After breakfast the next day, Shao Yunan took Jiang Moxi to the carriage of the General's Mansion. Dai Mingjun and Shen Bing's daughter Dai Yingsi also went with them. Along with him were Da Xiaojin and Murong Shizi, who had come early in the morning. Wang Shijing wanted to accompany him, but Shao Yunan refused to let him go. Wang Shijing is now the Marquis of Zhongyong, so try not to be stained by the people of the Wu family. Besides, this matter is still a matter of the inner house, if Wang Shijing comes forward again, he will appear petty. As the representative of Luo Rong's palace, Prince Murong was understandable to follow him. Wang Qing and Nizi also wanted to go, to give their eldest brother a boost, but Jiang Moxi refused to let them go. In Jiang Moxi's only memory of the Duke's Mansion, it was a group of ugly idiots, and he didn't want Nizi to see them.

As soon as the carriage arrived at the Anguo Gongfu, the main entrance of the Anguo Gongfu opened from the inside. The butler of Anguo Gong's mansion greeted him at the door. Seeing the big and small gold, the butler and the servant at the door each had a stiff expression. Not long after walking in, Mrs Wu Zheng appeared. Seeing Xiao Jin, she also had a stiff face, and said with restraint her dissatisfaction, "Wang Shaozhengjun went out with a tiger."

Jiang Moxi held Uncle An's hand and didn't react at all to her uncle. Shao Yunan patted Xiaojin's head and said helplessly, "Dajin and Xiaojin are divine beasts personally bestowed by the emperor to protect the country. They must follow me and I won't be able to stop them. I'll make you laugh."

Shao Yunan brought out the identity of the big and small gold, and Wu Zheng could only bite the bullet and take it. She took two steps back a little, and then greeted Murong Shizi and Dai Yingsi, but she secretly complained, why did the Shizi come! Afterwards, Mrs. Wu Zheng tried her best to look at Jiang Moxi lovingly: "Brother Xi, I'm your uncle. But I'm afraid you don't remember. Will my uncle take you to see your father?"

Saying that, Mrs Wu Zheng stretched out her hand, Jiang Moxi raised her eyelids, gave Mrs Wu Zheng a contemptuous look, and teased Shao Yunan.

Wu Zheng's hand stretched out awkwardly and wondered, how could this fool have such eyes? Shao Yunan laughed in his heart and said apologetically, "Brother Xi recognizes people. I wonder if Young Master Wu Jian is convenient to visit now?"

Mrs. Wu Zheng retracted her hand, pressed the silk handkerchief on the corner of her mouth, pressing down the embarrassment the other party had given her, and said, "Convenience is convenience, but Jane has been ill for a long time, and I'm afraid... the son is just recovering, Mrs. Lin Shao and Mrs. Zhengjun. I'm expensive, I'm afraid I'll bump into the nobles. I'll take Brother Xi to meet him. "

Dai Yingsi's husband, surnamed Lin, is the eldest young master of the family. Outsiders sometimes call her "Mrs. Lin Shao".

Shao Yunan put away the smile on his face and said coldly: "If that's the case, then forget it today. Brother Xi's body is still recovering. We adults are all afraid of being hit, and the children are even more afraid. It seems that Young Master Wu Jian It's not convenient to visit today, Shizi, sister, let's go."

After all, Shao Yunan took Jiang Moxi and turned around to leave. How could Wu Zheng's think that Shao Yunan would come out like this, and he was stunned on the spot. After Shao Yunan, Murong Shizi and Dai Yingsi took two steps, she came back to her senses and hurriedly shouted, "Wang Shaozhengjun, stay here!"

Shao Yunan stopped, and Mrs. Wu Zheng walked quickly to Shao Yunan, subconsciously glanced at the hall not far behind Shao Yunan, squeezed out a smile and said, "Wang Shaozhengjun, you misunderstood. You and the prince and Mrs. Lin Shao are the same. The honored guest, as the main family, is naturally afraid of bumping into the honored guest."

Prince Murong smiled and said, "Your words are biased. This prince is Brother Xi's adoptive father, and Zhengjun is Brother Xi's father-in-law, so why is Brother Xi not a guest?"

Dai Yingsi said very shamelessly: "Brother Xi's surname is Jiang, and the eldest lady is afraid that she is too forgetful and can't remember. Brother Xi is also a guest."

The politeness on Mrs Wu Zheng's face couldn't hold back, and Shao Yunan said simply: "If you want to meet, go see now; if it's inconvenient, we'll leave and wait for Big Brother Kang Chen to come back. If Young Master Wu Jian is still alive, you can go directly. Go to Big Brother Kang Chen."

