Fictional Chat Group - All Girls Only Edition
Chapter 4 - The Calm Before Going To Picnic
A chuckle sound can be heard through the alley. A figure of girl can be seen the moment someone stepped in the alley. There's a lot of red color scattered in the floor of that alley. There's only a single person who standing above it; she's wear a crimson and black frills Gothic Lolita who consist of elegance. Her appearance when wear the clothes radiating elegance. Her beautiful and astonishing face made it even better.
…Only if the portion of her face not covered in blood.
She licked her lips as her body covered in glowing light-like particle. In her hand, she held a phone; cell phone to be exact. She smiling and place her hand on her right cheek while reading something in her phone.
"A trip to another dimension… another world. Fufu, I hope it's satisfactory. I cannot wait when we will visit another world."
Her clothes then changed. She wore a purple sleeveless pleated dress that covered with white dress. Not the elegant Gothic Lolita again like before. Her appearance completely changed to elegance and astonishing beauty.
She then walked away from the alley and ignoring the weird things behind her. It looks like some of criminal scene. Instead of horrified or anything, she just ignore it and focusing on her phone right now. Because of that phone, or precisely a chat group inside the application inside the phone, she have friends… again.
It's been a long time since she have friends. She just hope that she also can feels the warmth like in the past, when her entire family still there and loves her so much as a daughter from some of rich family. That's the only thing she want; a trust and true bond.
Since of that accident and becoming Spirit, her sense of justice is gone and she began to mistrust anyone around her. Even further she began to dislike humanity because of what happened through her life and doesn't hesitate to kill anyone who gets in her way to reach her goal.
But when she obtained this 'special phone', her days becomes a bit better. Smile is not forced anymore and naturally becomes better. She can laugh and happy, she also felt sad and worried for her friends in the chat group.
She sighing.
'Isn't strange? We're not even close yet I felt that we close enough. It's different when I'm with Shido-san and others. I only care about him because of his power, his ability. To hunt down the First Spirit I need his ability. But… recently it doesn't matter anymore for me.'
At least she didn't becomes too soft like hesitating when murder someone. It will affect her a lot if that's happened. It's fine for her to gradually better from this state which is lonely and don't have someone to rely on. Surrounded by people who trust her and she trust is better. She also find the benefit from having many friends rather than becomes the lone wolf and do everything alone.
Power of friendship… sounds cliché and cringy, also overused concept but sometimes it's true. Yeah, sometimes.
The beautiful girl known as Tokisaki Kurumi just find it amusing. She already knew things like that and don't want to acknowledge it, but after seeing what it can do from an individual named Itsuka Shido, she started to believe on it; after all, that boy survived all this times due to that so-called 'power of friendship' or specifically 'power of harem' because his friends is all girls.
Maybe this time she won't suffers anything alone. Won't burdened alone and can seek help from her friends.
After exit the alley, her red-tinted eyes notice something around her viewpoint. Her ears also catch up a sound coming from it. It's a noise coming from small animal, a black-night fur cat that walks closer to Kurumi and meowing; the cat then snuggles herself to Kurumi's legs and purring. The astonishing beauty had warm and soft smile adored her beautiful face when seeing it.
She then pick up the cat and giving it a hug while she stroking the cat's head with cares.
"What a cute cat. You have beautiful and wonderful fur. What are you doing in here alone?"
But the cat just meowing, which makes Kurumi chuckled.
"Well, if you're alone, how about come with me for the time being?"
The cat meowing in agreement. Kurumi who sees it smiled as she leave the alley while brought the cat to her home for today. She won't be lonely for the time being in her home since she will have someone who accompany her for a while.
Saturday. It's a day where Eleonora Pendragon finally taking a break. Unlike the break she got when goes work, this is a full day without working at all. I mean, maybe there's some work left to do, but it's not that many compared to her actual works in the company.
At the Thursday's night she already experienced an event that turn her life in drastic way. Her common sense a bit distorted because the sudden impact that affect her realistic view. But she decided to accept it right away and not in denial again.
There's a clear evidence she witness after all.
'But still… why there's something like goblin exist in this world? Has the world always like this? If that's so, then a creature like goblin maybe hiding their existence before emerge to the surface or something like that.'
She still not find any clue about it. But what's shock her a bit is the news.
The news in many media reported the finding of goblin and some corpse. The corpses died due to biting and scratching. Maybe the goblin bite its enemies and also attack them with its claw. But there's also the corpse of that goblin seen in the news.
