Fictional Chat Group - All Girls Only Edition
Chapter 42 - Guests from Another Worlds
While Eleonora enjoying her adventure in Tortus with Hajime and co, let's take a look at another place. Of course it's her homeworld and in her house, which we can see many people in there, not just Merlin, Theodore, and Yuuka again but also other people. All of them gathered in one place and it is Eleonora's house right now, although their outfits can be called strange as if they are cosplaying some characters.
But all of them are women, or rather all of them are young girls. Four girls with various appearance and maybe personality. Theodore has headache and facepalmed since he trying to understand the current situation that happened right now while his wife trying to comforting him, Merlin just being calm and drink the tea that was already prepared by Yuuka; even if their family is rich and can afford maid also buttler, Yuuka sometimes prefer to serve something herself.
Stopped drinking, Merlin then spoke as he trying to opened a conservation.
"Then, would we start this? I believe we, someone from this world, need an explanation. Truthfully speaking, it's hard for us to believe something like that despite your claim that you are from another world or another reality that was different from this world."
Merlin said that with calm manner. Although he half lied about him to hard believing of the existence of people from another world, since Theodore himself is from another world and Eleonora already spilled out the necessary secret of the dimensional chat group that she joined a month ago.
Thus the source of Theodore's headeache right now it's not because of he disbelief the existence of another world, but rather the existence of the people itself. If one person, he could consider it okay, but right now he seen than one people; approximately four people in his house right now.
Theodore didn't expect a sudden visitor from another world would gathered on his home like this, especially people from another world. He still in shock and felt the annoying headache but trying to keep himself calm and behaving in front of those people.
The women nods their head simultaneously when heard what Merlin said and one of them are began to speak or you can say opened the conversation again from their side. She is a young girl with long silver hair and purple-blue eyes. She wears a white and purple outfit along with a white flower in her hair.
"U-Um… should I show them my magic, Puck?"
The young silver-haired girl said with unsure feeling to the being that floating on her right shoulder. It's small cat that floating, it has grey fur and silver in certain spots, the eyebrows are pretty small and rhombus-shaped. It also has a gold earring on its left ear.
The floating cat then uses its eyes to observing its surrounding and trying to determine if people in this house or room can be trusted before giving a confirmation nod to the young silver-haired girl and the young girl who see it then also nods hear head in response as she faking a cough and continue to spoke.
'A-Alright, my name is Emilia and… I am telling you the truth that I came from another world. As the reason why I came here, I sense a powerful magic or precisely the remains of powerful and gentle magic."
But Merlin shook his head in response of Theodore. Confirming that isn't his magic and the young girl named Emilia nods her head to re-confirm it. Then Theodore facepalmed again and already knew whose magic she sense since his magic isn't that powerful and his wife don't have any magic because she using ki.
"…So it's 100% Elly's magic."
Theodore mumbling that and got a nod from Merlin.
"Certainly, Master. Eleonora's magic is powerful than me after all. Probably what she sense is the lingering of her magic that hasn't disappeared yet. And where do you come from, Emilia-kun? Judging from your appearance, you mostly from a world where race than human exist, right?"
"Y-Yes! I am half-elf… when I'm arrived at this world, I'm amazed by the sight there is no race other than human. Moreover, the civilization seem more advanced than in my homeworld. People who passing by or seeing me just muttering something like "Whoa, is that real elf?" or "Damn, that's amazing cosplay she put on. She's really decided and looks real." and anything. Though I don't know what's cosplay is, but I didn't feel any malice coming from them."
Merlin, Theodore, and Yuuka couldn't help but laugh at the innocence of Emilia while the rest of the women that's comes from another world tilt their heads in confusion seeing their reaction and stopped laughing and faking their coughs simultaneously.
Merlin then the one who answered it again.
"Ah, you are half-elf. That's certainly a rare race in this world. In here, different than your homeworld, any other race than human is considered non-exist. This world is supposed to not have magic, but because a certain incident, magic now appeared and aid mankind to defeat any monsters that invading this world. Elf, magic, and so on is considered tales and fiction in this world, so it's normal that people has that reaction."
"Then… they won't hate people based on their race?"
Emilia's face changed as she smiled happily when heard that. As if this world is the perfect picture of what she imagined and she can have a slight hope in this world since she won't be hated by the people because of her status as half-elf.
