When Wang Shuping returned home, the three clan elders had already left. Wang Wenhe was lying on the bed, Wang Shenshi and Wang Yan were guarding by the bed, Wang Wenhe's face was pale, and he was obviously angry. Wang Shuping's daughter-in-law, Wang Qian, was walking into the house with a bowl of medicine. Wang Shuping was horrified: "What's wrong with Dad?"

Wang Qian said in a low voice, "Father's heart is not feeling well, and I just asked Grandpa Sun to come and see, and he said that he was angry. Aunt Wang went to Wang Dafu's house to make trouble, and also ran over to let father decide, but was chased away by mother. out."

Wang Shuping said coldly: "What is she going to be the master of! Really everything has their family!"

Seeing her son coming back, Wang Shenshi's tears came out again, and she said to Wang Wenhe, who didn't say a word: "I just said that the family can't be counted on, you don't listen, look now, the clan People can throw dirty water on our house at will, but you can't do anything about them. Are you the patriarch still the patriarch?"

Wang Shuping took the medicine bowl from his daughter-in-law and walked to the edge of the kang: "Mother, don't talk about it, Dad is not feeling well. Dad, drink the medicine, Brother Yan, you help Grandpa get up."

Wang Yan helped his grandfather up, and Wang Shuping fed his father some medicine. After drinking the medicine, Wang Wenhe coughed a few times, and the whole person was depressed.

Wang Shuping gave the empty bowl to his daughter-in-law, rubbed his father's chest, and did not let his son and daughter-in-law avoid him.

Wang Yan obediently took out a bulging piece of paper from his father's arms, smelling the smell of medicine, Wang Chen wiped his tears: "What is it?" Wang Qian also came over curiously.

Wang Shuping didn't explain, and said again, "Brother Yan, open it."

Wang Yan put the paper bag on the kang and opened it. Seeing that the golden yellow inside was a beautiful wild chrysanthemum, everyone else was stunned, Wang Yan raised his head: "Dad, is it a chrysanthemum?"

Wang Shuping still didn't explain, and said, "You count eight flowers, go and make four glasses of water with your mother, and take a hot water bath."

Wang Yan's eyes were full of doubts, but he still counted eight flowers and went out with his mother under the kang. Wang Shenshi asked, "Is this what Ishii gave you?"

Wang Wenhe moved his hands. Wang Shuping continued to rub his father's heart and said, "It was made by Yun An. Mother, take a look."

Wang Shenshi picked up one and was surprised: "It's dry. Did you dry the chrysanthemum?"

"It's not that simple."

Wang Shenshi smelled it again, and it was very fragrant, and said, "It doesn't smell like it was directly dried, and it will have a musty smell when it is dried."

Wang Shuping sighed: "This Ishii family does have brains. If it wasn't for your father who always helped that family, could Ishijing and his family distance themselves from your father and our family? Why did they sell the recipe to the old man? Zhao family, isn't it because your father always leans that way?"

Wang Shuping persuaded: "Mother, father is also for the sake of our family, so don't be angry. Every time I go there, Ishijing and Yun'an are polite. This chrysanthemum tea is still given to me by Yun'an, saying that it is for Brother Yan drink."

"Ah? Why is it for Brother Yan?"

Wang Shuping smiled, still not explaining.

Wang Qian's and Wang Yan came back, Wang Yan's face was novel, and Wang Qian's was also full of freshness. She put the tray on the edge of the kang, and on the tray were four glasses of water, and in each glass were two large, bright yellow chrysanthemums. The wild chrysanthemums on the mountain in Xiushui Village are so big that two can make a cup. The bitter taste has a special sweetness, and because Shao Yunan has treated the spring water, it has a different aroma.

"Father, is this a chrysanthemum? Can you drink it in water?" Obviously Wang Yan had already tasted it, and he picked up his cup.

Wang Qian said, "Father, mother, the water in which chrysanthemums are soaked is very strange. You can try it."

Mrs Wang Shen looked at her daughter-in-law and grandson, and picked up a cup, Wang Shuping picked up another cup, blew it, and fed it to his father: "Dad, you can try it too, this chrysanthemum is a hot drink, you've been busy lately, this is the best drink. ."

