Feral Confessions – Adrianna And The Alpha

Chapter 540 - The Council Head (7)

The Fae lady smiled at Adrianna who was so stunned by seeing the Fae couple by now that she was speechless. Ileus had buried his head in her neck and like a little baby he was kicking his tiny feet into her stomach. 

"What is it Adri," Dmitri asked bemused by her behavior. 

The High Lord laughed. He patted Dmitri's back. 

"Please be seated," Adrianna said softly overcoming her emotions. Her skin tingled at the thought that she was meeting, no, the parents of her son's mate had come to meet her. This was destiny or was Ileus wanting this? Befuddled at the thought, she didn't know how to explain it to Dmitri. 

Dmitri's impatience rose to a high level. "What is going on?" he asked again. 

All of them sat down in the room. Once seated, Adrianna made Ileus sit near Jun. He began to pull her antlers and resumed trying to sit on her back. The Faes watched him lovingly. 

Adrianna gulped and then turned to Dmitri. She told him everything right from the beginning. Shocked, Dmitri was bereft. He looked at his son and only one thought crossed his mind. "So he is a time traveler apart from being a wizard and a werewolf?" Dmitri's mind raced upon the possibilities of Ileus' magic. For a moment he became afraid for his baby. That was the reason why the spirit from the Land of Gaira was after him. It meant that he had to be protected all the more. He looked at the two Faes. Why were they here?

As if understanding his thoughts, the High Lord said, "Our people had been invited by the Council to be a member, however, we had declined it from a long time, however, we have come to join it now because of Ileus. We have to protect the child, no matter what. And we are there with you."

Dmitri exhaled loudly and a smile erupted on his face. This was so reassuring. "Let's do this together," he said excitedly. His hopes that they would be able to remove Niiya from the position of the Head of Council, rekindled strongly. 

The Fae couple stayed for an hour and then left. They said they would meet them after the Council meeting is over. 

The entire next day went by in meeting people from various realms and telling them their proposition. 

Dmitri and Adrianna were ready for the Council meeting. The headquarters were pretty far – almost an hour from the inn. Adrianna embarked on the journey along with Dmitri on her broom. The two only revised their plan on the way. 

When they reached the headquarters, they noticed that the gates were wide open. People had started pouring in. All of them headed to the main hall. Niiya had already arrived and a battalion of people surrounded him. Adrianna saw the Fae couple at the far end of the hall. They looked at her and nodded in acknowledgement. Niiya didn't even look at the two of them. 

Adrianna noticed the Elves representative. He was sitting on the left side of Niiya. His face was stone cold. 

The meeting started as per the time. Everyone seated in his or her chairs around the large oval table and Niiya was sitting on the head of the table. He looked daunting, reserved and very guarded. Adrianna and Dmitri sat together on the right side after ten people. 

Once the members were apprised of the agenda of the meeting by the staff, Niiya opened. "My dear fellows, I had remained absent for a long time due to personal reasons. However, now I am back and I will serve you all as best as I can." He was about to speak further when he was interrupted. 

The bear shifter said, "This is not the first time you have been absent. What is the guarantee that you wouldn't do it again?" 

Niiya took in a deep breath. He was ready for the questions. "I promise upon that," he replied. 

"Sorry, Niiya, but the Council doesn't run on promises," came the attack. 

Another member from across the table voiced his objections. "Do you realize how much we had to wait for you? There were so many tasks that had to be shifted only because you decided to go on a long leave. You didn't even assign anyone else to take the decision." 

More and more people joined. 

"That is right. We have suffered because of your issues."

"You must resign and make someone else the Head."

"We will vote on who would be the next Council Head. This cannot go on."

"We are in favor of Niiya's removal." 

"I would like to propose my name for the position." 

Niiya was angered by now. His face became red and his muscles tensed. He didn't anticipate this kind of rebellion. 

Adrianna was quiet. The people she had met with were opposing Niiya but people whom she hadn't met were also opposing him. Overall, none of them were happy with him and they really wanted him to step down. She looked at Dmitri who had folded his hands across his chest and appeared pretty satisfied with the way things were going on. 

After some time, Niiya stood up and with both fists, thumped the table. "Shut up! All of you!" The members became quiet amongst murmurs. He looked around at every member. "Maintain the decorum of the place. If you won't I will be forced to expel you." 

The members became absolutely quiet. 

"Where is the King of Serpents?" asked Niiya.

Adrianna's heart raced. She was dreading this moment, this question. 

"I saw him enter the Northern Mountains two days back," the birds' representative said. "I was flying to reach the Council headquarters when I saw him along with another one from his realm. They were slithering in their serpent form on one of the slopes. It was hard to miss their black and green bodies on the pristine snow." 

Adrianna's body froze. Dmitri held her hand and caressed her mentally. "Look normal," he said. 

Niiya frowned. "That is strange." He called a staff member and whispered something to him. Then he turned to the audience and said, "I have asked him to find the King." The way he spoke, he sounded very suspicious. "In the meanwhile let us continue." 

"Should I reveal everything?" Adrianna asked with fear.

"No, just keep silent," Dmitri chided her. 

The two of them looked at the Fae couple on the opposite side. Áine stared at her and slowly moved her finger to her lips motioning her to not say a word. 

Adrianna gulped and looked down in her lap. 

Dmitri listened to Niiya for some time and then interrupted him. "I would like to present my opinion." 

Niiya clenched his jaws. He knew what Dmitri was about to say. He hoped that someone else spoke and he would get him or her a chance but all members only became silent. They wanted to listen to him. "Sure," he replied, narrowing his eyes. 

Dmitri turned his gaze around at every person. "There is a lot of dissent amongst us and so we should have a vote on whether we want to continue with Niiya or not." 

The members thumped the table in agreement.

Dmitri continued, "If the vote goes in his favor, we will let him continue. However, if it doesn't, we will elect a new Head."

"Yes, we should vote," all agreed. 

What happened next was something they never expected.

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