When Wei Hongwen, who got the news, hurried back to the capital, he was greeted by the sealed-off Marquis of Hengyuan. Wei Hongwen was so anxious that he ran to Yunlong Pavilion to see Eunuch An. Eunuch An only said one sentence to him: "Put your heart in your stomach." After he said this, Wei Hongwen fainted. All the way back without eating or drinking, this relaxation, the whole person can't hold it anymore.

When Wei Hongwen "woke up", he devoured a meal, then took a shower, changed clothes, shaves, and cleaned himself up. After disguising himself, he followed Eunuch An to the General's Mansion.

The queen had abdominal pain, and Eunuch An, who only got the news later, rushed to the General's Mansion and cried in front of the queen. To put it bluntly, when Chitose was the most painful, he, a slave, was not there to serve him. The Queen could not laugh or cry. In the end, she could only say that as long as he did a good job in his business and sold this year's tea and wine at a high price, it would be the greatest filial piety to himself, and Eunuch An reluctantly accepted it.

Entering the Queen's room, Wei Hongwen knelt down. After a while, the Queen came out of the inner room without formal clothes. Wei Hongwen immediately kowtowed and shouted: "Wei Hongwen, the grass-mined, kowtows to see the Queen's thousand years old."

"Get up."

"The grass people are guilty of guilt and dare not stand up."

The queen sat down, and Zhuo Jin immediately served a cup of honey grapefruit tea. The Queen picked up the tea bowl and said, "Get up."

Wei Hongwen kowtowed and stood up.

The Queen drank a sip of grapefruit tea and asked, "Are you here this time for your brother, for your father, or for the Marquis of Hengyuan?"

Wei Hongwen bowed his body and said, "The Caomin came this time for the sake of my brother and my father." He did not mention the Marquis of Hengyuan. He made such a statement to tell the Queen that the title of title is irrelevant until the life of the family.

After the queen sang the grapefruit tea in a few mouthfuls, she put down the empty tea bowl, with a look of satisfaction on her face, and said, "Wei Hongzheng is rebellious, the son's sin, the father's responsibility, your majesty is angry about this, and your majesty did not immediately order the whole family to be executed. , but it is based on the loyalty of you and your brother Wei Hongru."

Wei Hongwen raised his head in shock.

The Queen said: "His Majesty has his own decision, up and down the Hengyuan Hou Mansion. You do your own thing, and you can't interfere with the rest. This is the time when spring tea is picked and made. Preparations are underway. Your brother Wei Hongfeng acts prudently, and I have other things for him to do."

The queen never mentioned Marquis Hengyuan, Wei Hongwen wanted to ask, but seeing the expression of Eunuch An, he shut up. Kneeling down and kowtow, Wei Hongwen said, "The Caomin obeys Qiansui's orders. The Caomin thanks Qiansui for his long grace."

This meeting between Wei Hongwen and the Queen was very brief. Eunuch An escorted him out of the General's Mansion through the side door, and told him: "The emperor and Chitose still value you two brothers very much, but your father, you should not force it. The emperor may not kill him, but he can't stay. He is in the capital, you have to be prepared."

Wei Hongwen saluted gratefully: "Mr. Xie An for the suggestion, my subordinates know what to do. It's just that my subordinates want to see my brother before leaving the capital."

Eunuch An shook his head: "You are also an accomplice now, so you mustn't show your face. You can only show up when the emperor's decree on the court of Hengyuan Hou's mansion comes down."

"My subordinate is embarrassing the lord. The subordinate will go back and pack up and leave. Please help the subordinate to bring a letter to the elder brother."


When Eunuch An came back, the queen hadn't gone to bed yet. Eunuch An immediately stepped forward and said, "Thousands, Wei Hongwen will leave the capital tonight. He asked the servant to bring a letter to Wei Hongru, but the servant could not bear his disappointment and agreed."

The Queen said lightly: "You have always been cautious in doing things, and you will do as you please. I want the two brothers Wei Hongwen to do things, but you can't chill their hearts."

"The slave has reminded him that Wei Chunlin may have his life, but he cannot stay in the capital."