Puck who saw Emilia's smile feel happy because she can see the look that Emilia have right now. Although Emilia still sad that racism still exist even in this world that sounds like paradise to her, but at least she now won't suffer just because she is half-elf. Her dream for all races to be coexist with others may not just a dream and can be realized for real this time.
Emilia's shoulder was being patted by the tiny hand of Puck.
"U-Uhm, sorry for that."
"No problem, Emilia-kun. I presume that your race is not receiving kind treatment back in your homeworld? Don't worry, this world is kind enough to other races, although I can't guarantee it 100% accepted since racism is something that hard to removed. But there is no slavery or such, that idea already abolished long ago."
"What he said is right. It's violating human's right or in this case when the world changed drastically, it will also applied to non-human; maybe demi-human or anything that has similar build to human. Although there is also a case where people can be called 'slave' when they lured into something like black company."
"It's less worse than slavery but didn't change it's the new form of slavery."
Both Merlin and Theodore nods their heads together when said that as they are agreed about their words. Emilia began to pale and terrified when Merlin and Theodore said that, she even trembling with fear and turned to Yuuka who giggled.
"Do not worry, Emilia-san. As long as you pay little attention, you are fine. Also, can you ladies beside Emilia-san do simple introduction? As we already knew that you're not lying about coming from another world, I believe it's necessary to know about each others; albeit it's basic information."
She said that with energetic yet nervous tone on her voice. She had grey-colored eyes and matching hair, cut short with thin, longer 'tail' tied neatly on the back of her head. She wore a flower-shaped hairpin every day. Rather than medieval era like Emilia, it seems she from modern era by the look of her clothes right now and how she introduce herself.
"Minowa-kun, is that right? I see that you are rather modern and not coming from a world like Emilia-kun."
"Yes… what I wore right now is my Hero's outfit. I suddenly woke up in this world with these outfit and… somehow attracted like Emilia-san. I know that I don't have magic power since all of my power is directly came from Shinjuu-sama, but for some reason I had the feeling to go to the place where that magic power came from and so… like this."
Gin said as she clueless about what she did.
Merlin who hear that became interested as the cause of Gin is indeed similar to Emilia as why they decided to come to Eleonora's house all of sudden after their arrival to this world. His Master's daughter still attract someone even when she isn't here and he find it funny, she is like the center of this world.
The Flower Magus still cannot believe an existence such as her is exist. But it's not like he hates her, instead he take a liking to her since she is the first disciple of him that surpass him in magic.
"And, may the next person do a simple introduction too?"
The next person who sat beside Gin then nods her head. She is a young lady with long flowing blonde hair tied up in twin tails. She wears a simple dark neck choker, opera gloves, and a cape-like gown held together by two strings around her neck that mostly covers her c.h.e.s.t. Additionally, she also wears a black mini short with a brown belt, stockings, and black t.h.i.g.h high boots. Because of what she wears, some of the girls embarrassed as the outfit she wears is very e.r.o.t.i.c, but the young lady didn't care that much about that since it's her style in fashion.
"Yes. Nice to meet you, my name is Lieselotte Sherlock. I am a mage and one of the member of group known as Trinity Seven while also hold an Acedia Archive and my magic is Logos Art."
Liese nods her head at Merlin with her usual smile and give him a response.
"That's right. Out of Trinity Seven, I can be considered the strongest member and the one who already gained the [Magic King Element] and becomes a [Magic King Candidate]. I rather save the rest of it for the next time since the source of that enormous magic power isn't currently here and honestly, that power is in par—no, maybe far greater than the magic that's stored inside [Magic King Element]."
"Magic King, huh… then I assume that you suddenly wake up in this world too?"
Her smile widened as she nodded at Merlin.
"Yup! After I use my [Final Technique] and trapped on my own time dimension, I suddenly wake up in this world. As I don't have any single clue about what happened to me, suddenly I felt an enormous magic and decided to follow it as my curiosity went up."
"So you're not attracted like Emilia-kun and Gin-kun, huh… that's quite unusual. Mind tell us about it?"
Merlin politely asked that and what he got is the rejection as she shook her head and answering it.
"Like I said, I prefer to explain it when the one who has that magic power I've sensed is present. It will be waste to explain it again and I don't want that. Too bothersome to do it."
