Wang Shijing and Guo Ziyu both came back late recently, and they didn't eat dinner at home either. In the busy days, Guo Ziyu's mood is also very different. He knew that Wang Shijing and Shao Yunan's most profitable business were tea and goat's milk wine, that Mr. An was actually the eunuch-in-chief next to the queen, and that the emperor and the queen were the biggest owners of tea and wine. Today, he is busy not only for Wang Shijing and Shao Yunan, but also for the emperor and queen. The sense of pride and satisfaction in Guo Ziyu's heart has never been seen before, and he has never dared to imagine it.

It was very late again, but Guo Ziyu, who came back with Wang Shijing, was very excited. After Wang Shijing's inspection, tea can be picked in two days. Wang Shijing gave him the task of picking tea in three villages, and told him that the production of new tea would also be handed over to him - part. And this job is extremely confidential. At that time, he and the tea maker will go to another place, and they will not come out until all the production is completed, and they will also sign a confidentiality agreement. Guo Ziyu learned that those who can make tea have signed death contracts with the Queen, and only he is the one highly recommended by Wang Shijing and Shao Yunan. This is Wang Shijing and Shao Yunan's trust in him. Guo Ziyu was very moved and vowed to do this job well.

"elder brother."

Guo Ziyu, who had just changed his clothes, turned around, and Guo Zimu came in with a tray on which was a bowl of steaming Burmese sticks. Guo Zimu smiled and went to pick him up, but Guo Zimu avoided and said, "Let's eat Burmese."

Guo Ziyu sat down and breathed a sigh of relief. Guo Zimu brought the noodles in front of him and gave him chopsticks. Guo Ziyu thanked him and took it, saying, "I'm really starving. Ishii and I are not used to eating food from outside, but our family's food is the best."

Guo Zimu sat beside him and wanted to say something. Guo Ziyu picked up the noodles with chopsticks and asked, "Is there anything you want to tell me?" Buffing, he took a big mouthful.

"Brother, Yun An said that the dim sum will be opened tomorrow, and today he has finalized with me the dim sum to be delivered tomorrow." After a pause, Guo Zimu lowered his head, "Brother, tell me, the dim sum I make can sell for money. ?"

Guo Zimu has the peerless appearance of "harming the country and the people", but on the contrary, he is extremely introverted and unconfident. Guo Ziyu said with a smile: "Although the dim sum you made is a little worse than the one made by Yun An, it is already extremely delicious. Don't worry, if the dim sum you made can't be sold, Yun An will definitely not. He asked you to open a dim sum shop. You don’t believe in yourself and you don’t believe in Yun An? He is lazy, but he will never do business that loses money.”

Hearing what his elder brother said, Guo Zimu felt relieved, with a shy smile on his face. I want to open a shop to make money, no matter how I think it is a happy thing. If I can succeed, can I become a useful person instead of only dragging down my brother.

Guo Ziyu knew what his younger brother cared about the most, he said: "I will pick tea in a few days, Ishijing and Yun An will ask the elder brother to take charge of this matter, and the elder brother may be away for a while. Yun An is busy making tea again, although you may The store has opened, but the daily snacks are limited, you don’t have to be busy from morning to night, and you have to pay more attention to family affairs.”

Guo Zimu nodded vigorously: "Brother, don't worry, I will take care of the family for Yunan and Ishii. But brother, you are so busy, your legs should hurt, right?"

Guo Ziyu smiled and said, "I don't know why this year, my legs don't hurt much." After a pause, he said, "It may be that I ate well all day and slept soundly, and my legs are much better."

Guo Zimu doesn't believe it: "Does it really hurt? 7"

"Really, I won't lie to you." Guo Ziyu lifted his injured leg and tapped hard, "Look, it really doesn't hurt."

Guo Zimu touched his brother's leg and felt relieved when he saw that the smile on his face was not fake. With another shy smile, Guo Zimu said, "Brother, Yun An and Ishii are really our nobles."


Brother's legs don't hurt anymore, and he is a useful person again. Guo Zimu is also looking forward to tomorrow. After his brother finished eating, Guo Zimu left with the bowls and chopsticks in his hand. He wasn't tired at all, and his mind was full of pastry shops. Guo Ziyu was really tired, so he went to the bathroom to rinse off and went to bed. Guo Zimu couldn't sleep, so he went to the kitchen to make snacks.

Guo Ziyu ate in the room, and Wang Shijing also ate in the room. Wang Shijing goes out with water every day, the water is spiritual spring water mixed with spiritual milk. The water brought by Wang Shijing will also be divided into Guo Ziyu, so Guo Ziyu's legs are not sore under such intense daily exertion.

Wang Shijing was eating, and Shao Yunan told him what happened in Tian's house. Hearing that both Wang Qing and Jiang Moxi wanted to eat steak, Wang Shijing raised his head: "Should we raise beef cattle ourselves?"

