Someone knocked on the door, Wang Shijing immediately woke up, Shao Yunan grunted and pulled the quilt over his head and continued to sleep. Wang Shijing put on a nightgown and got out of bed, walked outside, opened the door, and saw the person knocking on the door, Wang Shijing's first reaction was: "How long have you been standing?"

"Uncle An."

"Your Uncle An is still sleeping." Wang Shijing pulled Jiang Moxi into the room, his hands were cold.


Picking up Jiang Moxi, Wang Shijing carried him to the bedside, took off his shoes and tucked him into the warm quilt, Shao Yunan pulled down the quilt with difficulty, and after squinting to see who it was, he asked sleepily: " Brother Xi, why can't you fall asleep again? Ha..." A big yawn.

"Uncle An, I, Nizi, are married."

Shao Yunan's mouth was still in the "ah" shape of a yawn. When Jiang Moxi dropped such a bomb, Wang Shijing's face sank on the spot.

"You and Nizi are too young to get married." He rudely rejected Jiang Moxi's "rude" request.

Shao Yunan had to wake up. He sat up and asked, "Why are you thinking about getting married with Nizi? You are still young. No one gets married at such a young age."

Jiang Moxi: "Nizi, daughter-in-law, my kiss, soaked in a pig cage."

Shao Yunan was a little dizzy, but Wang Shijing understood it instantly. He sat down beside Jiang Moxi, and took the opportunity to teach him, "So you can't kiss Nizi casually, even if you are still young. Nizi is a girl, and doing so will affect Nizi's reputation."

"Nizi, daughter-in-law."

After Wang Shijing said this, Shao Yunan understood what Jiang Moxi meant, and he teased Jiang Moxi: "If you are afraid that Nizi will be soaked in a pig cage, then you can bear it, don't kiss Nizi, and kiss her after you and Nizi get married. "

"Yun'an!" Wang Shijing had not yet decided whether to marry Nizi to Jiang Moxi. It's not that he doesn't like Jiang Moxi, but, as the future Lord Yuezhang, Wang Shijing is very picky about his son-in-law.

Jiang Moxi quit: "Nizi, daughter-in-law, I want to kiss."

Wang Shijing turned black, and Shao Yunan laughed "haha". Jiang Moxi was afraid that he could not kiss Nizi casually, lest others say that Nizi lost her virginity, so she wanted to marry Nizi so that she could have an open and honest kiss. It has to be said that the ideas of gifted children are always avant-garde.

Shao Yunan said: "Brother Xi, getting married is not only a matter of you and Nizi, but a matter of the Wang family and the Jiang family. Your little father hasn't come back from the border, if you just book you casually. Marriage with Nizi is disrespectful to Nizi. Also, if you want to marry Nizi, then you must agree to Nizi. Although we want to be a domineering president, domineering is reflected in your attitude toward Nizi's possessiveness is not disrespecting Nizi's will. And the most important point, you and Nizi are both too young and have not reached the legal age for marriage, so you can only get engaged, not married. At least wait until Nizi is 18 before she can marry you."

"14!" Jiang Moxi didn't want to wait so long.

Shao Yunan shook his head: "No, 18 at the earliest. 18 is too early for me."






Well, as expected, gifted children are not easy to fool. People know very well what the legal age of marriage is here. The daughter's family can marry as early as 13 or 14 years old. When she is 18, she is leftover.

"Yun'an." Wang Shijing had to remind him aloud that his father was still here.

Shao Yunan patted Wang Shijing to tell him to be calm, and continued to bargain with Jiang Moxi: "Okay, 16 is 16. But Nizi is willing to marry you. If Nizi is not willing, everything is in vain."

Jiang Moxi stared at Uncle An furiously. After a few breaths, he jumped off the bed, put on his shoes, and ran away, obviously going to find Nizi. Shao Yunan smiled and fell on the bed: "It's so fun. It's the first time I've seen a talented young man so obsessed with love."

"Yun An, this is too much of a joke." Wang Shijing was unhappy.

Shao Yunan patted his side, Wang Shijing sat over, Shao Yunan smiled and said seriously, "Don't you think Nizi will be very happy marrying Brother Xi?"

"Nizi is still young."

Shao Yun'an said: "Nizi is still young, but Brother Xi is a genius. He has already matured early, and now he has this awareness. With Brother Xi's temper, if he likes Nizi, he will always like it, and he will definitely like it. Nizi is not allowed to like others. He can be the kind of person who can take Nizi away if he falls in love with others. Instead of this, let's help them to have no guesses, childhood sweethearts, and wait until Nizi grows up , The two naturally get married and have children, and achieve a beautiful marriage, how wonderful."

