At the county office, Jiang Kangning grabbed Wang Shijing gaily: "Brother Xi has recovered?!"

Wang Shijing said: "Yes, Brother Xi has recovered. Brother, sit down and I will tell you carefully."

Jiang Kangning couldn't believe what he heard. Wang Shijing pressed him to sit down and told Jianning Ning in detail what happened yesterday. Hearing Jiang Moxi comfort the crying girl, Jiang Kangning's eyes were wet. Hearing Jiang Moxi hitting the Song family with a slingshot, Jiang Kangning's eyes widened. Is that Brother Xi? ! Hearing that Jiang Moxi knew what happened to him and said that he was a fool, Jiang Kangning felt distressed and relieved. Hearing Jiang Moxi say that the Wu Wang family is an idiot, Jiang Kangning spat out a mouthful of saliva.

After Wang Shijing finished speaking, Jiang Kangning said excitedly: "Ishijing, Big Brother thank you so much. Without you, Brother Xi would not be able to recover at all. You and Yun An are the benefactors of Big Brother's family! That Song Family, don't worry, Big Brother They won't let them trouble you again."

"Brother, how can you and I say 'beneficiary'. If it wasn't for your help at the beginning, Yun An and I would not have the same birthday we have now, and we would not have become father's adopted son. We are now a family, Don’t say anything about gratitude or gratitude. As for the Song family, with the deed and the IOU, forgive them and they dare not come to me again. Brother, you are the head of a county, so you don’t have to come forward for this trivial matter.” Wang Shijing took it. Take out the letter that Shao Yunan wrote to Jiang Kangchen, and hand it over, "Yunan wrote a letter to Brother Kangchen, and Brother Xi has recovered. This good news must be told to Brother Kangchen."

Jiang Kangning took the letter with hot eyes. The matter of Jiang Moxi is the pain in his heart and his brother's heart. Jiang Moxi's recovery means that for him and his brother, especially his brother, the suffering has been reduced by at least half. Jiang Kangning took a few deep breaths and said, "Big brother is not in the capital now. The Queen has sent him to Huxingguan. It will take more than two months to return to Beijing."

Wang Shijing had doubts in his eyes when he heard "Tiger Walk Pass". Jiang Kangning nodded and said, "It's just as you guessed." Wang Shijing nodded and said, "Then when Brother Kangchen comes back and knows that Brother Xi has recovered, he will definitely rush over."

"That's it!" Jiang Kangning wanted to rush to Xiushui Village now. Remembering that he is the county magistrate and can't just leave, Jiang Kangning said: "I will go over after the court in the afternoon, and pick up Brother Qing by the way."

Wang Shijing said: "I have to go back later, I will be picking tea soon, so there is no delay."

===================================================== =====================================================

When Wang Qing was out of school, he was surprised to see his uncle waiting for him at the door. Not seeing the surprised and nervous expressions of Zou Wenzhe and Guo Yu, Wang Qing ran over with her schoolbag and shouted, "Uncle."

"Brother Qing." Jiang Kangning, who took off his official uniform and dressed in casual clothes, stepped forward, "Uncle is going to your house, by the way, I will pick you up and go home."

Wang Yan and Zhao Congbo stepped forward and saluted: "Your Majesty."

The two shouted, and the students who knew Jiang Kangning's identity were stunned. What? ! Wang Qing is the nephew of the county magistrate? !

Jiang Kangning nodded slightly to Wang Yan and Zhao Cong, and said, "Brother Qing takes my carriage home, and Ding Sen will take you back."


Jiang Kangning led Wang Qing to his carriage, carried him into the carriage, and got into the carriage himself. Wang Yan and Zhao Congbo waited for the carriage to drive before getting into the carriage.

"Wang Yan! Zhao Congbo!" Wang Yan and Zhao Congbo's classmates shouted, "Wang Qing is the magistrate's nephew?"

Wang Yan glanced at Zhao Congbo, and Zhao Congbo replied calmly, "Yes. Brother Qing's father and the magistrate are righteous brothers."

"Ah! Why didn't you say anything!"

