[Ambition] Retribution...! (3)

It is a small town of 3,000 people, where unfortunate grandfathers, loving moms, and myself and my brother Selvinus live.

My grandfather often said that low births and high mortality do not increase the population.

But now what?

Something was going wrong.

When I hear about my grandfather and his secretary...

“Mayor Elveheim, the pregnancy has increased recently. ”


“Yes, this is my personal opinion from my heart, but as you predicted, it's been a long time since I considered it a temporary coincidence. ”

“... I see. ”

That's exactly what I said.

Our city, which had a population of only 3,000, has surpassed 10,000 in recent years.

Immigrants from the outside?

No, it's not.

It is because the majority of the population that has recently exploded is a one-year-old and two-year-old fairy.

“We don't know why. ”

“Even though you're one of them? I thought you applied for parental leave...”

“I don't know. And I'm a half-breed, so I'm not going to get a reference. ”

“Hmmm... If we can figure out the cause, we can basically solve the population problem. I can't feel a thing! ”

My grandfather, who was always confident that he knew everything, scratched his head.

What's the reason?

I'm really curious.

I am proud of the many newborns with a supple body

A Chilly Nature High in Birth Rate

Some very impatient drinks support impatient mating

A brilliant fanatic foretells the golden age

... I really don't know.

including this that started to appear a few years ago.

A goddess who is too naive says thank you to everyone

A god gives everyone a warm friendship popcorn

Those who claimed to be gods seemed to be visible only to me and my brother.

But this is for sure.

Everything started to change from the moment they started to see it.

♪ Molang ♪ ♪ Molang ♪

“...... ”

Selvinus has been singing strange songs from unknown sources for some time now.

I tried to tell him to stop being so fierce, but he realized that I was humming to the tune without even realizing it.

He's secretly addicted!

“Mayor, I need a decision. ”

“Yes. I cannot delay your application for maternity leave any longer. ”

“I'm not talking about that! ”

“...... ”

“Elveheim Khan Lanuberg. Our father, the eternal heaven. Everyone is looking forward to your determination. The return of the great fairy king. ”

My secretary kneels.

I fell on the cold floor without hesitation, even though I was uncomfortable with the baby in my stomach.

I'm not sure.

Is Grandpa really that great to sit by the window and stare at the breasts of human women?

Grandpa replied calmly.

“I'm not as great a fairy as you think. ”

“No way. You usually look disappointed, but there are no people who don't know it's all fake! ”


It's true...

But my secretary seemed to really believe that.

“Elf King Elveheim! Lead us again! The surrounding countries that have been persecuting us have collapsed one after the other. Now is the time to rise again! This is not my sole opinion. Tribal leaders, mayors, chiefs, and group chiefs scattered all over the festival continent are longing only for your return! Here's the list of advocates. Please take a look. ”

My secretary, who always took a step back, came out strong today.

Before I recently applied for a 50-year parental leave, I was anxious and ambitious to do something big.

Did he feel the same way about me?

My grandfather, who always made a sorry face, became serious.

Then he came out of nowhere and stroked Selenus' head.

“I'm retired. Now I'm satisfied with the grandparents of two adorable granddaughters. You're too old to lead your own people. Create the right young talent for a changing era. ”

“No way! No one can replace Elveheim! ”

“Admit it or not, I've already decided. ”

With no desire for power and honor, grandfather may be the ideal king.

But it's a little swollen?

I think there are a lot of people who mistook my grandfather's progress.

“I can't! The surrounding nations who persecuted their own kind were annihilated one after the other. What fairy could do such an achievement? Impossible without King Elveheim. ”

“It's self-destructive. ”

“No, it won't do you any good to take off your clothes. We haven't found any hard evidence, but it's been falling apart since the countries around us started targeting Selenis and Selvinus. Elveheim is the only one who can secretly do this kind of work, but still has motivation. ”

“Huh! What a coincidence. ”

“Even if you insist on saying no, no fairy will believe you. Our great king. ”

Well, that sounds reasonable.

All the regrets you show us are disguises, and if you're really up to something...

Suddenly, my grandfather looked a little, a little cool.

I admire the perfect camouflage from a goddess who is too naive

A very rash drink is mocked for being naive

A Goddess who is too naive to cry

An Apostle Sprinkles Pepper Flour Quickly

A very sudden drink screams and rolls the floor

What a mess!

I thought these noisy gods had done something...

Some reception claps shoulders and empathizes

I admire the flawless camouflage of a laid-back nature

Some Original Creates Perfect Camouflage

A Boring Evil God Admires Perfect Camouflage

A ghost admires perfect camouflage

Some fanatics are clever enough to empathize


It doesn't look like the work of any gods.

So you're really a grandpa?

My grandfather, who had denied until the end, changed his attitude to the last condition that my secretary threw.

“Then... to strengthen the crown and the cause, one of the two granddaughters will be the new fairy king's bride...”