Wang Shijing said: "It's not that I don't like Brother Xi, I'm worried that when Brother Xi grows up, he will find out that he is just a brother and sister to Nizi, or that Nizi is only a brother and sister to him, wouldn't this become a resentment? companion?"

Shao Yunan: "That's why I said cultivate. In fact, Nizi and Brother Xi have a place that reassures us the most."


"He is definitely not a girl who likes because our family is rich and powerful."

This is, Wang Shijing really did not expect this layer.

"If they love each other, their love will be the purest. You like me and I like you. It will not be mixed with any interests or material. Let her understand that only her brother Xi really likes her, not because she is the daughter of Wang Shijing and Shao Yunan, not because she is the granddaughter of Cen Yuebai, and not because their family is related to the royal family, just Because she is his Wang Jingyan."

Well, Wang Shijing was persuaded by Shao Yunan's remarks. He and Shao Yunan were forced to have pure love. He knew how precious it was, and he knew even more how sweet it was. After all, her daughter is going to marry, and of course she is going to marry a man who truly loves her and will love her.

Seeing that Wang Shijing agreed with him, Shao Yunan said, "Let's talk to Big Brother in advance, and discuss with him when Big Brother Kangchen comes back. If Big Brother Kangchen agrees and Nizi is willing, we'll get engaged to the two children first, and wait until Nizi comes back. When the child is 16 years old, we will get married. We can also make a guarantee that if one of the two children grows up and only one of them finds out that they are only brothers and sisters to the other, the marriage will be terminated. "

Wang Shijing: "That's not child's play."

"Marriage is about your love and my will. If one party doesn't want to marry, why not get married? Like you said, it's not a grudge partner. But this is just in case. I don't think it's a big deal. , Brother Xi's temper, if he can tell Nizi to escape, he will not be Jiang Moxi."

Wang Shijing didn't understand: "Why did Nizi escape, maybe it was Brother Xi who escaped first."

Shao Yunan said confidently: "The idea of ​​a gifted child cannot be judged by ordinary people. He will definitely not change his mind."


In this room, as soon as Nizi got up, Jiang Moxi rushed in, startling Xia Chun and Xia Qiu. As soon as Jiang Moxi came in, he said to Xia Chun and Xia Qiu, "Get out!"

Xia Chun and Xia Qiu did not dare to delay, and hurried out. Before Nizi had put on her shoes, Jiang Moxi knelt down in front of her and put on her shoes. Nizi rubbed her eyes: "Brother Xi, good morning."


"Where's my brother? Did you go to the academy?"


After putting on Nizi's shoes, Jiang Moxi stood up and hugged Nizi. Nizi rubbed in brother Xi's arms and hugged brother Xi, smiling sweetly.

"Nizi, get married."

Nizi raised her head inexplicably: "Married?"

Jiang Moxi lowered her head and kissed Nizi on the cheek: "Nizi, brother Xi, get married."

Nizi blinked, and her face instantly turned red.

"Nizi, get married, be good."

Nizi smiled and nodded: "Okay."

Jiang Moxi's eyes sparkled, she lowered her head and kissed Nizi's face again, feeling very good.


Take the girl down. Jiang Moxi leads Nizi to find Uncle An and Uncle Jing, they want to get married!


"Hohohoho, Brother Xi and Nizi are getting married."

"It's an engagement."

"Hohohoho, it's good to be engaged."

When I woke up early in the morning, I heard Jiang Moxi loudly announce that he was going to marry Nizi, and King Luo Rong was very happy. This is a naked little girl, a childhood sweetheart, how precious and precious. King Luo Rong doesn't care whether Nizi's father is happy or not, he has the same attitude as Shao Yunan - support!

Wang Shijing's mood is very complicated. Last night's chest tightness was completely dissipated by Jiang Moxi's "willfulness", and it only turned into helplessness and helplessness. What Jiang Moxi recognized, I am afraid that his own father's presence would not be able to change it, it was a hundred levels higher than willful, so Shao Yunan was able to persuade him a little.

Shao Yunan rested his chin in his hand and said narrowly, "Nizi, your brother Xi said you agreed? You don't even think about it? What if you meet someone more handsome than your brother Xi in the future?"

Before Nizi could answer, Luo Rong was dissatisfied: "Go, fool! How can a little father talk to his daughter like this. I think Brother Xi is, um, what do you mean by being handsome?"


"Jun is handsome, what a handsome, ugly!" By the way, he taught Shao Yunan a lesson, and King Luo Rong continued: "Nizi, Grandpa Murong thinks your brother Xi is very handsome, and the men outside are very bad, so you should go on a blind date with your brother Xi. It's good to be in love."

