The grasslands at night already had cold winds, and the Hu Kingdom in September began to enter the early winter, and at the latest in October, there will be heavy snowfall. For this battle, the upper and lower parts of the Huhar Kingdom are full of confidence, and therefore, the Huhar Kingdom will declare war on the Yan Kingdom after the autumn harvest in August. According to the previous situation of the State of Yan, this battle, the State of Yan would have fought extremely hard or even tragically. Even if the State of Huhar could not enter the hinterland of the State of Yan, it would be enough for them to loot. The food, women, gold and silver treasures of the Yan Kingdom will greatly enrich the Hu Kingdom. The snow disaster in the capital of the Yan Kingdom, and the Huhar Kingdom in the farther north will also not escape the suffering of the snow disaster, but it will only be more serious. It can be said that even without the excuse of King Keqin, the Huhar Kingdom urgently needs a war to fill their needs.

It's just that the battle on the front line greatly exceeded the expectations of the Khan of the Huhar Kingdom. The war was completely one-sided. Not only did the Yan Kingdom not fight hard, but instead, the Hu Kingdom's army was defeated by a force, which made the people of the Hu Kingdom most proud. The warriors of Hu Kingdom were easily harvested like straw in front of the army of Yan Kingdom. Tu Zhemu, the great Khan of Huhar Kingdom who was far away from the main city of Hu Kingdom, looked at the expedited battle reports every day, and it was difficult to restrain his irritability and anger and necessity. Depressed panic.

What is it that Yan will instantly fry people and horses into pieces? What's a weapon faster than an arrow? What is the giant weapon that can defeat the attack of thousands of troops in one fell swoop? Where did Yan Kingdom come from such a powerful guy!

King Huhar's rich nights and nights were brightly lit, and the ministers of Huhar Kingdom were all anxious. In order to redeem King Keqin, they had already paid a lot of money. In winter, the state of Hu is in danger! I don't know how many people will starve to death because there is not enough food, and freeze to death because there is not enough fur! Because of this, the exchanged King Ke Qin not only did not receive the care from his brother and other ministers, but was hated on the contrary.

For the Huhar Kingdom, now they can only advance and cannot retreat. Once they surrender, they will be greeted by Yan Kingdom's more violent revenge and the loss of countless property, because this war was initiated by them. If they lose, in order to appease the anger of the monarch of the Yan Kingdom, they will definitely have to hand over more than the redemption of King Keqin, which will be a blow to them, so even though the war is tragic for the Hu Kingdom, they must also On the scalp, this is also the death order issued by Hu Guodahan.

Lancheng, the capital of Hu State, is not very big. After all, the population of Hu State is much smaller than that of State of Yan, which occupies the hinterland of the Central Plains. In addition, the environment of Hu State is harsh. As the center of a country, the capital city is the center of a country, whether it is construction or maintenance. Not a small overhead. Lancheng has gathered the powerful and powerful of the Hu Kingdom, and the war ahead is worrying, but apart from the headache of the monarch, the lives of those powerful and powerful people have not changed much, of course, except for King Keqin.

The people of Hu Kingdom are mainly nomadic, and there are not many cities in the territory of Hu Kingdom, and because of the harsh environment of Hu Kingdom, except for caravans, few people from Yan Kingdom come to Hu Kingdom. They have never penetrated into the territory of Hu State, and at most they have defeated Hu State's army and told the other side not to dare to harass him again. Therefore, there is no curfew in the city of Hu State at night, and the city gates are always closed.

- A Hu State caravan of dozens of people slowly entered Lancheng, the capital of Hu State, in the dark. I don't know what happened to this caravan. Everyone was very haggard, and their clothes were tattered. The men in the caravan were all unshaven, with dirt on their faces, and the only woman was also covered in dirt. Her hair was loose, and the worn skirt couldn't see the original color at all. The soldiers guarding the city had no interest in taking another look at her.

"Who are you, where did you come from, and why did you come to Lancheng!" It was late at night, and the soldiers guarding the city were all sleepy to death, but it was still their duty. Although the city gate was not closed, those who entered the city still had to be checked.

