From the two elder brothers beggars, Shao Yunan learned that the big boss of the "Die Zhuang Pavilion" seems to be from the capital. There are several shops in Yongxiu County, covering jewelry, cloth, catering and other aspects. The largest restaurant in Yongxiu County is "Yi Zhang". Xuan" is also owned by this person, but this is not the reason why Shao Yunan chose "Butterfly Pavilion". It is said that the big boss is also a good man. During festivals or disasters, Yizhang Xuan will serve porridge. An important bridge in Yongxiu County was also built with money. In short, this big boss is not only good at doing business, but also looks good in character.

If you want to do business, you have to choose the right partner. Shao Yunan has no power or power. In modern society, doing business must pay attention to relationship, let alone in ancient times when human rights were not guaranteed at all. To put it bluntly, Shao Yunan just wanted to find a suitable thigh hug for himself. The big boss in the capital has thicker thighs than the local boss. In the future, let's not talk about getting in touch with this big boss. As long as he can cooperate with people under his banner, it will be a little more secure. Of course, he wouldn't blindly hang himself from a tree.

Shopkeeper Zeng politely took Shao Yunan to the second floor. There are also several shelves on the second floor, but both the fineness of the jade and the fineness of the gold and silver jewelry are one or two grades higher than those on the first floor. Shao Yun'an took a few glances and followed Shopkeeper Zeng into a compartment, which should be where Shopkeeper Zeng worked.

"Please sit down."


Shao Yunan sat side by side with Shopkeeper Zeng across a tea table. After a while, Xiao Er came with tea. Shao Yunan was really thirsty, and thanked him again. He picked up the celadon tea bowl, flipped the tea lid twice, and took a sip. The tea here is all sencha, which is rarely drunk in modern society, and Shao Yunan also accepts his incompetence.

After moistening his lips and throat, Shao Yunan put down the tea bowl and took out a black flannel bag from the cloth pocket on his chest. Shopkeeper Zeng glanced at the "flannel" bag in his hand, and immediately directed Shao Yunan to another long table. Shao Yunan got up and walked over, and the shopkeeper Zeng took out a piece of wool. Shao Yunan took out the contents of the flannel bag and put it on the white wool, and the eyes of shopkeeper Zeng changed.

"This is…"

Shao Yunan didn't answer immediately, he took out the three jade pendants in the flannel bag and placed them, and then said: "Jadeite string bean pendant. Four beans mean peace in the four seasons; , Lu and Shou are here; the two beans are safe for mother and child. This jadeite is harder than ordinary jade and has a strange color. This pendant was found by my husband by chance. If I didn’t need money urgently, I wouldn’t take it Come out. Shopkeeper Zeng, how much is this rare jadeite, a rare shape, worth? How many students hope that they can win three yuan, and how many pregnant women hope that their mother and child will be safe? These two items alone are enough to attract Lots of business opportunities.”

Jadeite was imported from Burma during the Qing Dynasty. In the country of Dayan in this world, there is also no jadeite. They are all nephrites produced locally. The colors are mainly white, cyan, green, and yellow, and black and purple are rare. There is no vegetable such as beans in Dayang, and the shape of green beans is peculiar. Shao Yunan has space in hand, and he has money. Besides eating, drinking and having fun, his favorite thing is to store supplies in the space. Gold, silver, and jade articles are stored in Shao Yunan's space, and the valuables he usually gets are also stored in the space. He was poisoned by doomsday novels for a while, and he also collected a lot of various materials. If it weren't for the times, if he sold his collections in the space, he would be able to live unrestrainedly here for two lifetimes.

This set of jade green bean pendants is a bean seed, he has three sets, as well as ice seed, violet and other kinds. All of them came back from the jade market in Myanmar, and there are also many other jades. The spirit stone milk in the space also has the effect of improving the quality of ordinary jade. Ordinary jade can become high-quality jade after absorbing spirit stone milk for a period of time. And the reason why Shao Yunan took a set of jade bean seeds that this world didn't have was because this set of pendants was the cheapest among his jade wares. And for future plans, he also specially took a set of jadeite jade tools that were not here. As for gold and silver, what Shao Yunan collected were all gold and silver bricks, with "XX Bank" engraved on the back, and he couldn't take them out at all.

Shopkeeper Zeng carefully checked one by one, took another piece of white jade to test the sound, and looked at the light outside the window to see how well it was. After half an hour, the shopkeeper Zeng put down the pendant and looked at Shao Yunan with burning eyes: "Does Master Shao still have such jade or jade in his hand?"

Shao Yunan smiled bitterly: "My husband and I are both farmers. If it wasn't for my husband's adventures when he joined the army, this would not have happened."

Shopkeeper Zeng's eyes were full of pity. He stretched out five fingers: "Five hundred taels. I bought this set of pendants, as well as the style of this string bean."

Shao Yunan was ecstatic in his heart, his face was still, and he said sincerely: "Treasurer Zeng is so sincere, I will not take Joe, five hundred taels, and make a deal."

