleur beamed. "He is also eager."

Fleur's chirpy demeanor made Adrianna chuckle. "Okay! Then let's go inside." 

The two friends walked inside the room. Even though it was slightly chilly outside, the room was warm. The room was beautiful with a door-to-door green soft carpet. There were several small round tables on which students were playing or writing along with their teachers. Toddlers were being taken care of by the nannies. The room was equipped with numerous toys and books. A smile appeared on Adrianna's face. Ileus was with Dmitri and the moment he saw other kids, his interest arose. Like the toddler girl who was on the carpet crawling towards Fleur, even he wanted to get down from Dmitri's lap. 

"Put him down," Adrianna said mentally to Dmitri fearing that he might use his magic.

Dmitri placed him down immediately. And just as Adrianna had thought, Ileus speedily crawled to the baby girl. The girl stopped for a while to see the intruder and then ignoring him, she giggled all her way up to Fleur. Fleur picked her up and cuddled her. "Darla!" She kissed her on her cheeks and said, "How are you baby?" 

Darla held Fleur's ears and in order to imitate her kiss, she ended up biting her cheek. Fleur laughed. 

Adrianna's eyes were wide with surprise. 

"That is Deba's baby," came Dmitri's soft voice in her mind. 

Adrianna pursed her lip. 

Liam had come up to the two of them and joined in talking to Darla. The way Fleur was bouncing and the way Liam's face radiated with warmth, Adrianna was extremely joyful. She couldn't imagine that such an easy answer was right there in front of them. In the morning Dmitri was so worried about her and the solution was so simple. Fleur looked at Adrianna and there was a glint of happiness in her eyes. Adrianna nodded slightly with a smile in approval to her gesture. 

"She wants to adopt Darla," Adrianna communicated again. 

"I know. Liam has filled me in with details," he replied. 

Ileus had tilted his head feeling very angry as he stared at the child he wanted to play with. Adrianna noticed him and picked him up. She chided him, "That's not Seashell. You have to be patient, okay?" As if understanding his mother, Ileus became droopy. 

That day Adrianna wondered if it would be a good idea for her to send Ileus to the Human Realm to understand their ways. 

The inspection got over within the next half an hour. Adrianna and Fleur played with the toddlers all that while. When the time was to return, Dmitri had approved Liam's application to adopt Darla. Darla couldn't find better parents than these two. 

Adrianna marveled at the destiny. It was as if the child was born to be raised by Liam and Fleur. However there was more that she didn't know that was written in Darla's destiny. 

All of them left the orphanage soon after. It was 3PM and they had to go to the Human Realm to help Haldir to buy the engagement ring. When they stepped out of the portal in an alley, they found Haldir waiting for them impatiently. 

"You are late!" he said gruffly. 

Adrianna raised her eyebrow. She looked at her watch. It was 3:01PM. Before she could say anything, Haldir said, "I have been waiting here for an hour." 

Dmitri and Liam shook their heads. They sympathized with the man here. They had also undergone the same situation long back. Adrianna and Fleur rolled with laughter. 

"Are you mocking him?" Dmitri accused the girls. "Hmph! This poor soul has waited for an hour," Dmitri added, keeping his hand across Haldir's shoulders. He had strapped Ileus on his front in the baby carrier sling bag. 

Adrianna knew it was no point in arguing and so she said, "Sorry Haldir. Let us go." 

The moment they started to walk, Adrianna again burst into a fit of laughter. "We were late by a minute!" 

The men found it too rude. They made a poker face and walked out of there. The girls followed. They had to tell the story to Inyanga. 

Dmitri led them all to the same jewelry shop from where he had bought the ornaments for Adrianna after marriage. On the way, so many girls stopped and swooned over him. In his dark goggles, blue shirt and black denims and a baby carrier, he looked smashing hot. He couldn't help flirting back with them.

Adrianna shook her head. "Wait till I punish you for this."

"How will you do that?" he asked. 

"I will make you beg me tonight." 

"Ah! Then it's worth flirting," said shameless Dmitri. 

As soon as they reached, the Manager of the shop came running to his esteemed client. "Good afternoon Sir, what can I do for you today?" he asked politely. 

Dmitri pointed at the white haired man and said, "We are looking for couples rings for my friend here." 

The Manager nodded without showing any signs of amazement, and guided them to the relevant counter. It took two hours and countless trials before Haldir finalized on two rings. And what were they? They were two simple gold bands. Adrianna and Fleur were shocked at his choice. The Manager was appalled, aghast and dismayed. He blinked a number of times and said, "Are you sure Sir? There are diamond rings here. Women like diamonds." 

"I am sure," Haldir replied with a straight face. 

When they had settled the bill, Haldir was extremely anxious. He looked at them and asked, "Should I even propose to her? Will she reject me?" 

Adrianna furrowed her brows. She said through her clenched teeth, "Should I strangle you?" They had spent so much time in the shop and this is what he said in the end? Others looked at him pointedly. 

Suddenly, Dmitri's vision blurred. In his mind he saw the same deformed face with maroon eyes. His breath became ragged. 

"Dmitri!" Adrianna held him.

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