Fictional Chat Group - All Girls Only Edition
Chapter 45 - Arrived at Erisen
After succeeding in conquering Grand Gruen Volcano, the girls quickly teleported from that dungeon and ended up in some place that they never seen about or a place where they are not familiar with, since they are in the middle of sea; noticed where they are right now, Eleonora successfully preventing the group from falling right into the sea as she made them float or precisely flying for temporarily.
With Yue who was still hugging her, along with everyone as Eleonora still maintained the flying spell on them, Shea who has sharp eyes since she was born with it because of her race, noticed something in this vast sea that's nothing around.
"Ah, Eleonora-san! Look! It's a town! There are people there!"
"Hm? Ohh, it really is in the center of the sea."
Shea pointed at Erisen with sparkles in her eyes. Sure enough, there was a large city floating on the sea.
Eleonora headed toward the piers and was stared at by the sightseers and sea people who had never seen someone like her, they are enthralled by the charm she raided. She moored in a vacant spot.
Soon enough, the group of sea people could see Eleonora and her comrade from closer as they are right now inside the town; they also could see white-haired young man who passed out and right now floating while the girls already landing safely on the vacan spot that Eleonora took.
"Um… sorry for intruding, but has any of you know about Myuu-chan? If so, then please tell them what happened since if I want to explain all of it, that would took a long time and Myuu-chan's probably want to have reunion with her daddy too."
Eleonora nods her head as she pointed at the passed out Hajime that currently floating. The man who watched it just sweatdropped since it is a weird sigh to see and it's kind of embarrassing, but the young man slightly nodded and headed on ahead since he was a part of the defense forces.
However, things were not so simple. Although Eleonora politely ask that, they are surrounded by three soldiers.
"Sorry for the inconvenience, but until the truth is cleared up, you will go with us so allows us to restrain you for the time being."
Yue who heard that frowned.
"Didn't you hear the story from us…?"
"Of course. We just need to have our men go to confirm its truth. There is no need for you to go."
Tio, who remain calm and collected then spoke to them.
"Please, can you let it slide for now? Our companion are waiting for us. If it's just your men, won't they misunderstand things and attack first?"
"Whether this is a misunderstanding or not... whether our child is in Ankaji or not, you are an unidentified group who appeared within Erisen's jurisdiction. Won't you just run away?"
Hearing this, Yue spoke again to the young man.
"Why would we? It's not like we do anything wrong and if we wanted to run away, we would have just run away after annihilating them."
But the young man didn't react at that and just continued.
"That's true, but it does not change the fact that you have entered our territory without permission. You would be considered as trespasser because of that."
"We do not choose where we landing because at that time we decided it quickly. Isn't that right, Eleonora?"
They were in Myuu's home town, and one of the Great Labyrinths, Undersea Ruins Merjinne was nearby. They did not know the exact location, so they did not want to cause any trouble.
If Myuu was here, they could clear the doubts immediately, but since she was in Ankaji, it would take time. Even so, it was an unfair situation they was put into, so Eleonora tried her best to released the hostilities coming from Yue and Tio.
"Sorry… but can you—"
As the man about to continue what he spoke, Shea's rabbit ears shook as she looked about. Without looking away from Eleonora and the man asked with a little confusion.
"What are you doing?"
However, before Shea could answer, Eleonora felt something.
"Huh? What's that?"
Eleonora and the girls looked up in a panic. Sure enough, the voice was from up and they could saw a small shadow falling onto them. The shadow fell at free fall, her hands spread wide and a smile across her whole f ace.
It was Myuu; she was sky diving. Without a parachute. She was on wyvern's back, a grey wyvern who came towards them, and she jumped off. Kaori could be seen panicking.
As soon as Eleonora recognized the falling shadow as Myuu, she used [Flight] immediately to catch Myuu.
Eleonora jumped and made her body float or flying by using [Flight] quickly then used [Enhancement] to accelerated her senses to match her speed to Myuu's. Grasping her in her arm, she regulated her speed, completely reducing the impact.
Myuu hugged her tightly as she returned to the ground with [Flight]. Secretly, she was worried inwardly seeing how the girl that was younger than her doing something dangerous like that and made them worried also screaming in panic.
Not knowing what he was feeling inside, Myuu smiled with all her face as she rubbed it against Eleonora's c.h.e.s.t. Perhaps Kaori had mentioned they were in the vicinity, which led to her jumping off.
'Good grief… she was reckless like Hajime-san… at least have something to ensure her safety…'
What was she thought, but she can't say that and simply drew her quietly to her c.h.e.s.t as she headed to the ground, thinking of how she would scold her when they got there.
"Hig, Gusu, Hii."
Near the pier which was in pieces, the sobbing of a young girl could be heard. Though surrounded by bystanders and soldiers, there was not another sound.
The girl was the Sea Clan girl who had fallen from the heavens, and she was surrounded by the boy who jumped up to catch her, the black wyvern who had carried her, and the girl who was riding with her. The woman had gently scolded her.