Many scientist, especially the top ones, filled with curiosity and trying to figure out what kind of creature is that. The internet even filled with many comments about it. Especially the fans of fictional works, they suddenly became smart and smug; like they know what is that goblin.
'Well… geeks always weird. Fortunately I'm not on that side. Sure I was watching an anime, playing some games—although most of them isn't japanese—and reads some fictional books; but I always maintain the safe side. I don't want to ended up becomes like them.'
Eleonora doesn't hate geeks, weebs, etc. She just don't want to put in the same side of them.
But she also think about the case where's not only Tokyo is the place who had a creature like goblin. If there's another place that has something like that, then she must investigate it for a bit. The biggest reason is she worried about her girlfriends.
Girlfriends? Yep, you're not wrong and your eyes working perfect.
She, 13 years old girl with an appearance of someone in her early twenties, already had several girl as her girlfriend. It's not that weird for her family as the Pendragon family is already in brink of extinction if she doesn't continue the bloodline.
But their bloodline cannot be continued since woman only had XX chromosome in their body and they can't give birth to a baby unless they did it with a man who had XY chromosome. That's why she already thought of this a long time ago.
She already built a research lab for it. The research going smoothly, she will get the result she expected within 5 years if there's no problem occurred and 10 to 15 years if there's a problem occurred. The funds needed for this already handled and it's not like she poor or short in money.
Anyway, back to the topic.
One of her girlfriends, Kikuchi Sonoka, is the owner and head chef of Western-style restaurant, Shunkatei which is located near Tenjoyama Park and a 15-minute walk from Lake Kawaguchi Station which will lead you to Mt. Fuji with about 15 minutes.
She's the kind of woman who extremely shy and easily scared. If there's a creature like goblin suddenly showed up near her restaurant or home, then she would be very terrified and can't do anything about it. One of the thing Eleonora should do as a good girlfriend is to warn her… at least if she's not near her.
Sonoka also always refuses to be given bodyguards since it would look like disturb her works as a chef.
"Better safe than sorry. I must give Sonoka-nee a call before it's too late."
Taking out the phone from her table, she then dial Sonoka's number and call her. After a few seconds waiting, the call picked up and Eleonora could hear the owner of Shunkatei's soft and polite sound from it.
"Hello? Leo-chan, what's wrong?"
"Sonoka-nee, have you already watch the news? If not, then please watch it."
"Ah. The news about unidentified creature that everyones talking about? I already seen it and don't worry about me, I'll be alright."
Hearing the reassuring words from Sonoka made Eleonora a bit worried and unsure.
"No buts. Please don't worried too much about me. If it's you, I know that you'll send bodyguards to protect me. It's good and all but I'm uncomfortable by it, Leo-chan."
"…Then, at least please be careful about your surrounding. I don't want to you to get hurt."
Sonoka chuckled when heards her girlfriend words and nodded.
"I will and thank for you worrying about me. If anything happen, I'll definitely give you a call. Don't worry."
"…Alright. Please be safe and I love you."
"I love you too, Leo-chan. Bye!"
After hanging up the call, Eleonora then pick up another call and decided to call the trusted bodyguard she know. If she's not allowed to protect her publicity or in open, then it's fine if the bodyguard protect Sonoka from afar or hiding themselves from her.
It seems she's a bit overprotective and… paranoid.
But someone will if they witnessing a creature like that theirselves. She must try to unlock any supernatural abilities or anything within her if she want to protect someone closes and important to her after all.
An hour later…
Eleonora Pendragon let out a tired sigh. Even if today she's not working, she still feels tired. Maybe her mental which is suddenly run out of gas for a while because thinking about the current event that happened.
Aside from Sonoka, she also assign several bodyguards to protect her other girlfriends. But she also make sure to call them before that or she won't able to know about their current situation very well. Checking their condition through phone it's not effective yet she can't meet them for now.
At least she can catch the glimpse of their condition to be safe and ensured. If she has the chance, then she will go meet each of them. For now she just send bodyguards to watch over their safety in order to protect them from afar.
She sighing again and shake her head.
"Alright. Looks like it's time to check the chat group again. To know about few method or something similar to awaken my supernatural power… if I have one."
She decided to check on the chat group and just figured something amazing. There's a lot of files listed inside the chat group, so she decided to check all of them if possible since it might help her about the current situation the young chairman have right now.
Her fingers scrolling the mouse and eyes focusedly reading each titles of the files.
"[How to Make Delicious Pudding]… [A Guide to be the Best Assassin - part 1]… [Fairy Tail's member list]… [How to Make Delicious Strawberry Cake] no, not that. Um-um… aha! This! This is what I wanted. [How to Unlock Your Magic Power]. I'll download and read it."
