Wang Shijing and Shao Yunan really didn't know that Jiang Moxi had designed a lighter and more flexible small repeating crossbow according to the crossbow in the space. The repeater, which he modified, can even be fired while strapped to the wrist. Five bolts can be fired in a row at a time. I have to say that a genius is a genius. Wang Shijing also designed a large crossbow for siege and defense based on the original crossbow. However, compared with the large crossbow, the design of the small crossbow is more complicated, not to mention the burst.

Naturally, Wang Shijing couldn't say the true origin of the crossbow. He only said that he designed it in his spare time, but it was still immature. He didn't expect Jiang Moxi to improve it after reading it. Jiang Moxi confirmed this statement with silence. Emperor Yongming immediately asked Wang Shijing to bring the crossbow he designed. The crossbow was in the space, and Wang Shijing said that he did not bring the capital, only the blueprint.

Emperor Yongming, Empress Jun and General Dai looked at the blueprints that Wang Shijing "returned" and brought them back. Not to mention whether they were amazed or not, General Dai immediately begged the emperor to make this kind of crossbow in large quantities. At this time, Jiang Moxi suddenly knelt down: "Caomin, there is a play."

Emperor Yongming said immediately, "Get up."

Jiang Moxi stood up, and Emperor Yongming said, "Speak."

Jiang Moxi pursed her lips and said, "I will write."

Jiang Moxi could not speak well, so Emperor Yongming gave him pen and ink to write. Jiang Moxi wrote a piece of paper without stopping. The more Emperor Yongming looked, the more serious he looked. After he read it, he raised his eyes and said, "Marquis Zhongyong, come and have a look too."

Wang Shijing suppressed his worries, stepped forward calmly on the surface, took it with both hands, and looked carefully. After reading it, Wang Shijing knelt down and said, "The hundred craftsmen and ministers have all been handed over to Brother Xi for disposal. The minister thinks what Brother Xi has made is very suitable."

Let Wang Shijing get up, and Emperor Yongming looked at Shao Yunan again: "Yunan, look at you too."

Shao Yunan took it from Wang Shijing's hand, looked at it carefully, then raised his head and said, "Your Majesty, I don't understand these things, but I think we should be cautious in making crossbows. Once this technique is left out, it won't do me any good. Brother happens to have a group of craftsmen in his hands, as long as he takes precautions, it can be used as a military production base."

Emperor Yongming hesitated: "That's what I rewarded you with Zhongyong Houfu."

Shao Yunan immediately said, "Can the emperor replace these hundred craftsmen with several mountains in Yongxiu County? There are many ancient tea trees on that mountain. It would be a waste to hand over these craftsmen to the minister and Brother Jing."

When Emperor Yongming heard it, he immediately said, "Okay. I will reward you with whatever mountains you want. These hundred craftsmen," Emperor Yongming looked at the old general Dai. The old general immediately knelt down: "The old minister is bound by his duty!"

Wang Shijing and Shao Yunan have no one in their hands, and Jiang Moxi is just a child. Now that the old general has full control, Jiang Moxi can focus all his energy on development and research. After Emperor Yongming decided, Jiang Moxi gave Emperor Yongming another great gift. He sat back at the desk where he was writing, and picked up the pen again, Shao Yunan muttered in his heart: [What is this kid doing? 】

After Jiang Moxi finished writing, the old general Dai picked it up and helped him deliver it to Emperor Yongming. Emperor Yongming stood up when he saw half of it, and stared at Jiang Moxi with a flushed face. Wang Shijing and Shao Yunan were stunned, what did Brother Xi write?

Emperor Yongming: "Jiang Moxi! Is what you wrote true?"

Jiang Moxi nodded: "I, configure, pass."

Emperor Yongming gasped. He quickly read the rest, and then handed the thing to the queen. The Queen's expression changed greatly after seeing it. After the old general Dai took it from the queen and read it, the three of them looked at Jiang Moxi as if the hungry wolf saw the little fresh meat. The horror of the three made Wang Shijing and Shao Yunan dare not ask what Jiang Moxi wrote.

Jiang Moxi knelt down, kowtowed, and raised his head again: "I want, Marquis Anguo, the mansion, pay for my life."

Emperor Yongming slapped hard: "I, it's right!" Then he said to the old general: "Old general, I will give you another hundred craftsmen, and make sure to develop gunpowder as soon as possible. Before the new year, at least a thousand light crossbows must be made. Hundreds of heavy crossbows and five siege and defense crossbows."

"Yes!" General Dai and Jiang Moxi took orders.

The cold hairs on Wang Shijing and Shao Yun'an suddenly appeared, this kid actually revealed the gunpowder to the emperor! ! Here, Emperor Yongming continued: "Set up a private workshop, and Jiang Moxi is the master of the workshop. Jiang Moxi, I will give you thirty more private guards, and when you become an adult, I will give you another hundred people, and you have full authority to command these hundred and thirty people. The private affairs workshop only obeys me. Before you become an adult, you will be assisted by the old general. Jiang Moxi, don't let me down on my expectations for you."