“Nonsense! ”

My fierce grandfather wrapped his arms around me like he was protecting Selvinus.

And declare...

“I will create a strong country where no one can overlook my grandchildren! ”

Is that as easy as it sounds?

You're the one who said there's a lot of power out there in the world.

A Goddess who is too naive and clenches her fists.

It's come true.

Does this make any sense? Selby, what do you think...

♪ Molang ♪ ♪ Molang ♪

“...... ”

I don't really know what it is anymore, really.


The ‘empire’, which grew up absorbing the surrounding countries without difficulty, sprang up like a snowball.

At this time, I felt goosebumps.

“Awesome! Grandpa put rice cakes on it! ”

Otherwise, an impossible phenomenon occurred in succession.

A desperate, desperate, desperate tyrant?

Is there going to be a commotion in a town of indigenous faith?

A trust that foresees floods descends on temples all over the world?

To list it, there is no end.

How long has he been preparing to absorb the surrounding countries?

He's been laughing in front of us all day, and behind us, preparing...

My grandfather became a little respected.

The neighbors and those around them seemed to agree.

Long live the Three Fairy Kings! ”

“Praise the king of Elveheim! ”

“Our Great Father! ”

“Praise be to Him...! ”

“Elveheim, forever! ”

Before, people used to praise my grandfather.

But at that time, I didn't really realize it, but as the city evolved into an empire, everyone liked his name.

My grandfather, you're amazing! Awesome! Awesome! Molang!

“This is...”

He looked very embarrassed.

When she saw it, she said something in Pinzan's tone.

“I've felt it for a long time. I think he's really lucky. I'm not saying I'm incompetent. ”

“Hurrah! My narrow chest daughter. I'm very disappointed to hear you say that when you get married with that luck. ”

“Nu, who said that! ”

In the old days, Grandpa said he couldn't move on from his mom, but the mom that we saw is terrified just when she talks about him.

I don't even know your face.

But his shadow was always around us.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Molang!

Earth, fire, wind, water, heart!

The spirits my father gave me as a escort are always with us.

And a group of teachers regularly check on the comfort of our family and give us some kind of privilege.

As the empire grows larger, and as the young fairies are born, the rights of the fairies increase day by day.

At that time, my grandfather shouted.

“All this work belongs to my daughter Elkaterina and two grandchildren who inherited the blood of a great warrior! Selenis, Selvinus. My dear grandchildren. My brothers, please continue to love these two blessed children! ”


“Royal Family! Forever! ”

“I love you…! ”

I don't know what Grandpa thought of saying that, but we've had a lot of expectations since then.

It's not that great.

Supporting by a Goddess who is too naive

Some Incoming Cheer Together

A laid-back nature highly regards someone

I look forward to seeing some very fast drinks

A God Supports Strongly

Thank you all!

That way, the land became wider every day where fairies could live comfortably.

But as the territory expanded, the crisis came with a catastrophe.

“Chaooo...! ”

A dark giant who hates angels came down from heaven.

Black Horn Dragon Brainvius.

In the distant past, a black dragon who used to own this star lay barefoot in the front yard of my house.

I can put up with that.

“Mom! I can't see Malran in the yard! ”

“That soft slime? I think I saw him in the yard. ”

“You don't... think Malran's down there...? ”


It doesn't feel fuzzy, but it's still a pet slime that my brother and I are raising.

We diligently wandered around the dragon and searched for malang.

“Malang! ”

“Malang! Where are you? ”

However, no matter how hard I looked, I couldn't find any gentle males.

When we gave up so halfway, we witnessed a terrible sight.


An empty space in my front yard where a glass of Black Horn Dragon Brainvius left me.

In the middle of that, there was a slime that was once tender, but completely flat and unrecognizable in shape.

Don't, don't...

“Sis! She's alive! ”

“Thank God, Malang! ”

Thanks to the gentle slime, Malang returned safely to our arms.

But I couldn't go on like this.

“I can't forgive you! ”


I feel strongly for a goddess who is too naive

Me and Selvinus snuck out to visit the evil black dragon behind my grandfather and mother's back.



I was going to hit him with my pillow lightly.

A black dragon this big would snort, but I still wanted my revenge.

Bad dragon! If you're going to smile, smile!

“Chaoooo ~?! ”



The dreadful Black Horn Brainvius crumbles, leaving nothing behind.

I'm delighted that a goddess is so naive

A shy dragon sweats cold

Stupid situation.

Mom rebuked us for doing dangerous things, but Grandpa smiled cheerfully and danced in the clod.

“I knew it! You can't fool the blood of that warrior! Selenis, Selvinus! Just trust this old man. All the fairies on the festival planet will whisper your name once more -! ”

In just one day, rumors of me and my brother defeating Black Horn Dragon Brainvius spread all over the continent.

Many nations have returned to the Empire, we are the Emperor, and our grandfather is regent.

What's going on?

But our lives have not changed a bit.

Until then.


A human man with the same smile as us came unannounced.

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