Saying that, she immediately click the download button and after a few seconds, the file already downloaded as she opened the file and read it carefully; she might miss an important step if she isn't focused.
Moreover, she interested and curious about magic since it's something which should be fictional and not real. It is something that considered unreal since her world works in the way of science and the purpose of science is very different than magic who works in supernatural way.
"Well, it's time to read and practice it until I unlock it. After that, I'll train more and even further to develop my abilities to a certain extend."
A happy smile adjusted to her beautiful face when she said it. She finally able to learn magic and do any interesting things that at the first she couldn't do it.
And with that, she spend her day's off with practicing and unlock the hidden potential within her.
Loki Familia Area, Twillight Manor - Ais' Room
From here you can see a beautiful woman with long golden hair, gold eyes, and slender body who wears a white one-piece dress with gold lining. She sat on the edge of her bed as if trying to think about something, which is actually rare for her to make such expression.
Her eyes squinting, she trying to give a thought about what her 'foreign' friends said at Thursday back then. She, the one who usually prefer alone, finally has friends. Not only one but many, even if they're far away and cannot meets with each other, no doubt that they're her friends.
Yet one of the cheerful and energetic friend she has announcing something that made her surprised.
She, Ais Wallenstein the famous adventurer from Loki Familia, had been told that she will go to another world with her friends. To the world where Hajime True Soulmate live in to obtain materials needed to completed the dimension traveling machine; also for picnic, enjoying theirselves with the sight of a new and unknown world before them later.
Like the other members, or some, she also has the magical phone on her hand right now. The phone is connected to the chat group where her friends is. It's somewhat convenient because only the choosen person or member of that chat group can actually use it. Although at first Ais confused at the magical phone and don't know how to use it, luckily it's also provided a manual to make it easier.
It's normal since the world that Ais live in right now is lack of modern technology such as this. But now she already good enough to use the phone, even she sometimes messing up with it because the young adventurer want to know more than what the manual provided.
Her expression then back to normal, the usual stoic face she always showed to any people around her. It's rare for her to show any emotion than that one because of her past life and what she gone through to make herself becomes the current her.
Small smile formed in her lips when reading the whole chat of the chat group. Her fans would be drowned in the sea of blood right now if they can see this beautiful smile of her, especially her lesbian friend who always admire and has feeling for Ais.
'…Friend. They're my… friends? It must be.'
The concept of it still strange to her. Sure that's Loki Familia's member always friendly to her, but she couldn't call them friends. More like comrade-in-arms who fought under the same god and live together like some kids from orphanage, that's why when noticing that word she felt strange within her heart.
It's warm and pleasant feeling. Maybe people will mistook it as pain or harm since her heart became warm but she didn't hate or dislike it. Rather she growth to like it and she cannot wait when the times they would meet her. Ais excited when thinking of that.
She kept looking at the phone she hold.
'My friends… I have to be patient…'
A warm and adorable smile adored her face. There's a hint of light blush over her cheeks as she's a bit embarrassed and happy at the same time. She really like a child who cannot wait for her new toys. It's quite adorable and feast for eyes to see.
Hyperdimension, Gamindustri – Planeptune
A machine that allows you to traveling at any dimension or world.
Maybe you would think the machine would be huge or having hideous appearance that you always seen in many fictional works. But not all machine or powerful ones always has to be in that characteristic. Sometimes simple is the best and also minimalist. There's no need to be lavish or something.
"Just a little bit here and here. And… done!"
A dimension traveling machine with such simple design. Its appearance it's not too gaudy or lavish. The designer seems want to prioritize the performance rather than the design. Just like any modern technology should have; performance over the design!
It's resemble a door. No, it's similar… to Anywhere Door from a certain robot cat. Instead of blue, the door has purple with thick block-shaped cross above the door. The center of the door also has block-shaped cross but with 'N' in the middle of it. It's quite futuristic design and really simple too.
"Nep.Jr! Hey sister, how ya doin' with the machine?"
Hearing the familiar sound, the one who being called then turn her head around and look at the person. She give the person beaming smile as she nods her head in joy. Someone would easily noticed that she's really happy.
The girl has similar appearance to Neptune, albeit the height is higher than her. She has the height of middle-schooler, a long blue hair that reaches her waist. Adored with cute face, she basically the copy of Neptune but adjusted to be a different copy.
"Big sis! Ah yeah, I already fine tuning it. Although it's still incomplete… since I don't have enough material to complete it. I'm sorry, big sis."