The woman sat on the bullock cart with her head drooping and motionless, whether she fell asleep or fainted. A man with a blindfold on his left eye, a sturdy figure and a beard on half of his face got off the bullock cart at the front. His voice was like being rubbed by sand many times, and his voice was so hoarse that it tormented one's ears.

"Master, we came back from the Huxing Pass."

"Tiger Pass?!"

As soon as the guard heard it, he immediately became spiritual. The man nodded and said bitterly: "We all went to the State of Yan to ask for immortal water for the Great Khan. If the prince went to the State of Yan to discuss peace, the Emperor of the State of Yan imprisoned us. We finally escaped from the State of Yan. When we came out, we encountered Yan Kingdom and started a war with us. Fortunately, we encountered a single Yan Kingdom caravan and robbed them before we could escape."

The matter of fairy fruit and fairy water is well known to all countries, and the great Khan of Huhar did indeed send many caravans to Yan country in order to get fairy water or buy tea and wine from Zhongyong Gongfu. Since the war between the two countries, they have also Indeed, many Hu Guo caravans came back after fleeing. Shao Yunan's angry killing of Hu Ling still affected the safety of Hu people in Yan State. Shao Yun'an was in the palace - a temper tantrum. Although the killing of Hu Ling was not posted, the content was spread.

The people in the hinterland are okay, but the people at the border who have been tortured by the people of the Hu country are actually aroused **** after hearing these contents. Even if they don't have money, just listening to the contents makes their blood boil. In the past, the people at the border who were instinctively afraid when they saw Hu people, began to take the initiative to attack Hu people, and the first to bear the brunt was the businessmen of Hu country. It was too late for the officials of Yan to applaud the victims of Hu people, who would care about it. After the war between the two countries, the people of Hu country were like mice crossing the street in the territory of Yan country, so this person said that they were a caravan that had escaped, and the guards did not think there was anything suspicious. The most important thing is that this person is authentic. In the official language of Hu Guo, he also took out the general documents and identity documents, and the guards let them into the city.

Xu Shi was back in the capital, and the pedestrian finally smiled after the one-eyed man headed by said he could enter the city. Watching them walk towards Louran Street, the soldiers guarding the city said to themselves enviously, "You're so poor, you're actually a rich household." If the residents of Louran Street are rich, they are to blame, so it's no wonder that the guards envy the curtain.

On Loulan Street in the middle of the night, a few families were still singing and laughing, but most of them had rested, so they might not have noticed that the door of one of the houses that had not been inhabited for a long time had opened. In the next few days, three large caravans came back from the Yan Kingdom, but they still brought back some goods. After a little heated discussion in Lancheng, no one paid attention to them, and they also went there. Louran Street. The war ahead is not optimistic. Those princes and nobles dare not drink and have fun every day. They are all summoned by the Great Khan into the palace to discuss countermeasures, and more and more refugees have fled into Lancheng. It is said that the Yan Kingdom army has already invaded Within the territory of Hu State, people in Lancheng were panicked, and the Great Khan of Hu State ordered that the refugees were not allowed to enter Lancheng again.

In a deep house on Loulan Street, if someone from the State of Hu sneaked in, they would scream in fright. The three big tigers were lying in the yard basking in the sun at this time. Nearly a hundred men dressed in bunts were quietly wiping their weapons. In the room, Wang Shijing, Dai Zhanxiao, and Princess Wuzhen were confirming the battle plan for tonight.

"At three o'clock in the twilight period, as soon as the signal flare appears, my cousin will lead people to attack Lancheng, so we have to bury the explosives before the twilight twilight, and set it on fire at three o'clock. Duke Zhongyong and I entered the palace to kill Tu Zhemu, and Princess Wuzhen received us. ."

Princess Wu Zhen's face was solemn: "It's too dangerous to have only the two of you. Even if Brother Hu and Xiao Jin are with you, don't forget that there are 7,000 guards in the palace."

