Wang Qing and Wang Ni practiced calligraphy seriously at Uncle Lizheng's house, and Lizheng also recognized a few characters, and even gave pointers. Shao Yunan and Wang Shijing had already gone up the mountain, and they were busy picking goat milk and fruit. It is also thanks to this body that he is used to farm work, otherwise Shao Yunan would not be able to bear such "heavy" work no matter how much spiritual spring water he had.

When it was almost noon, the two stopped, and the two baskets were full of goat milk and fruit. Sitting against the tree to rest, Shao Yunan breathed a little and said, "The family must hire people in the future, and there is a serious shortage of manpower."

Wang Shijing wiped off Shao Yunan's sweat: "When the new house is built, let's go to the county to find someone."

Shao Yunan blinked and said, "When I first entered the city, I asked two beggars to inquire about the situation in the county. Those two beggars can talk well, and they are not greedy. How about hiring them? Let them settle down and earn money, they should work more attentively, right?"

Wang Shijing thought about it and said, "Let's wait until our new house is built. Maybe they have gone elsewhere."


Shao Yunan poured some water on the handkerchief and handed it to Wang Shijing: "Wipe your eyes."

Wang Shijing took the veil and said, "My eyes have been much more comfortable these past two days."

"Well, rub more. Eat something."

"You eat it first, and I'll eat it after I finish it."

The two were next to each other, not like a couple who had just been married for a few days, but more like they had been together for many years. Wang Shijing's ignorance made Shao Yunan particularly relaxed, and his inadvertent thoughtfulness also benefited Shao Yunan. As for the decision to leave after earning money, Shao Yunan said that he had said such a thing again?

After filling their stomachs and picking all the goat's milk fruits, the two went down the mountain. In addition to the ones in the basket, the two also carried two large bags of goat's milk fruit and one bag of wild peaches. On the way, Shao Yunan discussed with Wang Shijing to ask Aunt Wang and the others to come to the house to help pack the fruit. It was too tiring to rely on the two of them alone. As for Wang Qing and Wang Ni, Shao Yunan never thought about it. Wang Shijing agreed.

After returning home smoothly, Shao Yunan went to Lizheng's house to pick up the child, and Wang Shijing went to look for Fourth Aunt Wang. When he arrived at Lizheng's house, Shao Yunan put down a small pocket of goat milk fruit as a thank you to Lizheng. Wild peaches are too sour and not suitable for gifts. Lizheng's eldest daughter-in-law, Zhao He, brought the two children out, holding a few books and a thick stack of paper on which they had written.

Zhao He said to Shao Yunan: "I heard Brother Qing say that you plan to send him to a private school next year. The books and articles that my brother Bo has studied in the private school can be taken back to Brother Qing. ."

Shao Yunan was taken aback, Zhao Liushi said kindly from the side: "Yunan, this is my eldest daughter-in-law, Zhao He, you can just call him Brother Hezi."

Shao Yunan stretched out his hand to take it gratefully: "Thank you, Brother Hezi. Don't you see these Bo brothers?"

Zhao He said: "This is what he learned when he first went to a private school. He has been reading books for two years now, and he has stopped reading them. These books are also kept at home. It is a pity to lose the paper. If you bought it with silver, you might as well show it to Brother Qing to see it in advance, so as not to go to a private school and not get used to it.”

"Thank you so much! I borrowed these books, and I will give them to Brother Bo when Brother Qing has finished reading them." Shao Yunan accepted it and said to Wang Qing, "Thank you, Uncle Hezi."

"Thank you, Uncle Hezi."

"No thanks, no thanks." Zhao He patted Wang Qing's head with a smile.

Zhao He followed Zhao Yuande to dinner that night, but it was dark and Shao Yunan couldn't remember seeing it, but Zhao He was really impressed by him. Coming out of Lizheng's house, Shao Yunan was still thinking, but he did not expect that Lizheng's eldest daughter-in-law was a man. Although this country of Great Yan does not shy away from marrying a male wife, usually the eldest son of the family will still marry a woman. After all, men are not easy to give birth to. Unexpectedly, Li Zheng was quite open-minded. As a pure zero, Shao Yunan's affection for Uncle Lizheng increased by one point.