"Hey-hey! It's no problem, Nep.Jr! Have you forgot what's this little trip purpose gonna do? It's to gather a material that similar or close enough to buff up the machine! At least it's not like we can't re-charge it, ain't it?"
Nep.Jr nods her head in agreement which makes Neptune smiled in satisfication. She really proud of her little sister which can help her with the machine and the Nep.Jr aka Nepgear also felt happy that she able to help her sister with her talent.
"Yes, big sis. We can re-charge it after the energy being used for dimension traveling. It will need at least 14 days to complete the re-charge but if the machine completed, I estimated that we only needs 3 days. It's quite big leap."
"It's really is! This machine will be more amazing if we completed it. I'll be able to travel to any world out there than just this or dimension that only exist within Gamindustri!"
Nepgear who sees her sister reaction just sweatdrop and let out small laugh. Her sister always like this and will always give anyone around her a trouble which also came up with another trouble. That's why people around her find it that she's quite annoying and troublemaker.
But this dimension traveling machine also lit up the excitement and interest of Nepgear. She never make something like this—not on this big scale project at least—that's why she find it quite satisfied… for now.
"I cannot wait for it, Nepu!"
She said that with excitement on her tone while her sister just watched her while chuckled at her big sister childish behavior.
Another day for no work day is a blessing in disguise for Eleonora the young chairman of Roozlent Company. It's also blessing day for others who working, especially those who have a hard job and some difficulties when doing such work.
There's one of thing she already done while preparing for the dimension trip: she already assign professional martial artist or instructor to taught her about martial arts. Let's not forget about CQC instructor too. She musn't come without any preparation and with one of her talents, which is Quick Learning made her easy to learn anything and progress much faster than anyone.
If it takes anyone 30 to 70 years to reach mastery in martial arts, then she would only take a week or a month. The longest she take to reach mastery in something that needed years to complete it with continuous training is only a month for her.
Her talents is ridiculous. As if she has the gods supports and them watching her from afar. But she herself didn't know that and not bother to trouble herself with that kind of thing since it's never bring her a real trouble. Because her life so far hasn't any difficulties as it moving in normal flow and pace like anyone else, albeit she can be considered too lucky.
The quickest time she has to master the martial arts and CQC would be two weeks or a week—if she pushes a bit her limit��but she not in hurry since the situation around her still okay but Eleonora also couldn't sit that out and do nothing to prevent the future outcome that might be happened.
"Well, I think that wrap up things I need for now. Maybe I should take a look at the chat in the group. Maybe they will mention the date or when we should depart."
Saying that, she then quickly open up her laptop and chat group to see anything in the chat group. Maybe there's useful information mentioned or told in the group she might missed. She absolutely don't want that.
Pudding Lover: "Hey-hey! I have a good news for any of you, especially those who included to our dimensional trip party!"
Hajime True Soulmate: "…Oh? What's that?"
Pudding Lover: "We can depart a month from now! So use your time wisely for our trip or you will regret it!"
Sword Princess: "…Understood. I'll prepare for it in the mean time."
Pudding Lover: "Good! Good! Intentionally I'm thinking about fasten our time to travel but it would unwise if I did that so I prolong the time to preparing for our wonderful trip!"
The Nightmare: "Oh my, is that so? Thank you for considerate that, @Pudding Lover-san. Also, how we able to travel between dimension? I know that we will use the machine but how exactly we can access that?"
Pudding Lover: "Thanks for asking, @The Nightmare! I already consider that. I'll give you an url address or site or link or whatever you call it. That url address already customized for the one who already in the party, so if someone who isn't included in the party we arranged then they can't use or travel with it."
Demon Mommy: "Oh my. Such a marvelous way. It's sad that I can't go with you, but mommy will definitely come next time!"
Strongest Ice Queen: "But there's so many people who want to go too, @Demon Mommy. I think we should do it in fair way."
Demon Sword Muramasa: "@Strongest Ice Queen. Who are you and what did you do to the original?"
Strongest Ice Queen: "I am is me and me is myself. There's no such thing as the original for me. @Demon Sword Muramasa, I already changed for better. The Empire definitely rotten and bad, I already knew that for long but I pretend to not see."
Demon Sword Muramasa: "Then how come you're still alive? I'm pretty sure I kill you back then with the poison from my sword."
Strongest Ice Queen:"…That's will be a story for another time. Changing the subject, we should do a vote for the people who would go next time we have another dimensional traveling. I know it's too early but it's better than late."
Eleonora snort in amus.e.m.e.nt when seeing the chats.