Planeptune's Basilicom
Neptune, Kurumi, and Ais who already completing the dimensional traveling machine currently had happy expression showed on their faces. The materials they got from Nagumo Hajime is certainly useful, even Nepgear happily create the mini-version of the dimensional traveling machine according to her big sister's request so that everyone can use it, but the big machine still functioned as the core or the source of the mini-version.
It also act as back-up in case if the mini-version or the bracelet-version is unstable and not working properly. Although the machine still uses Share Energy of all CPUs from the four landmasses, it still has many flaws, that's why they needs to find someone who can use dimensional traveling spell and they must at least good at it.
Neptune said with cheerful tone as she high-fives Kurumi and Ais. Kurumi just nods and smiling politely as she also giggling at Neptune's behavior. Ais flashed small smile on her face and returns the high five to Neptune; Histoire and Nepgear just smiles at them.
"Congratulation, Onee-chan! It's really fun to completing it. I guess this is the superior version than the ones we always uses to travel to different realities?"
"You're right, Nep.Jr! This awesome machine we built is very gooooood! With this, and maybe the bracelet version that we may create, I can visit a lot of another worlds! I want to see anything interesting that was offered by another world!"
"But that doesn't mean allowing you to slack off, Neptune."
Histoire said with stern face and with her hands on her waist. Neptune shocked by that and trying to came up with a reason to deceive Histoire.
"B-But Histy, I'm not slacking! Yeah, this is just for me to gain the knowledge of another world and put it in good use for the sake of Planeptune! Observing directly is perfect method for me! Totally not slacking, nepu! Honest!"
Although some of Neptune's words hold the truth, but it's only half, if not quarter of it. Histoire herself isn't that heartless to let someone like Neptune suffers with many works, that's why she sometimes has soft side when dealing with the pink-haired CPU; she consider Neptune as one of her child after all.
Seeing this, Kurumi decided to interfere and calm them.
"There is nothing to be worried about, Histoire-san. We would like to help Neptune-san in some of her works. Of course not all her works will be handled by us only, since she's basically the leader of this land, she also has to contributing and do her job."
Histoire cracked a smile on her lips when heard that, she sighing in relief and made Neptune's jaw dropped as she waves her hands trying to convince Kurumi to not doing that to her but the black-haired elegant girl just shows her a smile that has meaning she will still do it; knowing that, Neptune looked down and doing orz posture as she kneeling in hopelessness.
Neptune just crying as she feel cannot do anything to prevent that and Kurumi made it worse.
"Thank you very much, Tokisaki-san. I am a bit relieved when you said that and I hope Neptune won't slacking off anymore if you doing that to her."
"Fufufu. Pay no mind as I willingly to help one of my friend and if what I do make her better, then I'd do it without any hesitation. Right, Ais-san?"
Ais nods her heads in agreement with Kurumi.
"Uhum. Nep-nep, I'm going to help you, don't worry. I may not know about paperworks, but I'm willing to learn about it."
Neptune who saw and hear that from Ais just crying in joy and immediately hug the golden-haired young girl and sobbing in joy. Ais just patted Neptune's head and smiled at her while Histoire just sighing and rubs her forehead seeing the overdramatic Neptune done it again.
"Aisuuuuuuu! You are my good friend! You are my besty than Nowaru! From today, you are my new besty!"
"Neptune, don't trying to ignore me and bothering Wallenstein-san for you. She is your guest, so is Tokisaki-san, so you shouldn't do that, even if they are your friends."
"But Histyyyyyyyy….!"
"Alright, alright. You can have fun when you are really done with your works. For now, let's get to work and prepare our new project. What is that, Nepgear, a bracelet version of this machine?"
Nepgear nods her head at Histoire word with enthusiasm.
"Yes, Historie-san! I'm excited to make that too and help everyone to travel dimension or another world easily. For now, maybe we have to make the design and blueprint, after that the energy problem that should be solved. Using Share Energy is ineffective and inefficient since it would weaken the four landmasses, so I suggest we should find the replacement for it; immediately if possible."
Histoire nodded at Nepgear with serious face.
"Good, then we should call the others CPU for that. They may can help us in this matter."
"I understand, Histoire-san!"
"Come on, Neptune. We have work to do."
Hearing Histoire, Neptune reluctantly nods her head and drag her legs to get back to work, accompanied by Kurumi and Ais who following behind her and trying to cheer and comfort the pink-haired girl so that she at least have the motivation to do it.
"Gusu, Onee-chan, I'm showwy..."
"Don't do anything that dangerous again, promise?"
"Yesh, I promise."
"Good, then that's fine. Come on now."
Having finally been persuaded that she had reflected, she allowed Myuu to jump into her c.h.e.s.t… Myuu felt comfortable when buried her face onto Eleonora's c.h.e.s.t even though both just meet with each other and didn't feel any discomfort coming from the young bluish-haired girl.
