Wang Shijing bought a whole mountain!

Wang Shijing has three big worms at home!

Wang Shijing has a lot of guards, all with knives!

The richest man in Yongxiu County calls Wang Shijing brothers and sisters, and the grapefruit from his family was sent by the richest man himself!

On the second day of the Big Bug Incident, the Wang residence became popular again without exception. For the villagers of Xiushui Village now, Wang Shijing, who was forced to live by his own mother, has undergone an earth-shaking change since he split up and married Shao Yunan. After all, this status is also rising, and he is already a wealthy person that everyone in Xiushui Village looks up to. And even those who were closer to their family were also enlightened, the chickens and dogs ascended to heaven, and the life of each family was prosperous. Not to mention the envy of the villagers. Some people are envious, and naturally some people are jealous. But no matter how jealous they are, they can only be jealous behind their backs, and hate on top of each other. Now who would dare to trouble Wang Shijing, who would dare to splash in front of him, just thinking of how Shao Yunan treated Mrs. Wang and Song Every family, they couldn't help shivering. No one can provoke Wang Shijing's wife, Shao Yunan.

Compared with the envy of Wang's house, there is also a voice of disgust, that is, the night before, almost every family in the village had men who came out to "drive away" the big bugs, that is, the Tang Genshu family of orphans and widows, and Tang Genshu himself took it. Came out with a hatchet. But it was only "almost", and there were a few families where no one was seen, and half of the men hiding in the house didn't show up. One is the family of Mrs. Wang, Wang Dali and Wang Tianyan did not go out; the other is the big family of brothers Wang Bensheng and Wang Benchang. Wang Bensheng and Wang Benchang were too old to show their faces, but they all had sons, not just one. The son was tall and tall, so they didn't see anyone. It is reluctant to say that Tang Genshu, Wang Bensheng's grandson, came out, but Tang Genshu released harsh words after he was able to support his mother and younger brother. Even if their family died, they would not go to the grandfather's house, and if the grandfather's family died, don't go to them. .

This time, the spittle of the whole village nearly drowned the three families. Wang Wenhe spoke directly, there would be danger in the village in the future, and if the three families did not do anything, they would be driven out of the clan. That time, Wang Benchang almost vomited blood, and Wang Wenhe remembers it clearly. This time, Wang Benchang and Wang Bensheng can't make any sense. All the children have come out. What's the big man of their family hiding at home? However, on the same day, someone from the two families said sour words. If it wasn't for the two people from Wang Zhai, how could this worm go down the mountain? How could it be blamed on them. As for Wang Dali, he took the initiative to ask the patriarch to admit his mistake, saying that it would never be the case in the future. Wang Dali is a coward and a coward, but compared to driving him out of the clan and becoming a ghost after death, cowardice and cowardice are second.

Wang Wenhe forgave Wang Dali, but the unrepentant attitude of Wang Benchang and Wang Bensheng annoyed him this time. As the patriarch, Wang Wenhe immediately ordered that the dividends of the clan would not be shared by the two families of Wang Benchang and Wang Bensheng in the future, and they would not be used to undertake the public affairs of the clan. At the same time, both of them are not allowed to participate in this year's Qingming ancestor worship. Wang Benchang and Wang Bensheng refused to accept it, and brought their families to Wang Wenhe's house. Wang Shuping suppressed them with a few words. The vegetables grown by the Wang clan, chickens and ducks raised, eggs laid by chickens and ducks, etc., why Yunlongfang would give priority to purchasing these ingredients is because the owner of Yunlongfang is Wang Shijing. The reason why Wang Shijing made such a decision was entirely in the face of his father, the patriarch. Furthermore, there were originally not many public fields in the clan, but now there are more, so why? It was because Wang Shijing broke away from the 800 taels of silver given by his clan.

It was a blessing for the three big worms to recognize Wang Shijing's family. What if they came down the mountain to eat people? When people are in trouble, you don't want to help, and you try to reap the benefits of others. How can there be such a cheap thing. The ingredients sent by the Wang family to Yunlongfang will not be accepted from Wang Bensheng and Wang Benchang from now on. The public land dividends bought with the 800 taels of silver did not share the two families. Furthermore, Wang Wenhe was the head of the clan and had the right to decide which clan could not worship their ancestors.

This time, the two families exploded. Men scolded and women cried, but no matter how they scolded or cried, Wang Shuping would not give in an inch. The members of the Wang clan were completely standing by the patriarch's side this time. They are also angry. When something happens, you try to hide, and when it is favorable, you rush forward. How can there be such a good thing. They have been seeing these two families unpleasant for a long time. And no matter how the two families make trouble, Wang Shuping is firm. Their family has already started making sesame paste, and the response from the restaurant has been very good. Now, unless they are stupid, they will offend Wang Shuping. The people of the Wang family are waiting for Wang Shuping to turn this sesame paste business into jam for the Zhao family and chrysanthemum tea for the Sun family, benefiting the whole family. Against such a background, it was too late for the Wang clan to curry favor with Wang Shuping, how could they dare to offend him.