Again. The whole chat group is filled with many lively talk and Eleonora who sees that could only be amused by it. She decided to reveal herself later when the time comes, maybe after the whole dimensional traveling for the first time done.
This time she isn't doubting anything that be said by anyone within the chat group.
…Only if the portion of her face not covered in blood.
She licked her lips as her body covered in glowing light-like particle. In her hand, she held a phone; cell phone to be exact. She smiling and place her hand on her right cheek while reading something in her phone.
"A trip to another dimension… another world. Fufu, I hope it's satisfactory. I cannot wait when we will visit another world."
Her clothes then changed. She wore a purple sleeveless pleated dress that covered with white dress. Not the elegant Gothic Lolita again like before. Her appearance completely changed to elegance and astonishing beauty.
She then walked away from the alley and ignoring the weird things behind her. It looks like some of criminal scene. Instead of horrified or anything, she just ignore it and focusing on her phone right now. Because of that phone, or precisely a chat group inside the application inside the phone, she have friends… again.
It's been a long time since she have friends. She just hope that she also can feels the warmth like in the past, when her entire family still there and loves her so much as a daughter from some of rich family. That's the only thing she want; a trust and true bond.
Since of that accident and becoming Spirit, her sense of justice is gone and she began to mistrust anyone around her. Even further she began to dislike humanity because of what happened through her life and doesn't hesitate to kill anyone who gets in her way to reach her goal.
But when she obtained this 'special phone', her days becomes a bit better. Smile is not forced anymore and naturally becomes better. She can laugh and happy, she also felt sad and worried for her friends in the chat group.
She sighing.
'Isn't strange? We're not even close yet I felt that we close enough. It's different when I'm with Shido-san and others. I only care about him because of his power, his ability. To hunt down the First Spirit I need his ability. But… recently it doesn't matter anymore for me.'
At least she didn't becomes too soft like hesitating when murder someone. It will affect her a lot if that's happened. It's fine for her to gradually better from this state which is lonely and don't have someone to rely on. Surrounded by people who trust her and she trust is better. She also find the benefit from having many friends rather than becomes the lone wolf and do everything alone.
Power of friendship… sounds cliché and cringy, also overused concept but sometimes it's true. Yeah, sometimes.
The beautiful girl known as Tokisaki Kurumi just find it amusing. She already knew things like that and don't want to acknowledge it, but after seeing what it can do from an individual named Itsuka Shido, she started to believe on it; after all, that boy survived all this times due to that so-called 'power of friendship' or specifically 'power of harem' because his friends is all girls.
Maybe this time she won't suffers anything alone. Won't burdened alone and can seek help from her friends.
After exit the alley, her red-tinted eyes notice something around her viewpoint. Her ears also catch up a sound coming from it. It's a noise coming from small animal, a black-night fur cat that walks closer to Kurumi and meowing; the cat then snuggles herself to Kurumi's legs and purring. The astonishing beauty had warm and soft smile adored her beautiful face when seeing it.
She then pick up the cat and giving it a hug while she stroking the cat's head with cares.
"What a cute cat. You have beautiful and wonderful fur. What are you doing in here alone?"
But the cat just meowing, which makes Kurumi chuckled.
"Well, if you're alone, how about come with me for the time being?"
The cat meowing in agreement. Kurumi who sees it smiled as she leave the alley while brought the cat to her home for today. She won't be lonely for the time being in her home since she will have someone who accompany her for a while.
Saturday. It's a day where Eleonora Pendragon finally taking a break. Unlike the break she got when goes work, this is a full day without working at all. I mean, maybe there's some work left to do, but it's not that many compared to her actual works in the company.
At the Thursday's night she already experienced an event that turn her life in drastic way. Her common sense a bit distorted because the sudden impact that affect her realistic view. But she decided to accept it right away and not in denial again.
There's a clear evidence she witness after all.
'But still… why there's something like goblin exist in this world? Has the world always like this? If that's so, then a creature like goblin maybe hiding their existence before emerge to the surface or something like that.'
She still not find any clue about it. But what's shock her a bit is the news.
The news in many media reported the finding of goblin and some corpse. The corpses died due to biting and scratching. Maybe the goblin bite its enemies and also attack them with its claw. But there's also the corpse of that goblin seen in the news.
Many scientist, especially the top ones, filled with curiosity and trying to figure out what kind of creature is that. The internet even filled with many comments about it. Especially the fans of fictional works, they suddenly became smart and smug; like they know what is that goblin.