Jiang Moxi was also very dissatisfied, staring at Uncle An, Shao Yunan hurriedly raised his hand to surrender: "I was wrong, I was wrong. I admit my mistake. Brother Xi and Nizi are the best match, okay?"

Jiang Moxi stopped staring, and Nizi's face turned even redder. Wang Shijing took his daughter from Jiang Moxi's side and hugged him: "Nizi, you are still young, so don't take this matter too seriously. Your brother Xi will always be your brother Xi. When you grow up, you will see what you want. Don't be your brother Xi's wife."

"Uncle Jing!"

Wang Shijing said solemnly, "If you don't have any confidence, then don't make an engagement with Nizi."

Jiang Moxi pursed her lips.

Wang Shijing continued: "You and Nizi are both still young, so your words cannot be accurate. If you and Nizi are adults, and you say you want to marry Nizi, as long as Nizi is willing, Uncle Jing will never stop her. I will definitely marry Nizi to you beautifully. But now, whether it is you or Nizi, they are still children, and the days to come are still long. No one can guarantee that you will meet another person you like in the future. people."

"Will not!"

"Whether it will take time to see. Because you are Jiang Moxi, brother Xi that Uncle Jing knows, and Nizi also likes Brother Xi, so Uncle Jing agrees to wait for your little father to come back. As long as your little father does not object, he will give You get engaged. But in the future, when you grow up, whether it's you or Nizi, as long as one person is unwilling, then this marriage cannot be forced. If you can't do this, then this matter is over. , If you don't have any heart, what a big deal!"

Jiang Moxi clenched his fists, and King Luo Rong and Shao Yunan didn't speak. This was a contest between men, and they couldn't mix. Oh, the wording is wrong, it should be, this is a contest between Lord Taishan and his son-in-law, and they cannot mix.

Nizi is a little scared, is Dad teaching brother Xi a lesson? She got down from her father's arms and hugged Jiang Moxi, who immediately hugged her back. Nizi turned her head: "Dad, don't scold Brother Xi." Her eyes were red.

Wang Shijing held his breath in his heart, and Shao Yunan quickly lowered his head, holding back the smile that was almost out of his mouth. King Luo Rong also gritted his teeth, he couldn't laugh at this moment.

Wang Shijing had a headache.

"Father isn't scolding Brother Xi, he's just telling him a truth. Nizi, do you know what engagement is?"

Nizi nodded: "A marriage is an engagement."

Well, that's the right understanding.

"You are still young, and you are engaged without someone as young as you."

Nizi looked like you were "out" and said, "Why not, Xiaohua from Uncle Yang's family has already ordered a baby kiss with her. Wang Rong's sister also ordered a baby kiss, and …”

"Okay, let's not talk about other families, let's talk about our family. Are you willing to order a baby kiss with your brother Xi? When you grow up, marry your brother Xi." Wang Shijing was defeated.

Nizi blushed and tears returned. She stood on tiptoe and kissed Jiang Moxi's face, and said proudly, "I want to marry brother Xi when I grow up."

Jiang Moxi's eyes lit up, and she lowered her head and took a bite on Nizi's face.

"Don't kiss!"

"Pfft!" Shao Yunan couldn't help it.

"Pfft hahaha..." King Luo Rong also burst out laughing.

The atmosphere was cheerful, Qin Niang came in, and Shao Yunan stopped smiling. Qin Niang first bowed to King Luo Rong, and then said, "Master, little master, Zhao He is here."

"Oh, take him to the side hall where the guests are received, I'll go over there."


Shao Yunan stood up and made the final speech: "Nizi and Brother Xi have told eldest brother in advance, and then wait for eldest brother Kangchen to come back. Before you get engaged, you are not allowed to come and kiss, especially brother Xi, you don't want others. Be careful if you speak ill of Nizi. Well, Nizi is going to practice the piano, brother Xi is going to study, brother Jing, please go to the royal patriarch's place, it's not good for you to not show up today for such a big thing yesterday."

King Luo Rong hurriedly said: "I will pass the time by myself, you don't mind me."


After explaining, Shao Yunan left. Wang Shijing also stood up and said to Qin Niang, "Go get five packets of new tea, and then see if Zimu has dim sum, and pack a box." Not only Wang Wenhe, Li Zheng, Grandpa Sun, Lao Wang Dad has to send a packet of new tea for them to taste.

The first batch of Longjing green tea, Shao Yunan took out a jar, it was only third-class, and the taste was slightly worse, but for those who had never drank new tea, it was already the best. Time is not enough, this jar is just to satisfy cravings. Shao Yunan went to see Zhao He, and Wang Shijing took five packets of green tea and a box of snacks and left.

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