Jiang Moxi kowtowed: "Absolutely, I will live up to it."

"Hahaha!" Emperor Yongming laughed three times, burned the two pieces of paper that Jiang Moxi wrote, and then looked at Wang Shijing: "Marquis Zhongyong listened to the order."

Wang Shijing knelt down.

"After the New Year, I ordered you and Zhengjun to **** the first batch of crossbow bows to Huxing Pass, and train the first batch of crossbow bowmen for me."

Wang Shijing was a little stunned, but he still kowtowed calmly: "My minister, obey the order!"

Shao Yunan didn't say anything, he kept asking himself in his head: [Would you like to beat a certain child's **** when I go back. 】


Wang Shijing and Shao Yunan didn't beat Jiang Moxi's **** because Jiang Moxi was left in the palace by Emperor Yongming. The two returned to the old general's mansion with a heavy heart. The old general was also in the palace. After the two returned, the elders didn't ask them any more questions. The old Zhengjun and the old lady only told them to go to rest first. Obviously, they knew why the emperor let them enter the palace. After returning, Lao Zhengjun and Dai Mingge also ordered that the family members were not allowed to talk nonsense.

Back to the room, the couple, you look at me, I look at you. After a while, Shao Yunan took Wang Shijing into the room and asked in a low voice, "Brother Jing, what do you think?"

Wang Shijing also lowered his voice and said: "The soldiers will come to block the water, and the water will cover the soil. We are still very safe for now. Although Brother Xi is reckless this time, it has also saved us a lot of trouble. I do think about crossbows and gunpowder. How to take it out. These two things alone can make my Dayan invincible. The Huhar Kingdom will never want to covet my Dayan again."

Shao Yunan's face was not good: "We still underestimated Brother Xi's hatred for the Wu family. It doesn't matter if the crossbow and gunpowder are exposed, the Yan country is not strong, and our family can't be safe. The emperor asked you to train the crossbow team, and let grandpa Helping Brother Xi in charge of the private affairs workshop, it seems that our family is a real confidant of the emperor. I am worried about Brother Xi now. He is so old that he dares to kill people with a crossbow! An arrow in the abdomen will definitely kill him. Even in my day, life was at stake."

Wang Shijing hugged Shao Yunan and reassured him: "Brother Xi is Zaohui, and he has such an experience. I can understand that he wants to seek revenge from the Wu family. Don't worry too much. Here, thirteen- or four-year-old children can be fathers. Now, Brother Xi is nine years old, and his mind is mature, we can't raise him like a brother Qing." Taking a deep breath, Wang Shijing said, "Children of Huhar Kingdom will kill at the age of seven or eight. At the border, when the Hu people invaded, those children would also kill with knives. If they didn’t kill, they would be killed, or even eaten.”

Shao Yunan was very distressed: "Brother Xi's interest is to build a big ship that can go to sea, not to do things for the emperor. He is still a child, so he has to be a workshop owner."

"This is not your place after all. Even if we are ordinary people, the three children should be sensible early. He chose this path, and all we can do is to support him and be his backer."

Shao Yunan took a few deep breaths and nodded vigorously: "Since there is no way out, then try to be a backer for the children!"

"It's best if you think about it."

Su Chenyi's voice came from outside the door: "Ishijing, Yunan, Kang Chen is here."

Wang Shijing and Shao Yunan immediately separated, Shao Yunan rubbed his face and went out with Wang Shijing.

Jiang Kangchen is here to send the relic. Speaking of which, the people of Das are indeed wronged. Shao Yunan really didn't have that much money, but why did Yunlong Auction House have his shares. He said rich, who can say nothing. Even if Shao Yunan didn't want it, he wouldn't take advantage of those short scumbags in the country. As soon as the auction ended, Shao Yunan took 58,000 taels from the money he earned to pay the auction house.

Jiang Kangchen just came to send the relic, and he didn't ask any more questions. He also went to the palace to meet the queen. However, this time the auction house has made a lot of money. The auction house will deduct 20% of the profit from each auctioned item. Jiang Kangchen is of course happy that he has earned so much money. Jiang Kangchen didn't know that the person who seriously injured Da Siguo was his own son, otherwise he would never have laughed. Shao Yunan thought about it, but didn't tell him.

After Jiang Kangchen left, Su Chenyi asked, "Ishijing, Yunan, what do you want this thing for?"

Shao Yunan only said: "It's just something that accumulates blessings. It can't be cheap for the people of Das. I'm going to wear it for Brother Hu and the others. They are divine beasts. Wearing this is the most suitable, and it will definitely benefit them."