'Well… geeks always weird. Fortunately I'm not on that side. Sure I was watching an anime, playing some games—although most of them isn't japanese—and reads some fictional books; but I always maintain the safe side. I don't want to ended up becomes like them.'
Eleonora doesn't hate geeks, weebs, etc. She just don't want to put in the same side of them.
But she also think about the case where's not only Tokyo is the place who had a creature like goblin. If there's another place that has something like that, then she must investigate it for a bit. The biggest reason is she worried about her girlfriends.
Girlfriends? Yep, you're not wrong and your eyes working perfect.
She, 13 years old girl with an appearance of someone in her early twenties, already had several girl as her girlfriend. It's not that weird for her family as the Pendragon family is already in brink of extinction if she doesn't continue the bloodline.
But their bloodline cannot be continued since woman only had XX chromosome in their body and they can't give birth to a baby unless they did it with a man who had XY chromosome. That's why she already thought of this a long time ago.
She already built a research lab for it. The research going smoothly, she will get the result she expected within 5 years if there's no problem occurred and 10 to 15 years if there's a problem occurred. The funds needed for this already handled and it's not like she poor or short in money.
Anyway, back to the topic.
One of her girlfriends, Kikuchi Sonoka, is the owner and head chef of Western-style restaurant, Shunkatei which is located near Tenjoyama Park and a 15-minute walk from Lake Kawaguchi Station which will lead you to Mt. Fuji with about 15 minutes.
She's the kind of woman who extremely shy and easily scared. If there's a creature like goblin suddenly showed up near her restaurant or home, then she would be very terrified and can't do anything about it. One of the thing Eleonora should do as a good girlfriend is to warn her… at least if she's not near her.
Sonoka also always refuses to be given bodyguards since it would look like disturb her works as a chef.
"Better safe than sorry. I must give Sonoka-nee a call before it's too late."
Taking out the phone from her table, she then dial Sonoka's number and call her. After a few seconds waiting, the call picked up and Eleonora could hear the owner of Shunkatei's soft and polite sound from it.
"Hello? Leo-chan, what's wrong?"
"Sonoka-nee, have you already watch the news? If not, then please watch it."
"Ah. The news about unidentified creature that everyones talking about? I already seen it and don't worry about me, I'll be alright."
Hearing the reassuring words from Sonoka made Eleonora a bit worried and unsure.
"No buts. Please don't worried too much about me. If it's you, I know that you'll send bodyguards to protect me. It's good and all but I'm uncomfortable by it, Leo-chan."
"…Then, at least please be careful about your surrounding. I don't want to you to get hurt."
Sonoka chuckled when heards her girlfriend words and nodded.
"I will and thank for you worrying about me. If anything happen, I'll definitely give you a call. Don't worry."
"…Alright. Please be safe and I love you."
"I love you too, Leo-chan. Bye!"
After hanging up the call, Eleonora then pick up another call and decided to call the trusted bodyguard she know. If she's not allowed to protect her publicity or in open, then it's fine if the bodyguard protect Sonoka from afar or hiding themselves from her.
It seems she's a bit overprotective and… paranoid.
But someone will if they witnessing a creature like that theirselves. She must try to unlock any supernatural abilities or anything within her if she want to protect someone closes and important to her after all.
An hour later…
Eleonora Pendragon let out a tired sigh. Even if today she's not working, she still feels tired. Maybe her mental which is suddenly run out of gas for a while because thinking about the current event that happened.
Aside from Sonoka, she also assign several bodyguards to protect her other girlfriends. But she also make sure to call them before that or she won't able to know about their current situation very well. Checking their condition through phone it's not effective yet she can't meet them for now.
At least she can catch the glimpse of their condition to be safe and ensured. If she has the chance, then she will go meet each of them. For now she just send bodyguards to watch over their safety in order to protect them from afar.
She sighing again and shake her head.
"Alright. Looks like it's time to check the chat group again. To know about few method or something similar to awaken my supernatural power… if I have one."
She decided to check on the chat group and just figured something amazing. There's a lot of files listed inside the chat group, so she decided to check all of them if possible since it might help her about the current situation the young chairman have right now.
Her fingers scrolling the mouse and eyes focusedly reading each titles of the files.
"[How to Make Delicious Pudding]… [A Guide to be the Best Assassin - part 1]… [Fairy Tail's member list]… [How to Make Delicious Strawberry Cake] no, not that. Um-um… aha! This! This is what I wanted. [How to Unlock Your Magic Power]. I'll download and read it."
Saying that, she immediately click the download button and after a few seconds, the file already downloaded as she opened the file and read it carefully; she might miss an important step if she isn't focused.
