When Shao Yunan came to the door, Lizheng's family was preparing tools and seeds for busy farming. In seven or eight days, the farming will begin. Zhao Yuande and Zhao Yuanqing are not separated. The two brothers have a good relationship. Zhao Yuanqing just got married last year. His wife, Li Caijuan, was married from Lijia Village, and her natal family is also a big family in Lijia Village. Li Caijuan can be regarded as virtuous, Zhao He is a man, and the two daughters-in-law will not fight for anything. Zhao Yuanqing has no children, only Zhao Congbo is the grandson of Lizheng's family, which is also what Lizheng's mother-in-law is dissatisfied with. Zhao Congbo is already ten years old, and Zhao He is unlikely to regenerate. Now he has put all his hopes of finding a family on his daughter-in-law's belly, but it has been almost a year since the daughter-in-law got married, and there is no news. Less sleep as a result.

The whole family in Lizheng is here except for Zhao Congbo, who is studying in a private school. When Shao Yunan came, the people in Lizheng's family were very kind. Seeing that Shao Yunan was carrying a jar and a heavy cloth bag, Li Zheng first said, "Don't bring something every time you come here, why are you being so polite."

Lizheng's mother-in-law Zhao Liu also said: "Every time you and Ishii come back and get something, my uncle and I are embarrassed. He is Lizheng, shouldn't it be right to help you?"

Zhao Yuande and Zhao Yuanqing also said not to be so polite. Shao Yunan sat next to Zhao He and said naturally, "That's why I brought something because I have a good relationship with Uncle Zhao and Aunt Zhao Liu. I didn't see me going to Wang's house."

When he said this, Li Zheng didn't know what to say, Zhao Liu laughed, and was coaxed very happily by Shao Yunan. Shao Yunan put down what was in his hand and said, "The chestnuts in this pocket are picked on the mountain, and there are many at home. You can cook porridge or stew. You can also use it as a snack when you stir fry it with sugar. Bo Isn't my brother studying, and letting him take him to a private school to share with his friends can also bring him closer, right?"

When he said this, Zhao He's eyes lit up first. Zhao He has only one son, Zhao Congbo, and he must think of his son first in everything. Li Zheng and Zhao Liu also thought it was a good idea. Then, Shao Yunan said, "This jar is the goat's milk jam that I made myself. You can try it."

After that, Shao Yunan opened the seal, and a sweet fragrance came out immediately. Shao Yunan asked Zhao Liushi to bring a spoon and a bowl, Zhao Liushi quickly brought the spoon, and the six of them all poked their heads and looked into the jar, what is this jam, and why does it smell so good?

Shao Yunan scooped out two spoonfuls of jam and handed it out: "Try it."

Li was letting his wife taste it first, and Zhao Liu carefully took a small sip, and was suddenly shocked: "It's delicious! What kind of fruit is this goat's milk fruit!"

Zhao Yuanqing was impatient, took the spoon from his mother's hand and sipped it, and then immediately put it into his wife's mouth, and Li Zheng kicked him.

After all six people had tasted it, they all said that it was delicious. After they liked it very much, Shao Yunan explained: "This goat milk fruit is the red sour fruit on the mountain."

"This is made of red sour fruit?" Several exclaimed.

Shao Yunan nodded: "It's made of red sour fruit. This fruit looks like goat's milk, so it is called goat's milk fruit in some places. Uncle Zhao, I picked these goat's milk fruit on the Xishan Mountain. Brother Ishii and I didn’t dare to go there. There should be other hills. This thing is not difficult to make, and it should be easy to sell if you take it out. If Uncle Zhao is willing, I will give this craft to Brother Hezi.”

As soon as Shao Yunan said this, let alone Zhao He, even Li Zheng's eyes widened in shock. Then, he shook his head repeatedly: "That's not good, that's not good, that's your craft!"

Shao Yunan said: "Uncle Zhao, although this jam is not difficult to make, the process is a little troublesome. My family is the only one I can do with Ishijing brother. Brother Qing, I plan to let him learn calligraphy at home before sending him to a private school. Nizi is still young, even if I sell it, I can't do much, and there are so many things at home that I really can't tell the energy. For these fruits, I still ask the fourth aunt and the others to help clean up. "

"Actually, I also have my own selfishness. You go to collect goat's milk fruit and sell me some of it. I have other uses. This jam is sold fresh. It's easy to make, and it's hard to guarantee that no one else will figure out how to do it. When others figure it out, they won't be able to sell too much money, just earn a pocket money."

Li Zheng was still reluctant: "Even if it's pocket money, it's a lot of money. We can't take it on."

