Fictional Chat Group - All Girls Only Edition
Chapter 38 - Helping in Dukedom of Ankaji
Hajime's party and Eleonora right now currently travel in Gruen Desert since it seems the only place where they have to go to Erisen, although it's also the same direction towards Grand Gruen Volcano which is previously Hajime's target to conquer if he didn't meet with Eleonora, Ais, Neptune, and Kurumi which is capable to travel to another world. The desert itself like any desert in Egypt back on Earth, it's also feels very hot and Hajime's party can handle the temperature since they are inside a car but strangely Eleonora don't have that kind of problem right now. She was not complaining about the heat on the desert and just happily riding her bike.
But Hajime don't have the time to worry about her as his goal right now is to search for any information about the whereabouts of Miyu's mother. As they trying to cross the desert, Eleonora and others detect an abnormality on their right, they then witnessing a giant worm that was man-eating and could easily kill someone if they did get caught and couldn't defeat it.
"That's a large beast that only exist in this desert."
Tio said that, making Hajime went quiet for a second and asking her while he about to reduce the speed of the hummer.
"Should we go slower?"
"Don't worry. It won't notice us as long as it's not next to us. But it's really weird. I've never seen one of them so still before. It should only be like that when it's about to capture its prey."
Eleonora overheard their conversation and became worried, so she secretly cast some spell that can protect the entire people in the hummer and herself because what Tio said somehow made her worried because the worm giant is so still and that's the condition that when they about to capture its prey.
"So you're saying it doesn't know whether to eat its prey or not?"
But then Hajime and Eleonora noticed something that's not right, so they speed up their vehicles as if trying to avoid from something and it's turn out to be the giant sand worm that they was seen before as it was trying to catch them, followed by the second worm and this is made Eleonora felt a bit excited as she readying herself.
But before that, she then shouting at Hajime's group.
"Hajime-san and others, I will be the one who handle it! Please focus on driving and dodging it!"
"What are you planning?! You can't possibly take it! I don't know how you can easily create a spell out of nothing and don't care about how you can learn anything so fast, but you're still weak!"
Hajime shout that to her even if he already knew the truth that from her aura and magic alone he felt before that Eleonora has enormous mana unlike him. Yue, Shea, Tio, and Kaori subconsciously put on worrying faces on them when hearing what Eleonora said.
Yet Eleonora noticed that easily and cleared her throat before she made her bike on auto-mode as she lifting up her right hand at one of the sand giant worm who suddenly risen from hiding in the sand and currently in front of them.
"Don't worry, you will know that I am not weak by seeing this. [Fireball]."
As she chanted the spell, a huge ball of fire came out from her palm and strike its way toward the giant worm, causing the worm crying out of pain as the flame suddenly covering its body and made it struggling in pain and trying it best to escape and endure it; but alas it is wasteful chance its got since the flame burn its entire body to the crips until nothing remains.
Hajime's party who witnessing that was amazed and has unbelievable face showing on their faces. Moreover when they heard what kind of spell that is used by Eleonora, they couldn't believe it even more since what spell she use is actually low or basic of fire element spell that everyone can use and learn.
"U-Unbelievable… you burn that thing with just… one [Fireball]?! You must be joking…"
"But it is really [Fireball], it just I mastering it to the furthest level. Any magic, even if it basic, could be strong or even upgraded so it can be comparable to others. But well, I will explain about it after dealing with the rest of the worm. Ah, it's only one left."
Decided to save the explanation of her magic, she then lifting up her right arm once again and deliver the second [Fireball] to aimed at the giant sand worm that only left one and getting in their ways to reach Erisen which is the next city that is being their current destination. But of course the worm can dodging it and Eleonora already expect this, so she made the [Fireball] can changed its direction and hitting the body of the worm; immediately set its body on fire as it was wrapped the entire body on it.
The cry of the worm is the only loud voice that can be heard in the entire desert as it became quiet after a few second since it died quickly. Hajime once again witnessing something incredible, the power of Eleonora is really on different scale of him since it will need him the "Excalibur" that he already installed on the front and back sides of his hummer, which is 55 caliber 120 millimetre electromagnetically accelerated tank cannons.
'It's [Fireball]… she only used [Fireball] to kill them?! The basic spell of fire magic and she only uses two on top of that. What kind of monster she is… maybe she's more monster than me in term of powers and abilities. I wonder what if her full power are…'
Hearing her step-daughter, Hajime then responding.
"What's up?"
"There's… someone lying down there."
Said Miyu when she spotted someone who was indeed lying down in the desert. The location fortunately quite far from the corpse of the giant sand worm. Seeing that, the group then immediately went over there to check what is currently happened and maybe help them.
They then found someone, a young man which seems in his early twnety which looks in critical condition and let Kaori to check on the young man to make sure it was nothing serious happening on him. After brief check, Kaori then cast a spell to do the furthest check on his body condition.
"…! Mana is going berserk within his body. He can't get it out of his body."
Seeing the reaction that was given by Kaori, Eleonora then asked in concern and confusion.
"What do you mean, Kaori-san?"
"The mana in his body is causing pressure because it was forcibly activated. If we don't do anything now, his organs and blood vessels will tear apart."
"…I see. Can you cure him?"
"I'll try. May the grace of light bless you in this holy sanctuary. No evil shall pass so long as I hold the gates—[Sanctorum]!"
As she finished cast and chanting the spell on him, the young man condition became better than before, although the injury he had isn't gone since Kaori only cure the mana that might gone berserk within him went cured. After that, they then safely move his body on a shade that was made by Hajime.
The man's breathing gradually steadied. The bleeding also seemed to decrease. Once the magic was complete, Kaori used the Beginner Rank Recovery Magic, "Blessing," healing the man's damaged blood vessels.
"It's only temporary... Nothing should happen to him for now, but we need to solve the problem. I can't pull out too much magic from this man or he might die from weakness. He could still die from weakness since the magic was running so recklessly in his body... I think that possibility is high. I don't remember seeing any of these symptoms when I was studying... Do you know anything, Yue-san, Tio-san?"
