Fierce Ex-wife: President, Please Be Careful

Chapter 717: Embarrassing situation (1)

Several people looked at him like this, and they were a little bit intolerable. A man who stalled this kind of thing and said that he didn't collapse is absolutely false. (((Cartino Novel Network

The old man was a little distressed when he saw this, but he also understood that this kind of thing is worse than short-term pain, and it will only be Zhao Shunchang that drags on, so he gritted his teeth and actively mentioned Zhao Yifei: "You now...what do you plan to do with Yi? fly?"

In fact, the old man just stopped Zhao Shunrong and prevented him from interfering with Zhao Shunchang and Sun Fengzi in the past, just to see if his son was still saved. Knowing that Sun Fengzi had betrayed him, would she be... softhearted.

Facts have proved that his son is not so hopeless. At least in the face of a man's most unbearable derailment and his wife's persecution of his family, Zhao Shunchang showed his rare male side.

And now what Zhao Yifei should do with this decision must now be made by Zhao Shunchang's father, and no one can help him.

Zhao Shunchang's expression changed when he heard Zhao Shunchang's words, he hesitated, "Dad, this...this...I haven't thought about it yet."

"Then hurry up and think, is it possible that you still intend to continue to drag on and raise him?"

Zhao Shunchang lowered his head, bit his lip and said nothing.

Zhao Shunrong looked at him like this, and helped the old man a few words: "Dad, the third brother suddenly encountered this kind of thing, and he hasn't eased up for a while. It is normal. You should give him more time to think about it. Consider, don't push him too hard."

The old man's face was dark, looking at his third son, he sighed helplessly, and said earnestly: "Shunchang, think about it carefully, you have raised a son for more than 20 years for nothing, so there is no need to continue to be a fool. ."

Zhao Shunchang lowered his head, but still heard the old man's words into his ears, and his hand hanging beside him suddenly tightened, leaving many folds on his neat suit trousers.

After Zhao Yifei walked out of Zhao's house, he became uneasy. To be precise, he was already uneasy when he saw the paternity test.

Having lived as the young master of Zhao's family for so many years, he has long been accustomed to good clothes and food, and is sought after by everyone, but now he is told that he is just a child born to a mother and a disgusting man with no power and power. The young master's aura is about to leave him, and her mother was also taken away because of her past actions. If it is verified, this prison disaster is probably not escaped, and everyone will point fingers at him.

Those who he looked down on before, and those who are upset, can all step on his head in turn, he is not reconciled, not reconciled!

Thinking of this, Zhao Yifei's cell phone rang suddenly, and Zhao Yifei pulled out the phone impatiently. After seeing the caller ID on the cell phone, his face couldn't help but sink.

I wanted to cut off the phone, but hesitated. After a stalemate for a while, I finally picked up the phone, but the tone was still a little bit rushing: "Hey, what's the matter?"

The person on the other end of the phone was stunned for a moment. It seemed that he was taken aback by Zhao Yifei's attitude. After a while, he chuckled softly: "Yeah, I'm very angry, who made our Young Master Zhao angry? Let me guess, Jo Yoon Ming? Or Jo Yoon Lin, or your mother who is as stupid as a pig?"

It's okay that the person didn't mention the words Young Master Zhao. With this mention, Zhao Yifei's expression was gloomy, especially when he heard the other party say that he was as stupid as a pig.

His mother is as stupid as a pig, or else there will be so many moths, and now he is still suffering from such an embarrassing situation, but even so, it shouldn't be said by others.

His mother is as stupid as a pig, so where can he be as smart as a son? This sentence also scolded him. Is it true that he can't hear it? !

Zhao Yifei resisted the urge to hang up the phone, sneered, gritted his teeth and said: "I have something to tell you directly, I am very busy and I don't have time to talk to you @隆!br/>

"Oh, you are very busy, then forget it, I will disturb you." The person on the other end of the phone directly hung up the phone.

Hearing the busy tone in the phone, Zhao Yifei almost took a breath and squeezed the phone.

After taking a deep breath, Zhao Yifei managed to endure the unhappiness in his heart. After thinking about it, he picked up the phone and called back. Zhao Yifei thought that he had taken the initiative to lower his posture, and that person would not lose face, and soon Will pick it up.

But he didn't expect that the other party didn't pick up the phone at all and he just...hanged up!

Zhao Yifei was dumbfounded listening to the busy tone coming from the phone again, gritted his teeth, and finally couldn't help but threw the phone in his hand to the ground.

The fragile mobile phone became the owner's punching bag so hard, it slammed into the hard and rough ground of the parking lot, and instantly fell apart.

Zhao Yifei clenched the steering wheel with both hands, the blue veins on the back of his hand burst, and his eyes coldly looked at the broken mobile phone on the ground, bloodshot.

After Zhao Yifei returned home, he ignored the greetings from the housekeeper and the servants. He went straight to the second floor and locked himself in the room without ever coming out.

The housekeeper and the servants had long been accustomed to him and Sun Fengzi's mother and son being defiant. They looked at each other and left for themselves. They weren't the ones who didn't eat or were hungry.

As for the reason why Zhao Shunchang's family was called to rush to the main house of Zhao's house before, why only Zhao Yifei came back, but Zhao Shunchang and Sun Fengzi were gone. The housekeeper and servants said that you should not ask more about things you shouldn't know. Well, otherwise, it's easy to catch fire, so they are not curious at all!

Zhao Yifei was nestled in the room, thinking about countermeasures, but even if he wanted to break his head, he still couldn't think of a good solution, and Zhao Shunchang...has already returned.

Zhao Yifei was shocked when he heard the movement downstairs, his eyes widened and looked at the door of the bedroom with some panic.

Zhao Shunchang's question soon came from outside the door: "Where is the young master?"

Zhao Yifei froze, and immediately listened to the butler's stubborn reply: "The young master has stayed in his room since he came back, and has not come out until now, so we are not allowed to bother privately."

There was a moment of silence outside the door, and after that, Zhao Shunchang sighed quietly, and whispered to the housekeeper: "You go down first, I'll go see him, and don't let anyone approach the young master's room."

The housekeeper went, and Zhao Shunchang's footsteps became clearer and clearer. Zhao Yifei's head was blank for a few seconds, and he suddenly reacted after hearing the sound of unlocking outside the door. Before he could think about it, he turned and threw himself on his bed. .

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