The Shadow's soul was shattered into so many pieces that he was not able to decipher what was going on. Soft wind blew on the outside and carried the orbs away to Gaira. As soon as they reached there, they adhered to the wall and opened on the inside. The smoke that was trapped in them, was absorbed by the wall as if it was thirsty from ages. 

The streetlamps shone brilliantly outside. The dark clouds had drifted revealing the perfect moonlit sky that was dazzled by its brilliance. 

Inside the restaurant, Ileus clung to his father's chest like he was his momma. No one knew what happened in that split second but the things got back in order. Adrianna wanted to hold Ileus but he refused to leave his Dada. The heaviness in the air evaporated but the experience left them all shook from the core. 

Haldir went to sit next to Inyanga and said, "Thanks so much." 

"My pleasure," she replied in a soft voice. 

Niiya ordered the staff to bring wine. They had to celebrate big time. When the wine was poured in the glass, the celebration began. Ookashi took the blue box again and showed the key to everyone. Everyone congratulated her. Nate kissed her. He was so thankful to have her in his life that there was nothing he wanted more. He wanted to live with his human mate for as long as she lived. He knew that he would eventually wither away but he accepted that as his fate. He looked at his baby girl and embraced her tightly. She was a gift from Ookashi—his flesh and blood. 

Haldir cleared his throat. "Ahem!" 

All around the table shushed each other. It was high time he did what he was there for. There was excitement beneath everyone's skin. Ookashi giggled. Fleur and Adrianna grinned. Only Dmitri sat there tight with his son. It was difficult for him to unwind. 

In a honeyed voice, Haldir said, "Inyanga, before you I had lovers and I was faithful to them. I didn't even know that you existed in this world. However, ever since I have come to realize that I couldn't survive without you, ever since our bond had fallen into place, I want to follow you wherever you take me. If you will evaporate and become a star in the sky, I will remain true to our love and follow you there. My soul has stopped searching for more. I don't know how things will shape up from now on. I want to share every possible moment of my life with you." He paused to take the rings out of the box. Holding them in front of her, he went down on his knees. "Be mine, and I will vow to be yours for the rest of my life and beyond." 

Inyanga glowed as she beamed with love. Unconsciously, she parted her lips and moved closer to Haldir. She nodded her head as she tried her best to stop the tear coming out of her eyes. She gave her hand to him and he immediately slipped the ring in it. She laughed like a silly fool. She took the other ring from him and slipped it on his ring finger. Haldir's heart hammered in his chest as his knees became weak. The tingling he felt on her touch ignited fire and passion in him. He arose and held her petite face in his hands. At first he kissed her and then they got tongue tangled. He felt so safe and whole with her. She was going to be his forever. They lost awareness of the surroundings. People were clinking their glasses and the sounds of 'awww", "so lovely," "hold on" just faded in the background. If it had been for Haldir, he would have escaped from there at that instant but Inyanga stopped him through her mental bond. "Let us celebrate with everyone." 

"Okay," he agreed. 

The two of them parted and held hands. When they turned to look at others, they were shocked. Adrianna had crafted her magic. Confetti from all the sides poured on them. It became very lively. Fleur did her magic and flower petals showered on the couple. Balloons, streamers and twinkling lights as tiny as specks, danced around them. 

Niiya ordered for champagne. When the bottle came, he corked it open. The cork popped out with fizz and banged on the roof. The waiters poured the wine in the glasses and the fun started. A dance floor appeared instead of the piano in the corner. Except Dmitri and Ileus, they all went over there and jived until their feet were too tired to carry them back. 

When they came back, they found that Dmitri was still cradling Ileus. Adrianna sat next to him. "I think he is fine now and there is no threat of the soul. You can relax." 

Dmitri looked at her with fury in his eyes. He blasted, "How do you know that the soul is gone? How are you so sure that this kind of incident won't occur again? Can you take a guarantee? Do you realize how close Ileus was to being possessed? He is a baby. Can you even imagine what that soul would have done to my child? Adrianna, this is not what I had signed up for. I want my baby to be safe and if that means that I have to keep him in hiding, I will do that!" 

Adrianna gulped. She turned her head and saw that everyone was busy dancing on the floor. "This is not the place to discuss all this. And I think you are overreacting."

"Then let us get out of here and discuss it," he said through gritted teeth. 

"Dmitri! Stop overreacting," Adrianna said. "We are going to discuss this but at a later time. I don't want to spoil Haldir's and Inyanga's day." 

"Da-da," came a gentle voice. Dmitri looked at Ileus and stroked his thick black hair. A sense of safety encompassed him. It was as if Ileus was trying to reassure him that everything was okay. He took a deep breath and replied, "Okay Adri, but I want to be out of here in the next hour."

Adrianna exhaled a long breath. Her husband was becoming paranoid more than required. "Okay, but for that one hour, let us unwind." 

Dmitri looked away. His mind was racing. There were too many things he had thought about Ileus' safety. One thing that occurred to him was the Head Council voting. His eyes automatically went to Niiya and he mentally communicated to Adrianna, "Tell him about the voting at the Head Council." 

Adrianna shook her head. She said, "I will tell him at the right time. This is not the place nor the time." 

Dmitri once again clenched his jaws in anger. 

Dinner arrived and people settled at the table. The kids had fallen asleep tucked in their parents' baby slings. While having dinner, Dmitri again prodded Adrianna to talk to Niiya, but she refused. Seeing her reluctance, Dmitri kept his fork and spoon down. "Hey Niiya, there was something I wanted to speak with you about."

Niiya chomped on his lamb meat and said with a mouth full, "Sure, what is it?"

Dmitri came directly to the point. "When you were gone— I mean absent," he corrected himself, "The Head Council members were extremely agitated. They tried to rebel against you but Adrianna stopped them somehow by assuring them that you will come back soon." 

Adrianna was aghast at him. She stared hard and tried to communicate to him to stop, but Dmitri had blocked his mind.

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