Kaori was anxious, unable to completely treat the young man, so she asked Yue and Tio who had a plethora of knowledge. Even so, it was clear to see from their faces that they had no pertinent knowledge. After all, this was more or less an unidentified illness.
"Kaori-san, please examine us to make sure. There is a possibility this is an airborne infection. Well, if it's something like that, I'm not sure we need to worry much about Miyu-chan."
Kaori nodded to Eleonora's words and assessed them but noticed no obvious abnormalities in anyone. Eleonora was relieved that they had not been infected.
The young man groaned, and he awoke, his eyelids trembling. The man slowly opened his eyes and looked at his surroundings.
"Oh, you're awake. How are you feeling?"
When he saw Kaori who was anxiously looking at him, he said.
"I see… I seem to have died."
"Hm…? No, you're fine. I—"
"No, this must be heaven. Because, a goddess like you is right before me."
He said that as he didn't believe what she said since what he currently see that Kaori is goddess for him and losing blood for another reason. Making Kaori sweatdropped and shake off his hand from hers before Hajime stepped on the young man's abdomen with irritation on his tone.
"Wake the hell up already."
But hearing that she was praised like that somewhat made Kaori felt a bit happy, although she more happier if Eleonora or Hajime was the one who praise her like that and compliment her beauty rather than someone else. Then she realized what she is thinking and place both palm of hers on her cheeks with light blush on her cheeks.
'W-What I am thinking…? Why Eleonora-san suddenly on my thought? Why I would been happier if she praise and compliment my beauty? I'm straight! I'm straight! Don't let myself get carried by that and just focus thinking that my love is only for Hajime-kun!'
She shake her head trying to reject Eleonora on her mind since she feels it's weird for her to falling in love with someone she just barely know and moreover it was the same gender as her, but she suddenly remember that Eleonora is futanari or hermaphrodite so that's mean that she has both d.i.c.k and p.u.s.s.y at the same time.
A few minutes later after the young man completely cured and wake up from the stomp of Hajime's leg, he then began to introduce himself.
"First, allow me to thank you. Really, thank you. I thought I would die, and… ah, my name is Bize Feuward Zengen."
"Zengen… are you the son of Lord Lanzwi?"
"Yes, I am."
Hearing this, everyone except Kaori and Bize then confused since they don't know that much about it, so Hajime decided to ask Kaori about it.
"You know him?"
Kaori nod slightly.
"That's the lord of Dukedom of Ankaji ahead of us. It's the closest place to Miyu-chan's hometown, Erisen. Most of the marine product from Erisen are delivered to every region using Ankaji as a relay point."
"I see… so it's a rich kingdom since it monopolizes all of the marine products."
Eleonora and others began to understand that as she began to speak at him.
"If that's so, then why you lying unconscious in the desert?"
"…I can see that you're adventurers. Do you mind if you tell me your rank?'
"Gold?! God… I bow to your holy grace."
The young man muttered to himself.
It would be interesting to know what this young man would think if he knew the god he had overflowing good faith in did not exist.
And then Hajime's group glancing at Eleonora, making the young girl cleared her throat since she already knew that she is the only people who isn't adventurer aside from Miyu who are still too young and couldn't handle herself since she don't have any combat ability.
Bize then also turn his attention to Eleonora and went smitten by her beauty once again as he immediately held Eleonora's hand and went into flirty mode.
"Are you another goddess…?"
Eleonora went sweatdropped like Kaori before and shook her head to deny it.
"Err, no… I am just a human and I'm not adventurer like them. But if you asked their rank, then…"
Hearing that, Bize then became serious as he took of his hat and bowed deeply his head towards them.
"Yes. I… I humbly ask for your help. Allow me to make a plea as a representative of the Lord of Ankaji. Please, save us… no, our Dukedom of Ankaji."
Everyone looked to Hajime and then Hajime himself looked to Eleonora which confuse the young girl why he looking at her. He already knew the better that the decision is better to be left to her rather than him. Excluding Yue and Tio, everyone else obviously wanted to help; this was especially true of Kaori since she is a [Healer].
Seeing that, Eleonora then nods her head as she chose to help them, much in their relief when seeing that. Hajime already knew that leaving the decision to her is right since he's not suited to be leader and he is not the strongest in the group anymore, it was Eleonora who is the strongest amongs them.
"We would like to lend you our aid."
A happy smile with hope was shown on Bize's face when Eleonora acknowledge Bize's request, even though she isn't adventurer like Hajime's group but she would help anyone if she think she can do that. But if not, then she would leave it to others.
Eleonora smiled at him and asked what currently happened with Ankuji..
"But before that, can you explain what currently happened in Ankuji, Bize-san? Could you tell us the details about it before we depart? If we know at least about it, maybe it will help us and in return, we will tell some things about us."
They then exchanging each other information. Bize, when he heard of Kaori and Shizuku's identity (a person summoned from another world, two of "God's Apostles") and Eleonora's identity (a person from another world who isn't summoned by Heiligh Kingdom and cannot be "God's Apostles"), his eyes were wide open in astonishment.
'This must be an act of God! He must have sent goddesses to me!'
He began praying to the heavens. In this case, the goddess would naturally be Kaori and Eleonora. The person in question looked vacant. Hajime coerced the man to continue.
Bize talked with a cold sweat. In short, this was what happened to him.
4 days ago, a high fever of unknown origin spread throughout Ankaji, and people fell one after another. In just a single day, 32700 people fell unconscious. Up to 20000 had symptoms. The medical treatment was naturally being researched, and though research was going at full tilt and medical personnel were all busy with work, they could not cure the disease or even delay it as well as Kaori had done.
More and more people were afflicted. People in the medical staff were also affected. The users of magic who could delay the progress could hardly compare. Eventually, people began to die. Despair hung across them all after only 2 days.
