In the Luo Rong palace, the prince Murong Yi, who was rescued by Guo Zimu, was sitting on the bed panting heavily. Luo Rong Wang rubbed his chest, and Guo Zimu, who was wearing a mask, held a glass of water in his hand.

"Brother Yi, are you better?"

King Luo Rong was sweating profusely, Guo Zimu put down the water glass and wiped his sweat with his sleeve. Murong Yi raised her eyes and glanced at Guo Zimu, panting, "This time, thanks a lot, little dad."

Guo Zimu's movement of wiping his sweat stopped, but King Luo Rong said, "Isn't it? It's fortunate that your little father is here." After wiping the corners of his eyes, King Luo Rong said, "Drink the fairy water quickly, and you won't suffer from it again in the future. Heartbroken."

Guo Zimu pursed his lips.

Murong Yi smiled slightly and said, "This is a gift from the emperor to Dad, how can I drink it."

King Luo Rong stared: "What if you want to do this again?" Looking at Guo Zimu, who was silent, King Luo Rong felt a little guilty, and said, "Otherwise, you can take a sip first and see, if you can get better. Now, the rest of the father drink."

Guo Zimu immediately chimed in and said, "I'll go see how many there are."

The father and son watched Guo Zimu walk to the table, Murong Yi whispered, "Father, you can't just think about me."

Luo Rongwang nodded fiercely: "Dad was in a hurry just now." Xiaomu, don't be angry with him.

Guo Zimu took out the porcelain bottle steadily, opened it and looked at it. Guo Zimu had no thoughts about Xian Shui. He is young and well-raised in the Wang's house. It's not that he doesn't feel it himself. He has been living as a beggar for many years, so how can he not have any problems with his body. But after going to Wang's house, all those problems were cured. He felt that the effect of this fairy water was probably similar to that of the sweet water in the Wang residence.

Turning his head, Guo Zimu said, "One sip is enough for one person. The prince should drink half of it first."

King Luo Rong nodded: "Okay, drink half of it first."

Guo Zimu simply poured out the water in the cup, half of the fairy water. Going to the bed, Guo Zimu handed the cup to King Luo Rong, but King Luo Rong rubbed his hands together and dared not take it. Murong Yi had no strength. After Guo Zimu hesitated for a moment, he grabbed a hand of King Luo Rong, put the cup into his hand, and then grabbed King Luo Rong's hand and fed it to Murong Yi's mouth. Murong Yi glanced at Guo Zimu's green fingers and opened her mouth.

The screams that suddenly sounded inside the house startled the waiters waiting outside. King Luo Rong pressed on Murong Yi's body and called, "Brother Yi, you can hold back!"

Murong Yi was very fat, and when he struggled, King Luo Rong could not suppress him alone. Guo Zimu rushed back to the table to collect the immortal water, then rushed out of the room and called for someone to come in to help. At this moment, Murong Yi's blood flowed out from his seven orifices, and King Luo Rong was scared to death.

"Xiao Mu, take the fairy water again!"

"The prince has a heart disease. What if he can't stand it if he drinks too much. The emperor will hurt when he eats immortal fruit, and he will definitely hurt when he drinks immortal water." Guo Zimu admitted that he was selfish, and he only had so much immortal water. drink.

The doctor in charge of the palace also came, a group of people pressed Murong Yi, Guo Zimu retreated in the corner, he couldn't help at this time. Murong Yi's scream was terrible, after the blood, his skin began to seep blue-black water. Before falling into a coma, Murong Yi thought, let him die.

When Murong Yi woke up again, she thought she was in the underworld. It's just that this underworld looks familiar?

"Brother Yi?"

Murong Yi turned her head blankly, looking at her father's face.

"Brother Yi, how do you feel? Does your chest still hurt?"

Murong Yi blinked and recalled all his memories. His subconscious reaction was to raise his hand to touch his chest. What's with this easy breathing?

Murong Yi's eyes rolled, everything that should be in the room was there, only Guo Zimu was missing. After a few deep breaths, Murong Yi swallowed her throat and said cautiously, "It seems that your chest is not so stuffy anymore?"