This word reached Shao Yunan's ears - Zhao He told him - he hehe twice, and sent two words: "Deserved." But he did not expect Wang Shuping to be so tough. But on second thought, he figured it out. The son is good, and the family starts to make money again. Wang Shuping himself is capable and intelligent, so his waist is naturally hard.

The three big cats went back to the mountain the next morning after drinking a large basin full of Lingquan and Lingling milk. The night before, the three little ones were sent into the space by Shao Yunan. The three big cats were also curious about where the children went, but Shao Yunan did not dare to send them in. Not because they were afraid of hurting the child, but because they were afraid that they would drink all the spiritual milk. Now he can drop two or three drops of spiritual milk a day, but compared to the amount, it is still stretched thin. These three big cats enter the space, and absolutely not a drop will be left for him.

That night, the three big cats also had names, which Shao Yunan named them. Brother Hu is also called Brother Hu. The one with the two cubs fighting fiercely is called Da Jin, and the weaker one is called Xiao Jin. Please forgive Shao Yunan for his incompetence in naming.

Da Xiaojin and Brother Hu went back to the mountain, gave Wang Qing and Jiang Moxi an hour-long class, and assigned homework, and Shao Yunan went back to work. Tea came in continuously, and he was naturally too busy to touch the ground. Wang Shijing went to the tea shop every morning and helped Shao Yunan make tea at home in the afternoon.

At noon, Brother Hu and Xiao Jin actually went down the mountain again. This time the villagers were calmer, but still very scared. Brother Hu and Xiao Jin did not enter through the door, but jumped directly up the courtyard wall and entered the Wang residence. Yan Fusheng was so frightened that he asked the homeowner not to raise the courtyard wall, but Shao Yunan said that he didn't need it at all. In order to prevent the dog from being too frightened after seeing the tiger, Shao Yunan tied the four dogs behind, and told Brother Hu and Xiaojin not to go to the backyard. The three tigers understand human nature very well. Shao Yunan said not to go, and they were not curious. Anyway, as long as they drink good water every day, they are very willing to cooperate.

Brother Hu and Da Xiaojin didn't come empty-handed either. Brother Hu brought another stag. It may be that the last time I saw Shao Yunan cut off the antlers of a stag, saying that the antler was a good thing, Brother Hu grabbed another one. Shao Yunan quickly told them not to kill stags all the time, otherwise the deer in the mountains and forests would become extinct. This deer antler Shao Yunan plans to pack up and send it to the capital. He has no shortage of these good things, and it is the best for his parents, senior brothers, Weng Lao, the emperor and the queen. The deer asked Zheng Da and the others to kill him, and a few close-knit families in the village sent some over. There is also a stag and a wild boar in the space, and we have to find a chance to take them out.

Wang Shijing came back in time for dinner. After eating, he took the four dogs away, and Shao Yunan went to the tea room with three children and three tigers who had no intention of returning to the mountain. The three small ones were sent into the space as usual, and the three tigers expressed their dissatisfaction. But no matter how they asked, how coquettish (big and small gold), how roaring (hu brother), Shao Yunan was unmoved.

Brother Hu walked around Shao Yunan's feet a few times, then grabbed his trousers and dragged him out.

"Ahhhh! Slow down, slow down, I'm about to fall!"

Wang Shijing went to save his daughter-in-law, but was bitten by the big and small Jin also. The two were dragged out by the three tigers in embarrassment. Wang Shijing hurriedly shouted: "Don't drag! We will follow you! Lead the way!"

Brother Hu let go of his mouth, and Da Jin did not bite when he saw that he let go. After finishing his clothes, Wang Shijing took Shao Yunan by the hand and took him out. Shao Yunan shouted, "I'll put the tea away first, I'm afraid I'll have to soak it in soup today."

After Shao Yunan put all the tea leaves into the space, brought out the three children, locked the door of the tea room, and tethered the four dogs, the two of them told Yan Fusheng and Qin Niang, and took the children up the mountain with the three big cats. . Uncle Zhou accompanied Aunt Zhou to the contract bureau. The business of the Bao Bureau is too hot. Aunt Zhou now only makes limited editions. A large number of bags are handed over to other masters. Aunt Zhou is also responsible for the quality and style update of the bags in the store. She has to go to the Bureau to see.