The queen nodded, and then turned to say: "Shao Yunan was injured by Wei Hongzheng, you ask Zhuo Jin to pick some cloth, daughter's jewelry, etc. from Fuli Benjun's private store and send it to him."

"Yes. The servant is also going to choose something to send over. He is also the nephew of the servant. He is injured, and the servant can't ignore it. Chitose, it's getting late, you should rest."

The Queen did not say if she wanted to rest, but instead asked: "An Hun, what do you think about Shao Yun'an wanting to do business with the Das Kingdom?" The Queen has been against her body for a while, and she has never given a clear statement. Reply, now that the body is worry-free, the queen should also reply to Shao Yunan and the others as soon as possible.

An Ze said: "Thousands, to be honest, the slave's ability to do business is not even comparable to Shao Yunan's finger. The slave thinks that in doing business, as long as you follow Shao Yunan's meaning, that's absolutely right. Look, he asked us to The mahjong parlor was built. At first, the minions thought that they would not be able to earn much money. I don’t know how long it will take. Even if we don’t talk about daily gold, we can also get news. So, it’s right to listen to him.

He doesn't let us do business with the real money and silver in the country, and let us limit the number. The slaves think it makes sense. This country is a group of bandits. It is not good for us to make them rich. The slaves are I think he thinks a long way. If he didn't say so, the minions would never think of it. There are a lot of good things in this country. If we can exchange for our Dayan, it will definitely make a lot of money. What is the Hengyuan Marquis Mansion? In the future, our treasury will be worth more than ten Hengyuan Marquis Mansion. "

The queen was amused by An Ze's flattery, he quickly stopped laughing, and said, "Indeed, Shao Yunan's business brain is much worse than Wei Hongwen. Go to reply, this matter, this You are right. But I will assign him a person to take charge of this matter, and you will ask him to wait for a while, and then act when someone arrives."

Eunuch An: "Chitose means..."

Queen: "Let 'he' go."

===================================================== ===============

"Cough cough cough..."

Wang Shijing hurriedly patted his daughter-in-law on the back, Shao Yunan choked on his trachea, and Jiang Kangning hurriedly brought him a cup of tea. After drinking a sip of water and suppressing his cough, Shao Yunan wiped his mouth in an indelicate manner and looked at Jiang Kangning: "Is this the end of Marquis Hengyuan?"

Jiang Kangning asked back, "Don't you want to watch him poke the emperor's eyes?"

Shao Yunan sighed: "Marquis Hengyuan was completely trapped by his own son."

Jiang Kangning said calmly: "Marquis Hengyuan is not finished now, and will be finished in the future. When the emperor was still the prince, he said he was neutral, but in fact he was not optimistic about the emperor. If he was willing to support the emperor financially at that time. , the emperor will not be so difficult."

Shao Yunan nodded: "This is the end of shortsightedness." Immediately, he was a little worried, "What about Wei Hongwen? He is different from that Wei Hongzheng. It's a pity that he was sentenced like this. There is some friendship. Big brother, can you ask Weng Lao to plead for him, and his brother. He seems to have a very good relationship with his brother. "

Jiang Kangning smiled and said, "You can just rest assured. The emperor sentenced the Marquis of Hengyuan to prison, but he didn't send someone to pursue Wei Hongwen, so he would open up to the two brothers. Wei Hongwen served as the queen of the king. Now is the time to employ people, so naturally he won't blame him for this. It's just that Wei Hongru, what the emperor and the queen have planned, we don't know. But for this face, I think the queen will give Wei Hongwen. Wei Hongru and Heng Yuanhou is different, he is a person who is really willing to do things and can do things, and he is a talent."

Shao Yunan: "That's good. No matter how you say it, you have a relationship, and you can be regarded as a friend."

Jiang Kangning said: "Speaking of which, Wei Hongwen would like to thank you. If you hadn't pointed him to a clear path, this time, he would not have escaped this disaster."

Shao Yunan said without modesty: "This tells us that we have to hold our thighs thickly!"

Jiang Kangning: "..."