Moreover, she interested and curious about magic since it's something which should be fictional and not real. It is something that considered unreal since her world works in the way of science and the purpose of science is very different than magic who works in supernatural way.
"Well, it's time to read and practice it until I unlock it. After that, I'll train more and even further to develop my abilities to a certain extend."
A happy smile adjusted to her beautiful face when she said it. She finally able to learn magic and do any interesting things that at the first she couldn't do it.
And with that, she spend her day's off with practicing and unlock the hidden potential within her.
Loki Familia Area, Twillight Manor - Ais' Room
From here you can see a beautiful woman with long golden hair, gold eyes, and slender body who wears a white one-piece dress with gold lining. She sat on the edge of her bed as if trying to think about something, which is actually rare for her to make such expression.
Her eyes squinting, she trying to give a thought about what her 'foreign' friends said at Thursday back then. She, the one who usually prefer alone, finally has friends. Not only one but many, even if they're far away and cannot meets with each other, no doubt that they're her friends.
Yet one of the cheerful and energetic friend she has announcing something that made her surprised.
She, Ais Wallenstein the famous adventurer from Loki Familia, had been told that she will go to another world with her friends. To the world where Hajime True Soulmate live in to obtain materials needed to completed the dimension traveling machine; also for picnic, enjoying theirselves with the sight of a new and unknown world before them later.
Like the other members, or some, she also has the magical phone on her hand right now. The phone is connected to the chat group where her friends is. It's somewhat convenient because only the choosen person or member of that chat group can actually use it. Although at first Ais confused at the magical phone and don't know how to use it, luckily it's also provided a manual to make it easier.
It's normal since the world that Ais live in right now is lack of modern technology such as this. But now she already good enough to use the phone, even she sometimes messing up with it because the young adventurer want to know more than what the manual provided.
Her expression then back to normal, the usual stoic face she always showed to any people around her. It's rare for her to show any emotion than that one because of her past life and what she gone through to make herself becomes the current her.
Small smile formed in her lips when reading the whole chat of the chat group. Her fans would be drowned in the sea of blood right now if they can see this beautiful smile of her, especially her lesbian friend who always admire and has feeling for Ais.
'…Friend. They're my… friends? It must be.'
The concept of it still strange to her. Sure that's Loki Familia's member always friendly to her, but she couldn't call them friends. More like comrade-in-arms who fought under the same god and live together like some kids from orphanage, that's why when noticing that word she felt strange within her heart.
It's warm and pleasant feeling. Maybe people will mistook it as pain or harm since her heart became warm but she didn't hate or dislike it. Rather she growth to like it and she cannot wait when the times they would meet her. Ais excited when thinking of that.
She kept looking at the phone she hold.
'My friends… I have to be patient…'
A warm and adorable smile adored her face. There's a hint of light blush over her cheeks as she's a bit embarrassed and happy at the same time. She really like a child who cannot wait for her new toys. It's quite adorable and feast for eyes to see.
Hyperdimension, Gamindustri – Planeptune
A machine that allows you to traveling at any dimension or world.
Maybe you would think the machine would be huge or having hideous appearance that you always seen in many fictional works. But not all machine or powerful ones always has to be in that characteristic. Sometimes simple is the best and also minimalist. There's no need to be lavish or something.
"Just a little bit here and here. And… done!"
A dimension traveling machine with such simple design. Its appearance it's not too gaudy or lavish. The designer seems want to prioritize the performance rather than the design. Just like any modern technology should have; performance over the design!
It's resemble a door. No, it's similar… to Anywhere Door from a certain robot cat. Instead of blue, the door has purple with thick block-shaped cross above the door. The center of the door also has block-shaped cross but with 'N' in the middle of it. It's quite futuristic design and really simple too.
"Nep.Jr! Hey sister, how ya doin' with the machine?"
Hearing the familiar sound, the one who being called then turn her head around and look at the person. She give the person beaming smile as she nods her head in joy. Someone would easily noticed that she's really happy.
The girl has similar appearance to Neptune, albeit the height is higher than her. She has the height of middle-schooler, a long blue hair that reaches her waist. Adored with cute face, she basically the copy of Neptune but adjusted to be a different copy.
"Big sis! Ah yeah, I already fine tuning it. Although it's still incomplete… since I don't have enough material to complete it. I'm sorry, big sis."
"Hey-hey! It's no problem, Nep.Jr! Have you forgot what's this little trip purpose gonna do? It's to gather a material that similar or close enough to buff up the machine! At least it's not like we can't re-charge it, ain't it?"