Hearing this, Su Chenyi thought it was justified, but he still reminded: "If the relic is in your hands, the people at Rainforest Temple will probably not stop there. You have to have something to worry about."

Shao Yunan: "I really didn't expect it. I definitely won't give this thing. I also told the emperor and queen."

Su Chenyi smiled: "If you like it, it's yours. It doesn't matter what kind of temple it is. Take a break and come over for dinner later. You can keep this relic."

"Okay, Brother Jing and I will be there in a while."

After Su Chenyi left, Wang Shijing asked, "Daughter-in-law, what do you want this for?" He was also curious.

Only then did Shao Yunan tell the truth: "When this thing came out, the space moved a bit, which has never happened before. There is indeed a voice in my heart telling me to take them down. It should be space needs. Maybe it really is 'Buddha' 'The relic. Let's go into the space."


When the daughter-in-law said this, Wang Shijing also had different thoughts on these two relics.

When Shao Yunan entered the space, he took Wang Shijing directly to the fairy fruit. After grabbing these two relics, he thought about where to put them. Isn't it just right for the relics to match the fairy fruit? As soon as the relic was placed on the root of the fairy fruit, the space shook obviously, and the two relics also emitted a dazzling light. Immediately afterwards, a faint white light appeared on the whole Xianguo plant, sweeping away the gloomy decline after the Xianguo was picked.

Wang Shijing and Shao Yunan were stunned by this vision. Shao Yunan said: "It doesn't seem that Space wants relics, but Xianguo wants relics. I feel more and more that this is a world of self-cultivation. It's too weird."

Wang Shijing: "Go out first, it's not safe outside."

After taking a few glances at the still glowing fairy fruit plant, Shao Yunan took Wang Shijing out of the space.

The old general Dai and Jiang Moxi didn't come back until it was almost dark. Wang Qing was very worried about Jiang Moxi's use of the crossbow, because Nizi covered her eyes when Jiang Moxi was shooting the crossbow, and didn't tell her to see the **** scene, so she didn't feel anything special. Crossbows are great. To Jiang Moxi, Nizi is an absolute fan girl.

Jiang Moxi, who came back, did not go back to the house to rest, but came to see Wang Shijing and Shao Yunan. As soon as he saw the two of them, Jiang Moxi knelt down, as if he was still punished.

How could Shao Yunan fight like this. But instead of making Jiang Moxi stand up, he asked, "Do you think you did the right thing today?"

Jiang Moxi shook his head.

"Uncle An doesn't blame you for revealing the crossbow and gunpowder to the emperor. You always have your own ideas, and I believe you know what you are doing. But brother Xi, your actions today make Uncle An worry that you will become A murderous, ruthless person. When you think it is normal to kill, have you ever wondered whether Nizi will be afraid of you in the future. Or for you, revenge is more important than anything. "

Jiang Moxi raised her head sharply: "Nizi, it's important!"

"Then did you think about Nizi when you pulled the crossbow without hesitation? Did you think we would be worried?"

Jiang Moxi bit her mouth tightly.

Shao Yunan forced himself to look down: "Not only do you hate those people in the Wu family, but also Uncle Jing and Uncle An, even the emperor and the queen can't wait to put them into the eighteenth **** and never let them overlive. You have to know, to trouble the Wu family. You will not be the only one. You should be more aware that you are only nine years old now, not nineteen, not twenty-nine, and you are not yet an adult! Uncle An doesn't want to see your son become what Uncle An said just now. Kind of people. Killing is not so fun!"

Jiang Moxi lowered his head: "I, was wrong."

Shao Yunan crouched down and softened his voice: "Brother Xi, Uncle An is waiting for you to build a big ship and take our family out to travel around the world."

Jiang Moxi's eyes were red, and she nodded. Shao Yunan knelt down and hugged him: "It's enough to let others be afraid of you, it's enough not to be ruthless in killing people. That kind of fear is not really afraid. Brother Xi, don't forget, you still have Uncle An, and Jing Jing. uncle."

Jiang Moxi cried lowly, raised his hand and hugged his other little father. Wang Shijing crouched down and stroked Jiang Moxi's head. He believed that this son would not go astray.

The queen did not tell Jiang Kangchen about Jiang Moxi. Under the strict order of the old general Dai, all the people present at the Dai family chose to remain silent. Even if someone inquired afterwards, they could not find out who did it, and what such a fast weapon was.

After staying at home for two days, Wang Shijing was about to go out again, just waiting for the Prince Murong to come. But after waiting for a long time, Prince Murong did not come, so Wang Shijing had to send someone to the palace to inquire. At this time, Prince Murong was sitting in the main hall of the palace with a gloomy expression, and King Luo Rong's face was a little unsightly. In the main hall, a nun was sitting at the bottom of King Luo Rong's right hand, with two little nuns standing behind him.

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