Shao Yunan shook his head: "It's illegal to kill cattle here, let's say goodbye, I don't want someone to use excuses to punish us. But it's true that I want to get a fish pond. We can eat by ourselves, and we can also serve it to restaurants. The people here don't eat much. Fish, and there are not many who sell fish."

Wang Shijing said: "I'll make a fish pond when I'm done with tea. We have a lot of water here, and the fish are alive and well. If you don't eat fish, it's too fishy. You have to make fish to make sure it's delicious."

"By the way! You get some fry first and I will keep them in the space, and our family will raise them in the eating space."

"It's done! It's easy."

"knock knock"

Shao Yunan glanced at Wang Shijing in surprise: "Who is it, it's so late." After speaking, he got up and went out to open the door. Wang Shijing put down his chopsticks, followed him out, and opened the door, Shao Yunan looked surprised: "You two haven't slept yet?"

"Little dad, big brother is looking for you." Wang Qing was helpless.

Jiang Moxi looked up at Uncle An with a blank expression, and opened his mouth: "The boat."

Shao Yunan raised his hand and patted his forehead: "You don't want to watch the boat since you finished eating, right?"

Jiang Moxi nodded seriously, that is--he wanted to see the boat. Wang Qing said: "Big brother doesn't have the heart to play the Rubik's cube anymore."

Shao Yunan held Jiang Moxi's shoulders and turned him around: "It's very late now, go to bed. Brother Qing will rest tomorrow, and you can come back when you wake up in the morning."

"Uncle An." Jiang Moxi refused to leave.

"Be obedient. Uncle An will show you the boat tomorrow, but now you have to go to bed. Otherwise, there will be no boat to watch."

Jiang Moxi even pouted. Wang Shijing said: "It's too late, go back to bed first. Uncle Jing will catch fish for you tomorrow."

"Fish?" Wang Qing was curious, and Jiang Moxi turned back.

"Well, Uncle Jing will catch fish tomorrow, and Uncle An will make you delicious fish. Now go to bed." Jiang Moxi turned around and stopped insisting.

"I'll take them back."

Wang Shijing came out and bent down, followed by two exclamations. Jiang Moxi and Wang Qing were picked up at the same time, the two children were frightened, but there was happiness in their eyes.

Wang Shijing took the two children back, and Shao Yunan looked at the two children who had gone away, hesitating in his heart.

When Wang Shijing came back, he entered the door and said, "I put them on the bed to sleep."

"Come on, eat."

Wang Shijing sat back and continued to eat. Shao Yunan said, "Brother Jing, I want to teach Brother Qing and Brother Xi the knowledge of our world. Do you think it will work?"

Wang Shijing looked at his daughter-in-law, and the chewing in his mouth slowed down. After a while, he swallowed and said, "You teach the less advanced ones first, take your time. If the two children adapt well and can maintain confidentiality, you will teach the advanced ones."

"Okay. I'll teach according to my aptitude."

After eating, Wang Shijing went to the room to take a shower, then pulled his wife to beat the goblin once, and then fell asleep contentedly. The two husbands slept, everyone else slept, only one boy couldn't sleep with his eyes open in the dark. What is the endless "sea" like, what kind of ship can pass through the "endless" sea to another world, and what is the other world like?

===================================================== ===============

When light came in in the room, Wang Shijing woke up on time. I took the watch under my pillow, it was almost 7 o'clock. Turning his head to look at his daughter-in-law sleeping in the bed, Wang Shijing dispelled the thought of staying in bed and sat up gently.

After getting dressed, Wang Shijing walked out of the room very lightly, picked up the cold kettle on the outside table, and had a cup of sweet spiritual spring water to drink. Wang Shijing was about to go out.

But when he opened the door, he was surprised.

"Brother Xi?"

Outside the door, Jiang Moxi, who was sitting on the steps, was looking back at him with his neck raised. Wang Shijing bent over and pulled Jiang Moxi up. The child was cold. Wang Shijing hurriedly picked him up and asked, "How long have you been sitting?"

"Uncle An, the boat." Jiang Moxi was thinking about watching the boat.

Wang Shijing carried Jiang Moxi into the room: "Uncle An is still sleeping. How long have you been sitting outside?" After saying that, Wang Shijing patted Jiang Moxi's **** twice.

Jiang Moxi, who was spanked, lowered her head, moved her lips for a long time, and said, "Dawn."

That's when it's dawn! Wang Shijing couldn't blame Jiang Moxi either. He patted Jiang Moxi's **** twice again, and then carried him into the bedroom.


Jiang Moxi came at dawn, and Wang Shijing couldn't drive him back to the house, so he could only wake up his daughter-in-law. Shao Yunan woke up in a daze, and saw Wang Shijing hugging Jiang Moxi. He rubbed his eyes and sat up with a puzzled face.

"Brother Xi will come at dawn, sit at the door and wait, looking for a boat from you."

Shao Yunan laughed: "Brother Xi, you won't sleep all night and just want a boat, right?"