King Luo Rong almost jumped up in excitement, he struggled to help Murong Yi, and hurriedly said, "Come and show the prince."

The doctor from the palace immediately came over to check Murong Yi's pulse, and when the doctor took his hand away, he knelt down and said, "Congratulations to the lord, congratulations to the prince, the prince's heart is stable, like an ordinary person, no, it is three points more stable than ordinary people. !"

"Ouch!" The excited King Luo Rong knelt down and kowtowed in the direction of the palace, "Your Majesty Long! Long live my emperor! Long live!"

Everyone hurriedly knelt down and thanked them in the direction of the palace, but everyone knew in their hearts that Wang Shijing and Shao Yunan asked for this immortal water.

Murong Yi covered her chest in a daze, still gasping for breath, is the heart disease that has plagued him for more than 20 years just so good? He even thumped, his chest really didn't hurt! No pain at all! The suffocation and pain between each breath in the past are really gone!

Murong Yi also didn't feel that his body was weak, he lifted the quilt and got out of bed in a quick motion, and jumped up on the spot. Seeing this, King Luo Rong's first reaction was to help him, but then, Murong Yi covered her chest, her expression was sluggish at first, and then she screamed up to the sky: "Hahaha, hahahaha, it doesn't hurt anymore! Really! No more pain!"

After laughing, Murong Yi started to cry again, hugging her own father and crying loudly: "Father, I don't have pain anymore! My chest doesn't hurt anymore!"

King Luo Rong also had tears in his eyes: "Okay, okay, Brother Yi is finally okay. The emperor's grace, let my brother Yi be okay!"

Murong Yi cried like a child. In this life, as long as he could remember, he would not dare to cry like this. But now, he laughed and cried again, but his heart didn't hurt anymore, and it didn't make him gasp and faint in the next moment.

"Brother Yi, thank you quickly."

Murong Yi cried and let go of her father, knelt down and kowtowed, sobbing. King Luo Rong wiped away his tears and waved the others out. After everyone went out, King Luo Rong helped Murong Yi and said, "If it wasn't for Shijing and Yun'an to risk beheading to beg the emperor, we wouldn't be able to get this fairy water. They are the benefactors of Luo Rong's mansion, and even more so. your benefactor."

"Baby, I won't forget." Murong Yi hugged her father again, still crying. King Luo Rong patted him, but smiled: "Now Brother Yi can cry, laugh, run and dance with confidence. It's late today, and you have to tell your mother tomorrow." , he said: "I will go to see her with you tomorrow. Don't cry, I will go to the palace to thank you after cleaning up."

"Dad, thank you."

Thank you for taking care of me wholeheartedly, thank you for not thinking that I am useless, thank you for always being good to me, thank you... The person Murong Yi is most grateful and respected in her life is her father.

"You and my father and son say thank you." Letting go of Murong Yi, King Luo Rong wiped his tears and said, "My father will invite Ishii and the others to come to the house on another day. You should thank them well."

"My child, remember the teachings of the king."

King Luo Rong gave Murong Yi a shudder softly, and Murong Yi smiled and said, "My son, remember your father's teachings."

King Luo Rong took a deep breath, smiled deeply, and firmly grasped Murong Yi's shoulders with both hands: "You are in good health, and you will take on all the responsibilities of the prince. Ishii is now honored as a loyal and brave marquis, but there must be some people who won't let it go. He and Yun An live comfortably, and our Luo Rong Palace should be a backer for them."

"Children know what to do, dad just don't worry."

King Luo Rong nodded, smiling unabated. Murong Yi took two steps back, bowed deeply to her father, and said, "Father, you should also take the rest of the fairy water soon."

King Luo Rong nodded, put away his smile, and said, "Your little father is introverted and doesn't like to see outsiders, so you can guard your father."


King Luo Rong came out with his son, and everyone in the palace knelt down and kowtowed, except Guo Zimu. King Luo Rong asked directly, "Where's Zhengjun?"

"Back to the lord, Zhengjun said he went back to the room first."

"You and others do their jobs."


I didn't know that King Luo Rong, whose son had trained the servants of the palace, hurried back to the room with the prince. As soon as the two entered the room, they didn't see Guo Zimu, and King Luo Rong shouted, "Zimu?"