This time, Wang Wenhe didn't refuse any more, opened his mouth and took a sip. The water was a little hot, and he didn't drink much, but the water in his mouth had a peculiar taste that he had never tasted before, both bitter and sweet. Wang Shuping explained: "Yun An said that this chrysanthemum tea clears the liver, improves eyesight, disperses wind and clears heat, just like tea. I know that they are for you. You are angry, drink some chrysanthemum tea and feel angry. Dad, don't blame Ishijing and Yunan, and Yunan who is at a loss is looking for it today, otherwise we still don't know anyone Come here under your name."

Wang Qian quickly persuaded her mother-in-law in a low voice and asked her husband to continue. Wang Shuping fed his father a sip of chrysanthemum tea again, and said, "Father, Yun An and Ishii also thought about this kind of thing, they were just afraid that someone would make trouble, especially the ones from his big house, who would eat jam with them. The recipe was sold to Uncle Zhao. Otherwise, how could they not want to take it for themselves. They originally wanted to give it to me, but Yun An asked me, if they move out of the house, Wang Zhisong wants the recipe for jam from you, If you give it or not, I don't know how to answer him. He asked me again, if I sold the jam for the money, would you subsidize it all to that family, and I don't know how to answer him. I don't want to, but Dad , you do."

When Wang Shenshi heard this, he covered his chest: "You are an old fool! People don't dare to earn money for our family, and they all know that you will post it all to the unfamiliar one!"

Wang Yan hurriedly supported his grandmother and interrupted: "Grandpa, everyone in our private school knows about Uncle Wang. Some people asked me if I knew each other, and they said they were all from Xiushui Village. Fortunately, Cong Bo told them that I was with Uncle Wang's family. It's just a family, don't get close, or I'll be laughed at."

Wang Yan wanted to say this for a long time, but he didn't dare to say it because his father and grandfather were so annoying.

"Look at you!" Wang Shenshi wished he could beat the old man a few times to wake him up, and said angrily to Wang Yan, "What uncle Wang! Call him Wang Zhisong!"

Wang Shuping did not expect that Wang Zhisong's affairs could be passed on to ordinary private schools, but one could imagine that Wang Zhisong was extremely "famous" in the county.

Wang Qian asked anxiously, "Then Ishijing gave you this chrysanthemum tea, did you want our family to make it?"

Now the most envious of the whole village is not Wang Shijing's house, but Lizheng's house!

When Wang Qian asked this question, Wang Shen also looked at Wang Shuping anxiously. Wang Shuping was a little helpless: "Ishijing and Yun'an have this plan, but they are worried..."

Nothing to worry about. Wang Shenshi couldn't bear it any longer, and beat Wang Wenhe: "Are you still going to that family! What else would that family do other than make trouble for you! What else would they do!"

Wang Qian, who received her husband's signal, hurriedly stopped her mother-in-law again, and her face was also anxious. Wang Wenhe said, "You can't ask for this recipe."

Wang Chenshi almost didn't come up in one breath, and tears came out. Wang Qianshi was also extremely disappointed and annoyed. Wang Wenhe raised his hand and said, "Listen to me." After taking a few breaths, he said, "I'm really biased towards the Dali family, and I really mean that Zhisong can give our Wang family a voice and can support us in the future. People of this family. I am not fair enough to the Ishii family. Now, Ishii gives me this recipe for chrysanthemum tea, and I want it. Then our family will be stabbed in the spine in the future. I don't know how much dirty water will be splashed on our head."

Wang Shenshi burst into tears, and Wang Shuping said: "Father, your concerns are right. When Ishijing and Yunan told me, I also refused. Now that Uncle Zhao's family has opened, they can also do business with peace of mind. To make money, I think this chrysanthemum tea is rarer than jam, and it can cure diseases, so it will only make more money, it’s cheap, we can’t ask for it.”

Wang Qian was also very disappointed, and the circles of his eyes could not help but turn red. Wang Wenhe was very happy that his son understood him, and he patted his hand: "Shu Ping, Dad made you feel wronged. In the future, there will be some things, Dad will not be confused again. Let's not envy others for making money, you should take good care of Brother Yan. Raising adults."

Wang Shuping nodded, and Wang Yan swore, "Grandpa, I will study hard."

Wang Wenhe touched his grandson's head, his eyes full of relief.

This storm just passed. The punishment of Wang Dafu's family is not over. However, many people satirized the Wang Dafu family openly and secretly, including his father Wang Benchang. It makes sense to ask people to make money. In the future, who has the ability to make money and dare to come up with it? Isn't it obvious that people are thinking about it. Even if it belongs to a clan, the clan rules do not stipulate that this craft must be shared with the clan for free.