"Old everyone, how come the guests have entered the door but haven't seen anyone yet?" An old but majestic voice sounded from behind, Shao Yunan, Murong Shizi and Dai Yingsi turned around, while Wu Zheng was relieved and looked Respectfully greeted him: "Mother, why are you here?"

Prince Murong said in a low voice, "It's Duke Ang's wife, first-class official." Then, Prince Murong saluted, "Mrs. Wu."

A first-class appointment was higher than Shao Yunan's. But Shao Yunan is a modern person, sorry, he doesn't know so much etiquette. Shao Yunan just nodded slightly to the old woman who was holding wooden crutches in one hand and helped by a big girl in the other, and then shouted, "Old Madam Wu."

Dai Ying thought for blessing ceremony: "Mrs. Wu."

Mrs. Wu gave a slight nod to the three of them, then looked Shao Yunan up and down, and asked lukewarmly, "Wang Shaozheng is about to leave when he first came, but what did Mrs. Zheng do that was inappropriate and neglected the distinguished guest? "

Mrs Wu Zheng stood behind the old lady without answering, Shao Yunan said, "That's not true. It's just that Mrs. Wu seems to mean that the air in Young Master Wu Jian's room is not very good and not suitable for meeting guests. Since it is not suitable, then we will only I can go back. It doesn't matter to us adults, Brother Xi is still a child, if he gets some kind of pickled gas, it will be bad if he gets sick later."

Dai Yingsi swallowed her laughter and said in her heart: [Wang Shaozhengjun's speech is really interesting, weird and interesting. 】

Wu Zheng hurriedly defended and said: "Mother, Jian'er's body is not as good as it is day by day, she is thin and thin, and the daughter-in-law is afraid of colliding with His Royal Highness and Mrs. Lin Shao."

Shao Yunan sneered: "Master Wu Jian is very sick. Are you afraid of scaring me and the prince, and not afraid of scaring Brother Xi? Your argument is really strange."

Mrs. Wu frowned slightly, and Mrs. Wu Zheng closed her mouth, seeing that Shao Yunan was afraid that the visitor was not good. Mrs. Wu said displeasedly: "Wang Shaozhengjun's words are inappropriate. Brother Xi is Jian'er's parent and son, there is no reason to see his father, even if Jian'er is dead now, brother Xi should come. It’s coming too. Jane is seriously ill in bed now and misses her son, brother Xi, don’t say come to see him, it is right to be filial in front of the bed.”

Shao Yunan: "Really?" He lowered his head, "Brother Xi, do you want to see him?"

Jiang Moxi nodded, and everyone in the Guogong Mansion, including Mrs. Wu and Mrs. Wu Zheng, were (again) surprised by his reaction.

Prince Murong and Dai Yingsi, who had been instructed by Shao Yunan in advance, did not interrupt. This time Shao Yunan must see Wu Jian, but he will not let the Duke's Mansion succeed. Shao Yun'an wouldn't explain to the people in Anguo Gong's mansion that Jiang Moxi had returned to normal, and said directly, "Then please lead the way."

Mrs. Wu Zheng took Shao Yunan and his party to Wu Jian's room, and Mrs. Wu also followed. Leaving Xiaojin at the door, Shao Yunan led Jiang Moxi into the house, and Jiang Moxi held Shao Yunan's hand hard. In fact, Jiang Moxi was very worried about his father, which was the main reason why Shao Yunan agreed to bring Jiang Moxi here.

The smell in the room is really not very good, there is a strong smell of medicine, mixed with other smells. Shao Yunan turned his head: "Eldest sister, go outside."

Dai Yingsi said, "It's nothing, since you're here, let's take a look."

Two girls came out of the house and opened the curtain of the inner room. The two girls saluted the old lady and Wu Zheng. The old lady asked with concern, "Is Jane doing better today?"

The two girls shook their heads, and one girl said, "Master Jian couldn't even swallow the soup just now."

Jiang Moxi held Shao Yunan's hand harder, because he was born with facial paralysis, and the room was a little dark, so no one noticed his worries.

Mrs. Wu sighed and turned around: "Brother Xi, come and see your father."

Jiang Moxi ignored the old lady Wu and just raised her head. Shao Yunan gave him a look not to be afraid, and led him into the inner room. With just one glance, he saw a man with a pale face on the bed that looked like a corpse at first glance.

