There are five days to the New Year. However, the people of the capital entered the New Year's celebration ahead of schedule. Today, the young master Guo Zimu, a disciple of Houyi of Zhongyong, got married! It is not uncommon for a wealthy family in the capital to marry a daughter, but even the eldest daughter of the former richest man Hengyuanhou does not have such pomp.

Yunlong Pavilion closed four days in advance to prepare for the upcoming grand wedding. This wedding has been otherworldly from the very beginning. Because it was winter and there were many guests, the wedding banquet was not held in the Luo Rong Palace, but in the Yunlong Pavilion. The newlyweds first went to Luo Rong Palace to worship, and then went to Yunlong Pavilion to hold a unique century wedding.

Not to mention the people in the capital don't understand what the "Century Wedding" is, even the Emperor Yongming and the Empress who plan to attend the wedding don't understand either. The main planner of the wedding, Shao Yunan, ordered all insiders to keep it secret, and to give everyone a big surprise on the day of the wedding.

In the morning, before dawn, Guo Zimu, who had returned to the Marquis of Zhongyong Mansion three days earlier, got up. He had been in a state of excitement the night before and couldn't sleep at all. Shao Yunan was still sleeping because he was pregnant, but everyone else had already come over. Guo Ziyu also rushed over from Yongxiu County. When his younger brother got married, Guo Ziyu obtained the grace of Emperor Yongming through Wang Shijing and allowed him to go to Beijing to attend his younger brother's wedding.

Except for the two personal girls and two personal servants beside Guo Zimu, the women who dressed up for him in the house were seeing him for the first time. After these old women recovered, they all praised the good fortune of the prince, praised Wang Zhengjun's beautiful face, praised Guo Zimu's shyness and more satisfied, Murong married him, others seem to be lucky.

The women dressed and dressed Guo Zimu according to the rules of marriage. Also because Guo Zimu is a male wife, there are not as many rules as his daughter, so he can cooperate with Shao Yunan's bold plan, and King Luo Rong is an infinitely favored wife. As long as he can give Guo Zimu an unforgettable wedding, he will be able to match the stage.

It was dawn, Shao Yunan came, and Guo Zimu was all dressed. Seeing Shao Yunan, Guo Zimu's eyes couldn't help turning red. A year ago, he didn't dare to think that he could have this year. It was because of this person that his life had undergone such earth-shaking changes.

Shao Yunan looked at Guo Zimu with a look on his face, and was very satisfied: "Today is your big day. It's good to cry. In some places, there is a custom of crying for marriage."

Guo Zishou winked at him: "That's so unlucky, what if I cry and hurt my face." His eyes turned red in an instant.

Telling everyone to go out, Shao Yunan brought Guo Zimu some snacks and sat down beside him: "Eat something to bolster your stomach first."

Guo Zimu sighed and said in a low voice, "Yun An, thank you. Thank you and Ishii."

"Who are you and me?" Shao Yunan also sighed, "Finally, I have married you out of trouble."

"Fuck you!"

Guo Zimu stretched out his foot and kicked, and suddenly realized that the other party was a pregnant woman, and quickly retracted his foot. Brother Shao Yunan hugged Guo Zimu nicely: "In the future, you will be the real Wang Zhengjun. If you meet a pervert again, don't be soft-hearted. They want them to know that Wang Zhengjun is not only beautiful, but also a femme fatale. If you offend him, you will never be better off. Death. You have Uncle Murong behind you, and Brother Jing and I, don't have any worries."

Guo Zimu pursed his lips.

"Your performance against Hu Thief last time was not bad, but you have to be better. As for the emperor..." Shao Yunan lowered his voice, "He has already seen your face, and there is no reaction after that, it should be No problem. I think the emperor is still quite afraid of the queen, and if the emperor is a lascivious person, the queen cannot be the only person in the palace. The emperor really loves to see the queen, your face will surprise him at most , I'll be fine if I watch it too much, just like Brother Jing."

Guo Zimu nodded silently. The last time he showed his face in the palace, he was really worried for a few days, but after that everything was calm, so he was relieved.

Shao Yunan leaned into his ear: "But you still wear a mask when you enter the palace in the future. My uncle will also be jealous."

Guo Zimu blinked, smiled, and nodded vigorously.