Zhao Congbo said, "Brother Qing doesn't like publicity."

Wang Yan smiled and said, "Didn't you know?"


Guo Yu watched the carriage go away, inexplicably lost. Zou Wenzhe also pouted and said, "Wang Qing is too boring. We should be his friends. He didn't tell us that he was the nephew of the magistrate."

Guo Yu withdrew his gaze and said, "Let's go, go home." He walked towards his carriage very quickly.

"Hey! Guo Yu!" Zou Wenzhe chased after him, "Aren't you angry?"

"Why are you angry?" Guo Yu lowered his head and got into his carriage, and Zou Xiaopang shouted from outside the car, "He doesn't even treat us as friends! You're not angry, I'm angry!"

In the car, Guo Yu was actually very lost, he thought they were friends.

Wang Qing would not have thought about what kind of thoughts the uncle's arrival would bring to his classmates, but Jiang Kangning would not think about such a thing at all. There is no need to avoid Wang Qing's being his nephew. After receiving Wang Qing, Jiang Kangning couldn't wait to ask Wang Qing to tell him about Jiang Moxi's situation again. Although he had heard it from Wang Shijing, Jiang Kangning couldn't restrain his emotions from hearing it from Wang Qing again.

When the car arrived at Xiushui Village, Jiang Kangning got off the carriage as soon as it stopped at the gate of Wang's house. Zheng Wei opened the door. Jiang Kangning asked, "Where is Brother Xi?"

Zheng Wei said: "The eldest young master may be in the backyard. The eldest young master and the young lady watch the rabbits in the backyard at this time of day every day."

Jiang Kangning picked up his feet and walked towards the backyard, while Wang Qing asked, "Are my dad and little dad back?"

"Master hasn't come back yet, the little master is back, it should be in the kitchen."


Wang Qing went to the kitchen to find his little father and told him that the uncle was here. Looking at the uncle's appearance, I'm afraid that I can't care to find my little father first. Shao Yunan was in the kitchen talking to Guo Zimu about the dim sum shop. In another three days, Yunlong Dim Sum House, Yunlong Baoju and Yunlongfang Restaurant will open at the same time. Shao Yunan did not appear, but Wang Shijing, as the head of the family, would come forward. The heads of the three stores are all shopkeeper Xu, and the shopkeepers of each store are arranged by shopkeeper Xu. Both shopkeepers Xu and Zeng of these three stores have paid for the shares.

Seeing Wang Qing and learning that the eldest brother was here, Shao Yunan took Wang Qing to find the eldest brother, and said with a smile, "Your uncle is definitely not in the mood to sit in the hall today."

Wang Qing nodded and said with a smile, "Uncle - I have been asking about my eldest brother on the way."

When the two came to the animal warehouse, they saw Jiang Kangning hugging Jiang Moxi, his eyes were red, Jiang Moxi looked at his uncle expressionlessly, but his arms were around his uncle's neck.

"Big Brother/Uncle."

Jiang Kangning looked over and couldn't wait to say, "Yun'an! Brother Xi called me uncle just now! He called me uncle!"

Shao Yunan walked over and said, "Brother Xi has recovered, congratulations, eldest brother."

"No no, this is all thanks to you and Ishii, if it weren't for you..."

Shao Yunan raised his hand to stop Jiang Kangning's thanks and said, "Brother, we are a family, do you want to meet me?"

Jiang Kangning smiled.

Shao Yunan said to Jiang Moxi, "Brother Xi, Uncle Guo's snack shop will open tomorrow. You, Nizi and Brother Qing will go and see if there is any of your favorite food. Ask Uncle Guo to make more."

When Jiang Moxi heard it, he immediately struggled to get down, and Jiang Kangning put him down with joy (surprise), and his eyes turned red again. Jiang Moxi, who went to the ground, grabbed Nizi and Qinggeer and ran out. Seeing that the three children had disappeared, Jiang Kangning withdrew his gaze and wiped the corners of his eyes.

"I told you to joke."