Prince Murong, who followed in, frowned, and Dai Yingsi saw it too. Prince Murong asked her to go out. Dai Yingsi didn't force her to go out this time. Prince Murong stayed. He wouldn't let Shao Yunan and Jiang Moxi stay here. of.

Coming to the bed, Jiang Moxi's lips pursed tightly when he looked at his father who seemed to be in a coma on the bed. At this time, Mrs. Wu said: "Brother Xi, your grandma is confused and hurt you and your little father, but your father loves you the most. After your father and son left, your father misses every day, and now it has become this picture. Like. Brother Xi, you can spend more time with your father, maybe, maybe he will get better if he knows you are here."

Mrs. Wu wiped away her tears, and Mrs. Wu Zheng wiped away her tears. Jiang Moxi raised her other hand and touched her father's face. Seeing him like this, Mrs. Wu's eyes flashed, and she choked up: "Brother Xi, are you okay? Grandma knows you can be okay. Talk to your father and tell him ,You came."

Prince Murong came over and whispered something in Shao Yunan's ear. Shao Yunan held Jiang Moxi's hand and Jiang Moxi immediately withdrew the hand that touched his father. Murong Shizi sighed: "Alas, the family used to be a good one, but now they may be separated from each other. It's not a shame."

Shao Yunan said expressionlessly: "This is a man-made disaster, not a natural disaster, there is nothing to lament."

This sentence made the hearts of Mrs. Wu and Mrs. Wu Zheng jump, and Mrs. Wu asked, "Why does Wang Zhengjun say it is a man-made disaster?"

Shao Yunan looked at her and said, "Isn't it a man-made disaster? The couple is doing well, but they have to be torn apart, and they won't make it easier for them. Now that the person is sick and can't get up, what is there to be sorry for? You want me to say, That's what it deserves."

Mrs. Wu was angry: "Wang Shaozhengjun, please pay attention to your sense of proportion. When Jane is so ill, don't I feel bad? His mother made a big mistake when she was confused. Now, for the sake of Jane's terminal illness, what else is there? Can’t let go of grudges? Brother Xi is Jian’er’s only son, shouldn’t he be doing his filial piety at this time?” Then, Mrs. Wu snorted coldly, “I forgot, but Wang Shaozhengjun never takes filial piety seriously. ."

Gently tugging at Prince Murong and telling him not to speak, Shao Yunan sneered: "I'm sorry, maybe I understand filial piety is different from that of the Duke of Anguo. If parents are not kind, how can you blame the younger generation for not being filial? Mrs. Wu, you It doesn't mean that if Brother Xi doesn't stay today, it's unfilial, right? I'm surprised. You said that Young Master Wu Jian was 'momentarily' confused. This 'moment' is really long enough."

Mrs. Wu was so embarrassed that her mouth trembled, and Mrs. Wu Zheng immediately said, "I don't know how many times the old lady has told Jane's mother about this..."

Shao Yunan interrupted her: "How many times? One or two times or ten or eight times? Who wouldn't move his mouth. I still want to tell God to give me 100,000 taels of silver. Does God listen to me? There is no substance. Even if you really talk about the effect of sex, what's the difference between farting and farting? Besides, who knows if you didn't talk about it? I didn't hear it. You don't use filial piety to talk about Brother Xi. It's as if you were walking on your own, but you guys are quite forgetful. I'm sorry, but let me remind you that Brother Xi's surname is Jiang and not Wu, and if he wants to be filial, he won't be able to be filial to your Wu family.

At best, this man on the bed is just a gift for Brother Xi's life; at worst, he is nothing. Did he give birth to Brother Xi or raise Brother Xi? He can't even protect his wife and children, so what nonsense is he letting Brother Xi do his filial piety. Even if he died, it was you who harmed him. Does it have anything to do with Brother Xi?

Don't stand talking here without backache. They are all daughters-in-law. If you are treated like this by your in-laws, and you can still serve you with virtue and resentment regardless of your past suspicions, it can only be said that you have noble sentiments. I'm sorry, I am a layman and can't do it. If you have the ability to drive people out, don't be ashamed to call them back. No matter how it is the government, don't do anything to slap your face, don't be afraid of being laughed at when you say it. "

Pulling Jiang Moxi, Shao Yunan lifted his foot and left. Mrs. Wu was so angry that her chest hurt, and Mrs. Wu Zheng was so angry that she couldn't speak for a while. They are all high-ranking wives and wives. How have they ever been run against them in such a disgraceful way, let alone this, no one dared to treat them so unreasonably.

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