Merlin just laugh when heard that while the rest of people except for Emilia and Liese sweadrops because of Liese's lazy attitude that really reflecting her Archive which is Acedia. Although any mage of Liese's world supposedly had an Archive that's the opposite of their personality, as that appears to be the easiest for them to use since Magic is irrational by nature, in other words, they must think in a way contrary to themselves.
"That's fine. Then, may you introduce yourself?"
Merlin said to the last girl who sat beside Liese. The young girl nods her head as she showing a friendly smile on her face while she about to speak to them and bowed slightly. She is a very beautiful pale skinned girl with hip-length silver hair that has bangs hanging over her face where it mostly hangs over on the right side and clear sky-blue eyes.
She carries a medium-sized curse pistol with a knife attachment, similar to a bayonet and appears to be a very skilled shooter with it. She wears a jacket-like trench coat, with a white button-up shirt and black skirt. She is seen wearing a blue pendant gemstone with red ribbons, possibly indicating her royalty status. She also has golden chains looped around her left shoulder.
"Hello, nice to meet you. My name is La Folia Rihavein, a princess of Aldegyr Kingdom. Pleased to meet you."
Merlin raise his eyebrow when heard that the young girl introducing herself and said that she is a princess of a kingdom, but he pretty sure that her outfit isn't comes from any medieval era like Emeilia and he has assumption that she maybe a princess of small nation in another world that is no different than this world.
Theodore who heard that just whispering to his wife.
"Yuuka, our Elly really amazing to be able attract someone so beautiful and noble like her even when she isn't around. I'm kinda proud of her when think again, but I always proud of her since she is our pride and joy."
Yuuka nods in agreement and chuckled.
"Of course dear. But thinking that she always attract women only is somehow questioning. She really destined to be lesbian from the moment she's born, isn't it?"
"Couldn't help but agreed with that. Moreover it was enhanced because of my family curse which gave her a d.i.c.k and made her a futa or hermaphrodite. It will stupid move if we try to turn her into a straight girl that only saw men as love interest, I don't wanna do that to her."
"…That's right and also dear, I think Ellen could help with your condition. Merlin-san said it himself that Ellen has a magic that could defy the reality or rule of this world; simply put she has omnipotence that made her almost on divine level."
Theodore put on bitter smile on his face and slightly nod at his wife agreed about what she said. There is no other choice but to rely on Eleonora even if he don't want to make her troubled by his problem, but Theodore also don't want to be dramatic too much as they still have a chance to fix his condition.
"You're right. We will ask her that and maybe told her all of the secrets we kept hold. She is really curious about it and I cannot ignore that anymore."
His wife nodded at him. Merlin then continue to spoke to La Folia.
"La Folia-kun, nice to meet you too. So, you have the same reason as why you coming here, in this world and house, like them?"
Merlin said while pointing his finger on table and get a nod of confirmation from La Folia.
"Indeed. I conclude that the reason four of us in here is same and not different. Even if it different, it is not that much. But this is really shocking experience and cannot believe it myself that I was ended up in another world since this world seemed not different than my own homeworld."
"Me too, you know. I'm confused as heck why I suddenly alive and couldn't think anything complicated, but when I wander around and checked my surrounding, it's turned out I'm not in my world anymore. It's really unbelievable for me."
Liese nods her head as she agreed about what La Folia and Gin said.
"Hm-mh. Not going to lie but I also confused since I'm pretty sure that except for Arata-kun or someone who can master my can master my magic, which is Logos Arts, to free me from time dimension. If there is exist a being like gods or goddesses then I think that's the only possible explanation."
"As someone who use magic and half-elf, I also can't help but to think what happened to the four of us is due to gods or goddesses. Even the Witches isn't someone who capable to do that, but I think it's just based on my knowledge since I don't know so much about Witches."
"Satella is frightening witch that has enormous power, Lia. I think it's possible for her to has a power comparable to gods or goddesses in our world, though I have a doubt when it's compared to being from another world that's different than ours."
He nods his head as he hear all of that from the four young girl and spoke again.
"So, I believe you four won't leave until my disciple who has that enormous magic power coming back here, then what you will do before that? Find some place to shelter yourself for the time being? And if that's true, how you do that…?"
Merlin said which made the four girls stunned as they has nervous look on their faces right now since they don't how what they would do, but La Folia then calm herself and propose her idea as she told that to Merlin.