Naturally, the Wang Dafu family couldn't lose face, not to mention that they had a quarrel with Mrs. Wang. The two sides ripped apart their faces, and they were also shaken out by Mrs. Wang's broken mouth. Wang Chenxiang and Wang Guozhaodi are very close on weekdays, and both parties will gossip about everything in their families. Wang Guozhaodi tells it to Mrs. Wang. Mrs. Wang's vixen temperament is unique in Xiushui Village. Wang Dafu's The mother-in-law couldn't quarrel with her at all. Afterwards, Wang Benchang severely reprimanded his daughter-in-law.

But no matter how thunderous and thunderous it was outside, Wang Zhisong could not be shaken by the thunder alone at home. He lost face in the county school and did not want to hear gossip from the villagers. He had already told Mrs. Wang that after three months, he would go to live in the county and ask Mrs. Wang to rent him a house. Mrs. Wang saved some money, but it would still be difficult for her to rent a house for Wang Zhisong in the county, so when she saw that Wang Shijing's family spent a lot of money, how could she not hate it, how could she not think about it.

If the fields in the fields cannot be planted in time, the next year's harvest will become a problem, and the money earned will be less. Mrs. Wang hired Wang Wenhe for three taels of silver. One person was twelve cents a day. She did not cover food, but the firewood house. No one in the village was willing to do it, and Mrs. Wang followed Wang Shijing's example and went to the county to hire refugees. With such a small amount of money, food is not included, and there is still a whole day's worth of land. There are few people willing to do it, but it is still a bit too difficult to take over the job. However, the people who took over the job were those who were not physically strong, and it was usually difficult to find a buddy.

After hiring someone, Wang Chunxiu stopped working, and Wang Zaizheng also hid home. Mrs. Wang didn't force them. After all, she spent money, so she certainly couldn't make her family work more. Mrs. Wang hired five people, one of whom was a woman, and Wang Chunxiu even asked others to wash clothes for the family. The woman was unwilling to do it. She agreed that she would come to farm, but she did not say that she had to do laundry. I only gave twelve texts a day, how could it be so shameless. But Wang Chunxiu said that if you don't wash clothes, you don't want to get paid. The winter is coming, and in order to earn some money to spend the winter, the woman gritted her teeth and endured it.

The five hired talents recognized five people who were refugees like them and were working in the fields of Wang Shijing's house within two days. When asked, they do not include food and lodging, and they must complete the cultivation within 20 days, but they have 60 cents a day, and they also pay a deposit of one tael of silver. This is also working in the field, and the difference in wages is too great! Later, they heard from the "compatriots" that the family they worked was harsh, and they even robbed their son's family of money. The employees of Wang Shijing's house were kind enough to remind them not to get a penny when they finished their work.

Now the five people panicked, especially the woman who had to wash clothes for Mrs. Wang's family. As soon as the five people summed up and stopped working, they collectively approached Mrs. Wang's house and asked for processing money and a deposit first. The woman also asked not to include laundry. This time it was noisy again. Mrs. Wang and Wang Chunxiu said, don't think about processing money, don't even think about getting paid if you don't finish the work; the other party also said, don't work without deposit.

The two sides quarreled, which naturally attracted the onlookers of the crowd. Wang Zhisong knew that his mother wanted to save money for him to rent a house in the county, so he didn't care. In his opinion, they are just some homeless refugees. If someone is willing to hire them, they should be grateful. If his family doesn't hire them, where will they go to make money. Wang Zhisong has been safe since as long as Shao Yunan doesn't go to the county school to make trouble, and he doesn't provoke Shao Yunan.

With this noise, the villagers of Xiushui Village refreshed their understanding of Mrs. Wang's family. This is usually a day job in the county. If you are busy from morning to night, you will have to pay about 20 yuan a day, plus food. Wages are going to go up when farming is busy. With a salary of twelve cents, these people still have to work before dawn, and can rest only after dark. Can this old lady Wang be able to pick more? And when the woman quarreled, the villagers sighed even more.

The wages of these 12 pennies have to be paid for the whole family to wash clothes, especially when I heard that woman shouting that Wang Chunxiu’s menstrual trousers should be washed by her, the villagers’ coaxing, sarcastic, and shameful voices almost drowned Wang Chunxiu. Later, it was said that Wang Chunxiu had asked Nizi to wash her menstrually soiled trousers before, in exchange for the advice of many elder daughters and younger daughters-in-law and old aunts. Women's dirty trousers are either washed by their own mothers, or they are washed by themselves. How can they be washed by others, and they are washed by little girls who are not sensible. It's really not ashamed.