Jiang Moxi said honestly, "Sleep."

Shao Yun'an said: "Go and call Qing Ge'er. Uncle An washes up first. You have breakfast in Uncle An's room. Uncle An will show you the boat."

Wang Shijing put down Jiang Moxi: "You go and call Brother Qing, and Uncle Jing will get you breakfast."

Jiang Moxi turned around and ran. Shao Yunan shook his head: "I think if he can't see the boat today, he won't be able to eat."

"Daughter-in-law, I'll go get you breakfast. Don't wait for me to come back at night, go to bed early."

"I'll sleep when I'm sleepy."

Wang Shijing bent over to give his daughter-in-law a good morning kiss and went out to get breakfast. Shao Yunan got up resignedly,

After waiting for a long time, someone knocked on the door, Shao Yunan opened the door, it was Jiang Moxi and Wang Qing with a tired face. I don't know why, seeing Wang Qing, Shao Yunan wanted to laugh, poor child.

"Daddy is early." Wang Qing yawned loudly.

"come in."

Jiang Moxi dragged Wang Qing into the house, but Wang Qing almost didn't keep up with him. Before Jiang Moxi spoke, Shao Yunan said, "Eat breakfast first, and then watch the boat after breakfast."

The excited Jiang Moxi suddenly fainted.

Fortunately, after waiting too long, Guo Ziyu came over with breakfast, Wang Shijing had to go out today, and Guo Ziyu was going to the county. Knowing that Shao Yunan, Wang Qing, and Jiang Moxi were going to eat in the room, Guo Ziyu brought the breakfast and asked Wang Shijing to concentrate on eating.

"Yun An, my lord asked me to tell you that he will come back tonight."

"Okay. Is big brother gone?"

"My lord and Ishii are having dinner, and I will take the lord's car to the county office in a moment."

"Okay. Is Brother Guo's dim sum ready?"

"It's ready. Some of the hot food will be processed at the dim sum shop."


The shopkeeper of the dim sum house was the second shopkeeper of the original Yizhangxuan. The original Yizhangxuan master Bai Yan signed a sales contract with Wei Hongwen, and the shopkeeper Xu was assigned to be the master of the dim sum house. The number of dim sums made by Guo Zimu is limited. As the mainstay, since it is a dim sum shop that also sells some popular dim sum, a professional chef is also needed. In this way, some snacks made by Guo Zimu to be eaten hot can be made into semi-finished products first, and then brought to the store for further processing. Guo Ziyu went to the county today to attend the opening ceremony of the dim sum house, the Bao Bureau and the restaurant. Shao Yunan, the biggest boss, was too lazy to run and stayed at home to do his own business. But now he can't go out because he is being watched by a certain child.

- For breakfast, the two children ate very little to concentrate, especially Jiang Moxi. Shao Yunan did not speak. When the meal was over, he called someone to put away the dishes, and then closed the door.

Sitting in front of the two children, Shao Yunan said seriously: "Brother Xi, Brother Qing, before we show you the boat, we have to make an agreement."

Wang Qing was a little nervous by his little father's expression, and nodded immediately, followed by Jiang Moxi. Shao Yunan said: "In the future, you will keep the things I show you in this room and the knowledge I tell you, and wait until you grow up and understand what these things and knowledge mean before you decide. whether to reveal it.”

Wang Qing nodded, Jiang Moxi nodded.

"Because Brother Qing is going to school, so every day after Brother Qing is out of school, the two of you come to me, and I will teach you other knowledge. Brother Xi is now back to health, so you have to study during the day, you don't have to go to the academy. , but you have to learn the books you need to read and the words you need to learn. Or do you want to go to the academy like Brother Qing?"

Jiang Moxi said, "Home."

"You practice calligraphy when Uncle An is busy, and teach you to read when you're not busy. When you learn more calligraphy, you have to read by yourself."

Jiang Moxi nodded.

"Okay!" Shao Yunan-clapped, "Let's see the boat! Come with me."

He got up and took the two children into the bedroom. When he entered the bedroom, Wang Qing and Jiang Moxi were stunned. In a second, Jiang Moxi ran to the dressing table in the bedroom. On the dresser is a model of an ancient sailboat. This model was originally in a glass bottle, and he broke the glass bottle to show the two children what a voyage ship was.

"Dad! Is this a boat?!" Wang Qing was very surprised.

"This is a model of a sailboat. Only such a big sailboat can go out to sea and go to the world on the other side of the sea." Shao Yunan will deceive the children for the time being. The world of sailboats is still possible, but ships are completely impossible.

Jiang Moxi turned to Shao Yunan, with bright eyes, holding both sides of the hull with both hands, she absolutely liked it. Shao Yunan stepped forward to pick up the sailboat, and Jiang Moxi even took a nervous breath.

"Let's go outside."

Shao Yunan carried the sailboat to the outside world, and Jiang Moxi and Wang Qing followed suit. Putting the boat on the table, Shao Yunan said, "Come here."

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