Fierce Ex-wife: President, Please Be Careful

Chapter 228: Abnormal protrusion (1)

Su Ruixin listened to Zhao Youlin relieved, and was overjoyed at the moment, and quickly got into the car, for fear that Zhao Youlin would regret it. (((Cartino Novel Network

The driver of Mu's family was taken aback when seeing the hostess getting into a strange car, and then directly followed Zhao Youlin's car.

Fortunately, there were a lot of cars on the road at this time, and the Mu's car followed far away, but it would not be discovered, which made Su Ruixin a little relieved.

Su Ruixin, who was relieved, finally had the opportunity to talk to Zhao Yulin, and explained hurriedly: "Well, about the woman next to Ting Feng..."

When Zhao Yulin heard Su Ruixin's voice, she turned her head and gave her a puzzled look. What happened to that woman? Is it really as I expected, what happened to the child in my stomach?

"Um... that's actually not the woman Ting Feng is outside, but..." Su Ruixin said with some difficulty, "It's my sister's daughter, Ting Feng's... cousin."

Su Ruixin took the initiative to explain this to Zhao Yulin, and she might not be suspected of speaking for her son.

She listened to the secretary next to her son. Not long ago, her stupid son said in front of everyone that he was going to remarry the girl, but the girls ignored him.

After that, no matter how her son showed her favor to the girl, the girl was so calm that it was not salty, not salty, and anxious to the group of people around her son.

I heard that not long ago, her former daughter-in-law was still in front of her son, telling him that if he didn't finish dealing with the little ones he was outside, Ama and Agou shouldn't bother her.

So, after all, what the former daughter-in-law cares most about is the son's fake cheating.

Although it is rare to see her son deflated, it is interesting, but since the son is really moved and wants to chase people back, she can't help but be a mother, isn't she?

As Su Ruixin expected, Zhao Yulin's eyes suddenly tightened when she heard the words, and she stared at Su Ruixin who said amazing words in disbelief.

It turned out that Su Qing turned out to be Mu Tingfeng's cousin?

Su Ruixin looked at Zhao Yulin’s stunned look, and somehow she suddenly felt a little guilty, but she still had to say: "Xiao Qing is Ting Feng’s cousin, and she is already married. The child in her belly is not Ting Feng’s, but her husband’s. The reason why you are so close to Ting Feng is just... don’t think too much."

Zhao Youlin couldn't help but stretched out her hand and rubbed her aching head, looking at Su Ruixin's sincere eyes, Zhao Youlin couldn't see a trace of joking.

So, the woman with a big belly is really just Mu Tingfeng's cousin, not the mistress of someone else's family?

This is such a big joke! So what I did before, satirized Mu Tingfeng during the divorce, and the two people who met during the birth check in the hospital. What they did at the time were all confusing themselves?

It's just to see how you get furious because of them, how can you be heartbroken because of them? Then two people hide behind their backs and watch their jokes?

It's a pity that I am no longer the silly woman who would live and die for him. I didn't achieve the expected effect. Those two people should be disappointed?

Zhao Yulin couldn’t tell whether she was surprised or disappointed, she just raised her head and smiled coldly: "Thinking more? What do I think? Mu Tingfeng deliberately asked her cousin to cooperate with him in this scene, not just to make me more Do you think? If that's the case, now I'm going to explain what to do? I don't hesitate to ruin my reputation, but I have to draw a line with me. Now I suddenly change my attitude and turn around and pester me. Is it interesting?

Su Ruixin was speechless, looking at Zhao Yulin's aggressive and indifferent appearance, she secretly started to beat the drums, how... did she feel counterproductive?

It seems that my son did a little too much this time. What should I do now? If her former daughter-in-law couldn't get through this hurdle, wouldn't her son have to be a bachelor for a lifetime? !

Su Ruixin quietly lit a few candles for her son in the bottom of her heart, cleared her throat, and asked tentatively, "That...Yorim, you...Do you hate my family...Ting Feng?"

hate? Zhao Yulin laughed and wanted to tell Su Ruixin that she was not the original Zhao Yulin, and where did she hate Mu Tingfeng for not having love? But what happened to that little bit of loss in my heart?

When the two of them were silent, the car in which Zhao Yulin and others were sitting suddenly shook violently, which shocked the two sitting in the back seat.

"What's the matter?" Zhao Youlin pulled Su Ruixin quickly with eyes and hands, and she was able to stabilize her body and asked with frowning.

The uncle driver was also surprised by this sudden change. He glanced sideways at the rearview mirror, his face changed slightly: "Miss, there is a car behind... there is a car following us, and it looks like he wants to hit us. "

"It doesn't look like it, you definitely want to hit us, didn't you just hit us once?" Zhao Yulin's face was slightly dark, and she turned her head and glanced roughly at the car behind her.

It is a light yellow car. The car is very ordinary and looks a little old, but this is not the point. The point is that the four windows of this car are covered with black sandpaper, which makes people invisible. The face of the person inside is clear, and the license plate is tightly obscured.

In this way, if Zhao Yulin can't see that the other party is prepared, then she is really stunned by the bump just now.

"Does the dog jump the wall in a hurry?"

"What?" Su Ruixin hadn't seen such a situation for many years. She was stunned and suddenly heard Zhao Yulin mutter something, but she didn't hear it too clearly, so she couldn't help but ask.

"Nothing." Zhao Yulin's face was a little ugly, but at any rate she was calm and sober.

"Miss, what shall we do now?" This is the first time the driver uncle encountered this kind of thing. His face was white and terrifying, and he looked even more nervous than Zhao Youlin.

"Don't look back, drive forward, try to find a place where you can hide." Zhao Yulin immediately gave the order, then picked up the phone and dialed Xiao Jingyao's number directly.

Did not live up to Zhao Yulin's expectations, Xiao Jingyao quickly connected the phone: "General manager, what's the matter?"

"Uncle Xiao, I was followed, and the car is now following us. It should be trying to catch up with us and cause a traffic accident." Zhao Youlin tried her best to maintain a steady and clear tone.

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the phone, and suddenly there was a crackling sound, thinking that the owner of the phone got up too hastily and hit something.

"Where are you now? What does that car look like? Can you see the people inside? How many people are there? Do they carry..."

The last word, Xiao Jingyao, was really hard to say, but Zhao Yulin understood it, and her face became cold and stern in an instant.

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