Shopkeeper Zeng didn't expect the other party to be so straightforward, and hesitated: "Is this sure it came from cleanliness?"

Shao Yunan nodded: "Of course. I just want to steal, but I have nowhere to steal it. Shopkeeper Zeng must be more in the market than I have seen."

On this point, the shopkeeper once believed in his own eyesight, and the country of Yan had never seen this kind of jade. It was precisely because he had never seen it before that the shopkeeper Zeng offered such a high price. Five hundred taels of silver was a huge sum for shopkeeper Zeng, and even more astronomical for ordinary people.

The reason why the shopkeeper Zeng was the high price of 500 taels as soon as he opened his mouth was that he had a hunch that this young man who was called "a farmer" would not be a simple person, and his words and actions did not look like a farmer at all. This is the first transaction, and Treasurer Zeng also has the intention of intersecting.

"I need to write a deed. You can't reveal this style to others."

"No problem. But if it came out from the 'Die Zhuang Pavilion', then I can't be responsible."


Shopkeeper Zeng got up and went to find someone to write a deed. As soon as he left, Shao Yunan vigorously rubbed his face. I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it, five hundred taels! It was worth five hundred taels! He bought this set of pendants for 2,000 yuan! Five hundred taels of absolute maximum value. He thought it would be good to sell it for one hundred taels. Of course the ecstatic Shao Yunan could not have imagined that such a rare thing would be given as a gift, and the reward he received could not be bought for five hundred taels. Not to mention how much money can be sold for the green beans launched by "Die Zhuangge" in the name of imperial examinations and childbirth.

The style of kidney beans is simple, and it can have the background of "Die Zhuangge". Even if other companies follow suit, "Die Zhuangge" can make a lot of money. Speaking of which, Shao Yunan was at a loss. But he didn't care at all.

In just one cup of tea, shopkeeper Zeng came back with two deeds in his hand. Shao Yunan read it again, there was no problem, he signed the deed. Yan Guo's characters are not simple traditional characters. Shao Yunan can understand many characters, but he can't write them. There are also some characters that he doesn't know, so he has to guess, but he can understand most of the characters very well.

Shao Yunan's mother came from a scholarly family, and his grandfather was very researched on tea ceremony. Shao Yunan was also nurtured since he was a child. Later, when he had space, he planted tea, fruit trees, vegetables and grain in his own space. When he was in school, he started a tea business. Later, when he went abroad, he became obsessed with wine and started a wine business with friends. Therefore, Shao Yunan likes to drink tea and wine. The taste of the things produced by the space is naturally unparalleled. He also has a bunch of friends like this. When drinking tea, qin, chess, calligraphy and painting are indispensable hardware. Over time, Shao Yunan has also been educated to have some coercive characteristics, and this brush calligraphy must be one of them. Looking at Shao Yunan's words, the shopkeeper Zeng was more sure of his guess. Having been in business for decades, Mr. Zeng has his own vision.

After signing the contract, shopkeeper Zeng handed Shao Yunan a white jade plaque with a pine tree on the front and the word "Zeng" on the back. The shopkeeper Zeng said, "Every shop in Yongxiu County will have a pine tree like this. When Shao Gongzi goes to these shops in the future, as long as he takes out this jade card, he can get the most affordable price."

Shao Yunan really didn't expect such a good thing. No wonder the big boss can do such a big business. Just look at the people under him. He is too good at being a man! Shao Yunan clenched his fists and thanked: "Thank you, the shopkeeper Zeng, for the generous gift."

Shopkeeper Zeng took advantage of the situation and said, "If Young Master Shao has other rare items that he wants to sell in the future, please don't hesitate to choose the 'Die Zhuang Pavilion'."

"Of course."

After being polite to each other again, Shao Yunan embarrassedly took ten silver ingots of fifty taels. At this time, the circulation of bank notes was not so extensive, and only merchants would use bank notes for the convenience of transaction payment. Cash exchange is also a hassle. Shao Yunan asked the shopkeeper Zeng to exchange fifty taels of silver for one tael, five taels, and ten taels of loose silver, as well as three copper coins. The shopkeeper Zeng kindly gave him a cloth pocket. Shao Yunan put fifteen taels of silver into his arms and left the Butterfly Pavilion with a heavy cloth pocket. As soon as he left, the shopkeeper called a reliable subordinate, wrote a letter, and asked the subordinate to take the letter and three string bean pendants in a wooden box to the capital.

With money in hand, don't panic. Shao Yunan, who had left the Diezhuang Pavilion, bought a back basket on the street, put the cloth bag in it, the back basket was deep, and with this action, he put the cloth bag into the space. Then he went back to look for Wang Shijing with the bag on his back. Passing by the bookstore along the way, he turned in and came out with a bag of books and three sets of pen, ink, paper and inkstone in the back basket.