I asked Wang Qing and Wang Ni what they did today, and learned that the Wang family was very honest today and no one went to trouble with their two children. The two children have been practicing calligraphy at Lizheng's house. During this period, Lizheng and Zhao Yuande also gave advice. Shao Yunan felt more favorable towards the Lizheng family. No matter what the reason is for the Lizheng family to be so cordial, it's not bad for them, isn't it.

Not long after returning home, Wang Shijing brought people over. Aunt Wang, Aunt Zhou, Aunt Sun Erjiang's grandson Guan, and three Shao Yunan didn't remember them, but they came to help the aunts who were very simple and kind. Aunt Zhou was embarrassed to come. She hadn't finished her clothes yet. Aunt Wang pulled her over, and Wang Shijing also invited her. Aunt Zhou's dexterity was exactly what Shao Yunan needed.

As soon as the people came, Shao Yunan was grateful, and then asked them to help deal with the goat milk fruit. After the treatment, each person would be given 30 cents. When I heard that one person can get 30 pennies, the six aunts even said that it was too high. Going out to work a day for short-term work is only ten cents at most, and sometimes there is no ten cents. Just deal with some fruits and give a few texts. They all belong to the same village, so help should be done. Shao Yunan was embarrassed to exploit these simple aunts who usually have no other income. He said thirty cents, and he was not short of two hundred cents. The five aunties burst into laughter and immediately rolled up their sleeves to wash their hands and prepare for work. Wang Qing and Wang Ni also wanted to help, but Shao Yunan threw the goat milk fruit into the house.

Shao Yunan left a small part of these goat milk fruits to make jam, and the rest made wine. First, pour all the goat's milk on the bamboo mat and sort, and sort out the poor quality and overripe ones. After sorting, clean it, spread it out to dry, and start processing the fruit. First clean the stalks, and then squeeze them together with the peels to squeeze out as much juice as possible. The goat's milk fruit from the first pressing is separated from the pulp with a fine linen cloth, and then pressed a second time.

Shao Yunan's pressing tool was a stone pestle, and several aunts and Wang Shijing also pressed directly with their hands. After pressing three times in total, Shao Yunan left the first juice alone, and mixed the second and third juice together. After that, it was filtered twice to keep the juice as little impurities as possible. It was dark these days after finishing the work, and Shao Yunan didn't leave a few aunts to eat, and settled the wages on the spot.

The aunts each took thirty pennies and left happily. Wang Shijing poured the juice into the wine barrel and went to the kitchen to cook. He couldn't help with the rest. Brewing barrels can only be placed in the cellar for the time being. Shao Yunan closed the entrance to the cellar, and as soon as he put it away, the six wine barrels were gone. He immediately entered the space. He found a mask in his collection and put it on. Shao Yunan ignited the sulphur he bought at the drugstore yesterday. In order to keep the wine longer and taste better, sulfur dioxide must be added during the fermentation of the wine. There is no ready-made sulfur dioxide here, and it can only be made manually.

The burning sulfur produced sulfur dioxide gas, and Shao Yunan poured it into the wine barrel and sealed it in time according to experience. Sulfur dioxide gas is harmful to the human body, and the space has a good purification effect. After the six wine barrels were all sealed, Shao Yunan poured a ladle of water on the burning sulfur. The pungent odor was unbearable even when wearing a mask. Shao Yunan drank two glasses of spiritual spring water and washed his face to feel comfortable. After 20 days, the first precipitation and barrel change are carried out, and the second precipitation and barrel change is required in 28 to 42 days, so that the wine will taste good. That is to say, it takes forty-eight days to taste, and if it is to taste good, it will take longer.

Back in the cellar, he took out six wooden barrels, Shao Yunan checked that everything was fine, and left the cellar. Wang Shijing has already cooked rice, steamed rice, and fried two meat and two vegetables. Wang Shijing's craftsmanship is very general, and Shao Yunan is not picky. He ate two bowls of rice with a good appetite, but unfortunately he can't rest. There was also a large dustpan of wild chrysanthemums waiting for him to deal with.

In Shao Yunan's eyes, all these things were money, and there was still a large area of ​​land and a large area of ​​hills waiting for him to buy. He would never give up those more than 20 ancient tea trees to others. Shao Yunan didn't sleep, neither did Wang Shijing. Wang Qing and Wang Ni strongly asked for help. Dad and little dad were too tired. Shao Yunan arranged a job for the two children, and took the dry goods that were drying in the yard to the two of them. In the morning when the two of them fell asleep, they would take them out to continue drying until they were completely exposed. It's up to the two kids. Can help, the two children are happy.