"Merlin-san, for me maybe I will find some work to do and by doing that it will ensure me the money to at least rent a flat or anything. Though if that's takes too long, maybe I will rent apartement first and pay it when I found a work."
"That's certainly not bad idea but I think it won't do good since you basically not resident of this world. So… Master, how about that?"
He turned to Theodore who roll his eyes and groan in annoyance seeing the casual smile Merlin make right now since he basically said that his family should house them for the time being until everything settled. He don't mind at all since there is plenty of rooms in this house and his family always welcome people who they deemed kind, and so far based on Theodore's judgment; these four girls kind enough by his standard.
He don't want to make them homeless, especially someone like Minowa Gin who basically just 6th-grader elementary school student. She way too young to live alone and doing any work, also her age closer to Eleonora and made him feel sympathy to her. He isn't heartless.
"Good grief… you did it on purpose, aren't you?"
But Merlin just laugh lightly in polite manner.
"I don't know what are you talking about, Master. I merely help these young girls who just become a victim of unknown accident as they ended up in this world without any preparation at all. Look, they don't even have any money. Right?"
The four girl nods simultaneously seeing Merlin's sly smile. They don't have any choice but has to play along with Merlin. Of course this made the father of Eleonora sighing in defeat and decided to give up since his Servant sometimes can bring troublesome matters onto him.
Theodore can felt the headache once again in his forehead came back.
"…Fine, you sly d.i.c.k-maker. I'll house them for a while until they have the chance to go back to their own homeworld. It's not like we are poor or anything, it just sometimes pain in the a.s.s to do that and I just want all of you behaving yourself and don't do anything that will cause you problem or big problem. Is that clear?"
"Good, then I will lead you to your room now. All of you must be hungry and want to wash off your body, right? Yuuka, tell the maids and butlers to prepare them food and bath."
"Yes dear."
"Alright, all of you, please follow me. I'll take you to your room right now. As you are considered our guest, you are free doing whatever you want but under the condition I already stated before. As long as you not violating that, I won't be hostile and harm you. Got that?"
Emilia and Gin nods nervously while Liese just nods and smile playfully, as La Folia nods obediently since she know it's rude for stranger or guest to bring trouble to people who give her hospitality like this and kind enough to her. Be elegant and polite is always being taught in her family since she's a princess and manner makes the people.
Theodore just sighing tiredly. He was never this tired before, maybe he felt that because of how things suddenly appears and made him have headache, his headache has nothing to do with his body condition that slowly coming to the door of death and aside from that, he is quite healthy since the curse that befall on him is not affecting his physical.
'If I can be saved, then I can sees Elly's wedding. I also want to sees my grandchild if I was cured.'
He smiled when thinking of that. There is no more happiness for him rather than seeing the happiness of her daughter that would happened in the future and he should told her about his body condition so it won't make Eleonora heart broken and causing her fall into a despair.
As Theodore take them to the room that was arranged for them, the four girl, especially Emilia and Gin couldn't help but awe at how beautiful and luxurious the house is it. Liese and La Folia admiring the house design and decoration that's not bad in their standard.
"So damn big… it is really beautiful!"
Gin shout that out loud which makes Theodore chuckled at her since he already expect that from her. Emilia nods her head in agreement with that since she was never a place that is so beautiful like this, even Roswaal's mansion is nowhere good compared to this.
They then arrived at the assigned room and Theodore spoke to them.
"Here, this is your room from now. Before going to bed, wash yourself and have a good dinner first. Don't immediately fall asleep, okay? If you do that, I won't give you breakfast tomorrow."
He said that with joking tone and they nods at Theodore as he leave them for now.
"I don't know that there's exist someone so kind to stranger like that…"
"Mh-hm, he's really kind person and not hesitated to help us. If it me, maybe I have to consider it for a while. Since it's quite suspicious if stranger decided to help stranger as they basically don't know each others that well."
"Not only that, he also believe of what we said that we are from another world. I believe he really means to help us."
Gin nodded at what they said since she agreed.
"Yeah, that old man also seemed not the type that can be fooled easily. But well… there is no use to doubt him. The important thing is he and his family kind and help us when we coming to this world. Man…! I should go to wash myself off. Anyone want to join?"