One doctor found signs of a fluid called [Liquid Judgment] in the drinking water.
As a result, it was understood that some toxin which caused the rampage of magic within the body was contained in the water. A research team was constructed immediately while assuming the worst. The oasis itself, as expected, was polluted.
Naturally, in a desert country like Ankaji, the oasis was a lifeline. Defense, maintenance, management, it was strictly performed. Normally speaking, unless the Ankaji guard was pulled away, it would be impossible to put the toxin into the water. In all senses, every measure was put forth to protect it.
Who on earth could have done this... though the research team tilted their heads, they could do nothing more than that. In 2 days, the water they could safely drink would be gone. Also, there was no way they could save those already infected.
However, there was a method. One method could save the sick.
This method was [Seiyou Stone]. The [Seiyou Stone] was a special ore which calmed magic activity, and it was a valuable ore which was gathered in small quantities from Grand Gruen Volcano.
However, it took at least 1 month to reach. Furthermore, half the Ankaji adventurers who could enter Grand Gruen Volcano and gather [Seiyou Stone] had fallen to the sickness, even if they could surpass the sandstorms surrounding it.
All they could do was request aid from the Kingdom. Ankaji Dukedom requested relief for all 270000 people, asking for water for all the citizens. It also requested help from those who could enter Grand Gruen Volcano. With those in power requesting this, the Kingdom could not easily ignore it.
However, by the time this could all be prepared, it would be too late. It was necessary for Sir Zengen to send his son, Bize, as a representative to request help directly. That's why when Bize heard of Kaori and Eleonora's identity along with Hajime's adventurer's rank, he immediately wanted to request to them about saving his kingdom.
Originally, they were headed to Grand Gruen Volcano. In this case, he could entrust Myuu to Ankaji. No matter what, it was inappropriate to take a 4 year old child into a Labyrinth. Myuu was hardly in any danger of her magic running rampant as a Demi-human. This was a problem Hajime could deal with on the side.
"If you are [Gold] rank, I want you to gather as much [Seiyou Stone] as you can from the volcano. It is necessary while we collect water from the Capital. May I ask you to use this artifact to help me travel as well?"
"Well, though Kaori can treat you... there's no need to go all the way to the Capital. Since we can secure water somehow, shall we just go to Ankaji for now?"
"Somehow? What do you mean?"
To secure water for several thousand people, it was obvious Bize would be skeptical. However, there was a method of obtaining water without the need to transport it. This method was to utilize Water Magic to collect moisture from the atmosphere.
Of course, this was impossible for the normal magic practitioner, it would require a genius. Of course, that genius was Yue. For her, she could recover magic in an instant, as well. By using this method as well as the remaining Seiyou Stone, they should be able to secure time for the Kingdom to help.
Bize was in disbelief upon hearing this, but he knew he could not reach the Kingdom alone. However, he was persuaded by "God's Apostle," Kaori because she is more kinder and patient than Shizuku, and agreed to return to Ankaji.
While surprised by the high speed with which Brise traveled, Bize asked why one of "God's Apostles" traveled alone with adventurers, why did a Sea Clan child call Hajime, a human, Papa, why everything was so harmonious with a rabbit girl, and if the black-haired beauty was cursed, since she had a disgusting smile whenever verbal abuse flew her way.
Also, about why Eleonora drive something-like metal horse alone and not with them, but Eleonora just answered that she want to do this alone and experiencing riding her motorcycle or bike since she was curious about the feeling riding the motorcycle that she just built from the scratch with only a pen as the material.
All of that is the questions that was lingering on Bize's mind when traveling with them to reach Ankaji. They all weird yet interesting bunch of adventurers, although Bize still has a doubt about Eleonora since she's the only one who aren't adventurer aside from Miyu since Eleonora has a.d.u.l.t-like appearance and he just thought that Eleonora must be the same age or at least older than them in term of age.
But how wrong he will be if he knew the truth of that.
And after riding a bike and hummer as they already crossed over Gruen Desert; Enclosed by light brown sand which danced about, they reached Ankaji at last. It was surrounded by white walls larger than those found around [Neutral Commerce City Fyuren]. The white beautifully contrasted with the brown world.
However, unlike Fyuren, large pillars of light climbed to the sky in various positions, enclosing the city in an irregular shape, creating a dome covering the city. Ripples extended when something knocked against it, making it look as if it were created from water; it was a mysterious, beautiful spectacle.
Apparently the dome was created to prevent the sand from entering. Though it suffered from many sandstorms, at most, the inside of the city would become a little cloudy.
Eleonora and the others entered Ankaji from a large shining gate. It was a barrier which prevented sand entering. The guards there, seeing the black box that was Brise and purple box that was Eleonora's motorcycle, showed a surprised reaction. As soon as they noticed the next leader of the city sitting inside, they stood upright. They regained their role as soldiers.
The entrance gate to Ankaji was large. There were many who visited Ankaji in light of its beauty.
Eleonora admired the beautiful city. The light of the sun reflected off the oasis to the east, giving it a star-like appearance; many trees grew about it, giving it a rich green color. The oasis let off small streams which traveled throughout the town. Many small green plazas blotted the town.
The north side was like a farming area; there were more fruits being grown than Eleonora and the others could imagine. On the west side, there was a building which seemed like a large palace. It was a pure white color, different from the milky white color of the surrounding buildings. It gave a distinct impression, even in this city. It must have been the Palace in which the lord lived. The boorish buildings surrounding it must have been for administration.
Though it was a desert nation, it was like a capital of water...
[Ankaji Dukedom] was such a place.
"This is also... spectacular. Really astonishing."
"... Mm. A beautiful capital."
Yue agreed to the impression Eleonora muttered. Everyone else agreed and let out breaths of admiration.
"But... it's lacking in energy."
Miyu muttered in a lonely manner.
As she said, despite the grand sight, the capital of Ankaji was covered in a dark and dismal atmosphere.