Shao Yunan: "Brother, you can rest assured now. Brother Xi may not like to talk, but his intelligence is absolutely fine. He may even be smarter than many children. You can see that he even knows that his grandmother is an idiot." He also knows his father is stupid. However, it is not easy for Shao Yunan to say this in front of Jiang Kangning, who is extremely complaining about his former "brother-in-law".

Jiang Kangning let out a puff of laughter, and then said with a sigh of relief, "Big brother can finally feel at ease and don't have to blame himself."

Shao Yunan asked, "When will Brother Kang Chen come over?"

Jiang Kangning said regretfully: "The eldest brother was sent by the queen to Huxingguan to give the 3,500 taels of gold donated by you to Dai Xiaojun. The eldest brother said that the queen may also mean to let him go to Beijing for a period of time and stay away from the capital for a while— some trouble."


Jiang Kangning sneered and said, "The Wu family is looking for big brother."

"Huh?" Shao Yunan was stunned for half a second, and then he reacted immediately, "Is this because my eldest brother became a celebrity beside the queen, do you regret it?"

Jiang Kangning said: "It's not just that simple." Jiang Kangning told Shao Yunan in detail about the current situation of Duke Anguo's mansion and how the Marquis Hengyuan and Duke Anguo were slapped in the face on the day the emperor held a banquet. Shao Yunan already knew something about that day from the letter sent to him by Eunuch An, but it was not as detailed as Jiang Kangning said.

Shao Yunan nodded: "The Duke of Anguo is not welcomed by the emperor. Do you want to use the relationship between elder brother Kang Chen and the queen to improve the relationship with the emperor?"

Jiang Kangning said: "If it weren't for the unstable foundation of the emperor at that time, the Anguo Gongfu would have disappeared long ago."

Shao Yunan said: "Then they will regret it even more in the future. Brother Xi is a little genius. It seems that the queen also values ​​Brother Kangchen, otherwise he would not let him go out of Beijing to avoid trouble at this time. Anyway, the emperor and the king We will hold these two great gods firmly."

Jiang Kangning laughed out loud and had to remind again: "Don't say that outside."

"Don't worry."

Jiang Moxi recovered, and Jiang Kangning was in a good mood. I won't go back to the county magistrate's mansion at night. I will stay here for the night, and people from the county magistrate will come to pick him up tomorrow morning.

Jiang Moxi doesn't speak much, and he speaks a few words, but even if he has been like this all his life, it is enough for those who love him. In order to celebrate Jiang Moxi's recovery, Shao Yunan and Guo Zimu made a big dinner in the evening. Shao Yunan also used Western-style cooking methods to fry lamb chops. Although the ingredients were incomplete, several people who ate Western-style lamb chops for the first time said it was delicious. In particular, Wang Qing and Jiang Moxi liked to eat. Shao Yunan directly cut his piece in half and gave it to the two children.

"Dad, can this be my lunch box the day after tomorrow?" Wang Qing asked.

Jiang Moxi looked straight at Uncle An. Shao Yunan laughed: "No problem, it's just lamb chops. If little dad can get beef and fry steak for you, it will be more delicious."

Jiang Moxi: "Steak!"

Shao Yunan choked on himself with a mouthful of saliva. Guo Zimu hurriedly patted Shaoyun'an on the back, Jiang Kangning deliberately said seriously: "This cow can't be killed at will, it is against the law."

Jiang Moxi: "Steak!"

Jiang Kangning patted his nephew's head, dumbfounded, "Brother Xi, I have strict laws in the court, and you are not allowed to kill cows at will. You can eat beef unless the cows die."

"That can't be eaten." Shao Yunan said immediately: "Who knows what disease the dead cows have, and the reason why cows can't be killed is because cows are the production tools of Tuo, and they need to be cultivated. Then we can raise beef cows specially for eating. already."

Jiang Moxi and Wang Qing's eyes immediately brightened, but Jiang Kangning was helpless: "There is no difference between beef cattle, they are all used for farming."

