No matter how much Shao Yunan didn't want to have a child, he "unfortunately" had it, so he had to give birth if he didn't want to, so he still had to follow his little father to learn about pregnancy and childbirth. There are also several related books in the space, but Shao Yunan didn't store them on purpose. Wasn't it rumored that the "last life" would end? Shao Yun kept a lot of supplies, including a lot of baby milk powder, and those books were gifts. Now, these books have become Wang Shijing's required textbooks, and Shao Yunan reluctantly read two.

Shao Yunan imagined many kinds of stalks of his own "production", such as sudden stomach pain in the dead of night; for example, sudden stomach pain when walking on the road; another example, sudden stomach pain when eating... In short, it must be the stomach suddenly started to hurt That's right.

Dai Zhanxiao rushed back all the way, afraid of missing the birth of the child. Shao Yunan was very moved that he no longer had brotherhood. Shao Yunan was about to give birth and couldn't cook by himself, so he went to "Qing Yuan" to order a few big dishes, and then instructed the cooks in the house to make a table of good dishes for Dai Zhanxiao to welcome him.

The usual Dai Zhanxiao has the temperament of a warrior, but he doesn't have any battle-hardened suffocation. Instead, he is very talkative and humorous. But maybe he's not too old after all. If it were the two generals, Dai Mingjun and Dai Mingrong, it would be different.

Shao Yunan was very curious about the border issues, and because Wang Shijing used to be a member of the Yihu Army, he always wanted to know more. Dai Zhanxiao's trip back this time was very rushed. There were outsiders. He didn't say what kind of shock those armaments caused among the few insiders at the border. The reaction of the soldiers, especially the reaction of the soldiers after eating the instant noodles, made Shao Yunan laugh out loud. At the same time, it is a little sad, just the most common mushroom, pickled cabbage and chicken instant noodles can make soldiers eat so happily, and many people even divide the -bao instant noodles into two meals to eat, and the soup is not wasted.

Just thinking about soup, Shao Yunan stopped his laughter and his body shook. Noticing his reaction, both Dai Zhanxiao and Wang Shijing asked at the same time, "What's wrong?"

Shao Yunan was embarrassed to death, he seemed to be incontinent! But in the presence of Princess Wuzhen, as well as the children and adoptive father and mother, he couldn't say that he was incontinent. Fuck! How could he be incontinent!

The muscles on Shao Yunan's face trembled and he tried to calmly say, "Oh, it's alright, I want to go for convenience, Brother Jing, you accompany me."

Wang Shijing stood up quickly. Since the middle and late pregnancy, Shao Yunan's number of toilet visits gradually increased, and Wang Shijing was used to it.

Su Chenyi also stood up uneasy: "Little father will accompany you too." The closer to the time of giving birth, the more careful every time it is convenient.

Shao Yunan stood up holding Wang Shijing's hand, his heart went black, why did he stop urinating! It's over, I'm going to be thrown abroad this time.

Su Chenyi came over to support Shao Yunan's other side. Shao Yunan prayed that no one found him peeing his pants, hoping that dark clothes could conceal his current predicament. Holding the hands of Daddy and Wang Shijing and taking two steps, Shao Yunan suddenly realized that something was wrong and he stopped.

"Yun An?"

"young married woman?"

Shao Yunan stood - motionless, blinking and blinking, looking at his little father: "little father, look behind me." This pee outlet doesn't seem right!

Su Chenyi was startled when he heard this, and hurriedly looked behind Shao Yunan. This was unbelievable. The floor Shao Yunan was watching was already wet—a large area, and water was flowing down. Su Chenyi instantly exclaimed: "Yunan! You've broken the water!"


It exploded in the dining room.

"Daddy!" Nizi screamed.

After being stunned, Jiang Moxi hugged Nizi quickly, while Wang Qing was dumbfounded, not knowing what breaking water was. Wang Shijing was also stupid, Dai Zhanxiao stood up and hugged Shao Yunan, but was slapped away by his little father.

When Mrs. Cen heard that the water was broken, she shuddered: "Hurry up and tell Yun An to lie down! Ishijing, go and call for Duke Wen!"

