Fierce Ex-wife: President, Please Be Careful

Chapter 536: Bouquet attribution (2)

No one thought that An Yue's bouquet would eventually fall into An Qi's hands, and Zhao Youlin's bouquet would be picked up by Xiaoli, who was Zhao Youlin's bridesmaid. (((Cartino Novel Network

"Sister!" An Yue called out happily, and rushed in the direction An Qi was holding the skirt.

An Qi still couldn't react. She didn't even think about going to grab the so-called bouquet, but Duan Yarong and several people saw her standing on the side, and pushed her over on the ground that there was no one grabbing the bouquet.

An Qi was pushed forward by them a few steps, before she could stand still, she raised her head, and the flower quickly flew into her arms, making her unable to avoid it.

"An Qi received the flowers? Hahaha, this relationship is good. Everyone says that the person who receives the bouquet at the wedding is basically the next bride. An Qi will receive An Yue's bouquet, presumably soon You can meet someone you like and get married just like An Yue." Duan Yarong looked at the bouquet of flowers in An Qi's arms and secretly smiled.

When Zhao Yulin heard the words, she hurriedly interjected: "Mom, what you said is wrong. Maybe An Qi already has someone she likes, but we don't know it."

Duan Yarong suddenly realized: "Yorim is right, right, An Qi should have a favorite person at her age now, even if she doesn't have one, she should hurry up to find someone. It's already autumn in this meeting, hurry up, maybe it was a year ago. I can have another double happiness."

Nie Yunfan, who was still talking to Han Yichen, was stunned when he heard Zhao Yulin's words, and cast his eyes on An Qi's body subconsciously.

The other side, who is also among the invited, has been sitting on the side watching the wedding silently, dreaming about when I can step into this church with my beloved girl, making a vow of being with me for a lifetime, and exchanging appointments. Ling Ran, the second young master of the love token, after hearing what Zhao Yulin and Duan Yarong had said, turned his eyes to Xiao Li, who was also confused, and the bouquet in her arms.

Xiaoli received the bouquet, so she will soon become a bride. Does that mean that he and Xiaoli will soon be able to cultivate a positive result and enter the marriage palace? !

At this moment, the beast in Ling Ran's heart that had been in a drowsy state instantly woke up, wishing to cry and howl at the big sun ghost outside to relieve the excitement in his heart.

As soon as An Qi came to her senses, she was irritated by Duan Yarong and Zhao Yulin's words: "Madam is joking, how can this kind of thing be decided by such a small bouquet of flowers."

"Miss An, you really don't believe it, marriage is such a thing, sometimes you can’t say that. The fate will arrive someday, even if you want to stop it, you can’t stop it." Originally stood at Mu Tingfeng After hearing the movement here, Su Ruixin walked over unwillingly and interjected.

As soon as Su Ruixin said this, she immediately got the support of Duan Yarong: "Mrs. Mu is right, An Qi, you are almost of age, so you should think about it. Yueyue is already married, you As a elder sister, you can’t be too different no matter how you say it, don’t you think?"

The expression on An Qi's face became more and more embarrassing, and she laughed twice, but she didn't explain anything, and nodded indiscriminately.

This little episode about the bouquet has just passed, but the wedding banquet has just begun.

Because the weddings of the two couples took place on the same day, and one of the married and the married was from the Zhao family, the wedding ceremonies of the two couples were basically completed in the morning.

If you just separate and entertain the guests directly, some people are afraid that they can only take care of one of them, which is very inconvenient.

Therefore, the three families together, simply after the two couples held the ceremony, they held a banquet nearby, and then went back to their respective homes for the banquet.

The noon banquet mainly invites relatives and very good friends and partners who come to observe the ceremony. The evening banquet is mostly for those who have a little cooperative relationship with the two families, and those who cannot come during the day. Friends and relatives who were missed at the party.

The wedding banquet organized by the Zhao family and the Mu family, you know how bluffing the head is.

Although I only invited some relatives and friends, this did not affect the excitement of the banquet at all.

After the two couples had toasted with the guests at each big table, they walked to the place reserved for them by Duan Yarong and others in advance. Naturally, there were a few elders who were left to take care of them.

As soon as the few people sat down, they saw Ye Yan, who had been long overdue not far away.

At this time, Ye Yan was a lot thinner and gaunt compared to a dozen days ago, and his face was a bit more decadent and sluggish than before. People couldn't help but look at him and feel distressed.

Ye Yan quickly found Zhao Yulin and others. After hesitating for a moment, he walked directly towards a few people and apologized: "Sorry, something was delayed just now. I missed your wedding ceremony. I hope you don't mind. "

While talking, he took out a delicately wrapped gift box and handed it to the servant on the side: "This is a gift for you, I wish you a happy wedding."

Zhao Yulin glanced at the gift box that Ye Yan brought out, and then thought about the one she saw before was very similar to Ye Yan's gift box. It is said that Soho sent someone to send the exquisite gift box as a wedding gift, and her eyes flashed quickly. It's a bit clear.

Ye Yan fell silent after sending the things. Han Yichen and Han Yichen were not familiar with him. Mu Tingfeng was not a talkative person. The only one left, Zhao Youlin, was thinking about the jealousy around her, so she couldn’t take the initiative to provoke the topic. .

The atmosphere in the world became a little embarrassing for a while, Ye Yan pursed his lips several times before hesitated to speak.

In the end, Zhao Yulin really couldn't stand it, and she took the initiative to ask, "Master Ye has something to say straightforwardly. Today is the day of our marriage. We must know that we can talk about everything."

A word not only broke the silence of several people, but also invisibly comforted the frowning Mu Tingfeng.

Ye Yan was startled, and was silent for a moment, then muffled: "How is she... now?"

she was? Several people were puzzled for a while, and Zhao Yulin was the first to react, frowning: "Isn't she in your hospital? Okay, don't you know?"

Ye Yan was shocked, and the flashing light in his eyes dimmed suddenly: "I was discharged from the hospital yesterday."

Before Soho stayed in the hospital, although no one was seen, at least he could still learn about Soho's condition from the Soho's attending doctor. But now, Su Ho has been taken back to Su’s house and is tightly protected. He can’t even find out the exact location of the person now, let alone rushing to see her secretly and seeking her forgiveness. All of this is Ye Yan felt extremely anxious.

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