Shao Yunan raised his index finger and shook it: "Wrong, wrong, wrong. There are many types of cattle. Farming cattle, milk-producing cows, and meat-eating beef cattle should all develop in the future. In this way, we have cattle to help cultivate the land, and Milk strengthens the body, and beef strengthens the body and satisfies the appetite, that's right."

Jiang Kangning smiled: "Do you want to raise cattle again?"

Shao Yunan shook his head sharply: "I don't think so. Big brother, you are the county magistrate, and you should vigorously develop the breeding industry." Suddenly a figure came into his head, and Shao Yunan immediately said: "Big brother, Wang Wenhe's grandson especially likes the profession of veterinary medicine. In order to become a veterinarian, he is willing to be a servant in the medical and veterinary center just to learn his skills. I have seen this child, and he is very responsible, and he can be trained in the breeding industry. Brother, this time I made money selling tea, Do you want to consider developing the breeding industry in Xiayongxiu County? Chickens, ducks, fish and cattle, all these can be developed. At that time, we want to eat fish and meat, and we want to eat beef and beef, and we don’t need to worry about breaking the law.”

Jiang Moxi: "Steak!"

"Pfft!" Shao Yunan laughed out loud, "Big brother, for Brother Xi's steak, you have to raise cattle too."

Jiang Kangning hugged Jiang Moxi to his lap and laughed: "Brother Xi, uncle promised you that he will try to raise beef cattle and make steak for you."

Jiang Moxi looked at her uncle with obvious joy in her eyes. Jiang Kangning looked at his nephew, his eyes were a little hot again, but his smile deepened.

Shao Yunan put away his smile and said seriously: "Brother, there is another problem that must be solved first in Yongxiu County's business development."

Jiang Kangning immediately looked over and put away his smile.

Shao Yunan: "Road."

Jiang Kangning: "Road?"

Shao Yunan said: "If you want to be rich, you must first build roads. Once the roads are built, goods can enter and leave more smoothly, logistics can run faster, and the economy can develop. Next, I plan to connect Xiushui Village to Yongxiu County. The road is rebuilt to speed up the time for the materials from Xiushui Village to reach Yongxiu County. Brother, time is money. If we spend too much time on the road, what kind of money do we make? The local economy with underdeveloped transportation is lagging behind. No matter how good your things are, if you can’t ship them out or sell them for money, it’s all for nothing.”

Jiang Kangning: "You're so right! Why can Yongxiu County survive? It's because Yongxiu County is well connected by roads and shipping."

"Yes. That's why Yongxiu County has abundant materials, from east, west, north and south. This is the advantage of convenient transportation. So eldest brother, I have covered the road to Xiushui Village. Everything in Yongxiu County is developed, whether it is tea or fruit. Yes, as long as the road is not good, it should be your next plan. If you can succeed here, your senior prefect will have something to learn from. If the economy of the entire Chinan Prefecture can achieve a leap, then The whole country has a model for reference. It is better that one day, we can go out of the country of Yan and go directly to the sea."

"Haha, with you here, we - will definitely be able to go to sea!" Jiang Kangning seemed to have seen the great blueprint.

Wang Qing asked curiously, "Dad, what is going to sea?"

Shao Yunan: "It is to build a very large ship, then cross the sea and go to the other side of the sea to see. The sea is very big and boundless, and there are many countries on the other side of the sea, some of which we have not seen. All kinds of rare and exotic objects, customs, languages ​​we don’t understand, people with different skin and hair colors from ours, can be seen as another world.”

"Wow." Nizi exclaimed, eagerness on her face, "I want to go."

Wang Qing: "I want to go too."

Jiang Moxi stared at Shao Yunan, and a word came out: "boat."

Shao Yunan said with a smile: "We don't have a ship that can go to sea like this yet. This hope is left to you. I hope you can build such a ship when you grow up."

"Ship!" Jiang Moxi's eyes were bright, and he seemed to have a strong interest in that very big ship.

Jiang Kangning looked at Shao Yunan deeply and thought to himself: Yunan, why do you know that there is another world on the other side of the sea? Have you ever been there?

He didn't ask. He knew that unless he took off the mysterious veil on Shao Yunan himself, he would never be able to ask.

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