This city, typically filled with goods coming in from Erisen and a vigor as both a trading and sightseeing hot spot, was now covered in a dark atmosphere. There were few people in the streets and most shops were not operating. Everyone had their doorways shut, and others crouched quietly, waiting for the storm to pass. Silence ruled the city.
Eleonora feel kind of sad seeing the condition of this city being like this.
'The atmosphere really bad… looks like this unknown high fever affect them really bad and cannot be taken lightly.'
But her thought was cut off when heard Bize's voice.
"... Apostle, Goddes Eleonora, Hajime, I wish to show you this country filled with its normal energy. I apologize, but we have no time. I will guide you to the Palace and introduce you to my father."
Everyone nodded to Bize and followed him as he said that the want to introduce everyone to Bize's father and guiding them to the Palace to make his request sounds official and may be approved by his father when they in there.
And after a few minutes walked through the quiet and silence streets towards the Palace, they already arrived and entered the building. As soon as they entered the building and the room, they was greeted by the sight of man that looks like Bize albeit older than him.
"Bize! You, why… no, wait, what is this?!"
It's the duke of Ankaji, the father of Bize in extremely weak condition although he seemed recovered somewhat with both Recovery Magic and medicine.
Lanzwi looked in surprise at his son who had gone to the Kingdom ahead of time to request relief, but, seeing his son's state, he could do nothing but stop himself.
That could not be helped. Bize was floating. To be accurate, he was being carried prone on cross bits floating through the air.
Bize was extremely weak. He was conscious thanks to Kaori's magic, but he was not in a state where he could walk. When he could no longer stand and Kaori approached to help, Bize stared at her with wet eyes and said.
"Ah, Apostle..."
So Hajime pulled out cross bits and forcibly carried him. Incidentally, Hajime was not particularly jealous. Still, Kaori's cheeks always flushed slightly when she looked at Hajime. Also, he did not want to create another Hiyama or Kouki.
Though Bize clung to the cross bits in a miserable manner, he quickly finished explaining the situation. The pace had slowed down, but Kaori healed him and [Seiyou Stone] was brought by a servant, allowing him to recover enough to continue.
Even so, the toxin was still in his body. It was possible for him to die, even with the [Seiyou Stone].
Eleonora who already get the grasp of it then cleared her throat and nodded understandingly.
"Let's get to work. Please take Shea-san and Kaori-san to the medical facilities so they can help the patients. Find as much [Seiyou Stone] as you can as well. We'll go get some water. Lord Lanzwi, is there an open place with at least 200 meters a side which is available?"
"Em? Yes. If you go to the farming area..."
Eleonora nodded at that and looked at Hajime and others.
"Then the rest of us will go there. Shea-san, collect the [Seiyou Stone] and bring it to Yue-san."
Eleonora immediately issued instructions to the others. It was a simple plan and instruction from her.
Kaori would withdraw magic from the afflicted little by little with [Sanctorum] and the help of the [Seiyou Stone] as she did with Bize to slow down the progress of the illness. They would use the remaining stock of [Seiyou Stone] to help Yue who was collecting water.
"Hajime-san, please create a reservoir to place the water from Yue-san. We use the farming are to do that."
Eleonora, after instructing Hajime to create a reservoir for Yue to place the water in, would head to the oasis to investigate with Shizuku and Hajime himself. She understood nothing as things were. She wanted more information before heading to [Guryuen Volcano]. That was her plan.
Everyone happily nodded to Eleonora's instructions and shouted simultaneously.
"Good, then let's do it right now. Don't waste our time and immediately head to the pointed location!"
With that, Kaori and Shea headed toward the treatment center while Lanzwi as well as his guards and attendants brought Eleonora, Shizuku, Hajime, Yue, Tio, and Miyu to a farming region in the northern corner of Ankaji.
The plain there was at least three times larger than his requested 200 meters in every direction. At one time, it may have been used to raise crops.
Still, Lanzwi was skeptical. He stared at Hajime, as if to say he would be executed immediately if this was all a hoax. Though securing water was his primary concern, common sense said what Hajime was doing was impossible. Still, that skepticism was changed to amazement the moment Yue used her magic.
Despite there being no wind, Yue's golden hair waved out buoyantly. Her overwhelming magic dyed the air as golden light repainted the world.
She was using the powerful Age of Gods magic. The very pressure seemed to disturb the area around them.
"—[Era's Destruction]."
Her white, graceful hand extended forward, a whirling black globe appearing above the farmlands.
The globe changed into a large, thin square, becoming a film 200 meters a side. After a moment, it fell to the ground without a sound, crushing the earth as if it did not exist.
The earth sunk with the great pressure.
The earth trembled, as if screaming.
Using super gravity, she created a massive water basin 5 meters in depth. Eleonora watched Lanzwi and the others who had their mouths open as if their jaws had been dislocated.
It was clear everyone present wanted to shout "What~~~!?" since they was witnessing something unbelievable in front of their eyes.
Yue exhaled after using magic from the Age of the Gods at half output. A large amount of her magic had been consumed in an instant, bringing her a sense of weakness.
Though she could pull magic from the magic crystals, considering they would challenge Grand Gruen Volcano after this, she wanted to conserve her magic as much as possible. Still, they were not fighting, so Hajime could help her replenish her magic in other ways. But in Yue mind, isn't Hajime who she want but instead it's Eleonora who came into her mind.
Though Yue began to fall back, she was supported from behind. Of course, she did not struggle. As expected, she was resting in Eleonora's arms. They were staring at each other as Eleonora smiled at her and Yue began to blushed and making her cheeks gone red.
Yue became shy and turned her head away from Eleonora since she cannot face her properly, seeing this made Eleonora a bit confused as she could sense someone's jealously. And turn out it's true, she already knew who is that and it's Hajime who sees them being so close to each other; although Hajime gaining again the feeling to Kaori, he still cannot let his feeling towards Yue and somehow became jealous seeing that.