Shao Yunan also simply said, "If you don't pick me up, give it to someone else. My niece will do it."

Zhao Yuande said at this time: "Dad, Yun An is an idea, he is willing to teach us, he must be a lot of money. Didn't Yun An say that, he still needs us to help collect the red sour fruit, he has other things Useful. We can sell this jam and share it with Yun An."

"Yeah, Dad, we can separate the two." Zhao Yuanqing was very moved.

Zhao He and Li Caijuan were both heartbroken, but they were daughters-in-law, so they couldn't interrupt at this time. Shao Yunan said indifferently, "It doesn't matter. I'll tell you, Uncle Zhao, too. I do have other ways to make money. If I can do it well, I'll make a lot of money. I really don't care about the money for this jam. I don’t have the energy to do it. You don’t have to share it with me. Brother Bo will spend more money in the future. If Brother Yuanqing also has a son, Uncle Zhao should also send it to study.”

Zhao Yuanqing and Li Caijuan were embarrassed, and Li Caijuan was anxious, but this child couldn't be anxious.

Zhao Liushi secretly twisted Lizheng's arm and asked him to agree. Li Zheng let go: "If it's not evenly divided, I'll also share your money, otherwise I won't feel comfortable earning this money."

Shao Yunan smiled: "That's fine. If Uncle Zhao feels uneasy, he might as well buy some public land after earning money, or save it in the village's public money. We don't need to spend money in our village. Little. In the future, when my business is established, Ishii and I will also give back to the village. And with Uncle Zhao, you will take the lead. In the future, those who make money in the village will follow you as long as they are not too petty, so that Xiushui Village will not be too small. Will it get better?"

Li Zheng's eyes were burning, and Shao Yun'an's words came to his heart. Li Zheng slapped his hand on the leg and said, "Okay! You and Ishii's love for Uncle Zhao have taken over!"

The others laughed immediately, and Shao Yunan said, "Uncle Zhao, you can take advantage of the busy farming season to see how many goat's milk fruits you can harvest. You can also look at other villages. Wild peaches can also be made into peach jam, so you can also harvest them. When the time comes, let Brother Hezi find me."

"Hey!" Zhao He responded immediately, "Yun An, thank you so much!"

"No thanks, no thanks. Brother Ishii and I would like to thank Uncle Zhao and Brother Yuande."

Shao Yunan is a man, and his identity is Wang Shijing's husband and wife. He is the most suitable to teach Zhao He. Zhao He's happy eyes disappeared.

After telling everyone what to pay attention to when picking up the fruit, Shao Yunan left. As soon as he left, the Zhao family was boiling. Everyone carefully tasted some jam, and the more aftertaste, the more they felt that this thing could sell for a lot of money. Zhao He is also smart, he immediately realized: "Father, mother, this red sour fruit can be used as jam, and other wild fruits on the mountain, such as apricots and plums, can also be made. Yun Angang didn't say peaches too. Can it be done?"

Zhao Yuande said: "It should be possible."

Zhao Yuanqing immediately said: "It's not me, we actually learned several crafts and earn several times a year?"

"Look at your success!" Li Zheng raised his face, but his eyes couldn't hide his excitement.

Zhao Liushi snorted coldly: "The old lady scolded Yun An all day long as a mourning star, let's see how she cries in the future."

"That's a shallow eyelid." Li Zheng didn't bother to mention the family.

Li Caijuan said, "Father, mother, Yuan Qing and I went back to my mother's house to collect. There are a lot of these red sour fruits on the mountain over there, and there are also wild peach trees."

Zhao Yuanqing is a person who says that wind is rain: "Let's pack up and go back."

"What's the hurry!" Li Zheng asked Zhao Yuanqing to sit down and said, "Don't say anything about the jam beforehand, just pick up the fruit. When the jam is made and the money is really sold, our family will make a good summation. We can't hide the money we make. People in the village, no matter how you say I am also Lizheng, I am afraid that I will have to gossip at that time."

Zhao Yuande said, "Father is right. Let's find Ishii and Yunan. Yunan has many ideas."

Zhao He said: "Father, Yun An asked us to spend money to buy public farmland. I'm afraid that's what we thought about it. We earn money and give it back to the village. What else can others say. Besides, Ishii and Yun An are people. , they are willing to give us a way to make money, and the fourth aunt Wang and the others who are close to their family, Yun An and Ishijing will definitely not ignore it. I see, people in our village who have a good relationship with Ishijing will probably be able to make money. The way of money. Those jealous, who told them not to help when Ishii was in trouble? What do they have to say."

Zhao Yuande nodded: "What Hezi said makes sense. Dad, don't worry too much. No matter what you say, you are righteous. If you really make money, we will give you more money when we collect fruit in the future."

