Fierce Ex-wife: President, Please Be Careful

Chapter 653: Lead the wolf into the room (1)

The answer is obviously no. An Qi brought people into the house reluctantly and had to find paper everywhere to wipe Nie Yunfan's nosebleeds to prevent Nie Yunfan from falling into her home due to excessive blood loss. She had to be jointly and severally liable. (((Mobile reading visit

Nie Yunfan probably thinks that he is in such a bad manner, and he smirked, "I have eaten a lot of hot pot recently, and I have become angry."

An Qi: "..." Such a mentally retarded explanation, do you think I will believe it?

Perhaps he also felt that his explanation was too silly, so Nie Yunfan touched his nose with an embarrassment on his face.

After finally stopping Nie Yunfan’s nosebleeds, An Qi breathed a sigh of relief, sat opposite to Nie Yunfan, and said straightforwardly: "What's wrong with Mr. Nie coming over today?"

Nie Yunfan's nostrils were still stuffed with paper, only to realize that An Qi's name for herself was so rusty. She coughed and smiled and said, "I am also Achen's good brother anyway. It is too rusty to call Mr. Nie. Just call me Yunfan."

An Qi was stunned for a moment, but looked at Nie Yunfan's face but she spoke with a little embarrassment.

Nie Yunfan looked at An Qi expectantly. For a long time he could not hear An Yue speaking. The light in his eyes dimmed little by little. Just about to speak, An Qi didn't have to be too reluctant, so he listened to An Qi sigh. Voice: "Okay, Yun Fan."

Nie Yunfan's eyes lit up, and the gaze staring at An Qi became more and more hot.

An Qi shuddered when she saw this, her goose bumps fell to the ground, and she suddenly regretted that she let go.

Nie Yunfan didn't care if his eyes were too blatant and frightened An Qi. At this moment, his head was full of something, and An Qi called his name! It's no longer the combined surname or the unfamiliar Mr. Nie, but intimately shouting his own name!

An Qi was really a little hairy by Nie Yunfan's stare, cleared her throat, and yelled a few times: "Yunfan, Yunfan..."

Nie Yunfan woke up like a dream, and smiled stupidly: "What's the matter?"

An Qi finally couldn't help but give him a blank look, and said helplessly: "I should ask you this question. Is there anything wrong with Mr. Nie who came to see me today?"

Nie Yunfan then remembered the real purpose of his coming today, his smile suddenly converged, and he sighed without speaking.

Seeing him froze for a while, An Qi felt the bit of displeasure before, and asked with concern: "What's the matter?"

Nie Yunfan was waiting for her words. He was happy in his heart, but he pretended to be unlovable, and mumbled: "Yueyue admitted my brother-in-law, do you know?"

Suddenly hearing this, An Qi's face changed, and the hand hanging in front of her also tightened subconsciously. It took a long time before she whispered back: "I know."

Of course she knew that although she and An Yue’s sisters for so many years were not related by blood, they were closer than anyone else. How could An Yue recognize that Nie Xingzhi’s big issue could not be discussed with her?

Not only did they discuss it with her, the reason An Yue recognized Nie Xingzhi so quickly was because she helped persuade An Yue for a while.

Although she was very reluctant to push her sister out and make her a child of someone else's family, Nie Xingzhi was also An Yue's biological father no matter what, and no one could deny the blood relationship between them.

At that time, the reason why she was so angry when she knew that Nie Yunfan was An Yue’s biological father was because she had always thought that An Yue and An Yue’s mother were abandoned by her father. Now that the truth has come to light, everything just stems from a battle. Misunderstanding, and now An Yue's father has come to the door, she can't be so selfish, hide An Yue, let her be her only relatives.

Nie Yunfan heard the bitterness in An Qi’s tone, and felt a little pain in his heart, but had to maintain a sad expression on her face. He sighed: “Yueyue became our family’s little boy after he recognized my uncle. Princess, then my former little prince passed away and became a wild child no one wanted."

When Nie Yunfan said this, he used a painful and sad tone, coupled with his bitter face, An Qi didn't stretch for a moment, and laughed with a chuckle.

Now, instead, Nie Yunfan was stunned, staring at An Qi's rare smile to him.

An Qi didn't notice Nie Yunfan's strangeness. The bit of depression that arose when Nie Yunfan brought up An Yue's matter also disappeared at this moment. She smiled and persuaded: "Why is there such an exaggeration? Yueyue wanders outside. After so long and suffering a lot, now it’s hard to find her back. The elders of the Nie family naturally prefer her a little bit more. You, as a brother, would care about her instead."

Nie Yunfan said hurriedly when he heard this: "Am I such a stingy person?"

An Qi picked her eyebrows and seemed to be saying, aren't you?

Nie Yunfan choked and said seriously: "Yueyue suffered a lot because of living outside. Of course I know that, naturally, I won't care about her because of this, but..."


"But my parents saw that Yueyue was younger than me, but got married earlier than me, and now even has children, so..."

"and so?"

Nie Yunfan was embarrassed for a while, flushed, and said, "So my parents are also getting anxious. Recently, they have started to urge me to find a girlfriend, and... they plan to let me go on a blind date!"

An Qi was stunned, and it took him for a long time to understand the point of Nie Yunfan's long sentence, and then laughed again with a chuckle.

Seeing An Qi laugh out loud, Nie Yunfan felt a little delighted in helplessness.

It turns out that if you like someone, you really can't help but have fun with her just by looking at her smiling like this. He has never felt like this before.

"You are still laughing!" Nie Yunfan pretended to be indignant, and looked at An Qi sadly in his eyes.

An Qi almost smiled, and realized that she was a little bit unkind when she laughed like this. She calmed down and said with a sullen face: "Okay, I don't laugh, I don't laugh..."

That's what I said, but those eyes that gleamed because of the smile betrayed her.

Nie Yunfan secretly noticed the changes in An Qi's expression, and acted to the end of the play: "Oh, because of this, now I don't even dare to return home."

An Qi nodded, touching her chin and thinking for a moment: "In that case, you are indeed quite pitiful, but does this have any inevitable connection with you coming to me today?"

"Of course!" Nie Yunfan jumped up, put his hands on the tabletop, leaned in front of An Qi, looked straight into her eyes, and said confidently, "I'm homeless!"

An Qi was taken aback by his sudden movement, she shrank back reflexively, and asked weakly, ""

"I! Want! Live! You! Home!"

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