Su Chenyi also regained his senses, and his face turned pale with fright: "Zhan Xiao, hurry into the palace and ask the imperial doctor! Tell the imperial doctor that Yun An broke the water first!" Su Chenyi panicked, "Yun An, does your stomach hurt? ?"

Shao Yunan, who didn't know how dangerous he was, shook his head subconsciously: "It doesn't hurt, I don't feel it, am I going to give birth?"

Su Chenyi and Mrs. Cen were about to faint immediately, and the people from Cen's mansion shouted, "Tell the imperial doctor, Yun An's stomach doesn't hurt, the water broke first, and tell them to come over quickly!"

"Doctor! Call the doctor!"

Just looking at the reactions of Mrs. Cen and Su Chenyi, I know that Shao Yunan's current situation is definitely not good. Dai Zhanxiao directly used Qinggong. Princess Wu Zhen is a big girl, and she is very flustered when this kind of thing happens. Fortunately, she is not an ordinary princess (woman), she gave herself two punches to calm herself, and she dragged the three children to her side.

Wang Shijing struggled to pick up Shao Yunan and rushed out of the dining room amid Su Chenyi's shouting. Shao Yunan broke the water without labor pain. If the child can't come out quickly, it will cause hypoxia! Wang Shijing didn't run around. He ran to the nearest room where Shao Yunan could lie down and put down the person first. On the way, he yelled at the person below to get the stretcher.

Dai Zhanxiao had already mounted the horse and rushed out of the mansion, and then went to ask Su Chenyi what she needed to do.


It was only at this time that Wang Qing realized that his little father was about to give birth! Jiang Moxi is worthy of being the eldest brother. He holds the crying girl in one hand and Wang Qing who is about to rush out in the other. He said solemnly, "Wait!"

Wang Qing asked tremblingly, "Big brother, my little father is about to give birth, what should I do?"

Wang Qing didn't understand what it meant to break the water first, he only knew that the little father was about to give birth, and the little father would be in danger. Regarding this younger brother, neither Wang Qing nor Nizi have any concerns about whether it will affect their status at home. They say that whether they feel guilty or like it, they hope that their little father will have a younger brother or sister. The little father is so good to them, they hope that the little father can have a biological child. Now that the little father is about to give birth, Wang Qing is very scared, because the father and the little grandfather look very scared.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, Wang Shaozhengjun will be born safely. I'll take you there in a while." Princess Wu Zhen comforted Wang Qing and Nizi. For the first time, I had the intuitive feeling that "having a child is scary".

After Wang Shuping and Zhao Yuande brought the stretcher and carried Shao Yunan back to his and Wang Shijing's room, Princess Wu Zhen followed with her three children. Now no one can care about these three children. Fortunately, the three children have a maid and Xiaoma who are waiting for them. Nizi also has a maid from the palace given to her by the queen, plus Wu Zhen. The princess is here, so I'm not afraid of their situation.

Shao Yunan was lying on the bed, his coat had been taken off, and his lower body was cushioned with a pillow. His stomach didn't hurt all the time, but when he moved a little, water came out. He also realized that something was wrong with him. The child moved in his stomach, but he didn't feel any pain. If the child didn't go down, the amniotic fluid would run out again, and it would be unclear what the consequences would be. At this moment, Shao Yunan was nervous and scared.

"Brother Jing, what should I do? My stomach doesn't hurt. The child will be fine!"

"No, no. Our child—will come out safely."

Wang Shijing's hands and feet were cold and sweaty.

"Come, come!" The doctor sent by the General's House in advance to sit in the town came, holding a bowl of soup in his hand. Hearing that Shao Yunan broke the water, but his stomach didn't hurt, the doctor decided to boil the decoction to induce labor, and now he can't wait for the child to respond.

Shao Yunan took a few sips regardless of whether it was bitter or not, whether it was hot or not. Wang Shijing brought warm water to rinse his mouth, and Shao Yunan knew that it was mixed with spiritual milk as soon as he drank it. I don't know if the medicine worked or the spirit milk played a role. It didn't take long for Shao Yunan to feel that it was only a few minutes before his stomach suddenly started to hurt.