Everyone who saw their interaction now just feels the wholesomeness from them, especially it was coming from a beautiful and stunning woman with cute and adorable little girl. Any suspiciousness that they had earlier seemed disappeared slowly and their health also mind feel healed by the sight they witness right now.
Eleonora lifted Myuu in her arms and patted her back to stop her crying. At last, the surroundings grew noisy. The noise was full of confusion as they watched Eleonora hold Myuu who clung to her...
She turned around to see Kaori trembling a little.
"Thank goodness... really~!"
This time, Kaori began crying. Even if she behaved courageously, she was still uneasy. Though she believed Eleonora was alive, she was worried. They were finally able to meet again, she did not want hr to disappear.
This is really troubling Kaori's feeling since both basically just meet and know each other, unlike when she with Hajime. Kaori didn't realize it herself, but she slowly care and held a special feeling towards Eleonora as she worried about her.
"Sorry for worrying you, Kaori-san. The dungeon really hard, even for me who is can be considered amateur. But luckily, we able to pass that and made it out alive. So please Kaori-san, don't cry like that."
"Uu, Hig, th, then, just a little..."
Eleonora's hand moved from Kaori's shoulder to her head as she pat her. She buried her face into her shoulder to hide her face and tightly held Eleonora. Eleonora just smiled when seeing the reaction that given by Kaori.
"Um, excuse me, you there—gha!"
"—Ops, sorry."
The man who was was thrown aside as Yue accidentally made him fallen into the sea. He was soaked from head to toe and tried to complain to Yue, unable to read the air; however, before anyone realized it, Yue, Shea, and Shizuku had approached and hugged the others from each side of Kaori while Tio bury Eleonora's face into her cleavage as she smiled seductively.
Yue and Shea throw a jealous glare at Tio who doing that and cannot do the same since that place already occupied, leaving Kaori who trying her best to not shows any jealously on her face, since Eleonora give her a pat on the head and buried her face into Eleonora's shoulder. And Shizuku who remain calm despite she's jealous of it.
Eleonora was being held by a cute girl, a beautiful woman, and many beautiful girls in public.
Everyone who was confused gradually looked at them warmly. The Human soldiers lowered their weapons in confusion. They didn't feel any jealously and could just thinking it's made a sense for someone so beautiful like Eleonora would surrounded by a cute girl, a beautiful woman, and many beautiful girls like that.
They just confused as they can saw a white-haired young man who floating and realizing that, Eleonora then wake the unconscious Hajime since the wound of him seemed fully healed. Eleonora then snaps her finger and Hajime immediately awake and groan, his muscle feels sore and trying his best to awake; Kaori who noticed that her crush awake then immediately let her face off of Eleonora's shoulder or things with Hajime won't go well.
'What have I done… I just cheated on Eleonora-san while Hajime-kun is there. I am really sinful.'
Kaori thought of that with both her palm on her cheeks. She feel so low and guilty when have that kind of thought, moreover she also feel the comfortableness when held Eleonora and buried her face into the young bluish-haired girl shoulder.
But Eleonora noticed this and snaps her fingers again and made the young white-haired man unconscious again and decided to hide him to her [Inventory]. Kaori who sees it then sighed in relief and miraculously only her and Eleonora who noticed that; Yue, Shea, Tio, Myuu, Shizuku and the rest of people didn't noticed it.
As the atmosphere around Eleonora and the girls feel calmer, the commander then coughing and gain their attention towards him and say something to them.
"I'm sorry for bothering you, but can we have a talk about this? Of course I don't have any slightest intention to harm or poses a threat to you, but since one of your comrade accidentally do that—I don't think I can overlook that."
"That's troubling but I understand that. I know you still want to hear a lot of thing… but for the time being, I'd like to bring this child to her mother. Will that be fine?"
"Of course, we also busy too and I can understand that."
"I'll tell you when I have time. I'll be staying in Erisen for a bit. Is that okay with you? Our group still tired from our earlier journey and we somehow ended up in there rather than Ankaji."
"Muu, fine. Anyway, we'll talk if there is a chance. As for this child's mother... does she understand her mother's state?"
"No, we don't know anything. We have the best Healer here, though."
"I see. I understand, then let us talk anew. My name is Salze, pleased to meet you and sorry for bothering you with this."
"No, no. It's okay. You can call me Eleonora. I understand that, Salze-san. It's for the city safety and its people after all."
The man introduced himself of Salze, he had relieved smile as he found someone who knew the reason behind his action. The onlookers were quickly dispersed. He was quite faithful to his duties and that's nothing wrong but it will be wrong if things gone too far.
Though the people who knew Myuu called out, they would not reach her mother quickly enough if they stopped to talk, so Eleonora controlled them with her gaze to make them calmer or situation would go worse if she didn't.
She just sigh in relief when did that.
"Onee-chan, Onee-chan, let's go home. Mama is waiting! I want to meet Mama."
"That's right... let's hurry, then."
"Hurry, hurry!"
Myuu said as she pulled at Eleonora's hand. It had been 2 months she was last home, it could not be helped. Though she was always smiling on their journey, she called for her mother when she slept. She was especially spoiled at these times.