"Ah, I also want to bathe myself."
"Then how about we go together? It will be more fun if we bathe together rather than alone."
"Of course. I also want to hear your stories of another world."
They then decided to go to bathroom together as they talked to each other on the way going there.
But all of them are women, or rather all of them are young girls. Four girls with various appearance and maybe personality. Theodore has headache and facepalmed since he trying to understand the current situation that happened right now while his wife trying to comforting him, Merlin just being calm and drink the tea that was already prepared by Yuuka; even if their family is rich and can afford maid also buttler, Yuuka sometimes prefer to serve something herself.
Stopped drinking, Merlin then spoke as he trying to opened a conservation.
"Then, would we start this? I believe we, someone from this world, need an explanation. Truthfully speaking, it's hard for us to believe something like that despite your claim that you are from another world or another reality that was different from this world."
Merlin said that with calm manner. Although he half lied about him to hard believing of the existence of people from another world, since Theodore himself is from another world and Eleonora already spilled out the necessary secret of the dimensional chat group that she joined a month ago.
Thus the source of Theodore's headeache right now it's not because of he disbelief the existence of another world, but rather the existence of the people itself. If one person, he could consider it okay, but right now he seen than one people; approximately four people in his house right now.
Theodore didn't expect a sudden visitor from another world would gathered on his home like this, especially people from another world. He still in shock and felt the annoying headache but trying to keep himself calm and behaving in front of those people.
The women nods their head simultaneously when heard what Merlin said and one of them are began to speak or you can say opened the conversation again from their side. She is a young girl with long silver hair and purple-blue eyes. She wears a white and purple outfit along with a white flower in her hair.
"U-Um… should I show them my magic, Puck?"
The young silver-haired girl said with unsure feeling to the being that floating on her right shoulder. It's small cat that floating, it has grey fur and silver in certain spots, the eyebrows are pretty small and rhombus-shaped. It also has a gold earring on its left ear.
The floating cat then uses its eyes to observing its surrounding and trying to determine if people in this house or room can be trusted before giving a confirmation nod to the young silver-haired girl and the young girl who see it then also nods hear head in response as she faking a cough and continue to spoke.
'A-Alright, my name is Emilia and… I am telling you the truth that I came from another world. As the reason why I came here, I sense a powerful magic or precisely the remains of powerful and gentle magic."
But Merlin shook his head in response of Theodore. Confirming that isn't his magic and the young girl named Emilia nods her head to re-confirm it. Then Theodore facepalmed again and already knew whose magic she sense since his magic isn't that powerful and his wife don't have any magic because she using ki.
"…So it's 100% Elly's magic."
Theodore mumbling that and got a nod from Merlin.
"Certainly, Master. Eleonora's magic is powerful than me after all. Probably what she sense is the lingering of her magic that hasn't disappeared yet. And where do you come from, Emilia-kun? Judging from your appearance, you mostly from a world where race than human exist, right?"
"Y-Yes! I am half-elf… when I'm arrived at this world, I'm amazed by the sight there is no race other than human. Moreover, the civilization seem more advanced than in my homeworld. People who passing by or seeing me just muttering something like "Whoa, is that real elf?" or "Damn, that's amazing cosplay she put on. She's really decided and looks real." and anything. Though I don't know what's cosplay is, but I didn't feel any malice coming from them."
Merlin, Theodore, and Yuuka couldn't help but laugh at the innocence of Emilia while the rest of the women that's comes from another world tilt their heads in confusion seeing their reaction and stopped laughing and faking their coughs simultaneously.
Merlin then the one who answered it again.
"Ah, you are half-elf. That's certainly a rare race in this world. In here, different than your homeworld, any other race than human is considered non-exist. This world is supposed to not have magic, but because a certain incident, magic now appeared and aid mankind to defeat any monsters that invading this world. Elf, magic, and so on is considered tales and fiction in this world, so it's normal that people has that reaction."
"Then… they won't hate people based on their race?"
Emilia's face changed as she smiled happily when heard that. As if this world is the perfect picture of what she imagined and she can have a slight hope in this world since she won't be hated by the people because of her status as half-elf.
Puck who saw Emilia's smile feel happy because she can see the look that Emilia have right now. Although Emilia still sad that racism still exist even in this world that sounds like paradise to her, but at least she now won't suffer just because she is half-elf. Her dream for all races to be coexist with others may not just a dream and can be realized for real this time.
