Of course, the queen is reluctant to bear the prince, and Emperor Yongming is even more reluctant. This is the first child of him and the queen, and it is still the prince. The reason why the queen "heartedly" handed the prince to Shao Yunan was because she felt that she loved the prince too much, and more importantly, the queen believed that if the prince could grow up beside Shao Yunan, it would definitely be better than letting the prince live in the palace. It is more promising to grow up in Li, not to mention that the prince's future master has already selected Weng Lao, and the queen does not worry about the future knowledge of the prince. The queen also has a selfish desire to let the prince and Xingyi grow up together. The three children, Wang Qing, Nizi and Jiang Moxi, have undergone such changes around Shao Yunan. Everyone can see it. The Queen looks forward to the future achievements of the prince who grew up by Shao Yunan's side.

It must be said that the Queen's vision is extremely long-term. He asked Shao Yunan to take the prince, which did not mean that the prince would be alienated from him and Emperor Yongming in the future. He believed that Shao Yunan would not let such a thing happen. And all of this is based on the fact that the Queen and Emperor Yongming are very aware of Wang Shijing and Shao Yunan's indifference to power and loyalty to the emperor.

Xiao Xingyi's full moon banquet was held in the palace, and it was very lively, but Wang Shijing and Shao Yunan couldn't invite everyone to the palace, and all the officials who came to attend were also officials from the court. The next day, Wang Shijing and Shao Yunan held another meeting in the palace, inviting those who were not qualified to enter the palace, most of whom were villagers from Zhongyong Village. Xiaoxingyi is full of moon, everyone who can come to Zhongyong Village has come, Wang Wenhe and Uncle Lizheng, these people are all invited by Wang Shijing by letter, even Wang Dali has come and became the prince of the state. Many things happened in the past. Wang Shijing let it go. Although it was impossible for him and Wang Dali to restore the father-son relationship with his "promotion", his actions made Wang Dali feel much better.

Wang Shijing has another purpose for inviting the people from Zhongyong Village to come over this time. He has now been promoted to the rank of Duke, and the entire Zhongyong Village is his private property. Although the villagers are still good people, the taxes that were previously handed over to the imperial court are now all handed over to him. Not only that, all the unowned land in Zhongyong Village, including the hills with Qimen black tea that Shao Yunan wanted before, have all become Wang Shijing's private fields and private mountains. As a result, the villagers of Zhongyong Village were directly dispatched by Wang Shijing in the future, and they were exempted from military service and corvée service in the court. But at the same time, there will also be many drawbacks. Wang Shijing has no time to return to the village. It was okay to be a marquis before, but now he is a prince, and he has to explain some things. While enjoying the benefits and welfare that Wang Shijing brings to them, the villagers of Zhongyong Village must also undertake corresponding obligations and responsibilities.

In Zhongyong Village, anyone who dares to use the name of the imperial government to go outside and ruin the reputation of the imperial government will be expelled from the village. Wang Shijing does not increase tax, but except in the year of disaster, how much tax should be paid each year, not Wang Shijing cares about the money, but does not want to get used to their problems. Although military service and corvée service are exempted, they must be obliged to work in the fields under the name of the imperial government every year. If you do well, you will be rewarded; if you are lazy, you will be punished. Zhao He goes back every year to collect goat milk, fruit and wine, and Zhao Yuande also goes back. Zhao Yuande is in charge of the land in the village of Zhongyong Gongfu, and these rules are also formulated by Uncle Lizheng.

Emperor Yongming rewarded Wang Shijing and Shao Yunan with two-thirds of the land, and the rest planted grapes, goat's milk, fruits, vegetables, etc. Tianwang Shijing did not rent them out, but found a lot of landless land by means of employment. and asked them to farm in a more scientific way, and Shao Yunan took out the fine seeds in the space. His idea was that he first planted his own fields. As long as their fields produced more grain and tasted good, Emperor Yongming would naturally not let them go.

The General’s Mansion provided a large number of veterans and remnants to be solved for the Zhongyong Mansion. Wang Shijing divided these people according to their abilities. Some of them were sent to the fields, some of them were sent to the shop, and the able ones stayed as assistants. After the people from Zhongyong Village left the capital, Wang Shijing worked for a month without sticking to his feet. His adopted father was in charge of the family, and the capital was supported by the Prince Murong and the people from the general's residence. On April 20, Wang Shijing brought his wife and children, The little prince, escorted by Dai Zhanxiao, left the capital with hundreds of carriages in a mighty manner and headed to Huxingguan.