All the women of Hajime's party somehow also feels jealous of Yue and Kaori isn't even exception, although she felt that unconsciously. Lanzwi and his attendant has a sudden of nosebleed on their noses right now since they all are men and watching Eleonora and Yue act like that made them excited.
Never in their life that they witnessing girl and girl romantical relationship like this.
But Hajime don't have the time to worry about her as his goal right now is to search for any information about the whereabouts of Miyu's mother. As they trying to cross the desert, Eleonora and others detect an abnormality on their right, they then witnessing a giant worm that was man-eating and could easily kill someone if they did get caught and couldn't defeat it.
"That's a large beast that only exist in this desert."
Tio said that, making Hajime went quiet for a second and asking her while he about to reduce the speed of the hummer.
"Should we go slower?"
"Don't worry. It won't notice us as long as it's not next to us. But it's really weird. I've never seen one of them so still before. It should only be like that when it's about to capture its prey."
Eleonora overheard their conversation and became worried, so she secretly cast some spell that can protect the entire people in the hummer and herself because what Tio said somehow made her worried because the worm giant is so still and that's the condition that when they about to capture its prey.
"So you're saying it doesn't know whether to eat its prey or not?"
But then Hajime and Eleonora noticed something that's not right, so they speed up their vehicles as if trying to avoid from something and it's turn out to be the giant sand worm that they was seen before as it was trying to catch them, followed by the second worm and this is made Eleonora felt a bit excited as she readying herself.
But before that, she then shouting at Hajime's group.
"Hajime-san and others, I will be the one who handle it! Please focus on driving and dodging it!"
"What are you planning?! You can't possibly take it! I don't know how you can easily create a spell out of nothing and don't care about how you can learn anything so fast, but you're still weak!"
Hajime shout that to her even if he already knew the truth that from her aura and magic alone he felt before that Eleonora has enormous mana unlike him. Yue, Shea, Tio, and Kaori subconsciously put on worrying faces on them when hearing what Eleonora said.
Yet Eleonora noticed that easily and cleared her throat before she made her bike on auto-mode as she lifting up her right hand at one of the sand giant worm who suddenly risen from hiding in the sand and currently in front of them.
"Don't worry, you will know that I am not weak by seeing this. [Fireball]."
As she chanted the spell, a huge ball of fire came out from her palm and strike its way toward the giant worm, causing the worm crying out of pain as the flame suddenly covering its body and made it struggling in pain and trying it best to escape and endure it; but alas it is wasteful chance its got since the flame burn its entire body to the crips until nothing remains.
Hajime's party who witnessing that was amazed and has unbelievable face showing on their faces. Moreover when they heard what kind of spell that is used by Eleonora, they couldn't believe it even more since what spell she use is actually low or basic of fire element spell that everyone can use and learn.
"U-Unbelievable… you burn that thing with just… one [Fireball]?! You must be joking…"
"But it is really [Fireball], it just I mastering it to the furthest level. Any magic, even if it basic, could be strong or even upgraded so it can be comparable to others. But well, I will explain about it after dealing with the rest of the worm. Ah, it's only one left."
Decided to save the explanation of her magic, she then lifting up her right arm once again and deliver the second [Fireball] to aimed at the giant sand worm that only left one and getting in their ways to reach Erisen which is the next city that is being their current destination. But of course the worm can dodging it and Eleonora already expect this, so she made the [Fireball] can changed its direction and hitting the body of the worm; immediately set its body on fire as it was wrapped the entire body on it.
The cry of the worm is the only loud voice that can be heard in the entire desert as it became quiet after a few second since it died quickly. Hajime once again witnessing something incredible, the power of Eleonora is really on different scale of him since it will need him the "Excalibur" that he already installed on the front and back sides of his hummer, which is 55 caliber 120 millimetre electromagnetically accelerated tank cannons.
'It's [Fireball]… she only used [Fireball] to kill them?! The basic spell of fire magic and she only uses two on top of that. What kind of monster she is… maybe she's more monster than me in term of powers and abilities. I wonder what if her full power are…'
Hearing her step-daughter, Hajime then responding.
"What's up?"
"There's… someone lying down there."
Said Miyu when she spotted someone who was indeed lying down in the desert. The location fortunately quite far from the corpse of the giant sand worm. Seeing that, the group then immediately went over there to check what is currently happened and maybe help them.
They then found someone, a young man which seems in his early twnety which looks in critical condition and let Kaori to check on the young man to make sure it was nothing serious happening on him. After brief check, Kaori then cast a spell to do the furthest check on his body condition.
"…! Mana is going berserk within his body. He can't get it out of his body."
Seeing the reaction that was given by Kaori, Eleonora then asked in concern and confusion.
"What do you mean, Kaori-san?"
"The mana in his body is causing pressure because it was forcibly activated. If we don't do anything now, his organs and blood vessels will tear apart."
"…I see. Can you cure him?"
"I'll try. May the grace of light bless you in this holy sanctuary. No evil shall pass so long as I hold the gates—[Sanctorum]!"
As she finished cast and chanting the spell on him, the young man condition became better than before, although the injury he had isn't gone since Kaori only cure the mana that might gone berserk within him went cured. After that, they then safely move his body on a shade that was made by Hajime.
The man's breathing gradually steadied. The bleeding also seemed to decrease. Once the magic was complete, Kaori used the Beginner Rank Recovery Magic, "Blessing," healing the man's damaged blood vessels.
"It's only temporary... Nothing should happen to him for now, but we need to solve the problem. I can't pull out too much magic from this man or he might die from weakness. He could still die from weakness since the magic was running so recklessly in his body... I think that possibility is high. I don't remember seeing any of these symptoms when I was studying... Do you know anything, Yue-san, Tio-san?"
Kaori was anxious, unable to completely treat the young man, so she asked Yue and Tio who had a plethora of knowledge. Even so, it was clear to see from their faces that they had no pertinent knowledge. After all, this was more or less an unidentified illness.