Emilia's shoulder was being patted by the tiny hand of Puck.
"U-Uhm, sorry for that."
"No problem, Emilia-kun. I presume that your race is not receiving kind treatment back in your homeworld? Don't worry, this world is kind enough to other races, although I can't guarantee it 100% accepted since racism is something that hard to removed. But there is no slavery or such, that idea already abolished long ago."
"What he said is right. It's violating human's right or in this case when the world changed drastically, it will also applied to non-human; maybe demi-human or anything that has similar build to human. Although there is also a case where people can be called 'slave' when they lured into something like black company."
"It's less worse than slavery but didn't change it's the new form of slavery."
Both Merlin and Theodore nods their heads together when said that as they are agreed about their words. Emilia began to pale and terrified when Merlin and Theodore said that, she even trembling with fear and turned to Yuuka who giggled.
"Do not worry, Emilia-san. As long as you pay little attention, you are fine. Also, can you ladies beside Emilia-san do simple introduction? As we already knew that you're not lying about coming from another world, I believe it's necessary to know about each others; albeit it's basic information."
She said that with energetic yet nervous tone on her voice. She had grey-colored eyes and matching hair, cut short with thin, longer 'tail' tied neatly on the back of her head. She wore a flower-shaped hairpin every day. Rather than medieval era like Emilia, it seems she from modern era by the look of her clothes right now and how she introduce herself.
"Minowa-kun, is that right? I see that you are rather modern and not coming from a world like Emilia-kun."
"Yes… what I wore right now is my Hero's outfit. I suddenly woke up in this world with these outfit and… somehow attracted like Emilia-san. I know that I don't have magic power since all of my power is directly came from Shinjuu-sama, but for some reason I had the feeling to go to the place where that magic power came from and so… like this."
Gin said as she clueless about what she did.
Merlin who hear that became interested as the cause of Gin is indeed similar to Emilia as why they decided to come to Eleonora's house all of sudden after their arrival to this world. His Master's daughter still attract someone even when she isn't here and he find it funny, she is like the center of this world.
The Flower Magus still cannot believe an existence such as her is exist. But it's not like he hates her, instead he take a liking to her since she is the first disciple of him that surpass him in magic.
"And, may the next person do a simple introduction too?"
The next person who sat beside Gin then nods her head. She is a young lady with long flowing blonde hair tied up in twin tails. She wears a simple dark neck choker, opera gloves, and a cape-like gown held together by two strings around her neck that mostly covers her c.h.e.s.t. Additionally, she also wears a black mini short with a brown belt, stockings, and black t.h.i.g.h high boots. Because of what she wears, some of the girls embarrassed as the outfit she wears is very e.r.o.t.i.c, but the young lady didn't care that much about that since it's her style in fashion.
"Yes. Nice to meet you, my name is Lieselotte Sherlock. I am a mage and one of the member of group known as Trinity Seven while also hold an Acedia Archive and my magic is Logos Art."
Liese nods her head at Merlin with her usual smile and give him a response.
"That's right. Out of Trinity Seven, I can be considered the strongest member and the one who already gained the [Magic King Element] and becomes a [Magic King Candidate]. I rather save the rest of it for the next time since the source of that enormous magic power isn't currently here and honestly, that power is in par—no, maybe far greater than the magic that's stored inside [Magic King Element]."
"Magic King, huh… then I assume that you suddenly wake up in this world too?"
Her smile widened as she nodded at Merlin.
"Yup! After I use my [Final Technique] and trapped on my own time dimension, I suddenly wake up in this world. As I don't have any single clue about what happened to me, suddenly I felt an enormous magic and decided to follow it as my curiosity went up."
"So you're not attracted like Emilia-kun and Gin-kun, huh… that's quite unusual. Mind tell us about it?"
Merlin politely asked that and what he got is the rejection as she shook her head and answering it.
"Like I said, I prefer to explain it when the one who has that magic power I've sensed is present. It will be waste to explain it again and I don't want that. Too bothersome to do it."
Merlin just laugh when heard that while the rest of people except for Emilia and Liese sweadrops because of Liese's lazy attitude that really reflecting her Archive which is Acedia. Although any mage of Liese's world supposedly had an Archive that's the opposite of their personality, as that appears to be the easiest for them to use since Magic is irrational by nature, in other words, they must think in a way contrary to themselves.