Nep.Jr nods her head in agreement which makes Neptune smiled in satisfication. She really proud of her little sister which can help her with the machine and the Nep.Jr aka Nepgear also felt happy that she able to help her sister with her talent.
"Yes, big sis. We can re-charge it after the energy being used for dimension traveling. It will need at least 14 days to complete the re-charge but if the machine completed, I estimated that we only needs 3 days. It's quite big leap."
"It's really is! This machine will be more amazing if we completed it. I'll be able to travel to any world out there than just this or dimension that only exist within Gamindustri!"
Nepgear who sees her sister reaction just sweatdrop and let out small laugh. Her sister always like this and will always give anyone around her a trouble which also came up with another trouble. That's why people around her find it that she's quite annoying and troublemaker.
But this dimension traveling machine also lit up the excitement and interest of Nepgear. She never make something like this—not on this big scale project at least—that's why she find it quite satisfied… for now.
"I cannot wait for it, Nepu!"
She said that with excitement on her tone while her sister just watched her while chuckled at her big sister childish behavior.
Another day for no work day is a blessing in disguise for Eleonora the young chairman of Roozlent Company. It's also blessing day for others who working, especially those who have a hard job and some difficulties when doing such work.
There's one of thing she already done while preparing for the dimension trip: she already assign professional martial artist or instructor to taught her about martial arts. Let's not forget about CQC instructor too. She musn't come without any preparation and with one of her talents, which is Quick Learning made her easy to learn anything and progress much faster than anyone.
If it takes anyone 30 to 70 years to reach mastery in martial arts, then she would only take a week or a month. The longest she take to reach mastery in something that needed years to complete it with continuous training is only a month for her.
Her talents is ridiculous. As if she has the gods supports and them watching her from afar. But she herself didn't know that and not bother to trouble herself with that kind of thing since it's never bring her a real trouble. Because her life so far hasn't any difficulties as it moving in normal flow and pace like anyone else, albeit she can be considered too lucky.
The quickest time she has to master the martial arts and CQC would be two weeks or a week—if she pushes a bit her limit��but she not in hurry since the situation around her still okay but Eleonora also couldn't sit that out and do nothing to prevent the future outcome that might be happened.
"Well, I think that wrap up things I need for now. Maybe I should take a look at the chat in the group. Maybe they will mention the date or when we should depart."
Saying that, she then quickly open up her laptop and chat group to see anything in the chat group. Maybe there's useful information mentioned or told in the group she might missed. She absolutely don't want that.
Pudding Lover: "Hey-hey! I have a good news for any of you, especially those who included to our dimensional trip party!"
Hajime True Soulmate: "…Oh? What's that?"
Pudding Lover: "We can depart a month from now! So use your time wisely for our trip or you will regret it!"
Sword Princess: "…Understood. I'll prepare for it in the mean time."
Pudding Lover: "Good! Good! Intentionally I'm thinking about fasten our time to travel but it would unwise if I did that so I prolong the time to preparing for our wonderful trip!"
The Nightmare: "Oh my, is that so? Thank you for considerate that, @Pudding Lover-san. Also, how we able to travel between dimension? I know that we will use the machine but how exactly we can access that?"
Pudding Lover: "Thanks for asking, @The Nightmare! I already consider that. I'll give you an url address or site or link or whatever you call it. That url address already customized for the one who already in the party, so if someone who isn't included in the party we arranged then they can't use or travel with it."
Demon Mommy: "Oh my. Such a marvelous way. It's sad that I can't go with you, but mommy will definitely come next time!"
Strongest Ice Queen: "But there's so many people who want to go too, @Demon Mommy. I think we should do it in fair way."
Demon Sword Muramasa: "@Strongest Ice Queen. Who are you and what did you do to the original?"
Strongest Ice Queen: "I am is me and me is myself. There's no such thing as the original for me. @Demon Sword Muramasa, I already changed for better. The Empire definitely rotten and bad, I already knew that for long but I pretend to not see."
Demon Sword Muramasa: "Then how come you're still alive? I'm pretty sure I kill you back then with the poison from my sword."
Strongest Ice Queen:"…That's will be a story for another time. Changing the subject, we should do a vote for the people who would go next time we have another dimensional traveling. I know it's too early but it's better than late."
Eleonora snort in amus.e.m.e.nt when seeing the chats.
Again. The whole chat group is filled with many lively talk and Eleonora who sees that could only be amused by it. She decided to reveal herself later when the time comes, maybe after the whole dimensional traveling for the first time done.
This time she isn't doubting anything that be said by anyone within the chat group.
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