Kaori had an uneasy face as they approached Myuu's house. She then whispering into Eleonora's ears.
"Eleonora-san, that soldier a while ago…"
"I don't think that related to her health. Her problem may not physically but rather mental one… Assuming if I'm right, then she would likely to be fine if she sees Myuu-chan. But still, just in case if I'm wrong, you can go check her injuries, Kaori-san."
Kaori nods her head seriously.
"Yeah, leave it to me."
They heard a commotion as they walked along the street. The voice of a young woman and several others could be heard.
"Remia, calm down! You can't walk now!"
"That's right! They're bringing Myuu-chan here!"
"No! Myuu's come back!? I need to go! I need to see her!"
Apparently, the woman was trying to rush out of her house, only to be held back by many others. They must have told her Myuu had returned.
When the desperate voice of the woman, Remia, was heard, Myuu's face lit up. She ran out to the woman who looked to be in her mid 20s, calling out as loud as she could.
"!? Myuu!? Myuu!"
Myuu ran and jumped into Remia's c.h.e.s.t. She collapsed, her entire face smiling.
The mother and daughter embraced each other closely. The surrounding people looked at them warmly.
Remia apologized to Myuu again and again. She did not want to take her eyes off her daughter.
While Remia cried tears of relief, Myuu looked at her anxiously and pat her head.
"I'm fine. Mama, Myuu is here. I'm fine."
Remia's eyes opened wide, seeing her 4 year old daughter comfort her. She stared at Myuu, tears still blotting her vision.
Myuu looked straight at Remia, full of anxiety.
Even though she was a crybaby who could not stand to be alone more than others, even though she had a far more painful time than Remia, Myuu was worrying about her mother.
Remia looked at Myuu in surprise. Myuu smiled as Remia embraced her more closely.
Remia had spent every night awake, and her body was covered in wounds from the attack; she was suffering every day. Her daughter had now returned to her, grown up beyond her imagination.
Remia smiled bitterly a little. Her tears stopped as she simply looked at her daughter affectionately.
Though Myuu and Remia hugged each other tightly again, Myuu suddenly screamed.
"Mama! What's wrong! You're hurt!? Does it hurt!?"
She noticed the state of Remia's shoulder and feet. Both her feet were wrapped in bandages; she was in a miserable state.
This had been what Salze meant. Eleonora heard Remia had been injured and could no longer walk. That was one of the reasons why the sea men were agitated.
Though it was said that Myuu was originally a lost child because she had separated from Remia and there were no other eyewitnesses.
However, they were convinced it was a kidnapping since Remia herself met with a criminal.
Remia had gone looking for Myuu who was lost when she found a suspicious man along the coast erasing his footprints. Though she had a bad feeling, she approached to ask if he saw her daughter... and he began chanting suddenly.
Remia was convinced he had kidnapped Myuu and attacked in desperation, calling Myuu's name repeatedly while trying to get her back. However, she did not have the abilit to fight, so she could not chase after them for long. Finally, a fireball directly hit her feet and blew away the sea.
Remia fainted in pain from the impact and was helped by the guard who eventually came to search for her.
Though she had survived, time had passed, and the nerves in her feet were heavily injured. She could not walk or swim like she had until now. Though Remia wanted to go look for her daughter, she could do nothing as she was. She could only leave it to the Kingdom and the local guard.
Even now, Remia could not stand on her own.
Remia smiled to relieve Myuu of her anxieties. She wanted to say,
"I'm fine—"
But, before she could, Myuu called out for "Onee-chan," the one she could rely most on in this world.
"Onee-chan! Help Mama! Mama's feet hurt!"
"Eh!? M-Myuu? Just now, what did..."
"Onee-chan! Hurry!"
"Eh? Ehh? So you did say Onee-chan? Myuu, who is Onee-chan?"
A large "?" appeared over Remia's head. She confused at who she refers "Onee-chan" but quite understand when her eyes meet with a group of young girl and woman who behind's Myuu right now. Remia who is a widow and still young in her mid-20s, and, though she was quite emaciated now, she had beautiful features like Myuu. If she recovered, she would surely be a popular, beautiful woman.
She blushed slightly when her eyes meet with Eleonora's eyes too and sees her beautiful face.
"Nice to meet you, Myuu-chan's mother, please kindly allow me to treat you and Myuu-chan, don't cry—we'll look after her properly."
Eleonora pat Myuu's head as she looked back with a tearful gaze.
She then looked at Remia. Remia looked at Eleonora with a stunned expression and blush still on her cheeks.
The surroundings grew more noisy seeing Eleonora, they enthralled by the charm of her. For now, they decided to retreat to her house.
"Eh, treat me? What are you talking about?"
"Do not worry, it will not hurt and please bear with it for a moment."
"Eh? Eh!? Ehh?"
