Feral Confessions – Adrianna And The Alpha

Chapter 543 - Decision About Ileus

Adrianna was extremely relieved to hear about Haldir's decision. She smiled. "In that case, you can live here as long as you want to. I will be honored to stand with you and fight all the wars against my Wizard Kingdom. If you wish any other special demand, let me know, and I shall grant it," she said with confidence and pride in her eyes. She knew that Haldir was one person who would never betray her trust. 

Haldir bowed. "Thank you my Queen." He had accepted her as his queen a long time back. Her child had attracted his attention and special place in his heart even when he wasn't born. Even if the blood bond were broken, he wouldn't have left the child. Haldir had an inkling that Ileus was much more than the eye met. And he wanted to see him grow, wanted to see his magic unfold. At the same time he was scared that Ileus would be a power beyond anyone's control. His energy had to be channelized and he also hoped that Adrianna would give him a chance to tutor her baby. It was important. 

Adrianna got up and left. When she reached her bedroom, she found Dmitri and Ileus on the bed. Dmitri was sleeping and Ileus was looking at his hand that still had scars on it. His entire forearm was covered in scars. She went near them. Ileus looked up at her and then went back to his Dada. With his tiny finger, he traced a scar and to Adrianna's shock, the scar disappeared. It was as if it wasn't only there. Her mouth fell to the ground. How could this be possible? She noticed that Ileus traced another scar with his finger and just like that even it smoothed out like a crease on a cloth smoothens after ironing it. She was standstill in her place. Her mind stopped working. She had never seen anyone like that. Where was this magic coming from? Was Ileus a healer too?

After tracing about four lines, the little child felt drowsy and he slumped right next to his Dada.

Adrianna hurried and held him in her arms. "Ileus!" she said aloud, scared as to what happened to him. But the child slept. Was he using his internal manna to heal his father? Goose bumps lined her skin. The child was too small to even understand what he did. He was doing it naturally. 

She opened her blouse to feed him and like the baby he was, he immediately cupped her breasts and sucked milk. When he was well fed, she placed him near Dmitri and lied beside him. She caressed his hair until she fell asleep. 

She told Dmitri what she saw when they woke up. Dmitri was also stunned to see the visible changes. "Adri, don't say anything about Ileus' power. He is using his inner energy to heal me." 

"I know," said Adrianna with a worried expression. "But Dmitri we need to protect him. If someone comes to know, our child is in grave danger. What do we do?" 

Dmitri took in a deep breath. "I don't know," he communicated mentally. He got up from bed and went to get dressed. He had a lot of things to attend to in the Werewolf Realm. 

In the next few days, Ileus would trace four to five scars of his father and heal him. Even though Dmitri never wanted this because he was scared that Ileus' health would be affected but the little baby never listened. He stopped only when all the scars were gone and his hand was like before. His Dada was fine. 

In the next year, things smoothed out in Wizard Kingdom. There were zero threats from the outside. The subjects lived with peace. The proposition of the witches and wizards to go out and mingle with the humans was downright discarded. 

Adrianna had talked to Niiya and explained him everything. He continued to be on the Council, although his relationship with her wasn't the same as before. He focused on his business. 

In the Council, new positions were created and more people were brought into the Managerial positions so that the job could be distributed nicely. Every Managerial post was known as 'Siit Amet'. Each Siit Amet had several realms under their purview and all of them reported to the Head. This way one person wasn't burdened entirely and at the same time people from other realms were happy that they were included in the mainstream. The new change did bring in some resistance, especially from the elves, but it was overall welcomed. Niiya had refused the Siit Amet position.

Dmitri had a close watch on all the realms. He came to one conclusion. Even though everything seemed calm, there were instances of revolt. It was impossible to have complete peace in all realms. He made up his mind about Ileus. 

When Ileus was two years old, Dmitri had a very serious conversation with Adrianna. 

"Adri, I am getting very worried about Ileus. His powers are growing with each new day. Soon it would be difficult for us to maintain our secret. I have decided that as soon as he starts school, we are going to send him to different realms and keep his identity secret every time."

"What?" Adrianna shouted. "No! I will not part with my son." She had stomped out of the room after hearing Dmitri's preposterous thoughts. 

She was so angry that she didn't talk to him for the next few days. When things eased out, Dmitri took her to his safe haven along with Ileus. For two days and nights, they were there. He tried to convince her and gave her the plan. "If we don't do this, Ileus is going to be a target of everything vicious in this world. Don't you remember how that spirit came from the Land of Gaira? I have the news that someone has disturbed those lands again, someone is trying their best to get inside those lands. In fact I have the news that one of the dissent Faes had tried to bring them in their home. Do you want them to come after Ileus too?" 

Adrianna's mind became numb at the information. She looked at Ileus who was playing with Seashell, who had become his pet. Seashell looked at Adrianna and said, "He is right. We have to protect Ileus. I will accompany him wherever he goes." 

Adrianna pressed her hand to her mouth. "So where will you send him first?" 

"To the Human Realm," Dmitri answered. Dmitri held her hand, which was trembling. If this were to happen, when will she even see her child again? This plan was not correct. 

"How are we going to live without him?" she asked in a hoarse voice. 

"Also we can't send him to so many realms that don't have good relations with us. He would stand out and be easily spotted," she argued. 

He said, "I agree. Hence I have chosen only seven realms where he would go. And if he likes any world, he can stay there longer. Isidorus will accompany him everywhere and so will Howard, Fleur and Liam." 

Suddenly the lion roared and before he knew, it was purring like a cat as it had turned into one. Ileus rolled on the floor with laughter. 

"See that?" Dmitri said. "Can you fathom his magical powers?"

It was true that Ileus was unable to control his powers. He had already turned the entire Western garden of the royal palace into an upside down world. 

Reluctantly Adrianna had to agree. She threw her condition. "I will meet my son every evening." 

"Oh! That goes without saying," said Dmitri. He was planning on doing that. 

They came back to the palace. It was decided that Ileus would leave the royal palace at the age of five. 

A year later, Haldir and Inyanga got married. 

Fleur and Liam adopted Darla. 

When Ileus was five years, it was time for him to leave.

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