"Kaori-san, please examine us to make sure. There is a possibility this is an airborne infection. Well, if it's something like that, I'm not sure we need to worry much about Miyu-chan."
Kaori nodded to Eleonora's words and assessed them but noticed no obvious abnormalities in anyone. Eleonora was relieved that they had not been infected.
The young man groaned, and he awoke, his eyelids trembling. The man slowly opened his eyes and looked at his surroundings.
"Oh, you're awake. How are you feeling?"
When he saw Kaori who was anxiously looking at him, he said.
"I see… I seem to have died."
"Hm…? No, you're fine. I—"
"No, this must be heaven. Because, a goddess like you is right before me."
He said that as he didn't believe what she said since what he currently see that Kaori is goddess for him and losing blood for another reason. Making Kaori sweatdropped and shake off his hand from hers before Hajime stepped on the young man's abdomen with irritation on his tone.
"Wake the hell up already."
But hearing that she was praised like that somewhat made Kaori felt a bit happy, although she more happier if Eleonora or Hajime was the one who praise her like that and compliment her beauty rather than someone else. Then she realized what she is thinking and place both palm of hers on her cheeks with light blush on her cheeks.
'W-What I am thinking…? Why Eleonora-san suddenly on my thought? Why I would been happier if she praise and compliment my beauty? I'm straight! I'm straight! Don't let myself get carried by that and just focus thinking that my love is only for Hajime-kun!'
She shake her head trying to reject Eleonora on her mind since she feels it's weird for her to falling in love with someone she just barely know and moreover it was the same gender as her, but she suddenly remember that Eleonora is futanari or hermaphrodite so that's mean that she has both d.i.c.k and p.u.s.s.y at the same time.
A few minutes later after the young man completely cured and wake up from the stomp of Hajime's leg, he then began to introduce himself.
"First, allow me to thank you. Really, thank you. I thought I would die, and… ah, my name is Bize Feuward Zengen."
"Zengen… are you the son of Lord Lanzwi?"
"Yes, I am."
Hearing this, everyone except Kaori and Bize then confused since they don't know that much about it, so Hajime decided to ask Kaori about it.
"You know him?"
Kaori nod slightly.
"That's the lord of Dukedom of Ankaji ahead of us. It's the closest place to Miyu-chan's hometown, Erisen. Most of the marine product from Erisen are delivered to every region using Ankaji as a relay point."
"I see… so it's a rich kingdom since it monopolizes all of the marine products."
Eleonora and others began to understand that as she began to speak at him.
"If that's so, then why you lying unconscious in the desert?"
"…I can see that you're adventurers. Do you mind if you tell me your rank?'
"Gold?! God… I bow to your holy grace."
The young man muttered to himself.
It would be interesting to know what this young man would think if he knew the god he had overflowing good faith in did not exist.
And then Hajime's group glancing at Eleonora, making the young girl cleared her throat since she already knew that she is the only people who isn't adventurer aside from Miyu who are still too young and couldn't handle herself since she don't have any combat ability.
Bize then also turn his attention to Eleonora and went smitten by her beauty once again as he immediately held Eleonora's hand and went into flirty mode.
"Are you another goddess…?"
Eleonora went sweatdropped like Kaori before and shook her head to deny it.
"Err, no… I am just a human and I'm not adventurer like them. But if you asked their rank, then…"
Hearing that, Bize then became serious as he took of his hat and bowed deeply his head towards them.
"Yes. I… I humbly ask for your help. Allow me to make a plea as a representative of the Lord of Ankaji. Please, save us… no, our Dukedom of Ankaji."
Everyone looked to Hajime and then Hajime himself looked to Eleonora which confuse the young girl why he looking at her. He already knew the better that the decision is better to be left to her rather than him. Excluding Yue and Tio, everyone else obviously wanted to help; this was especially true of Kaori since she is a [Healer].
Seeing that, Eleonora then nods her head as she chose to help them, much in their relief when seeing that. Hajime already knew that leaving the decision to her is right since he's not suited to be leader and he is not the strongest in the group anymore, it was Eleonora who is the strongest amongs them.
"We would like to lend you our aid."
A happy smile with hope was shown on Bize's face when Eleonora acknowledge Bize's request, even though she isn't adventurer like Hajime's group but she would help anyone if she think she can do that. But if not, then she would leave it to others.
Eleonora smiled at him and asked what currently happened with Ankuji..
"But before that, can you explain what currently happened in Ankuji, Bize-san? Could you tell us the details about it before we depart? If we know at least about it, maybe it will help us and in return, we will tell some things about us."
They then exchanging each other information. Bize, when he heard of Kaori and Shizuku's identity (a person summoned from another world, two of "God's Apostles") and Eleonora's identity (a person from another world who isn't summoned by Heiligh Kingdom and cannot be "God's Apostles"), his eyes were wide open in astonishment.
'This must be an act of God! He must have sent goddesses to me!'
He began praying to the heavens. In this case, the goddess would naturally be Kaori and Eleonora. The person in question looked vacant. Hajime coerced the man to continue.
Bize talked with a cold sweat. In short, this was what happened to him.
4 days ago, a high fever of unknown origin spread throughout Ankaji, and people fell one after another. In just a single day, 32700 people fell unconscious. Up to 20000 had symptoms. The medical treatment was naturally being researched, and though research was going at full tilt and medical personnel were all busy with work, they could not cure the disease or even delay it as well as Kaori had done.
More and more people were afflicted. People in the medical staff were also affected. The users of magic who could delay the progress could hardly compare. Eventually, people began to die. Despair hung across them all after only 2 days.
One doctor found signs of a fluid called [Liquid Judgment] in the drinking water.
As a result, it was understood that some toxin which caused the rampage of magic within the body was contained in the water. A research team was constructed immediately while assuming the worst. The oasis itself, as expected, was polluted.