"That's fine. Then, may you introduce yourself?"
Merlin said to the last girl who sat beside Liese. The young girl nods her head as she showing a friendly smile on her face while she about to speak to them and bowed slightly. She is a very beautiful pale skinned girl with hip-length silver hair that has bangs hanging over her face where it mostly hangs over on the right side and clear sky-blue eyes.
She carries a medium-sized curse pistol with a knife attachment, similar to a bayonet and appears to be a very skilled shooter with it. She wears a jacket-like trench coat, with a white button-up shirt and black skirt. She is seen wearing a blue pendant gemstone with red ribbons, possibly indicating her royalty status. She also has golden chains looped around her left shoulder.
"Hello, nice to meet you. My name is La Folia Rihavein, a princess of Aldegyr Kingdom. Pleased to meet you."
Merlin raise his eyebrow when heard that the young girl introducing herself and said that she is a princess of a kingdom, but he pretty sure that her outfit isn't comes from any medieval era like Emeilia and he has assumption that she maybe a princess of small nation in another world that is no different than this world.
Theodore who heard that just whispering to his wife.
"Yuuka, our Elly really amazing to be able attract someone so beautiful and noble like her even when she isn't around. I'm kinda proud of her when think again, but I always proud of her since she is our pride and joy."
Yuuka nods in agreement and chuckled.
"Of course dear. But thinking that she always attract women only is somehow questioning. She really destined to be lesbian from the moment she's born, isn't it?"
"Couldn't help but agreed with that. Moreover it was enhanced because of my family curse which gave her a d.i.c.k and made her a futa or hermaphrodite. It will stupid move if we try to turn her into a straight girl that only saw men as love interest, I don't wanna do that to her."
"…That's right and also dear, I think Ellen could help with your condition. Merlin-san said it himself that Ellen has a magic that could defy the reality or rule of this world; simply put she has omnipotence that made her almost on divine level."
Theodore put on bitter smile on his face and slightly nod at his wife agreed about what she said. There is no other choice but to rely on Eleonora even if he don't want to make her troubled by his problem, but Theodore also don't want to be dramatic too much as they still have a chance to fix his condition.
"You're right. We will ask her that and maybe told her all of the secrets we kept hold. She is really curious about it and I cannot ignore that anymore."
His wife nodded at him. Merlin then continue to spoke to La Folia.
"La Folia-kun, nice to meet you too. So, you have the same reason as why you coming here, in this world and house, like them?"
Merlin said while pointing his finger on table and get a nod of confirmation from La Folia.
"Indeed. I conclude that the reason four of us in here is same and not different. Even if it different, it is not that much. But this is really shocking experience and cannot believe it myself that I was ended up in another world since this world seemed not different than my own homeworld."
"Me too, you know. I'm confused as heck why I suddenly alive and couldn't think anything complicated, but when I wander around and checked my surrounding, it's turned out I'm not in my world anymore. It's really unbelievable for me."
Liese nods her head as she agreed about what La Folia and Gin said.
"Hm-mh. Not going to lie but I also confused since I'm pretty sure that except for Arata-kun or someone who can master my can master my magic, which is Logos Arts, to free me from time dimension. If there is exist a being like gods or goddesses then I think that's the only possible explanation."
"As someone who use magic and half-elf, I also can't help but to think what happened to the four of us is due to gods or goddesses. Even the Witches isn't someone who capable to do that, but I think it's just based on my knowledge since I don't know so much about Witches."
"Satella is frightening witch that has enormous power, Lia. I think it's possible for her to has a power comparable to gods or goddesses in our world, though I have a doubt when it's compared to being from another world that's different than ours."
He nods his head as he hear all of that from the four young girl and spoke again.
"So, I believe you four won't leave until my disciple who has that enormous magic power coming back here, then what you will do before that? Find some place to shelter yourself for the time being? And if that's true, how you do that…?"
Merlin said which made the four girls stunned as they has nervous look on their faces right now since they don't how what they would do, but La Folia then calm herself and propose her idea as she told that to Merlin.
"Merlin-san, for me maybe I will find some work to do and by doing that it will ensure me the money to at least rent a flat or anything. Though if that's takes too long, maybe I will rent apartement first and pay it when I found a work."