The General's Mansion, the old general Dai, the old Zhengjun, the old lady, and the rest of the Dai family hurried out to the Zhongyonghou Mansion. After Shao Yunan broke the water, the housekeeper Fusheng hurriedly sent someone to report. The first news that the General's Mansion got, when they heard that Shao Yunan broke the water first, everyone was almost scared. In ancient times, it was a very dangerous thing to break the water first, and then the child did not move. It is still good to be able to save the adults, it is very likely that one corpse and two lives, the old lady almost fainted at that time.

When Luo Rong's mansion was meditated, Luo Rong was taking a bath with Guo Zimu. The two of them jumped out of the bathroom, they didn't have time to dry their hair, put on clothes, tied their hair at will, and hurried out of the house with Murong Shizi. For many people, Shao Yunan's childbirth is as serious as the Queen's. For Empress Jun and Emperor Yongming, whether Shao Yunan can give birth safely is more serious than Empress Jun.

As soon as he got the news, Emperor Yongming sent out Ning Mu, the chief physician of the Imperial Hospital, and two other imperial physicians, and the rest of the imperial physicians who were not staying in the palace also got the news and asked them to rush to the Hou Zhongyong Mansion. The queen can't take care of the little prince, and waits anxiously for news with Emperor Yongming in the East Palace. The Queen is restless, Guo Xun and Zhuo Jin are running out, asking if there is any news.

A carriage drove into the Hou Zhongyong Mansion, and Jiang Kangchen came. After changing clothes and disinfecting, he went straight to the delivery room. Wang Shijing was kicked out, he was too much in the way. In the delivery room, Su Chenyi, Lao Zhengjun, Jiang Kangchen, the old doctor of the general's house, Duke Wen, Ning Mu and the imperial doctor named him were all there, and the rest of the imperial physicians were waiting outside the room for Ning Mu's summons. To be honest, Ning Mu didn't dare to keep too many people at this time. Who knows if there are any ulterior motives among these imperial doctors. If there is something wrong with Wang Shaozhengjun and the child, and his family's heads are not enough to cut off, he will stay. The imperial physician is his apprentice, so he is more assured.

All the utensils, water, and medicines that Shao Yunan will use are handled by the henchmen of the General's Mansion, and they are not allowed to do so without anyone else's hands, even those from Zhongyong Village. Brother Hu also came out of the palace. He stayed in the delivery room, and Xiao Jin was outside. Brother Hu was not affected by the **** smell of birth. On the contrary, if any poison came in, even if others smelled nothing, he would not be able to escape Brother Hu. nose.

Although Shao Yunan's stomach started to hurt, but before the official birth, he was biting a soft cloth in his mouth, and he wanted to call him a caesarean several times. This is simply unacceptable.

Guo Zimu sat up outside. When the queen was giving birth, Guo Zimu didn't enter the palace. He had never given birth to a child, so entering the palace wouldn't help much. But Shao Yunan's production is different. Even if he can't help, he can't wait for news in the house. After going back and forth more than a dozen times, Guo Zimu ran to Liwen's door and shouted, "Yunan, save your energy, do you want to eat something?"

"I want to die--!"

Guo Zimu shuddered, and Wang Shijing got up and was about to rush in, but was held back by Murong Shizi and Dai Zhanxiao. Princess Wu Zhen was out to accompany the children, and it was really inappropriate for them to be present here.

"Ah ah ah - cut my abdomen, I can't take it anymore!"

"Daughter-in-law! You bear it, bear it, I'll go in with you!"

"Go away! It's all your fault!"

Wang Shijing's eyes were red, and the old general, Old Cen and King Luo Rong couldn't help roaring: "Don't make trouble!"

Inside the house, Ning Mu saw Wang Shaozhengjun's appearance, and after discussing with the doctor of the General's House, he decided to make another bowl of induction soup to let the child come out as soon as possible. Shao Yunan is not as tolerant as the queen, and it is very likely that he will give birth at that time, and he has no strength to cry.

Another bowl of labor-inducing soup was sent in. After a while, people outside the house heard Shao Yunan's screams.