Shao Yunan and Jiang Kangning received urgent letters from the capital one after another. What Shao Yunan received was from Old Cen, and what Jiang Kangning received was from Old Man Weng. Shao Yunan, Wang Shijing and Jiang Kangning gained a detailed understanding of the situation in the capital through this letter. Old Cen sent two letters one after another, one letter told him about the Queen's physical condition, asked him how his injuries were, and told him that the Emperor and others noticed that the Queen was after taking the Guyuan paste and honey grapefruit tea made by him. Only then did the body recover. Not only that, but the emperor, Weng Lao, and General Dai Lao were aware of it, so Shao Yunan must be careful. The other letter was to tell him what the emperor had done to the Marquis of Hengyuan. In the letter, Old Cen didn't mention how the emperor planned to deal with Wei Hongwen, so Shao Yunan didn't know that the emperor was willing to open up to him and Wei Hongru.

Shao Yunan was very moved. The foster father was still worried about them so far away from the capital. As for the fact that the food he made had the health-preserving effect that the foster father was worried about had been noticed, Shao Yunan was not worried. In the past, he had to think carefully about his words, but now he doesn't need it at all. With Brother Hu there, just say Brother Hu will take them to find water with aura. As for when they met Brother Hu, it's not up to them to decide. However, the Queen's health is good, and it is not in vain for him to use so much spiritual milk before and after.

Shao Yunan is busy now flying quickly. All Qimen black teas are handled and made by him personally, and now he has discovered a large number of Dahongpao ancient trees on the cliffs in the deep mountains. You must know that in modern society, there are only 6 mother trees of the ancient Dahongpao tree, and the Dahongpao produced by these 6 mother trees is something you can't drink even if you have money. Dahongpao of a pound of mother tree tea can be sold for tens of millions.

In modern society, Dahongpao grew up in Wuyi Mountain in Fujian. But here, in the same mountain forest in Xiushui Village, there are (Qimen) black tea, (West Lake) Longjing, and (Wuyi Mountain) Dahongpao, Shao Yunan could not explain why. Perhaps, this world is such a strange. Tea leaves with different properties can grow harmoniously in the same area. Considering that there is such a magical fairy grass growing here, it is not surprising that the tea leaves are so distributed.

The picking and making process of Dahongpao are very complicated. The kneading and making process of Qimen black tea is also complicated and delicate. It can be said that Dahongpao and Qimen black tea are both very top-level black teas, so the complexity of the craftsmanship is naturally top-level. Needless to say, the preciousness of Dahongpao, Qimen black tea is one of the four major black teas in the world, and it is the best of the black teas.

Wang Shijing and Tang Genshu are fully responsible for picking the buds and leaves of one bud, two leaves and three leaves for Qimen black tea. But the picking of Dahongpao was done by Shao Yunan alone. Dahongpao is different from ordinary red and green tea. Its fresh leaves are picked as new shoots, buds and leaves that are mature and mature (three or four leaves on the open surface), no leaf surface water, no damage, fresh and uniform. At the same time, fresh leaves should not be too tender or too old, in short, they should be moderate. Moreover, it is very troublesome to avoid picking in rainy days and when there is dew. So after explaining the family affairs, Shao Yunan took Brother Hu and Jin to the mountain. Wang Shijing wanted to follow him, but when he went, the family's tea was no longer the backbone. Yan Fusheng and the others only knew how to collect tea, but they didn't understand it later, and they couldn't let them know. In desperation, Wang Shijing could only watch Shao Yunan go into the mountain alone, oh no, he also brought Jiang Moxi with him. Jiang Moxi - must follow, must follow, grab Shao Yunan's clothes and don't let go.

There are three big tigers, and Shao Yunan has the ability to protect himself. Wang Shijing can only promise to let him take Jiang Moxi into the mountain. But this time they informed Jiang Kangning. Of course Jiang Kangning was convinced, but the period of tea picking was the key, and he couldn't convince Jiang Moxi, so he could only compromise. Wang Qing and Nizi also wanted to follow, and Wang Shijing asked them to stay at home. In the eyes of outsiders, how could Shao Yunan go into the mountains with three children. Wang Shijing asked Wang Qing to study hard at home and Nizi to practice the piano. Jiang Moxi became stubborn and couldn't pull ten cows back, so he had no choice.

