Fierce Ex-wife: President, Please Be Careful

Chapter 721: Falling into the pit (1)

Mu Xiaoyang and Su Ruixin are still staying in the country until now, and they don't plan to go back. They are quite reluctant to think about it. (((Cartino Novel Network

It's not easy for the old man of the Mu family to stay abroad alone. After hearing the news that Zhao Youlin was pregnant before, the old man wanted to come back and take a look at Zhao Youlin.

Had it not been for Zhao Yulin at the time, she had promised to take Lele with Lele when it started to snow, the old man would have flown back impatiently.

"Well, we will leave after attending the full moon of Little Seven."

Mu Tingfeng's eyes flickered, and he silently calculated in his heart how long the vacation he had accumulated over the years plus the vacation he had saved for not going to the honeymoon this time.

As for what may cause problems with the company's operation due to his own departure, anyway, there is Xia Zetao, what is the use of the secretary, it is used at this critical moment!

Secretary Xia Da, who didn't know that he had been pitted by his boss again, suddenly felt chills, so he couldn't help but stretch out his hands to hold his chest and rub off the goose bumps that had suddenly risen on his body.

"Sure enough, is winter coming? Why do you suddenly feel so cold?" Xia Zetao sniffed and looked at the sky silently, thinking about when to go home to add a piece of clothing to himself.

As Zhao Yulin said, paper can’t contain the fire after all. Zhao Yifei was kicked out of the Zhao family and Sun Fengzi bought the kidnappers and even conspired to change the Zhao family’s children more than 20 years ago. It spread in the upper circles.

The most indispensable person in this world is the gossiping people. With such a big incident in the Zhao family, many people are guessing why Zhao Yifei was driven out of the Zhao family.

Someone guessed that Zhao Yifei was just like Zhao Youxi at the time. She had a mother who was in trouble, and even the elders of the Zhao family were not happy with him, so he was kicked out of the Zhao family.

It was also said that Zhao Yifei was originally the only righteous male of the Zhao family, but suddenly a young master of the Zhao family emerged, not to mention, he married a wife before him and was about to give birth to Zhao's parents and grandchildren.

Zhao Yifei was robbed of the opportunity, so he was naturally unhappy, so he shook his mother to do the shameful things. When Zhao’s parents knew about this, they were naturally very angry, so they drove him out. The Zhao family now has another male child and will soon have an eldest grandson, not bad for Zhao Yifei’s child. In this case, the previous Zhao Youxi is a very representative precedent, isn't it?

The rumors spread rapidly, all kinds of speculations have everything, and they are getting more and more outrageous. In the end, some people even guessed that Zhao Yifei was not a child of the Zhao family at all. The Zhao family could not raise a child from another family, so he was driven out.

However, rumors are also commonplace. Many people are just verbal for a while, and many people are just watching the changes in other people’s homes as jokes. There are really few people who truly believe in it, so they are invisibly missed. There are also many people who have learned the truth.

But anyway, Zhao Yifei was really swept out by the Zhao family this time. Not only was he expelled from the Zhao family, but also from the Zhao family’s company. Anyone with a discerning eye could tell that the Zhao family really planned this time. To draw a clear line with him, graciousness!

When you know this, there are people who gloat for misfortune, people who are cold-eyed, and of course people who are eager to come to find trouble, just like now.

Zhao Shunchang gave Zhao Yifei two days, not only to clean up those things at home, but also those things that Zhao Yifei put in the company. This means that Zhao Yifei was not only kicked out of the Zhao family, but also kicked out of Zhao. S.

When Zhao Yifei went to Zhao's family to get things, things about their mother and son had already spread, and Zhao Yifei had people pointing at him wherever he went.

Although it is very secretive, for Zhao Yifei, who is now completely in a sensitive period, those messy eyes and unbearable whispers are like poking a knife in his heart, making it difficult for him to ignore it, but This is not the most unbearable Zhao Yifei.

Zhao Yifei hastily packed the more important things in his office, and when he walked out of the office with a small paper box in his arms, he ran into one of the people he didn't want to see the most.

Of course, Zhao Yifei would not know that someone was actually paying attention to the movement on his side as long as he heard about him, and what he was waiting for was this moment.

"Oh, isn't this Director Zhao from the Human Resources Department? Why are you holding so many things?" With a bright smile on Zhao Youming's face, he glanced at the cardboard box in Zhao Yifei's hands without a trace.

After seeing Zhao Yifei's face as black as the bottom of a pot, he pretended to have a sudden realization: "Oh, look at my memory, I heard that Minister Zhao will not work in the Zhao family anymore. These things should belong to Minister Zhao. Baby, right? Ah, that’s right. Since Minister Zhao is going to leave, he won’t be able to call Minister Zhao anymore. What is the name? Cousin? It doesn’t seem to be good. I heard that you were not just kicked out. After the Zhao clan was kicked out of the Zhao family, the cousin seems to be a little wrong. Then how should I call you now? Mr. Zhao?"

These short sentences of Zhao Yuming were stamped on Zhao Yifei's heart. Zhao Yifei's face was blue and white, and white and blue. His bloodshot eyes gave Zhao Yuming a fierce look, without saying a word. , I had to step over Zhao Youming and walk out.

How could Zhao Yuming let Zhao Yifei go for the chance of revenge that he finally caught? Moving his feet, he once again stood in front of Zhao Yifei.

Zhao Yifei's face was completely gloomy, his eyes were fixed on Zhao Yifei, and he said coldly, "Get out of the way!"

Zhao Youming smiled slightly: "Why should I give way? Is this road yours? Since it's not yours, I can go wherever I want to go. Why do you ask me to get out?"

"Zhao Yooming, don't deceive people too much!" Zhao Yifei's expression turned sullen and gritted his teeth, "What are you? Dare to be my way! I'll repeat it again and get out of the way! Otherwise I'll..."

The smile on Zhao Yuming’s face was reduced a lot because of Zhao Yifei’s words, he smiled coldly, and said contemptuously: "Otherwise, what will you do? Zhao Yifei, do you really think you are the precious Zhao family young master before? It seems, these few days It seems that the experience of "still doesn’t give you any longer memory."

As soon as Zhao Yuming said these words, Zhao Yifei's face became more and more ugly. He has a long memory. How could he not have a long memory?

In the past two days, he suddenly fell from the top to hell, almost falling to pieces, from a big and young to a crossing mouse that everyone can step on!

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