"Ahh-I'm going to have a caesarean section! Ahh-! It hurts to death!"

"Yun An, don't yell, save your energy!"

"C-section C-section!"

Shao Yunan was so painful that he completely forgot that this place was ancient, and it was impossible to perform a caesarean section on him. This kind of pain can't be described in words. It's like he was constipated for more than ten days, and then took laxatives, but he couldn't pull it out, and his intestines were crushed. But the pain of crumbling intestines is definitely not as painful as his current pain!

"Ah -" Shao Yun is hurts to tears DC, "Shao Tai Tiger! You a king eight eggs! Don't die! I am a ancestor 18th generation!"

People outside the house heard the black lines that were distressed and full of foreheads, only Wang Shijing felt the same. If he knew that it was the fruit of pregnancy, he would never let his daughter-in-law get pregnant!

"Brother An, don't shout, you'll run out of strength for a while!"

"Ah! Why don't you come out yet? It hurts to death, it hurts to death!"

Shao Yun'an's eyes turned black in pain. The pain of giving birth is not something he should endure as a man! He scolded Shao Dahu and Wang Shijing so much that he didn't even know what he was scolding. In the end, he even scolded the child in his stomach.

"If you don't come out again, I'll beat you to death! Ahh-"

Wang Shijing couldn't bear it anymore, broke free from the restraints of Prince Murong and Dai Zhanxiao and rushed into the delivery room. Immediately after: "Wang Shijing! I want to divorce you!"

"young married woman!"

Wen Gong, who was in charge of the delivery, felt that he was in the heat of the heat, and his sweat was dripping down like a shower. He didn't know how many wives and male wives of wealthy families he had delivered, and he didn't know how many masters who were afraid of pain. This was the first time that he had not only been afraid of pain, but also had to divorce the master of the family. Duke Wen could be considered to have seen how the Marquis of Zhongyong loves his wife, and he believed the rumors from the outside that the Marquis of Zhongyong was headed by Zheng Jun. Not to mention that Duke Wen was sweating profusely, everyone in the delivery room was soaking wet, if it wasn't for the safety of Shao Yunan, Jiang Kangchen would have laughed.

Shao Yunan cried out in pain, and bit how many deep purple tooth marks on Wang Shijing's arms and hands. When he felt that the "thing" that had been wringing in his stomach for a long time was finally about to be pulled out, he tried his best to suck, and then...,

"Come out, come out!"


"Yun'an Yun'an!"

The chickens and dogs continued, and a little guy who was beaten to death by his own little father finally stopped torturing his father, but it was true that his father also passed out by being tortured by him.

"Your Majesty! Chitose! Born! Born! Wang Shaozheng was born! He's a big fat boy! He weighs four pounds!"

Emperor Yongming and the queen laughed at the same time, and the queen was even happier: "—it's great to be a man. How about Wang Shaozhengjun? Is there any danger?"

Guo Xun: "It is said that the pain passed out, but it is not very dangerous."

The Queen nodded, and was even more relieved: "Mother and son are safe, God bless you."

After about half an hour, Jiang Moxi and Wang Qing followed Lao Zhengjun into the palace. Wang Shijing can't walk away now, Wang Qing is the eldest son, he came to the palace to announce the good news instead of his father, and Lao Zhengjun represents the general's residence. This is also a rule, so the Queen and Emperor Yongming also waited and did not go back to rest.

Hearing Lao Zhengjun talk about Shao Yunan's birth, Empress Jun and Emperor Yongming laughed. Whose daughter-in-law had to give birth to a child so painful that she had to divorce her husband and beat her child. Joke to die for. What's even more speechless is that it would be lifeless to take a child by caesarean section. The queen decided that when he went to see the child, he had to teach his nephew a good lesson.

He has a great-grandson, although he is a grandson, but Wang Shijing has neither father nor mother, and the old couple Cen are adoptive father and adoptive mother, so the elders of the General's House consciously regard this child as their own (heavy) grandson. When the person who entered the palace to announce the good news came back, Emperor Yongming's imperial decree also arrived.

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