Wang Shijing: "We won't fight them head-on, the city is in chaos, the palace wall is destroyed, and Tu Zhemu will definitely shrink back. We can find him as long as we find the place with the most people. When a bomb is thrown, he will have to die. We were scared to death. With Brother Hu and Da Xiaojin, they couldn’t catch up with us. As long as they left the city, they couldn’t help us.”

Princess Wu Zhen: "I still think it's too dangerous, I'll go to the palace with you."

Dai Zhanxiao: "No, you are answering outside."

The general in this battle was Dai Zhanxiao, and Princess Wuzhen could only listen to him.

At this time, outside the city, a group of refugees in ragged clothes gathered and whispered, and one person whispered to the people around him: "Eldest Young Master, Second Young Master, they will not be in danger, right?"

The man who was called the eldest young master looked down and looked lazy, but he was actually recharging his energy for tonight's action. He opened his eyes, a bright light suddenly appeared, and then he returned to a deep state.

"Any battle is dangerous, do what you should do."


The man closed his eyes again, who would have known that Dai Zhanli, the general of the Marquis of Yan, who was as famous as Dai Zhanxiao, would be among this group of refugees.

At Huxingguan, Shao Yunan was restless. Ever since Wang Shijing and Dai Zhanxiao led the special battalion to disappear, Shao Yunan hadn't slept peacefully. He could barely keep calm while watching others fight, but when it was his own turn, he couldn't calm down. Dai Mingjun and Dai Mingrong decided to take advantage of the power of the Yan Kingdom to completely smash and beat the Huhar Kingdom. idea of ​​the country. The result of this decision was that Dai Zhanxiao and Dai Zhanli led two special battalions with a total of 2,000 special forces into the enemy's rear, and directly attacked Lancheng, the capital of Hu Kingdom. Dai Mingrong didn't hide Wang Shijing about this matter, but Wang Shijing actually asked to go together, not only by him, but also by Princess Wuzhen. She is a woman, and it is even more deceptive to go deep into the capital of Hu Kingdom.

Shao Yunan didn't stop him, because Wang Shijing wanted to go, he wanted to participate in this war, the previous battle to kill the enemy inspired the blood that he had been suppressing in his body, all along, everyone thought that Wang Shijing had been attached to the man Shao Yunan. Wife's light is not good, he is a soft eater. Wang Shijing never cared, and Shao Yunan didn't take it seriously. And this time at the border, after the war started, Wang Shijing's performance made Shao Yunan realize that Wang Shijing didn't care, and he wanted to earn a piece of glory for himself. Wang Shijing is a man, a loyal and brave man, and the actual head of the family. Therefore, Shao Yunan did not block or discourage him, and even gave him the only two pistols and all the bullets in the space. He doesn't care what kind of trouble the exposure of these two things will cause, as long as Wang Shijing is alive.

Wang Shijing knew that his decision would worry his daughter-in-law and children, but he also wanted to prove that he was worthy of his daughter-in-law. After kissing his wife and children, Wang Shijing resolutely followed the special camp and set foot on the land of Hu State. This time, there were not only 2,000 special battalion soldiers, but also 500 mountain tribe warriors selected by Princess Wuzhen. After Wang Shijing left, Shao Yunan lost sleep. This was the first time he was so worried, flustered, and sleepless at night after he brought this world. Only then did he realize how important Wang Shijing was to him.

Wang Qing didn't know where his father went, but he also vaguely knew what his father was doing. During this time, Wang Qing has grown up very fast, even Nizi has grown a lot. Jiang Moxi has been in the craftsmanship. Nizi has not seen him for two months, but Nizi is not angry at all, but very proud. , She knew that Brother Xi was doing very powerful things, and Wang Qing also knew that those terrible "things" that were sent to the front line from the craftsmanship operation in batches were all made under the auspices of the elder brother.

Shao Yunan was waiting at "home" for the safe return of Wang Shijing, his brother and Princess Wuzhen. The night in Lancheng was getting stronger and stronger.

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