"Ah, dear brother Guo, you are going to marry too. I wish you an early child." This sentence, Shao Yunan gritted his teeth a bit, and he still hasn't fully accepted having a baby in his stomach, even though This doll can already move.

Guo Zimu smiled deeply, and his beautiful eyes were in harmony.

"Tomorrow, I'll let Murong pick up the pregnancy fruit, don't worry, I won't let you and my child be too different in age."

Shao Yunan whistled: "That's really good."

The two good brothers and good friends talked privately for a while in the room, and someone knocked on the door outside. The prince has already set off and will arrive soon. The maids and wives came in, Guo Zi closed and sat cross-legged, and Shao Yunan covered him with a red veil himself.

Guo Zimu's group of relatives and friends included more than a dozen Dashan tribe warriors brought by Princess Wuzhen, the general's mansion brought by Dai Zhanxiao, Su Jinan's brothers called by Shao Yunan, and Wang Shuping and Zhao Yuande from Zhongyong Village. The gate of the Hou Zhongyong Mansion was closed, and groups of relatives and friends hid behind the door in batches, waiting to welcome their relatives. The people of the capital gathered on both sides of the road from the Luo Rong palace to the Zhongyong Hou residence, waiting for some joy.

King Luo Rong, dressed in the bridegroom's clothes, rode on a tall horse, and set off with a welcoming team. The group of relatives and friends on King Luo Rong's side is also not inferior. The son of Murong found a group of strong men for his father. Emperor Yongming recruited dozens of guards, and the sons of the family who were friends with the son of Murong also spontaneously came to help out. , King Luo Rong's friends are from the generation of Weng Lao and Dai Lao General, so it is really inconvenient to "grab relatives".

The welcoming team threw candy and copper coins along the way, and the people in the capital, especially the children, were overjoyed. These candies are from Yunlong Dessert Shop. A piece of candy usually costs a copper coin! It's just these candies that seem to be inexhaustible, and the luxury of today's wedding can already be predicted.

Arriving at the Hou Zhongyong Mansion, and seeing the closed door, King Luo Rong, who was already mentally prepared, couldn't help but feel a little nervous. Yun An, don't be too **** him.

Bang Bang Bang, I knocked on the door three times, and a voice came from the door: "My lord, the righteous monarch of my family said that you have to sing a love song before we can open the door."

King Luo Rong's face immediately wrinkled into bitter gourd, love song? Isn't Yun An wanting his old life? But looking at this situation, the door can't get in, and there's nothing to talk about robbing relatives. King Luo Rong took a few deep breaths, turned around and said to the group of relatives and friends, "Go in, you must move quickly."

"Don't worry, my lord!"

King Luo Rong sang, and he fought hard in order to successfully marry his daughter-in-law. King Luo Rong sang a love song that the people of Yan Kingdom knew, young and old. The first time I heard the prince open his mouth, everyone inside and outside the door was shocked. The prince's singing voice is good.

Luo Rongwang finished singing with a blushing old face in front of everyone's eyes, and the onlookers outside had the courage to coax. The door slowly opened, and just halfway through, the members of the family and friends of King Luo Rong rushed in, causing chaos in the Hou Zhongyong mansion.

The sound of firecrackers, the whole street is the festive sound of firecrackers. In the Marquis of Zhongyong Mansion, under the protection of several imperial guards, King Luo Rong passed five levels and killed six generals, and finally rushed to Guo Zimu's small courtyard, but was stopped by a man with a big belly. Seeing this man with a big belly, King Luo Rong broke out in cold sweat and begged for mercy: "Yunan, don't make it difficult for Uncle Murong." Shao Yunan smiled: "Uncle Murong, how can it be so easy to marry Brother Guo. Take the red envelope first. Come and bring it and talk about it~"

The people behind King Luo Rong raised a handful of red envelopes, and the little Gu Niang boys in the courtyard went to grab it with laughter. Shao Yunan had another problem: "Uncle Murong sang, the front door is too far, I didn't hear it."

King Luo Rong winked at Wang Shijing, who gave him a helpless look. King Luo Rong hated in his heart, but seeing that the "bride" was close at hand, he couldn't fall short. Just as I was about to sing it again, I heard a little devil shout: "Change another song!"