Eleonora held her up as if she were weightless in a princess cradle and followed Myuu as she walked into Remia's house. Though many started screaming behind her, she ignored this. Remia was confused, having been picked up so suddenly yet she feel somewhat comfortable being carried like this as without she realizes it that she wrapped her arms on Eleonora's neck tightly and enjoyed this.
With Yue who was still hugging her, along with everyone as Eleonora still maintained the flying spell on them, Shea who has sharp eyes since she was born with it because of her race, noticed something in this vast sea that's nothing around.
"Ah, Eleonora-san! Look! It's a town! There are people there!"
"Hm? Ohh, it really is in the center of the sea."
Shea pointed at Erisen with sparkles in her eyes. Sure enough, there was a large city floating on the sea.
Eleonora headed toward the piers and was stared at by the sightseers and sea people who had never seen someone like her, they are enthralled by the charm she raided. She moored in a vacant spot.
Soon enough, the group of sea people could see Eleonora and her comrade from closer as they are right now inside the town; they also could see white-haired young man who passed out and right now floating while the girls already landing safely on the vacan spot that Eleonora took.
"Um… sorry for intruding, but has any of you know about Myuu-chan? If so, then please tell them what happened since if I want to explain all of it, that would took a long time and Myuu-chan's probably want to have reunion with her daddy too."
Eleonora nods her head as she pointed at the passed out Hajime that currently floating. The man who watched it just sweatdropped since it is a weird sigh to see and it's kind of embarrassing, but the young man slightly nodded and headed on ahead since he was a part of the defense forces.
However, things were not so simple. Although Eleonora politely ask that, they are surrounded by three soldiers.
"Sorry for the inconvenience, but until the truth is cleared up, you will go with us so allows us to restrain you for the time being."
Yue who heard that frowned.
"Didn't you hear the story from us…?"
"Of course. We just need to have our men go to confirm its truth. There is no need for you to go."
Tio, who remain calm and collected then spoke to them.
"Please, can you let it slide for now? Our companion are waiting for us. If it's just your men, won't they misunderstand things and attack first?"
"Whether this is a misunderstanding or not... whether our child is in Ankaji or not, you are an unidentified group who appeared within Erisen's jurisdiction. Won't you just run away?"
Hearing this, Yue spoke again to the young man.
"Why would we? It's not like we do anything wrong and if we wanted to run away, we would have just run away after annihilating them."
But the young man didn't react at that and just continued.
"That's true, but it does not change the fact that you have entered our territory without permission. You would be considered as trespasser because of that."
"We do not choose where we landing because at that time we decided it quickly. Isn't that right, Eleonora?"
They were in Myuu's home town, and one of the Great Labyrinths, Undersea Ruins Merjinne was nearby. They did not know the exact location, so they did not want to cause any trouble.
If Myuu was here, they could clear the doubts immediately, but since she was in Ankaji, it would take time. Even so, it was an unfair situation they was put into, so Eleonora tried her best to released the hostilities coming from Yue and Tio.
"Sorry… but can you—"
As the man about to continue what he spoke, Shea's rabbit ears shook as she looked about. Without looking away from Eleonora and the man asked with a little confusion.
"What are you doing?"
However, before Shea could answer, Eleonora felt something.
"Huh? What's that?"
Eleonora and the girls looked up in a panic. Sure enough, the voice was from up and they could saw a small shadow falling onto them. The shadow fell at free fall, her hands spread wide and a smile across her whole f ace.
It was Myuu; she was sky diving. Without a parachute. She was on wyvern's back, a grey wyvern who came towards them, and she jumped off. Kaori could be seen panicking.
As soon as Eleonora recognized the falling shadow as Myuu, she used [Flight] immediately to catch Myuu.
Eleonora jumped and made her body float or flying by using [Flight] quickly then used [Enhancement] to accelerated her senses to match her speed to Myuu's. Grasping her in her arm, she regulated her speed, completely reducing the impact.
Myuu hugged her tightly as she returned to the ground with [Flight]. Secretly, she was worried inwardly seeing how the girl that was younger than her doing something dangerous like that and made them worried also screaming in panic.
Not knowing what he was feeling inside, Myuu smiled with all her face as she rubbed it against Eleonora's c.h.e.s.t. Perhaps Kaori had mentioned they were in the vicinity, which led to her jumping off.
'Good grief… she was reckless like Hajime-san… at least have something to ensure her safety…'
What was she thought, but she can't say that and simply drew her quietly to her c.h.e.s.t as she headed to the ground, thinking of how she would scold her when they got there.
"Hig, Gusu, Hii."
Near the pier which was in pieces, the sobbing of a young girl could be heard. Though surrounded by bystanders and soldiers, there was not another sound.
The girl was the Sea Clan girl who had fallen from the heavens, and she was surrounded by the boy who jumped up to catch her, the black wyvern who had carried her, and the girl who was riding with her. The woman had gently scolded her.
Planeptune's Basilicom
Neptune, Kurumi, and Ais who already completing the dimensional traveling machine currently had happy expression showed on their faces. The materials they got from Nagumo Hajime is certainly useful, even Nepgear happily create the mini-version of the dimensional traveling machine according to her big sister's request so that everyone can use it, but the big machine still functioned as the core or the source of the mini-version.