Aunt Zhou's family used to be a famous embroiderer and tailor, but it was only after the family changed that she fell into despair and married Uncle Zhou, a small doorman in Xiushui Village. Later, Zhou Tianbao became stupid, and Aunt Zhou was bullied by some people in the village. But it's different now. Aunt Zhou is now a boss. There is no need to worry about making a living at home. Her son is getting smarter every day. Many people want to go to their relatives. She didn't dare to say a word when others bullied her like that before. However, in front of Shao Yunan and Wang Shijing, Aunt Zhou will always be that Aunt Zhou, and Aunt Zhou still does the clothes inside and out of the Wang Zhai family. Even if Aunt Zhou made a few less bags, she would never lose the clothes of the Wang Zhai family.

Brother Hu and Xiao Jin took two big and three small up the mountain. The mountain road was not the way they went up the mountain, and the three children struggled to walk. Shao Yunan asked Brother Hu if he could carry three children, but he did not expect Brother Hu to be willing. Brother Hu was carrying Jiang Moxi and Nizi. Nizi was too small to sit on a tiger without any saddle. Jiang Moxi grabbed the thick fur on the back of Brother Hu's neck with one hand and put his arm around Nizi with the other. Da Jin carried Wang Qing on his back, and Xiao Jin happily opened the way in front of him.

On the way, I met many animals, including hares, pheasants, foxes, and deer. The children were very happy. They lived in the village and rarely saw so many wild animals with their own eyes. But the wild animals were very unhappy when they saw them, and they all ran for their lives. However, Dajin and Xiaojin are not very interested in them. It seems that the place they are going to go is more important than these wild animals.

As soon as he walked into the deep mountains and forests, Shao Yunan took out a blanket from the space to wrap the child, and he took out a down jacket himself. Wang Shijing didn't feel cold, so he didn't want it. It started to get dark when he got there, and before he got to the place, Shao Yunan sent the three children into the space. He rode on Brother Tiger and couldn't walk anymore. Wang Shijing had no problem, and walked ahead with Dajin and Xiaojin.

Until it was completely dark, Shao Yunan couldn't tell the difference between east, west and north. He and Wang Shijing each held an emergency light. When the emergency light was on, Da Jin and Xiao Jin were startled, but Brother Hu was quite calm. Shao Yunan didn't ask Brother Hu where he was going to take them, and it was useless to ask, and Brother Hu couldn't speak. Anyway, I've come here, and I can't go back.

"Brother Jing, you go ahead in the space, and I'll pick you up when I get there."

"I am not tired."

Wang Shijing will never leave his daughter-in-law behind. Shao Yunan also knew this, so he could only take out a bottle of water and two pieces of bread to pad his stomach first. The three tigers protested immediately, and he had to take out three more bottles of water and a dozen apples. Soon after eating and drinking, Brother Tiger moved forward again. Fog rose in the woods, not to mention the strange rustling and rustling voices all around, those insects that sounded exceptionally quiet in movies and TV would only make people feel nervous in this state. If only Shao Yunan was alone, he wouldn't come to such a place even if he was killed.

"Daughter-in-law, are you cold?"

"It's not cold, I just feel panicked. Have you been here before? Brother Jing."

"No. I've been up this mountain before, and I haven't even been to the tea forest."

"Where is Brother Hu going to take us? I'm sure we won't be able to go back at night."

"I haven't been there after walking for so long. It must be some magical place. We have already climbed a hill."

"Ah! It's so far. You must be tired. Take a rest."

"I'm not tired. This road is much shorter than the one I traveled during the war. During the war, I couldn't sleep for days and nights, and my mind was tense. It was just walking on my feet, not tired. "

If it had just been married, Shao Yun'an would have sighed at the difficulty of being a soldier when he heard Wang Shijing's remarks, but when he heard it now, he was very distressed.

"There should be no more wars now, at least for a short time."

"It's hard to say. If the country continues to be so poor, it will be difficult for even Dai's Yihu Army and Flying Eagle Army to persevere. There is no army pay and food is not enough. If it’s not warm, how can we fight the war. If it wasn’t for the surprise attack of the little generals, who killed their chief general, who was also a direct prince of their great khan, the war would not have ended so soon. But the kingdom of Huhar itself It is a warlike country, they have coveted me in the hinterland of Dayan for too long, this time the little general killed their prince again, and the Huhar country will not let it go."

Shao Yunan: "This Huhar country is a bit like the nomadic countries of the Huns, Turks, and Khitans in our history. We call them Hu people, and you call them Beards. Their living environment is too difficult, and they must covet the fertile land and comfort of the Yan Kingdom. In our history, from the beginning of the dynasty to its demise, each dynasty runs through the history of fighting with foreigners at the border. The most famous and most tragic is the history of the Five Husbands in the Central Plains.