Next, Shao Yunan concentrated on dealing with his wild chrysanthemum. Wild chrysanthemums should be removed from stems, debris, and flowers with signs of decay should be picked out. Shao Yunan didn't ask Wang Shijing to help, and while the people in the village were still asleep, he asked him to find someone to order the stone mill he had asked for before, and to make a few steamed flower trays with bamboo strips. Also, see who has maltose and sesame, and buy some back. The maltose he bought was not enough, and the goat milk fruit itself was sweet, so there was no need to use sugar extravagantly.

When Wang Shijing came back, Shao Yunan had already boiled a large pot of hot water and was ready to wash. The wild chrysanthemum has been processed, and I will start steaming it tomorrow morning. Wang Shijing bought some maltose and black sesame seeds. The steamed flower plate will not be available until tomorrow morning. He asked Uncle Zhou to make it. Stone grinding takes a few days.

After two days and one night without sleep, Shao Yunan was a little tired. Wang Shijing helped him mix the water, and went into the house to get his change of clothes for him to wash first. After Wang Shijing went out, Shao Yunan poured a drop of spiritual milk into the bucket and briefly washed his body. The redness and swelling on his body bitten by Wang Shijing was instantly relieved. The most troublesome thing is shampooing, Shao Yunan can't wait to cut off his long hair. With the time and effort it took to wash his head, he could wash his body three times.

After finally washing, Shao Yunan poured water, mixed Wang Shijing with water, added a drop of spiritual milk, and then entered the room. Wang Shijing was sitting on the kang in his underwear and trousers. The quilts were already made, but there was only one quilt from the original two quilts. Shao Yunan raised his eyebrows and didn't say anything. He just said, "Go wash yourself too. Wipe your eyes first. After washing your body, get a basin of hot water to soak your feet. When will you wake up tomorrow?"

"Get on the kang quickly."

Wang Shijing went down to the kang to take a bath, and Shao Yunan twisted his hair with a towel, hoping it would dry quickly. Not having a hair dryer is such a hassle. He had it in his space, but he couldn't use it. It's really inconvenient to hide the existence of Wang Shijing's space. Shao Yunan twisted his hair while thinking seriously about the feasibility of this matter.

When Wang Shijing came back from washing, Shao Yunan was already lying down. Wang Shijing carried a charcoal brazier with charcoal fire in it. He put down the charcoal brazier, walked to the kang and said, "Yun An, get up and dry your hair before going to bed. It's cold and you'll get cold."

"I don't want to move anymore." Shao Yunan muttered.

Wang Shijing moved the charcoal brazier to the bed, and he roasted Shao Yunan's hair.

"It is inconvenient to take a shower, there is no bathroom, and the room is too small." Someone complained, unconsciously acting like a spoiled child.

Wang Shijing immediately said: "Tomorrow I will go to Lizheng to buy a homestead, and then go to the county to order you a tub for bathing."

"Forget it, I'm going to see Mr. Jiang in two days, and I'll book it later. You said that the magistrate's surname is Jiang, right?" Shao Yunan couldn't ask the magistrate's name directly. Jiang character, he guessed that the other party might be surnamed Jiang.

Wang Shijing asked: "The county magistrate's surname is Jiang. I have inquired with Brother Yuande, and he said that the magistrate's name is Jiang Kangning, who just came to Yongxiu County last year to be the magistrate. I heard that he took the test at the age of 18. He is a real prodigy who has won the champion. Before coming to Yongxiu County, he has served as a magistrate in another county for several years. It seems that he is a native of the capital. The governors of Renzhou were all from Yongxiu County.

The dean of the county school is named Cen Yuebai. Brother Yuande said that he used to be an official in the capital, and after resigning, he came back and became the dean of the county school. He also has a private school called 'Baiyue Academy', which is the best private school in the county. All the students in our county who can go to Guozijian in the state capital are from 'Baiyue Academy'. Even if they can't go to the Guozijian, the students of Baiyue Academy will not be admitted to the county school after they are admitted to Tong Shenglang, and they will continue to study in the academy to test their talents. "

When Shao Yunan heard it, he immediately said, "Then send Brother Qing to Baiyue School."