"I'm in the back room."

King Luo Rong asked the prince to wait in the outer room and entered the inner room. Guo Zimu was wearing a mask, and he obviously noticed that someone else was coming and came in in a hurry. King Luo Rong immediately blamed himself: "I came here with the prince and forgot to send someone to tell you. Have you been waiting in the house? Are you hungry?"

"I'm not hungry, there's some snacks in the house. Is the prince okay?"

"All right, all right."

Mentioning this, King Luo Rong couldn't help laughing.

Guo Zimu stepped forward and took King Luo Rong's hand, pulled him to the small table, looked at the porcelain bottle on the table and said, "Drink the rest."

King Luo Rong held Guo Zimu's hand instead: "You drink with me."

Guo Zimu shook his head: "I don't drink it. I'm in good health. What's the point of drinking this without any disease or pain." Withdrawing his hand, Guo Zimu hugged King Luo Rong, "Drink this, you can stay with me all the time. "

King Luo Rong's heart was about to melt, and he hugged Guo Zimu tightly: "How can I enjoy this fairy water alone? You take a sip, and I will drink the rest. If you don't drink it, I won't drink it."

Originally, there was not much left, but King Luo Rong was very determined. Even if there was only one drop, he would share with Guo Zimu. Guo Zimu raised his head and kissed King Luo Rong's mouth, and King Luo Rong hugged him and deepened. At the end of the kiss, King Luo Rong coaxed: "Little Mu, drink it."

"You drink it first, I'm afraid of the pain, and I don't want anyone else to take care of me."

"Okay, I'll drink first. The prince is outside. You and the prince will take care of me in a while. I have already ordered to go down and not let others in."


Murong Yi, who was waiting outside, said at the right time, "Father, come outside with your little father, I won't go in."

"Ah good."

King Luo Rong adjusted Guo Zimu's mask, held him in one hand and went out with the porcelain bottle in the other. Now the situation is different, it is not convenient for the prince to come in here.

Seeing the prince, Guo Zimu just nodded slightly, not showing closeness, but very alienated. Murong Yi also bowed slightly, without saying anything deliberately. King Luo Rong sat down on the chair, pulled out the cork, looked at how much was left, and then looked up and drank half of it. After drinking, he quickly plugged the cork and put it into Guo Zimu's hand. The prince said immediately, "Little Daddy, I'll look at Daddy first, if I'm not strong enough, you can come again."

Guo Zimu nodded and stuffed the porcelain bottle into his belt.

King Luo Rong waited with bated breath, but within two breaths, he gritted his teeth, which was an attack. Although King Luo Rong didn't drink as much as the prince, his pain was definitely not less than that of the prince. Guo Zimu clenched his fists nervously (worried) as he looked at King Luo Rong, whose face instantly turned pale.


King Luo Rong curled up in pain, and Murong Yi immediately hugged him. Guo Zimu rushed back to the back room, took out a quilt and spread it on the ground. Murong Yi moved his father, who was groaning from the pain, onto the quilt, and then pressed his father's body firmly.

"I'll go get the water!"

Seeing Murong Yi's state when he had an attack, Guo Zimu told himself to calm down over and over again, and rushed outside to scoop up water. Guo Zimu didn't like seeing outsiders. The small kitchen in King Luo Rong's courtyard had been tidy up early in the morning, and when Guo Zimu came back, he boiled the water, waiting for this moment to come in handy. He quickly poured a pot of hot water in, and King Luo Rong was screaming in pain. Guo Zimu put down the pot, but took out the porcelain bottle from his belt, pulled out the cork, raised his head and drank it in confusion. Lying on the body of King Luo Rong, he kissed him. Murong Yi was shocked, and King Luo Rong, who was so in pain that he couldn't react, only felt a sweetness enter his mouth, and then his body hurt even more.

"Little Daddy! You!" Murong Yi was so shocked that she almost forgot to hold down her father.

Wiping the corners of King Luo Rong's mouth, Guo Zimu only said: "You are pressing, I will wipe your body."

Murong Yi took a deep breath, and in the end it was just a "OK."

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