At that time, the Hu people rushed into the Central Plains, treating the Han people as pigs and dogs, calling the Han people sheep, not only slaughtered them, but also roasted them to eat. That's how eating people is called eating two-legged sheep. Later, a general issued an order to kill Hu. All Han people, who killed a Hu, could get a reward with their head, and if they killed a lot, they would be promoted to rank. Under such stimulation, all the Han people rose up and killed, and the Hu people were almost killed. It can be said that the killing of Hu order was the only way to save the Han people at that time. At that time, only four or five million Han people were killed. There are thousands of miles of smoke, and there are no two in ten. The current environment is not of our race, their hearts must be different, don't think that they will be really friendly to us. "

Wang Shijing has experienced a real cold weapon war. Shao Yunan spoke calmly, but he heard a chill on his back. Such a scene makes hair stand up just thinking about it. If one day, the Huhar Kingdom breaks through their defense lines, will the people waiting for the Great Swallow be like the history that the daughter-in-law said. The people of Yan State, including him, including his daughter-in-law, including Qing Ge'er, Nizi, Xi Ge'er, including all the people he cares about, will all become sacrifices under the slaughter knives of the barbarians in Huhar Kingdom, perhaps, rations.

Wang Shijing shuddered. Even if the country of Yan started to revitalize the economy with the help of his daughter-in-law, it will take many years to return to a prosperous level. Can the border of Yan country wait, will the Huhar Congress give them time to prosper?

"Daughter-in-law..." Wang Shijing opened his mouth subconsciously, but Wang Shijing didn't know what to say.

Shao Yunan looked at Wang Shijing and said seriously: "Brother Jing, the things in the space are mine and yours. The times are always moving forward. What is not here now will be there sooner or later. Take it out in advance. It is just to speed up the process of historical development a little bit, and it will not have a big impact. Aside from the technical requirements, as long as some things are possible to use, you can decide for yourself, and I will never intervene.”

Wang Shijing swallowed and reached out to hold his daughter-in-law's cold hand.

"Brother Jing, I know that although you have taken off your shirt, you haven't completely let go. The country is ruined and the family is going to prosper, and the country needs to be rejuvenated. No matter what decision you make, I will support you."

Holding his daughter-in-law's hand and following Brother Hu's footsteps for a long time, and after being silent for a long time, Wang Shijing said, "Daughter-in-law, I want to take out the gunpowder. All the things in your space that can be used in our time are all take it out."

"Okay." Shao Yunan showed a smile that was definitely gentle, a rare smile, "I am responsible for making money and supporting my family, you are responsible for protecting your family and defending the country, you and I each perform your duties. You are my Shao Yunan's man, I It's your Wang Shijing's male wife. I won't live under your wings, and I also don't like others to think that you are in my light, and you are lucky to marry me to have the current life. They don't know, My Shao Yunan's man is not ordinary."

If it was an ordinary person, how could he "let him go" like this, how could he be so aggressive as an insider; if it was an ordinary person, how could he accept his origin so calmly and help him keep the secret of space. Because of Wang Shijing's unusualness, he made Shao Yunan special.

Wang Shijing was enthralled by the tenderness of his daughter-in-law. He suddenly took Shao Yunan off Brother Hu's back, lowered his head and kissed him. Shao Yunan wrapped around Wang Shijing's neck, raised his head to meet his kiss, his gratitude, his happiness. The two kissed passionately and passionately in the desolate jungle. Two emergency lights fell to the ground, most of the light was blocked by the thick weeds. Only a faint light reflected on the two of them, but the lips of the two were hidden in the dark night, and even a bug could not spy on their passionate kiss that went deep into their souls.


It's a pity that someone interrupted the enthusiasm of the lovers with an unpleasant sound. Wang Shijing let go of Shao Yunan and hugged his limp body tightly. This was Shao Yunan's best kiss since marrying Wang Shijing, and it was so cool that he couldn't exert any strength. Wang Shijing gently kissed his daughter-in-law on the forehead, picked him up and placed him on Brother Hu's back. Shao Yunan lay on Brother Hu, panting heavily. Wang Shijing wasn't much better either, if it was daytime, he could definitely see his face blushing.

"Let's go." Picking up the emergency light and supporting his daughter-in-law, Wang Shijing said to Brother Hu.


As if to remind the two not to waste time, Brother Hu took a step. Buried in Brother Tiger's thick fur, Shao Yunan spurned himself in his heart. He was kissed almost to the point of climax. Is it because his concentration was too weak or Brother Jing's kissing skills improved? Damn, you can't tell Brother Jing, it's too embarrassing!

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