The matter of Shao Yunan taking the little prince to leave is still a secret. After all, he is the prince, and his status is noble, so he can't make a big splash. The children around the queen are actually the sons of the prince's nurse, and the real prince is only the son of Xiaoxingyi's nurse, and they all say that Shao Yun is kind and did not force the nurse to wean her son. Who knows what to follow? Shao Yunan's wet nurse is just a pretense. After Xiao Xingyi drank milk powder, he didn't like to drink breast milk. I don't know if he knew that it was not his mother's milk. The Queen is a "heartless" person. Seeing that Xiao Xingyi looks good even drinking cow's milk, she asked the Prince to drink milk with him. Of course, the Queen does not know that his own son sings milk "powder", not milk "water". ".

To outsiders, it was crazy that Shao Yunan took the newborn child to the border, even if the family did not approve of it, but Shao Yunan could not stop him from insisting. Shao Yunan wanted to take the child to the border to see his grandfather, and the family was also moved. However, in order to show that he was not joking about the child's life, Shao Yunan kept the child in the car and did not let the child out easily. In fact, it was placed in the space. Wang Qing, Nizi and Jiang Moxi took care of it in the space. Brother Hu and Small and large gold also often enter the space. The two children really enjoyed watching Shao Yunan, not suffering.

Dai Zhanxiao knew the identity of the little prince and was very nervous along the way. Every time the team stopped for repairs, he hurried over to take a look. However, the two children are in good spirits, they can eat and sleep, and he is relieved a lot. Dai Zhanxiao likes Xiaoxingyi very much. He will hold it whenever he has the chance. The weather is getting warmer and Xiaoxingyi is not so soft. Dai Zhanxiao will also hold Xiaoxingyi and ride a horse. As for the little prince, Dai Zhanxiao did not dare to touch it with a single finger, for fear of breaking it. Even though the little prince is still a little kid who can only eat milk, if anyone knew his identity, they would have to kneel in fear.

This time, they also went to Huxingguan with them, an important hostage, King Keqin, who had been imprisoned for more than half a year. King Keqin now looks no different from a beggar. Emperor Yongming didn't have the kindness to give him food and drink. After being taught a lesson by Jiang Moxi, he didn't know what kind of physical and psychological torture he suffered, and now he was detained in a prison car with only the minimum amount of water and vegetable nests. The initial arrogance. Shao Yunan was once worried about whether he would be able to persist until he arrived at Huxing Pass.

"Don't worry, he won't die. You didn't see his eyes, waiting to return to Huhar to seek revenge from us."

In the tents of Wang Shijing and Shao Yunan, they ate wild rabbits roasted by their younger brother. They said without worry that with Brother Hu and Xiaojin, there was no need to worry about eating wild game along the way. Shao Yunan, who had already eaten, was holding the crown prince, Nizi was holding Xiao Xingyi, and the other men were still eating. The three adults did not shy away from the three children. Wang Qing asked worriedly, "Uncle, why do we have to put him back?"

Dai Zhanxiao glanced at his younger brother and said, "Your little father asked him to put it back."

Wang Qing immediately looked at his little father, Shao Yunan did not explain directly, but asked first: "Brother Qing, do you think the great Khan of Hu Kingdom will not attack Dayan because of a King Keqin?"

Wang Qing shook his head: "Definitely not."

Ruzi can be taught, Dai Zhanxiao nodded in his heart.

Shao Yunan: "Since there is no King Keqin, the two countries cannot avoid a war, so why not use him for something."

Wang Qing understood, but worried again: "Hu thieves are the worst, Wan-what should they do?"

Shao Yunan: "They are rude, we don't have any losses, the Great Khan of the Hu Kingdom will lose some people's hearts. This King Keqin's status in the Hu Kingdom is not low, and he is also the brother of the Great Khan of the Hu Kingdom. If you are a Great Khan, Are you kidding?"

Wang Qing fully understood: "No." Thinking of the arrogant capital of the people of the Hu country, he said: "They must be thinking that after defeating us, if they **** the money back, they will grab more."

Shao Yunan: "Yes."

Wang Qing's next sentence made Dai Zhanxiao very comfortable to hear.

"We have an uncle, a father, and a little father, and the thief will definitely not be able to take it back."

Jiang Moxi never interrupted, and it is even more difficult for him to speak respectfully in front of outsiders. However, after Dai Zhanxiao went to the private workshop a few times, he did not dare to underestimate him at all. King Keqin should be glad that he still has the value of meat tickets, otherwise Jiang Moxi would not keep his dog life just because he dared to covet Nizi and insult Guo Zimu. Since the Wu family was killed and exiled, Jiang Moxi's body has also lost a lot of gloom, but it has become more introverted. Sometimes Shao Yunan can't see what he is thinking.