Naturally, in a desert country like Ankaji, the oasis was a lifeline. Defense, maintenance, management, it was strictly performed. Normally speaking, unless the Ankaji guard was pulled away, it would be impossible to put the toxin into the water. In all senses, every measure was put forth to protect it.
Who on earth could have done this... though the research team tilted their heads, they could do nothing more than that. In 2 days, the water they could safely drink would be gone. Also, there was no way they could save those already infected.
However, there was a method. One method could save the sick.
This method was [Seiyou Stone]. The [Seiyou Stone] was a special ore which calmed magic activity, and it was a valuable ore which was gathered in small quantities from Grand Gruen Volcano.
However, it took at least 1 month to reach. Furthermore, half the Ankaji adventurers who could enter Grand Gruen Volcano and gather [Seiyou Stone] had fallen to the sickness, even if they could surpass the sandstorms surrounding it.
All they could do was request aid from the Kingdom. Ankaji Dukedom requested relief for all 270000 people, asking for water for all the citizens. It also requested help from those who could enter Grand Gruen Volcano. With those in power requesting this, the Kingdom could not easily ignore it.
However, by the time this could all be prepared, it would be too late. It was necessary for Sir Zengen to send his son, Bize, as a representative to request help directly. That's why when Bize heard of Kaori and Eleonora's identity along with Hajime's adventurer's rank, he immediately wanted to request to them about saving his kingdom.
Originally, they were headed to Grand Gruen Volcano. In this case, he could entrust Myuu to Ankaji. No matter what, it was inappropriate to take a 4 year old child into a Labyrinth. Myuu was hardly in any danger of her magic running rampant as a Demi-human. This was a problem Hajime could deal with on the side.
"If you are [Gold] rank, I want you to gather as much [Seiyou Stone] as you can from the volcano. It is necessary while we collect water from the Capital. May I ask you to use this artifact to help me travel as well?"
"Well, though Kaori can treat you... there's no need to go all the way to the Capital. Since we can secure water somehow, shall we just go to Ankaji for now?"
"Somehow? What do you mean?"
To secure water for several thousand people, it was obvious Bize would be skeptical. However, there was a method of obtaining water without the need to transport it. This method was to utilize Water Magic to collect moisture from the atmosphere.
Of course, this was impossible for the normal magic practitioner, it would require a genius. Of course, that genius was Yue. For her, she could recover magic in an instant, as well. By using this method as well as the remaining Seiyou Stone, they should be able to secure time for the Kingdom to help.
Bize was in disbelief upon hearing this, but he knew he could not reach the Kingdom alone. However, he was persuaded by "God's Apostle," Kaori because she is more kinder and patient than Shizuku, and agreed to return to Ankaji.
While surprised by the high speed with which Brise traveled, Bize asked why one of "God's Apostles" traveled alone with adventurers, why did a Sea Clan child call Hajime, a human, Papa, why everything was so harmonious with a rabbit girl, and if the black-haired beauty was cursed, since she had a disgusting smile whenever verbal abuse flew her way.
Also, about why Eleonora drive something-like metal horse alone and not with them, but Eleonora just answered that she want to do this alone and experiencing riding her motorcycle or bike since she was curious about the feeling riding the motorcycle that she just built from the scratch with only a pen as the material.
All of that is the questions that was lingering on Bize's mind when traveling with them to reach Ankaji. They all weird yet interesting bunch of adventurers, although Bize still has a doubt about Eleonora since she's the only one who aren't adventurer aside from Miyu since Eleonora has a.d.u.l.t-like appearance and he just thought that Eleonora must be the same age or at least older than them in term of age.
But how wrong he will be if he knew the truth of that.
And after riding a bike and hummer as they already crossed over Gruen Desert; Enclosed by light brown sand which danced about, they reached Ankaji at last. It was surrounded by white walls larger than those found around [Neutral Commerce City Fyuren]. The white beautifully contrasted with the brown world.
However, unlike Fyuren, large pillars of light climbed to the sky in various positions, enclosing the city in an irregular shape, creating a dome covering the city. Ripples extended when something knocked against it, making it look as if it were created from water; it was a mysterious, beautiful spectacle.
Apparently the dome was created to prevent the sand from entering. Though it suffered from many sandstorms, at most, the inside of the city would become a little cloudy.
Eleonora and the others entered Ankaji from a large shining gate. It was a barrier which prevented sand entering. The guards there, seeing the black box that was Brise and purple box that was Eleonora's motorcycle, showed a surprised reaction. As soon as they noticed the next leader of the city sitting inside, they stood upright. They regained their role as soldiers.
The entrance gate to Ankaji was large. There were many who visited Ankaji in light of its beauty.
Eleonora admired the beautiful city. The light of the sun reflected off the oasis to the east, giving it a star-like appearance; many trees grew about it, giving it a rich green color. The oasis let off small streams which traveled throughout the town. Many small green plazas blotted the town.
The north side was like a farming area; there were more fruits being grown than Eleonora and the others could imagine. On the west side, there was a building which seemed like a large palace. It was a pure white color, different from the milky white color of the surrounding buildings. It gave a distinct impression, even in this city. It must have been the Palace in which the lord lived. The boorish buildings surrounding it must have been for administration.
Though it was a desert nation, it was like a capital of water...
[Ankaji Dukedom] was such a place.
"This is also... spectacular. Really astonishing."
"... Mm. A beautiful capital."
Yue agreed to the impression Eleonora muttered. Everyone else agreed and let out breaths of admiration.
"But... it's lacking in energy."
Miyu muttered in a lonely manner.
As she said, despite the grand sight, the capital of Ankaji was covered in a dark and dismal atmosphere.
This city, typically filled with goods coming in from Erisen and a vigor as both a trading and sightseeing hot spot, was now covered in a dark atmosphere. There were few people in the streets and most shops were not operating. Everyone had their doorways shut, and others crouched quietly, waiting for the storm to pass. Silence ruled the city.
Eleonora feel kind of sad seeing the condition of this city being like this.