"That's certainly not bad idea but I think it won't do good since you basically not resident of this world. So… Master, how about that?"
He turned to Theodore who roll his eyes and groan in annoyance seeing the casual smile Merlin make right now since he basically said that his family should house them for the time being until everything settled. He don't mind at all since there is plenty of rooms in this house and his family always welcome people who they deemed kind, and so far based on Theodore's judgment; these four girls kind enough by his standard.
He don't want to make them homeless, especially someone like Minowa Gin who basically just 6th-grader elementary school student. She way too young to live alone and doing any work, also her age closer to Eleonora and made him feel sympathy to her. He isn't heartless.
"Good grief… you did it on purpose, aren't you?"
But Merlin just laugh lightly in polite manner.
"I don't know what are you talking about, Master. I merely help these young girls who just become a victim of unknown accident as they ended up in this world without any preparation at all. Look, they don't even have any money. Right?"
The four girl nods simultaneously seeing Merlin's sly smile. They don't have any choice but has to play along with Merlin. Of course this made the father of Eleonora sighing in defeat and decided to give up since his Servant sometimes can bring troublesome matters onto him.
Theodore can felt the headache once again in his forehead came back.
"…Fine, you sly d.i.c.k-maker. I'll house them for a while until they have the chance to go back to their own homeworld. It's not like we are poor or anything, it just sometimes pain in the a.s.s to do that and I just want all of you behaving yourself and don't do anything that will cause you problem or big problem. Is that clear?"
"Good, then I will lead you to your room now. All of you must be hungry and want to wash off your body, right? Yuuka, tell the maids and butlers to prepare them food and bath."
"Yes dear."
"Alright, all of you, please follow me. I'll take you to your room right now. As you are considered our guest, you are free doing whatever you want but under the condition I already stated before. As long as you not violating that, I won't be hostile and harm you. Got that?"
Emilia and Gin nods nervously while Liese just nods and smile playfully, as La Folia nods obediently since she know it's rude for stranger or guest to bring trouble to people who give her hospitality like this and kind enough to her. Be elegant and polite is always being taught in her family since she's a princess and manner makes the people.
Theodore just sighing tiredly. He was never this tired before, maybe he felt that because of how things suddenly appears and made him have headache, his headache has nothing to do with his body condition that slowly coming to the door of death and aside from that, he is quite healthy since the curse that befall on him is not affecting his physical.
'If I can be saved, then I can sees Elly's wedding. I also want to sees my grandchild if I was cured.'
He smiled when thinking of that. There is no more happiness for him rather than seeing the happiness of her daughter that would happened in the future and he should told her about his body condition so it won't make Eleonora heart broken and causing her fall into a despair.
As Theodore take them to the room that was arranged for them, the four girl, especially Emilia and Gin couldn't help but awe at how beautiful and luxurious the house is it. Liese and La Folia admiring the house design and decoration that's not bad in their standard.
"So damn big… it is really beautiful!"
Gin shout that out loud which makes Theodore chuckled at her since he already expect that from her. Emilia nods her head in agreement with that since she was never a place that is so beautiful like this, even Roswaal's mansion is nowhere good compared to this.
They then arrived at the assigned room and Theodore spoke to them.
"Here, this is your room from now. Before going to bed, wash yourself and have a good dinner first. Don't immediately fall asleep, okay? If you do that, I won't give you breakfast tomorrow."
He said that with joking tone and they nods at Theodore as he leave them for now.
"I don't know that there's exist someone so kind to stranger like that…"
"Mh-hm, he's really kind person and not hesitated to help us. If it me, maybe I have to consider it for a while. Since it's quite suspicious if stranger decided to help stranger as they basically don't know each others that well."
"Not only that, he also believe of what we said that we are from another world. I believe he really means to help us."
Gin nodded at what they said since she agreed.
"Yeah, that old man also seemed not the type that can be fooled easily. But well… there is no use to doubt him. The important thing is he and his family kind and help us when we coming to this world. Man…! I should go to wash myself off. Anyone want to join?"
"Ah, I also want to bathe myself."
"Then how about we go together? It will be more fun if we bathe together rather than alone."
"Of course. I also want to hear your stories of another world."
They then decided to go to bathroom together as they talked to each other on the way going there.
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