Wu Jian is still in the Zhongyong Mansion, but he can already get out of bed. Jiang Kangchen will visit him from time to time in the Zhongyong Mansion. The matter of the Wu family has not caused a rift between the two. Wang Shijing plans to wait for him to return from Huxing Pass. Find a Mingmu to "sell" Wu Jian to Jiang Kangchen, so that their husbands can truly reunite.

With Shao Yunan as a guarantee, Dai Zhanxiao did not deliberately slow down his travel speed, because there were important supplies in the baggage that needed to be sent to Huxingguan and Waiyeguan, and Shao Yunan also wanted to arrive as soon as possible. Seeing that his younger brother was fine, two babies and three children could bear it, Dai Zhanxiao ordered to move forward at full speed. Every day, Wang Shijing would use the opportunity of inspection to put spiritual spring water in the water and dishes for everyone to eat, so the guards could not only keep up with the physical strength, but also wondered why he didn't feel tired.

One month and seven days, Shao Yunan stood in front of the car and saw the three characters "Huxingguan". At the gate of Huxingguan, a group of majestic people stood there. At this time, Shao Yunan suddenly had a feeling of being close to nostalgia, not because he was afraid of coming to Huxingguan, but because he was about to meet the "legendary" hussar general Dai Mingrong, "his" father, somewhat inexplicable of tension.

"Young Master!"

When the leader saw them, they immediately rode up to meet them. The other party had a beard on his face and rough skin. At first glance, he looked like a military general who was stationed at the border all the year round. Wang Shijing got off his horse, but saluted first: "General Dai."

Dai Mao was stunned, and hurriedly dismounted, Dai Zhanxiao also dismounted, stepped forward and said, "Uncle Dai, this is Duke Zhongyong."

"Duke Zhongyong!" Dai Mao hurriedly saluted, and Duke Zhongyong's name was spread far and wide across borders. Wang Shijing has changed a lot now, so it's no wonder that Dai Mao can't recognize him.

"General Dai is more polite." Wang Shijing hugged Shao Yunan, "This is the righteous prince."

"Hello, General Dai."

The uncle who can be shouted by Dai Zhanxiao is definitely his own. Shao Yunan's shout scared Dai Mao's cold sweat out. In the face of the warriors of the Hu Kingdom, who did not change his face, he didn't know how to let go of his hands and feet. The loyal, brave and fair prince, the young master of the Dai family, Wang Shaozheng, this famous name is even more powerful than the loyal and brave prince!

"Guo Gong, Wang Shaozhengjun, you two are Zhe Sha's servants." Dai Mao asked Dai Zhanxiao for help. He is a rough man, even if Duke Zhongyong came out of their Yihu Army before, but he is now the Duke of Guo, how can he climb high. Since ancient times, the status of military generals has been lower than that of civil servants, not to mention that in front of people with titles, Wang Shijing is a real dignitary and a confidant of the emperor. Dai Mao regretted that he had invited Ying over to pick him up.

Shao Yunan laughed twice and said, "General Dai, my brother calls you uncle, so don't be polite to us. You are a great hero who is stationed at the border and keeps my Dayan safe. Without you, we would not have been able to. Spend your days leisurely in the capital. Not to mention that my father, my brother, and my uncle are all here, and Brother Jing also served as a soldier here for three years. You used to be Brother Jing's boss. You are the one who gave such a great gift to Brother Zhesha Jing. Well. If you don't dislike it, I'll call you uncle too."

"This, Wang Shaozhengjun, this is impossible."

Dai Mao was about to cry, and he didn't bother to ask what "boss" meant.

"I think it's such a happy decision. Uncle Dai, we brought a lot of delicious food for everyone. I'm also anxious to see my father. Will you lead the way?"

"This... Young Master!"

Dai Zhanxiao also burst into laughter, his younger brother's performance made him very happy.

"Uncle Dai, just listen to Yun'an. Let's go and see your father."

Dai Mao was scared to death, but Wang Shijing and Shao Yunan's actions made them win the hearts of the army as soon as they arrived at Huxing Pass. It's not that there are no high-ranking officials to Huxingguan, but which one is not high above, even eunuchs, dare to pose in front of the generals, Wang Shijing and Shao Yunan are definitely the first ones, and those who don't know they think they are going back to their parents' home. But, in a sense, too?

The mighty motorcade entered the Huxingguan military camp, and the hussar general Dai Mingrong stood at the gate of the military camp. When he looked at the young man who was sitting on the carriage, looking over here, he didn't need to be introduced. His eyes were depressed and moist. That was, his son, Zhan An!

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