After entering the mountain, Shao Yunan sent Da Xiaojin and Jiang Moxi into the space. He rode on Brother Hu and went straight to the Dahongpao Ancient Tea Forest. This mountain forest in Xiushui Village is a huge natural treasure for Shao Yunan. Not only because this is the place where Brother Tiger gave him immortal grass, but the most important thing is that there are uninhabited mountains that stretch for thousands of miles. In ancient times, the population was small and the productivity was underdeveloped. People basically could only move around in the periphery of the forest, and few people went inside the forest. Shao Yunan has three forest overlords, Brother Hu and Jin Xiaojin. No matter how dangerous or deep the forest is, he can go there. It's like he found a huge golden mountain, and no one can **** it from him.

In this world, they are probably the only family who can ride a tiger and run around the mountains. Riding on the back of a tiger, which was actually not soft, Shao Yunan was dizzy. When he saw anything good, he stopped Brother Hu to give him time to pick it up. Brother Hu is also good-natured. As long as he has enough spiritual spring water every day, he can give him a drop of spiritual milk when there is a lot of spiritual milk, and he will do whatever he wants.

Shao Yunan couldn't ask how Brother Hu and Da Xiaojin found out that he had a spiritual spring. It stands to reason that Brother Hu and Xiaojin should be active in the deep mountains. The tea forest that he and Brother Jing watered were still on the periphery, so they shouldn't have intersected. But unless Brother Hu can speak, Shao Yunan will never get an answer to this question.

There are so many treasures in the deep mountains. There are wild fruits that he has never seen in the periphery, and precious herbs—all of which Brother Hu told him to eat. He also dug up a ginseng tree that was not known for hundreds of years, a large ganoderma lucidum. After digging, he quickly went into the space and transplanted it into the field, and watered it with spiritual spring water. Big and small Jin are playing in the space, and not far away is Jiang Moxi, who is "making handicrafts".

The reason why Jiang Moxi wants to follow Shao Yunan is that he has to read books, and there are many books in the space that cannot be taken out; second, he has to do handicrafts. He dismantled the ship model Shao Yunan gave him before, and Jiang Moxi reassembled the ship by himself. Then he disassembled and disassembled. Now I can't disassemble or install it, and I'm addicted to making it myself. In this regard, Shao Yunan and Wang Shijing were completely laissez-faire, and prepared the tools and wood he needed for him to figure it out on his own.

This time out, Shao Yunan planned to make the Dahongpao directly in the space, and when he went back, he just took some tea leaves and fooled it. Of course, such a precious thing must be made with the most professional tea-making tools in his space. The production process of Dahongpao includes: withering, drying, shaking, making green, fixing green, rolling, drying, and making tea. Among them, making green and water roasting is quite the key. Making green is a process of continuing withering and fermentation. It is very technical and requires special techniques. It cannot be learned in a day or two. Now time is tight, Shao Yunan can only do it by himself, and he has been in this craft for a long time. It shouldn't be rumored for a while.

The water-running roasting requires a cage in a closed roasting room. The "running water method" is used on the baking caves at different temperatures. The whole process requires fast speed and intense work, and it needs to be completed in more than ten minutes, so it is also called "baking with water". This is also a long-term production experience accumulation process, which can only be completed by Shao Yunan independently. After he told Wang Shijing the secret of the space, he asked Wang Shijing to build a well-equipped tea room for him in the corner of the space. Black tea, green tea, scented tea, etc., different tea leaves have different production methods, in the tea room of the space, he can operate all of them.

The reason why Shao Yunan knew how to make Dahongpao is because although the mother tree of Dahongpao is rare, there are many Dahongpao on the platform which are cut and multiplied from the branches of the mother tree. As a qualified tea enthusiast, how could he not know about Dahongpao.

Just when Shao Yunan, Wang Shijing, Jiang Kangning and many others were busy with the same goal - making tea, the soldiers at the border crossing Huxingguan welcomed a special guest.

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