Guo Zi, who was sitting on the bed, listened to Shao Yunan's making things difficult for the prince outside, covered his mouth and smiled, and was also curious about whether the prince would sing. A familiar male voice came from outside, and Guo Zimu was stunned.

King Luo Rong sang again, still a love song, a love song similar to Feng Qiuhuang. King Luo Rong sang a little affectionately, but Guo Zimu almost burst into tears. Murong, sing for him.

After the singing was finally over, King Luo Rong prayed again: "Yun'an, let Uncle Murong go on the horse."

Shao Yunan hid aside: "Then it's up to Uncle Murong to see what you can do."

King Luo Rong immediately waved: "Crush!"

There was chaos in the yard, the people on both sides were pressing me, and I was pestering you, and even Princess Wuzhen, who joined in the fun, had to get out of the way. How could she be a girl, too bad!

After the defender's intentional release of water, King Luo Rong finally rushed into the house, but he was greeted with a problem, looking for Guo Zimu's shoes! Guo Zimu has only one shoe on his feet and can't find the other, so how can he go out!

It is not the first time that King Luo Rong has married, but it is definitely the first time that he has married like this! Sure enough, beauty is not so good. With the help of members of the group of relatives and friends, King Luo Rong finally found another shoe that Guo Zimu had hidden in a corner of the closet. Under Shao Yunan's coaxing, King Luo Rong knelt down on one knee and put on his shoes for Guo Zimu. At that moment, King Luo Rong's eyes were full of feeling and joy: under the hood, Guo Zimu's eyes were gone.

"The newcomer is going out~"

Wang Shijing came in, squatted down in front of the bed, Guo Zimu cried and lay on Wang Shijing's back. Guo Ziyu on the side was in tears. He couldn't carry his younger brother out because of inconvenient legs and feet. Wang Shijing was Guo Zimu's righteous brother and took on this task.

Wang Shijing walked out step by step, carrying Guo Zimu steadily on his back, loyal to the Marquis Mansion, hit by a blow, and carried the dowry out of the Marquis Mansion. Luo Rong Wang first waited outside, Guo Ziyu followed Wang Shijing, and sent his younger brother out.

"The newcomer gets into the sedan chair~"

"elder brother!"

Guo Zimu, who didn't make a sound all the way, cried out the moment Wang Shijing put him on the sedan chair. Guo Ziyu held back her tears: "Zimu, be happy!"

"Brother, Brother Ishii, I'm gone, I'll be happy!"

Wang Shijing put down the sedan curtain and shouted, "Get up!"

This time, the sound of firecrackers exploded over the capital, and it could be heard faintly even in the palace. Ten miles of red makeup, the dowry of Guo Zimu, the righteous disciple of the loyal and brave Hou, extended from the gate of the Hou residence to the gate of Dongcheng. People in the capital were all stunned and looked sideways. Wang Shijing, the Marquis of Zhongyong, really regarded Guo Zimu as his younger brother and let him marry in a glorious way. This famous wedding in the capital made the people of the capital talk about it for more than a year. The attention given to Guo Zimu by the Marquis of Zhongyong also gave Guo Zimu enough capital to gain a foothold in the upper class of the capital. This wedding also made everyone understand one thing, Guo Zimu married King Luo Rong, not for money, not for power, just love. Those who originally envied Guo Zimu's good fate to marry into the palace now envy King Luo Rong.

The welcoming team walked around the capital, and the candy and copper coins never stopped. The team finally stopped at Luo Rong Wang's mansion. Luo Rong Wang personally carried Guo Zimu out of the sedan chair without letting his feet touch the ground. There were only a few close relatives and friends in the Luo Rong palace. The two worshipped heaven and earth and their ancestors. Luo Rong Wang picked up Guo Zimu and left the palace again.

At this time, the Yunlong Pavilion was full except for a few specially vacated tables. King Luo Rong appeared, but Guo Zimu was not seen beside him. Everyone whispered, not knowing what King Luo Rong did, and how could there be a marriage in two places. The people from the Marquis of Zhongyong Mansion were already seated. Wang Shijing and Shao Yunan were sitting at the main table. Old General Weng and General Dai were at this table, and there were two vacant seats. The people who stayed behind at Luo Rong's mansion also came, and everyone took their seats. Before the auspicious time came, there was a notification from outside: "The emperor is here—the queen is here—"

This wedding, with the arrival of these two people, set off the first round of climax.

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