However, Wang Shijing said: "It's not that easy to get in, even Wang Zhisong can't get in." Wang Shijing has completely separated himself from his family, "Those who can enter Baiyue Academy must first be talented and intelligent, and secondly, they must be trained every month. It’s very expensive, and ordinary people can’t afford it. When you enter the school, you have to take an exam. If you don’t do well in the exam, you will not be accepted. If you don’t study well in the academy, you will be expelled from the school. It is also very rare. How can the children of the poor family be compared with those of the wealthy family, the books they read as a child, and the copybooks they use are much worse than others. The children of the wealthy family will ask the master when they are studying, and go to private schools to study. , People already know how to write poetry. If a child from a mud-legged background has never read a class, he may not even be able to take a pen. Even if he does, he should know a few words in advance and memorize a few poems at most. "

Isn't this the ancient elite aristocratic school? It seems that this can't be lost at the starting line in any era. However, Shao Yunan did not believe in evil.

"I don't think Wang Zhisong is very smart, at most he is a little smart. A person's wisdom depends on his growth environment, just how much wisdom can he have in your family's environment? already."

A reserved smile immediately filled Wang Shijing's eyes.

"Brother Qing, this kid is not stupid. It's not too late for enlightenment now, just right. As long as he is not afraid of enduring hardships and is more diligent than others, he can catch up with those rich people. I will teach him well when things at home are over. I will go next year. If you can't go to Baiyue Academy, you can definitely go to the next year." With Lingquan Lingju, even a fool can enlighten him.

"You will definitely succeed if you teach him." Wang Shijing couldn't help lowering his head and kissed Shao Yunan's hair.

As soon as this person opened the meat, he felt that the whole person was different. Shao Yun'an said: "My hair is almost gone, you can dry your hair. Take out the charcoal brazier when you're done, otherwise it will be dangerous to sleep and easily poisoned."

Feeling that Shao Yunan's hair was almost dry, Wang Shijing took care of his wet hair. As soon as he took off his shirt, he loosened the hair tied with the wooden hairpin and started to take care of it. Shao Yunan looked at Wang Shijing's chest muscles and abdominal muscles hotly, and cursed: "Damn, seduce me again. 】

For fear that he would turn into a wolf and rush to him, last night he could only be counted as Wangmei to quench his thirst, and Shao Yunan had nothing to say: "Zhao Yuande's daughter-in-law Zhao He gave Qing Ge'er the books and things his son had read before. Said to let him take a look first. Only then did I know that Zhao Yuande married a man. It seems to be easy to get along with. "

Wang Shijing said: "Brother Yuande and Brother Hezi grew up together. It's just that Uncle and Aunt Zhao Liu don't want to. Brother Yuande is the eldest son, and Uncle Zhao hopes that he can marry a woman and have more children. Hezi After my brother gave birth to Brother Bo, he didn't raise any more. But Brother Yuande is a good person, I don't mind that Brother Hezi only gave birth to one, and he is also good to Brother Hezi. Brother Hezi is also easy to get along with."

Shao Yunan wiped away the goose bumps on his body, he still couldn't accept that a man gave birth to a child or something. Then he heard Wang Shijing say: "Big Brother Yuande and Brother Hezi are both sensible people. Brother Hezi also wanted to make friends with us when he gave the book. I'm afraid that is also what Big Brother Yuande meant. I will pay it back when I have a chance. go back."

Shao Yun'an said: "I will naturally repay those who are friendly to us. I also think that those two are good. In fact, the people in Lizheng's family are not bad. At least Lizheng is more rational than your patriarch."

Wang Shijing didn't say a word, and he had long lost hope on the patriarch's side.

"Who else in the village is married to a male wife?" Shao Yunan started to gossip, and Wang Shijing accompanied him to gossip. He had always been worried that Shao Yunan didn't like his status as a husband and wife, and now he looked normal when he mentioned his husband and wife, especially after the passion last night, Wang Shijing was relieved.

After chatting, Shao Yunan lowered his voice, and Wang Shijing stopped talking. Taking the charcoal brazier outside, Wang Shijing closed the door, blew out the oil lamp, took off his trousers, and slipped into the bed just wearing a pair of obscene trousers.

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