Zhao Liu couldn't listen anymore, so he squeezed Li Zheng and said, "You just have a lot of concerns. This time you have to listen to the children. Yuan Qing, you and Caijuan are going to Lijia Village. How much can you charge? Pass by Liu When you are in Jiawan, you go to your grandfather's house and ask your uncle to collect it. I will give you the money in a while. Hezi, you ask your father and mother to go to Shanyang Village to collect it. You and Yuande will go to the mountain. See if you can get some more."

"Okay, mother."

Zhao He was adopted from Shanyang Village, and Zhao He's mother is from Shanyang Village. Zhao Liu made this arrangement, and Li Zheng did not object. Zhao Liu went back to the house to get the silver, and gave one to Zhao Yuanqing and one to Zhao He. If you want Zhao He's parents to help you, you can't let others take the money. If the money is not enough, let Zhao He's parents put it on first, and give it when you come back. Zhao Yuanqing and Li Caijuan packed up and left immediately, while Zhao He and Zhao Yuande took the basket and left.

With a few words from Shao Yunan, the entire Zhao family got busy. Zhao He is indeed a smart one. He gave Li Zheng's method of jam, and Shao Yun'an from other people also made arrangements. If his tea business follows his plan, it will not be difficult for the entire Xiushui Village to become prosperous. He wouldn't naively think that Mrs. Wang's family could just let it go. He just wanted to make Mrs. Wang's family feel blue with regret, so that even if Wang Zhisong was admitted to the top spot, he wouldn't be able to do anything to their family. But it wasn't that he looked down on Wang Zhisong, and he took the exam in his dream.

The Lizheng family was busy, and those who received the jam sent by Wang Shijing were happy and complicated. The joy is naturally the majority, and the complicated is Wang Wenhe's family. Wang Shijing didn't enter the house at all, so he called Wang Shuping out and handed the jam to Wang Shuping, saying that it was made by his daughter-in-law, and asked Wang Shuping to give the child a taste. Without saying much, Wang Shijing left.

Wang Shuping opened the jar and scooped out the jam, not to mention the surprise of the taste. This jam is unheard of, unseen. Wang Wenhe is determined not to eat it, and everyone else likes it tightly. Wang Wenhe's wife, Wang Shenshi, was angry and spouted at Wang Wenhe: "Famous and famous, you will point at Wang Zhisong all day long to make you famous! You might as well count on Brother Yan! Madam Zhu, that shrew, Wang Zhisong has earned her fame and fame, and she is reluctant to use it for you! You know that you are partial to them and protect them. What have they given you? Not even a grain of rice, every year when the farming is busy. They asked you to come forward and ask the clan to help their family, did they say something? Do you really not know how many complaints the clan people have?"

"Once Ishii comes back, as long as I come to the door, I will not be empty-handed. If I make rare things, I know to send them here. If I say that Wang Zhu's family, except for Ishijing, are all wolves that they don't know well! Come on! I want to see if he can earn you fame and fame! Earn face! You can just accept Wang Zhisong as your son, and I'll be on par with Shu!"

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Wang Wenhe was angry and ashamed. He naturally hoped that his grandson would be successful in the future, but how can he be so easy to test for fame? Grandson Wang Yan is not as smart as Wang Zhisong, and his reading is only average. Wang Wenhe only wants him to pass the Tongsheng test.

Wang Shenshi ignored him, and turned to his son: "This jam is really rare. I'll keep it until Brother Yan comes back to eat it."

Wang Shuping's youngest daughter Wang Yuting pouted: "Grandma, I want to eat too."

Wang Shenshi pinched her little granddaughter's nose: "Wait for your brother to come back and eat together."

There are not many jams made, and many people give them away, so there is not much in a jar. What Wang Shenshi hurts the most is his grandson Wang Yan. Wang Yan and Zhao Congbo were about the same age. They were studying in the same private school in the county and could not return until the afternoon.

Wang Shenshi greeted his son, daughter-in-law and granddaughter away, leaving the stubborn old man alone. Wang Wen and Wang Shijing firstly felt that Shao Yunan should not make trouble and lost the face of his clan; secondly, Wang Shijing's rude attitude later made him unable to come down on stage. Wang Wenhe sat there alone and was sulking. Is it wrong for him to be dedicated to the Wang family?