'The atmosphere really bad… looks like this unknown high fever affect them really bad and cannot be taken lightly.'
But her thought was cut off when heard Bize's voice.
"... Apostle, Goddes Eleonora, Hajime, I wish to show you this country filled with its normal energy. I apologize, but we have no time. I will guide you to the Palace and introduce you to my father."
Everyone nodded to Bize and followed him as he said that the want to introduce everyone to Bize's father and guiding them to the Palace to make his request sounds official and may be approved by his father when they in there.
And after a few minutes walked through the quiet and silence streets towards the Palace, they already arrived and entered the building. As soon as they entered the building and the room, they was greeted by the sight of man that looks like Bize albeit older than him.
"Bize! You, why… no, wait, what is this?!"
It's the duke of Ankaji, the father of Bize in extremely weak condition although he seemed recovered somewhat with both Recovery Magic and medicine.
Lanzwi looked in surprise at his son who had gone to the Kingdom ahead of time to request relief, but, seeing his son's state, he could do nothing but stop himself.
That could not be helped. Bize was floating. To be accurate, he was being carried prone on cross bits floating through the air.
Bize was extremely weak. He was conscious thanks to Kaori's magic, but he was not in a state where he could walk. When he could no longer stand and Kaori approached to help, Bize stared at her with wet eyes and said.
"Ah, Apostle..."
So Hajime pulled out cross bits and forcibly carried him. Incidentally, Hajime was not particularly jealous. Still, Kaori's cheeks always flushed slightly when she looked at Hajime. Also, he did not want to create another Hiyama or Kouki.
Though Bize clung to the cross bits in a miserable manner, he quickly finished explaining the situation. The pace had slowed down, but Kaori healed him and [Seiyou Stone] was brought by a servant, allowing him to recover enough to continue.
Even so, the toxin was still in his body. It was possible for him to die, even with the [Seiyou Stone].
Eleonora who already get the grasp of it then cleared her throat and nodded understandingly.
"Let's get to work. Please take Shea-san and Kaori-san to the medical facilities so they can help the patients. Find as much [Seiyou Stone] as you can as well. We'll go get some water. Lord Lanzwi, is there an open place with at least 200 meters a side which is available?"
"Em? Yes. If you go to the farming area..."
Eleonora nodded at that and looked at Hajime and others.
"Then the rest of us will go there. Shea-san, collect the [Seiyou Stone] and bring it to Yue-san."
Eleonora immediately issued instructions to the others. It was a simple plan and instruction from her.
Kaori would withdraw magic from the afflicted little by little with [Sanctorum] and the help of the [Seiyou Stone] as she did with Bize to slow down the progress of the illness. They would use the remaining stock of [Seiyou Stone] to help Yue who was collecting water.
"Hajime-san, please create a reservoir to place the water from Yue-san. We use the farming are to do that."
Eleonora, after instructing Hajime to create a reservoir for Yue to place the water in, would head to the oasis to investigate with Shizuku and Hajime himself. She understood nothing as things were. She wanted more information before heading to [Guryuen Volcano]. That was her plan.
Everyone happily nodded to Eleonora's instructions and shouted simultaneously.
"Good, then let's do it right now. Don't waste our time and immediately head to the pointed location!"
With that, Kaori and Shea headed toward the treatment center while Lanzwi as well as his guards and attendants brought Eleonora, Shizuku, Hajime, Yue, Tio, and Miyu to a farming region in the northern corner of Ankaji.
The plain there was at least three times larger than his requested 200 meters in every direction. At one time, it may have been used to raise crops.
Still, Lanzwi was skeptical. He stared at Hajime, as if to say he would be executed immediately if this was all a hoax. Though securing water was his primary concern, common sense said what Hajime was doing was impossible. Still, that skepticism was changed to amazement the moment Yue used her magic.
Despite there being no wind, Yue's golden hair waved out buoyantly. Her overwhelming magic dyed the air as golden light repainted the world.
She was using the powerful Age of Gods magic. The very pressure seemed to disturb the area around them.
"—[Era's Destruction]."
Her white, graceful hand extended forward, a whirling black globe appearing above the farmlands.
The globe changed into a large, thin square, becoming a film 200 meters a side. After a moment, it fell to the ground without a sound, crushing the earth as if it did not exist.
The earth sunk with the great pressure.
The earth trembled, as if screaming.
Using super gravity, she created a massive water basin 5 meters in depth. Eleonora watched Lanzwi and the others who had their mouths open as if their jaws had been dislocated.
It was clear everyone present wanted to shout "What~~~!?" since they was witnessing something unbelievable in front of their eyes.
Yue exhaled after using magic from the Age of the Gods at half output. A large amount of her magic had been consumed in an instant, bringing her a sense of weakness.
Though she could pull magic from the magic crystals, considering they would challenge Grand Gruen Volcano after this, she wanted to conserve her magic as much as possible. Still, they were not fighting, so Hajime could help her replenish her magic in other ways. But in Yue mind, isn't Hajime who she want but instead it's Eleonora who came into her mind.
Though Yue began to fall back, she was supported from behind. Of course, she did not struggle. As expected, she was resting in Eleonora's arms. They were staring at each other as Eleonora smiled at her and Yue began to blushed and making her cheeks gone red.
Yue became shy and turned her head away from Eleonora since she cannot face her properly, seeing this made Eleonora a bit confused as she could sense someone's jealously. And turn out it's true, she already knew who is that and it's Hajime who sees them being so close to each other; although Hajime gaining again the feeling to Kaori, he still cannot let his feeling towards Yue and somehow became jealous seeing that.
All the women of Hajime's party somehow also feels jealous of Yue and Kaori isn't even exception, although she felt that unconsciously. Lanzwi and his attendant has a sudden of nosebleed on their noses right now since they all are men and watching Eleonora and Yue act like that made them excited.
Never in their life that they witnessing girl and girl romantical relationship like this.
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