When the quarrel was particularly intense, Wang Shuping came. When he came, everyone went quiet. Although Wang Wenhe's prestige in the clan has declined, Wang Shuping has always been very prestigious among the young people in the clan, and the clan elders are also very optimistic about him. Wang Shuping is likely to take over the position of the clan leader in the future. As soon as Mrs. Wang saw Wang Shuping, she asked Wang Shuping to judge her. Unexpectedly, Wang Shuping just glanced at her lightly and opened his mouth: "Is Zhisong at home?"

Mrs. Wang was stunned for a moment, and said subconsciously, "Zhisong is reading in the house."

Wang Shuping: "It's so chaotic outside that he can still read it? Call him out."

Mrs. Wang was not happy: "What are you calling him for? He doesn't understand these things, he just needs to study hard."

Wang Shuping did not break up with Mrs. Wang, but shouted, "Zhisong, come out."

Wang Shuping spoke, and Wang Zhisong, who was pretending to be deaf and mute in the room, couldn't help but respond, and he came out of the room. Wang Wenhe looked at him and said, "Zhisong, your eldest brother is separated, your second brother is in prison, your father is old, and now only you can make the decision in the family, do you still have the heart to study when there is such a commotion outside?"

Wang Zhisong frowned slightly and said, "My mother decides the job of hiring workers. Besides, the wages of 12 pennies a day are not too small. There are so many refugees in the county who are unwilling to do it, so naturally some people are willing to do it. "

The woman immediately shouted, "No one wants to do the laundry for your whole family for 12 yuan a day, as well as the dirty pants for your eldest daughter!"

Wang Chunxiu hid back to the house shamelessly for a long time. Disgust flashed in Wang Zhisong's eyes, and he didn't know what it was, and said, "If you don't want to, if you don't wash it, my sister can still force you to do it?"

The woman pushed back and said, "If I don't wash, your sister says that you won't be paid! I heard that you are a scholar, how can you be so unreasonable!"

Wang Zhisong is the most disgusting person to use his status as a scholar to "insult" him, and said coldly: "It's because you didn't ask clearly before you went to work, and that's my sister's fault. After you wash your clothes, the work in the field will come naturally. It’s less work, all work, and you have to pick and choose. If you don’t want to, you don’t have to.”


The woman couldn't say anything about Wang Zhisong and cried.

Wang Shuping looked at Wang Zhisong expressionlessly, and said, "Zhisong, my father took three taels of silver to Aunt Wang to hire someone. There are five of them, each of them 12 yuan a day, five people are 60 yuan, and three taels of silver can be hired. They work for 50 days. That's not counting Uncle Wang. You have cattle in your family. I want to ask, who has enough land for six people to work for 60 days in the village? Even if there are no cattle, 50 days is enough. too much."

As soon as Wang Shuping said this, Wang Zhisong's complexion changed, and Mrs. Wang felt guilty. The villagers were all shocked, and some people shouted: "Is this trying to covet the money of the patriarch?!"

"Aunt Wang, you are too good at abacus. The patriarch gave three taels of silver to hire someone for your family, and you still want to earn a share. You are counting your family's wages in the Inside?"

Wang Zhisong couldn't get off the stage in an instant. Wang Shuping was right in front of him. How dare old lady Wang, who was not doing well in the first place, dare to flirt with him, hesitating: "They are willing to do it for 12 wen a day. Can I take the initiative to add money?"

"You said that you can only give 12 cents a day! You won't give any more! We still have to pay for meals!"

Mrs. Wang immediately had something to say: "Then you are willing to take it!"

"You old woman is so unreasonable!"

Wang Shuping asked the five people, "How many days have you been hired?"

"Fifteen days."


Someone immediately said: "It's only 900 wen in fifteen days, and Aunt Wang can make more than two taels of silver!"

Madam Wang couldn't hold back her face, and neither could Wang Zhisong. The woman cried: "It is said that scholars are reasonable, how can you scholars be so blackhearted."

Wang Shuping directly stretched out his hand to Mrs. Wang: "Aunt Wang, 900 wen is not much money, and my aunt should have enough money. My father is ill and needs to see a doctor to prescribe medicine. Since my aunt can bear the cost of hiring people, then I will pay back the three taels of silver. give it to me."

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