Wang Shuping went to his vegetable garden to pick some vegetables to send to Wang Shijing's house. Wang Shuping couldn't make sense of his father, so he simply did not persuade him for the time being. He has his own ideas. He didn't like Wang Zhisong at first, and now he hates it even more. Whether it was Wang Zhisong's performance in the county school, blaming all the faults on his own mother, or after he came back, the family didn't do anything else except come to his house to make trouble and cry. That Wang Zhisong should have come to the door since he came back the day before yesterday, but now he has not seen anyone. It's too late for such ungrateful, greedy and selfish people to stay away from them, how can they get on the poles? Old lady Wang once said that Zhisong will help the clan when he is admitted to fame, and his father foolishly believes it.

Wang Shuping came to deliver the food, and Wang Shijing and Shao Yunan were very enthusiastic. Wang Shuping was also eager not to make amends with the two on behalf of his own father, and by the way told the two that his father asked him to go to the county government to ask if he could spend money to redeem Wang Tianyan and Guo Zhaodi. People from the county government said that the two of them had already been asked to be forgiven and sentenced to a lighter sentence and could not be redeemed. Wang Shuping also told the two privately that it was fortunate that he could not redeem it, otherwise Mrs. Wang would have to find Wang Shijing to make money.

Wang Shuping's move made Shao Yunan feel that he was good. Wang Shuping and Zhao Yuande are quite similar in some respects. Wang Shuping saw a lot of sun drying in the yard, and wild chrysanthemums, and asked a question casually, Shao Yunan only said that it was picked from the mountains, dried and eaten. Wang Shuping left after sitting for a long time, and Wang Shijing suddenly said: "Yunan, You, Qing Ge'er and Nizi are not on the genealogy, I will go to the clan elder, and then to the fourth uncle Wang and the others, with Brother Shuping to help, the clan chief must agree.

Wang Qing and Wang Ni lowered their heads, and the two children bit their mouths. Shao Yunan looked reluctant: "Can you not enter? I feel sick when I think of writing the names of those people together."

Wang Qing looked up: "Father, I don't want to enter."

"I, I don't want to either." Wang Ni also said.

Wang Shijing looked at the two children, Wang Qing clenched his fists: "I'm not as good as the genealogy!" Tears welled up in Wang Ni's eyes. Shao Yunan frowned, hugged the two children, and asked, "Brother Qing, is there something wrong? You tell the little father, the little father will decide for you. You and Nizi will not join if you don't."

Wang Qing clenched her mouth tightly and didn't say anything, and Wang Ni cried in a low voice. Shao Yun comfortably stroked the heads of the two of them and said, "Don't be afraid, no one can bully you anymore. Tell my little father what happened? Don't be afraid that your father will be unhappy."

Wang Qing still didn't say anything, Wang Ni turned around and threw herself into her little father's arms, crying and said, "Grandma told my second uncle and second aunt that if my father died, she would sell me, saying that I was a loser. Tell me to wait for my brother. When I grew up, my elder brother was sent for corvée and military service at home, saying that my elder brother was wasting food by staying at home, and he could save money at that time. My aunt said that when I was older, I would get more money by selling it to a rich family as a concubine. "Dad, I don't want to enter the family tree."

From Nizi's point of view, joining the genealogy means staying with those people, but she doesn't want it!

Shao Yunan's face was dark and dark, and Wang Shijing's muscles were tense. If it wasn't for his mother, brother, or sister, he would definitely hack them all with a knife.

Wang Shijing kept breathing deeply, but he couldn't hold back the anger in his chest. Shao Yunan couldn't help kissing Wang Ni's head, and holding Wang Qing tightly with the other hand: "We are not as good as the family tree. If possible in the future, we will move your father out of the family as well, and our family will be completely separated from that family. net.

Brother Qing, Nizi, my father promises you that he will never let you bully you again. Little Daddy will not only let you live a good life, but also let you live a good life that everyone envies. You can keep these things in your heart, and if you have the opportunity to take revenge in the future, little dad will never stop him. When I see the family later, I don't care. What other people like to say and say. "

Nizi burst into tears: "little dad, I don't care about them, I hate them. They beat me and my brother, made my brother do a lot of work, and didn't give us food. My cousin bullied me, I cried, Grandma also scolded me. My uncle was also very bad. My brother accidentally touched his book, so he beat my brother with a stick. Grandma beat me too, and made my brother kneel on the ground all night. They always said that my father was dead. Now, my father and mother don't want me and my brother anymore."

"That bunch of bastards!" Shao Yunan couldn't help but swear in front of the child. Wang Shijing stood up and walked out angrily, Shao Yunan let go of Wang Ni to chase after him and grabbed him tightly.

"I'll ask them if I was born to them." Wang Shijing's eyes were red with anger.

Wang Ni was crying, and Wang Qing was also crying. Shao Yunan pulled Wang Shijing back with all his strength, dragged him into the house, and asked the two children to come too.

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