Fierce Ex-wife: President, Please Be Careful

Chapter 816: The trap of the trap (2)

Zhao Yooming's face was dark, and there was a bit of obvious annoyance in his tone: "Why?"

"Yo Ming, do you know what I am doing now? This is illegal. If it is discovered, it will be arrested and sent to prison, and even his life may be lost. (((Cartino novels My sister has been ruined in this life, but you..."

"I've been ruined in my entire life!" Zhao Youming yelled before Zhao Youxi finished speaking.

"Yoo Ming?" Zhao Youxi on the other end of the phone seemed to be frightened by Zhao Youming's sudden shouting, and the tone of her words was so uncertain.

Zhao Youming took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "Sister, it's not just you, my whole life has been ruined."

"Yo Ming, you were just kicked out of the Zhao family. The so-called murder case was so long after that, and it was abroad. They have no evidence to prove that you must have done it. You still have a chance, you can still do it. It's a comeback."

Zhao Yuming said with a hoarse voice, and said in pain: "No, it's impossible. Sister, not just those, recently...I was involved in a murder case again recently. I suspect...I suspect that Zhao Youlin deliberately designed me. , They really wanted to kill me this time, and didn’t plan to let me go. The **** Zhao Youlin now has a grandfather, a Mu family, a Su family, and people from the Ling family’s Ye family to help her. I used to be. Faced with this group of people, there is no chance of winning against these people, let alone now."

When Zhao Yuming said that, he paused deliberately, "Also... and... Sister, do you know... Do you know how Dad is doing?"

"Dad?" Zhao Youxi said slightly, "What happened to him?"

"I heard... I heard that he found out... AIDS when he went to the hospital for an examination recently."

"What are you talking about? How can you be good at..."

"The ghost knows, you don't know how much that man likes to play with women, it's not surprising that you will get AIDS. It's just..." It's just that, for them, Zhao Shuncheng's so-called "children", this The blow is undoubtedly fatal.

Let me ask, who would be willing to let their sons and daughters marry or marry women and men who must also support a father who is suffering from AIDS? Not to mention that it was in his current ruined situation.

He was ruined, he was ruined all his life, and was completely ruined by Zhao Yulin and her so-called father.

With so many stains, it is impossible for him to return to the original high spirits and full of ambition. He was defeated, completely defeated, and so unwillingly defeated.

He is already in **** now, in that case, he has to drag some people down to experience the pain of **** with him!

Zhao Youxi seemed to hear Zhao Youming's grief and pain at the moment, and sighed, but after all he relaxed: "I see, I'm at No. **** on **** Street. Come here first."

"Well, I'll come over right away and see you later."

"See you soon."

The two hung up the phone. Zhao Youming was happy that he finally had a place to go. On the other side, Zhao Youxi indifferently left the phone aside, and in front of her, the news being broadcast was about Zhao Yifei’s death. News and the suspect, Zhao Youming, who absconded in fear of crime.

The fluorescent light of the TV screen hit Zhao Youxi's indifferent face, making it impossible to see what she was thinking.

After a long time, Zhao Youxi seemed to think of something, and got up and walked into the bedroom beside him.

On the big bed in the bedroom, there was a small bulge, which was Lele who was still asleep before the effect of the medicine had passed.

Zhao Youxi walked to the bed and sat down, staring at Lele who was asleep without a word, then suddenly stretched out her hand to slowly pinch Lele's neck.

Lele suddenly felt a little difficulty breathing, and began to move a little uneasy.

Zhao Youxi coldly watched the child's face gradually flushed, and her breathing gradually became quicker. I was planning to increase the strength of my subordinates, and suddenly heard Lele shouted with a hint of crying: "Mom, Mom, Lele is uncomfortable. Mom... Mom... Um..."

Zhao Youxi heard this "mother" as if she had been scalded by something suddenly, and hurriedly took her hand from Lele's neck.

Seeing that the child on the bed breathed smoothly again, and the color on his face was no longer as terrible as it was at the beginning, Zhao Youxi realized that his hands were trembling slightly.

When she started killing Zhao Youming, she was able to keep her face and calmly do all the aftermath, but when faced with this child, how could she not deal with it?

The child on the bed seemed to have fallen into a nightmare because of her actions. A bit of pain appeared on the originally calm face. He turned his back and buried his body in the quilt. , It seems that this can give him a sense of security.

Sitting by the bed, Zhao Youxi could vaguely hear the child sniffing and calling her mother pitifully with a crying voice.

The feeling in her heart became more sour and complicated, Zhao Youxi seemed to be stimulated to the general level, and turned around to seize the door and flee.

The father of Zhao Yifei had been suppressed for a long time, but after all he could not suppress it at all and was reported.

The old man was worried about his little son. Who knows that it didn’t take long before someone broke out that his second son had AIDS. The old man was already very old. He almost didn’t have a blood pressure increase after hearing this. .

Under such circumstances, Duan Yarong and Zhao Shunrong's full energy was concentrated on the old man and Zhao Shunchang, and they really didn't notice Lele for a while.

It’s just that they didn’t notice. It doesn’t mean that Han Yichen didn’t notice. On the second day after Lele was kidnapped, Han Yichen directly found Mu’s family and reprimanded Zhao Yulin and his wife with a cold face: “You still have such a big thing. How long are you going to keep it? If I didn't find out by myself, would you also be prepared to keep it from me like you were hiding it from your parents?"

Zhao Yulin did not expect that the first person to discover would be Han Yichen. Faced with Han Yichen's reproach, Zhao Yulin remained silent.

Han Yichen looked at her and couldn't say anything more. He sighed and asked, "What's the situation now? Has the kidnapper of Lele reappeared?"

Zhao Yulin didn't want to speak, so the person who answered Han Yichen was naturally Mu Tingfeng.

"There is no news yet. People have been sent to check yesterday's videotape, but nothing has been found yet."

With such a big incident, if it weren't for the baby in the belly of Zhao Youlin and Zhao Youlin, Mu Tingfeng would have followed the others to look for them.

It's a pity that he can't take care of both the child and the child's mother at all, so he can only use the hands of others for the time being. He has lost a child, and can no longer lose his wife and another child.

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