It also act as back-up in case if the mini-version or the bracelet-version is unstable and not working properly. Although the machine still uses Share Energy of all CPUs from the four landmasses, it still has many flaws, that's why they needs to find someone who can use dimensional traveling spell and they must at least good at it.
Neptune said with cheerful tone as she high-fives Kurumi and Ais. Kurumi just nods and smiling politely as she also giggling at Neptune's behavior. Ais flashed small smile on her face and returns the high five to Neptune; Histoire and Nepgear just smiles at them.
"Congratulation, Onee-chan! It's really fun to completing it. I guess this is the superior version than the ones we always uses to travel to different realities?"
"You're right, Nep.Jr! This awesome machine we built is very gooooood! With this, and maybe the bracelet version that we may create, I can visit a lot of another worlds! I want to see anything interesting that was offered by another world!"
"But that doesn't mean allowing you to slack off, Neptune."
Histoire said with stern face and with her hands on her waist. Neptune shocked by that and trying to came up with a reason to deceive Histoire.
"B-But Histy, I'm not slacking! Yeah, this is just for me to gain the knowledge of another world and put it in good use for the sake of Planeptune! Observing directly is perfect method for me! Totally not slacking, nepu! Honest!"
Although some of Neptune's words hold the truth, but it's only half, if not quarter of it. Histoire herself isn't that heartless to let someone like Neptune suffers with many works, that's why she sometimes has soft side when dealing with the pink-haired CPU; she consider Neptune as one of her child after all.
Seeing this, Kurumi decided to interfere and calm them.
"There is nothing to be worried about, Histoire-san. We would like to help Neptune-san in some of her works. Of course not all her works will be handled by us only, since she's basically the leader of this land, she also has to contributing and do her job."
Histoire cracked a smile on her lips when heard that, she sighing in relief and made Neptune's jaw dropped as she waves her hands trying to convince Kurumi to not doing that to her but the black-haired elegant girl just shows her a smile that has meaning she will still do it; knowing that, Neptune looked down and doing orz posture as she kneeling in hopelessness.
Neptune just crying as she feel cannot do anything to prevent that and Kurumi made it worse.
"Thank you very much, Tokisaki-san. I am a bit relieved when you said that and I hope Neptune won't slacking off anymore if you doing that to her."
"Fufufu. Pay no mind as I willingly to help one of my friend and if what I do make her better, then I'd do it without any hesitation. Right, Ais-san?"
Ais nods her heads in agreement with Kurumi.
"Uhum. Nep-nep, I'm going to help you, don't worry. I may not know about paperworks, but I'm willing to learn about it."
Neptune who saw and hear that from Ais just crying in joy and immediately hug the golden-haired young girl and sobbing in joy. Ais just patted Neptune's head and smiled at her while Histoire just sighing and rubs her forehead seeing the overdramatic Neptune done it again.
"Aisuuuuuuu! You are my good friend! You are my besty than Nowaru! From today, you are my new besty!"
"Neptune, don't trying to ignore me and bothering Wallenstein-san for you. She is your guest, so is Tokisaki-san, so you shouldn't do that, even if they are your friends."
"But Histyyyyyyyy….!"
"Alright, alright. You can have fun when you are really done with your works. For now, let's get to work and prepare our new project. What is that, Nepgear, a bracelet version of this machine?"
Nepgear nods her head at Histoire word with enthusiasm.
"Yes, Historie-san! I'm excited to make that too and help everyone to travel dimension or another world easily. For now, maybe we have to make the design and blueprint, after that the energy problem that should be solved. Using Share Energy is ineffective and inefficient since it would weaken the four landmasses, so I suggest we should find the replacement for it; immediately if possible."
Histoire nodded at Nepgear with serious face.
"Good, then we should call the others CPU for that. They may can help us in this matter."
"I understand, Histoire-san!"
"Come on, Neptune. We have work to do."
Hearing Histoire, Neptune reluctantly nods her head and drag her legs to get back to work, accompanied by Kurumi and Ais who following behind her and trying to cheer and comfort the pink-haired girl so that she at least have the motivation to do it.
"Gusu, Onee-chan, I'm showwy..."
"Don't do anything that dangerous again, promise?"
"Yesh, I promise."
"Good, then that's fine. Come on now."
Having finally been persuaded that she had reflected, she allowed Myuu to jump into her c.h.e.s.t… Myuu felt comfortable when buried her face onto Eleonora's c.h.e.s.t even though both just meet with each other and didn't feel any discomfort coming from the young bluish-haired girl.
Everyone who saw their interaction now just feels the wholesomeness from them, especially it was coming from a beautiful and stunning woman with cute and adorable little girl. Any suspiciousness that they had earlier seemed disappeared slowly and their health also mind feel healed by the sight they witness right now.
Eleonora lifted Myuu in her arms and patted her back to stop her crying. At last, the surroundings grew noisy. The noise was full of confusion as they watched Eleonora hold Myuu who clung to her...
She turned around to see Kaori trembling a little.
"Thank goodness... really~!"
This time, Kaori began crying. Even if she behaved courageously, she was still uneasy. Though she believed Eleonora was alive, she was worried. They were finally able to meet again, she did not want hr to disappear.
This is really troubling Kaori's feeling since both basically just meet and know each other, unlike when she with Hajime. Kaori didn't realize it herself, but she slowly care and held a special feeling towards Eleonora as she worried about her.
"Sorry for worrying you, Kaori-san. The dungeon really hard, even for me who is can be considered amateur. But luckily, we able to pass that and made it out alive. So please Kaori-san, don't cry like that."
"Uu, Hig, th, then, just a little..."
Eleonora's hand moved from Kaori's shoulder to her head as she pat her. She buried her face into her shoulder to hide her face and tightly held Eleonora. Eleonora just smiled when seeing the reaction that given by Kaori.
"Um, excuse me, you there—gha!"
"—Ops, sorry."
The man who was was thrown aside as Yue accidentally made him fallen into the sea. He was soaked from head to toe and tried to complain to Yue, unable to read the air; however, before anyone realized it, Yue, Shea, and Shizuku had approached and hugged the others from each side of Kaori while Tio bury Eleonora's face into her cleavage as she smiled seductively.
Yue and Shea throw a jealous glare at Tio who doing that and cannot do the same since that place already occupied, leaving Kaori who trying her best to not shows any jealously on her face, since Eleonora give her a pat on the head and buried her face into Eleonora's shoulder. And Shizuku who remain calm despite she's jealous of it.
Eleonora was being held by a cute girl, a beautiful woman, and many beautiful girls in public.
Everyone who was confused gradually looked at them warmly. The Human soldiers lowered their weapons in confusion. They didn't feel any jealously and could just thinking it's made a sense for someone so beautiful like Eleonora would surrounded by a cute girl, a beautiful woman, and many beautiful girls like that.
They just confused as they can saw a white-haired young man who floating and realizing that, Eleonora then wake the unconscious Hajime since the wound of him seemed fully healed. Eleonora then snaps her finger and Hajime immediately awake and groan, his muscle feels sore and trying his best to awake; Kaori who noticed that her crush awake then immediately let her face off of Eleonora's shoulder or things with Hajime won't go well.
'What have I done… I just cheated on Eleonora-san while Hajime-kun is there. I am really sinful.'
Kaori thought of that with both her palm on her cheeks. She feel so low and guilty when have that kind of thought, moreover she also feel the comfortableness when held Eleonora and buried her face into the young bluish-haired girl shoulder.
But Eleonora noticed this and snaps her fingers again and made the young white-haired man unconscious again and decided to hide him to her [Inventory]. Kaori who sees it then sighed in relief and miraculously only her and Eleonora who noticed that; Yue, Shea, Tio, Myuu, Shizuku and the rest of people didn't noticed it.
As the atmosphere around Eleonora and the girls feel calmer, the commander then coughing and gain their attention towards him and say something to them.
"I'm sorry for bothering you, but can we have a talk about this? Of course I don't have any slightest intention to harm or poses a threat to you, but since one of your comrade accidentally do that—I don't think I can overlook that."
"That's troubling but I understand that. I know you still want to hear a lot of thing… but for the time being, I'd like to bring this child to her mother. Will that be fine?"
"Of course, we also busy too and I can understand that."
"I'll tell you when I have time. I'll be staying in Erisen for a bit. Is that okay with you? Our group still tired from our earlier journey and we somehow ended up in there rather than Ankaji."
"Muu, fine. Anyway, we'll talk if there is a chance. As for this child's mother... does she understand her mother's state?"
"No, we don't know anything. We have the best Healer here, though."
"I see. I understand, then let us talk anew. My name is Salze, pleased to meet you and sorry for bothering you with this."
"No, no. It's okay. You can call me Eleonora. I understand that, Salze-san. It's for the city safety and its people after all."
The man introduced himself of Salze, he had relieved smile as he found someone who knew the reason behind his action. The onlookers were quickly dispersed. He was quite faithful to his duties and that's nothing wrong but it will be wrong if things gone too far.
Though the people who knew Myuu called out, they would not reach her mother quickly enough if they stopped to talk, so Eleonora controlled them with her gaze to make them calmer or situation would go worse if she didn't.
She just sigh in relief when did that.
"Onee-chan, Onee-chan, let's go home. Mama is waiting! I want to meet Mama."
"That's right... let's hurry, then."
"Hurry, hurry!"
Myuu said as she pulled at Eleonora's hand. It had been 2 months she was last home, it could not be helped. Though she was always smiling on their journey, she called for her mother when she slept. She was especially spoiled at these times.
Kaori had an uneasy face as they approached Myuu's house. She then whispering into Eleonora's ears.
"Eleonora-san, that soldier a while ago…"
"I don't think that related to her health. Her problem may not physically but rather mental one… Assuming if I'm right, then she would likely to be fine if she sees Myuu-chan. But still, just in case if I'm wrong, you can go check her injuries, Kaori-san."
Kaori nods her head seriously.
"Yeah, leave it to me."
They heard a commotion as they walked along the street. The voice of a young woman and several others could be heard.
"Remia, calm down! You can't walk now!"
"That's right! They're bringing Myuu-chan here!"
"No! Myuu's come back!? I need to go! I need to see her!"
Apparently, the woman was trying to rush out of her house, only to be held back by many others. They must have told her Myuu had returned.
When the desperate voice of the woman, Remia, was heard, Myuu's face lit up. She ran out to the woman who looked to be in her mid 20s, calling out as loud as she could.
"!? Myuu!? Myuu!"
Myuu ran and jumped into Remia's c.h.e.s.t. She collapsed, her entire face smiling.
The mother and daughter embraced each other closely. The surrounding people looked at them warmly.
Remia apologized to Myuu again and again. She did not want to take her eyes off her daughter.
While Remia cried tears of relief, Myuu looked at her anxiously and pat her head.
"I'm fine. Mama, Myuu is here. I'm fine."
Remia's eyes opened wide, seeing her 4 year old daughter comfort her. She stared at Myuu, tears still blotting her vision.
Myuu looked straight at Remia, full of anxiety.
Even though she was a crybaby who could not stand to be alone more than others, even though she had a far more painful time than Remia, Myuu was worrying about her mother.
Remia looked at Myuu in surprise. Myuu smiled as Remia embraced her more closely.
Remia had spent every night awake, and her body was covered in wounds from the attack; she was suffering every day. Her daughter had now returned to her, grown up beyond her imagination.
Remia smiled bitterly a little. Her tears stopped as she simply looked at her daughter affectionately.
Though Myuu and Remia hugged each other tightly again, Myuu suddenly screamed.
"Mama! What's wrong! You're hurt!? Does it hurt!?"
She noticed the state of Remia's shoulder and feet. Both her feet were wrapped in bandages; she was in a miserable state.
This had been what Salze meant. Eleonora heard Remia had been injured and could no longer walk. That was one of the reasons why the sea men were agitated.
Though it was said that Myuu was originally a lost child because she had separated from Remia and there were no other eyewitnesses.
However, they were convinced it was a kidnapping since Remia herself met with a criminal.
Remia had gone looking for Myuu who was lost when she found a suspicious man along the coast erasing his footprints. Though she had a bad feeling, she approached to ask if he saw her daughter... and he began chanting suddenly.
Remia was convinced he had kidnapped Myuu and attacked in desperation, calling Myuu's name repeatedly while trying to get her back. However, she did not have the abilit to fight, so she could not chase after them for long. Finally, a fireball directly hit her feet and blew away the sea.
Remia fainted in pain from the impact and was helped by the guard who eventually came to search for her.
Though she had survived, time had passed, and the nerves in her feet were heavily injured. She could not walk or swim like she had until now. Though Remia wanted to go look for her daughter, she could do nothing as she was. She could only leave it to the Kingdom and the local guard.
Even now, Remia could not stand on her own.
Remia smiled to relieve Myuu of her anxieties. She wanted to say,
"I'm fine—"
But, before she could, Myuu called out for "Onee-chan," the one she could rely most on in this world.
"Onee-chan! Help Mama! Mama's feet hurt!"
"Eh!? M-Myuu? Just now, what did..."
"Onee-chan! Hurry!"
"Eh? Ehh? So you did say Onee-chan? Myuu, who is Onee-chan?"
A large "?" appeared over Remia's head. She confused at who she refers "Onee-chan" but quite understand when her eyes meet with a group of young girl and woman who behind's Myuu right now. Remia who is a widow and still young in her mid-20s, and, though she was quite emaciated now, she had beautiful features like Myuu. If she recovered, she would surely be a popular, beautiful woman.
She blushed slightly when her eyes meet with Eleonora's eyes too and sees her beautiful face.
"Nice to meet you, Myuu-chan's mother, please kindly allow me to treat you and Myuu-chan, don't cry—we'll look after her properly."
Eleonora pat Myuu's head as she looked back with a tearful gaze.
She then looked at Remia. Remia looked at Eleonora with a stunned expression and blush still on her cheeks.
The surroundings grew more noisy seeing Eleonora, they enthralled by the charm of her. For now, they decided to retreat to her house.
"Eh, treat me? What are you talking about?"
"Do not worry, it will not hurt and please bear with it for a moment."
"Eh? Eh!? Ehh?"
Eleonora held her up as if she were weightless in a princess cradle and followed Myuu as she walked into Remia's house. Though many started screaming behind her, she ignored this. Remia was confused, having been picked up so suddenly yet she feel somewhat comfortable being carried like this as without she realizes it that she wrapped her arms on Eleonora's neck tightly and enjoyed this.
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