In this way, Shao Yunan saw something he wanted to buy on the way and bought it. He bought snacks and a bunch of seasonings at the grocery store. There are few kinds of food in Yanguo, but the seasonings are quite rich. The geographical location of Yongxiu County determines that the goods here are relatively complete.

Shao Yunan bought commonly used seasonings such as Chinese prickly ash, star anise, chili pepper, soy sauce, vinegar, salt, etc. After asking the owner of the grocery store, he went to the drugstore to buy cinnamon, orange peel, fennel and other commonly used seasonings he could think of, and There's something here that can serve as a condiment. Dayanguo can now use soybeans to squeeze soybean oil, but it is more expensive. Shao Yunan is rich now and has bought a lot. He was also surprised to find that there was sucrose here, but it was very expensive, and it wasn't called sucrose, it was called rock sugar. A pound of rock sugar costs 500 yuan. Shao Yunan bought four catties of rock sugar and three catties of maltose. Maltose is very cheap, at 30 yuan a pound, but it is only cheaper than Shao Yunan. As sugar that is not a necessity, most people will not buy it.

He buys and buys all the way, especially when he passes by meat stalls, pork ribs, cheese ribs, pork belly, and ham meat. People who can buy meat think he runs a restaurant. When he met someone who sold apples and pears, Shao Yunan also bought 15 of them, so he couldn't carry them on his back. These things cost five taels of silver, and the most expensive ones are soybean oil, meat, fruit and rock sugar. It's just too extravagant to be here!

In order to survive, the farmers here grow food, and few grow fruit trees. Most of them go up the mountain to find wild ones to eat fruit. Only big families and wealthy officials would ask people to grow some fruits in their fields, which are also for their own consumption. There are not many fruits that can be sold and the prices are expensive. Here, an apple is sold for ten cents, a pear is sold for twelve cents, and the rare peaches and oranges are even more expensive. Peaches are wild peaches, sour, oranges are sour, Shao Yunan did not buy them. Grape Shao Yunan did not come across any for sale. I asked the fruit vendor that there are grapes here, but Yongxiu County does not produce grapes. Only big families can get grapes, and there are very few people selling them outside. Shao Yunan can only comfort himself, at least he can take it out in a fair and open manner in the future.

There are quite a few fine grape and tea seeds in his space. Because of the sky-defying space, as long as he has seeds, he can grow high-quality vines and tea trees. In addition, he has been stimulated by doomsday remarks, and he has also frantically bought all kinds of grains, vegetables, fruits, flowers and other seeds. With seeds, land, and space, it is not difficult to plant them, but the difficulty is how to get them out. He can take a set of string bean jade pendants and say that it is the result of Wang Ishijing's adventure, but he can't say that everything is an adventure. There is something here, and he can take it out.

There are both tea and grapes here. He can find more varieties, and then say that he can improve it, then he can take out the grapes and tea leaves in the space. Shao Yunan's ultimate idea is to make money from wine and tea, which is the line he is most familiar with. Therefore, it is estimated that the act of selling jade will not happen again in the future, unless Dayan also has jade. This feeling that Jinshan can't be used is very sour.

The original owner is good-looking, not handsome, please use the modern type of fresh meat. Fair-skinned and small in stature, it doesn't look like he was born in a farm, but the original owner is indeed a good farmer and has strength. But now the original owner has become Shao Yunan, and memory is always memory, and Shao Yunan expressed that he was powerless in many jobs. Fortunately, the original owner had some strength, otherwise he really couldn't carry the things he bought to the place where he and Wang Shijing agreed to meet.

The place where the livestock was stored was crowded and chaotic. Shao Yunan was sweating profusely while carrying a bamboo basket and holding a large can of soybean oil in his arms.


When Shao Yunan heard the sound, he immediately seemed to see a savior: "Come and help."

Wang Shijing, who had returned a long time ago, walked over quickly, first took the oil tank from Shao Yunan's hand, and then helped him unload the basket with one hand. Seeing the bag full of things, he asked, "Why did you buy so much?" What he wanted to ask more was where did the money come from.

"Well, I bought a lot of things. I'll tell you when I go back. I'm exhausted. Have you bought your things yet?"

"It's all bought."

"Let's go eat then. I'm hungry. After dinner, I want to go to Buzhuang again. Let's go back when we're done."


Wang Shijing lifted the basket with ease, holding the oil tank in one hand and Shao Yun'an's arm in the other: "Put the things on the car first, some people can't lose it. There are many people, pay attention to your feet."

"Okay." Shao Yunan was tired and hungry.

Wang Shijing took Shao Yunan to the storage office, and Shao Yunan saw Wang Qing and Wang Ni who were looking up beside the car. Seeing him, the two children shouted in unison, "Daddy."

"Wait. My dad bought you some delicious food, and I'll bring it to you when I get home."

The little faces of the two children suddenly lit up, and they were desperate. Shao Yunan smiled: "Let's go to dinner first. Little dad will take you to a big meal."

"Yun'an." Wang Shijing shouted, Shao Yunan knew what he was thinking, and said boldly, "I'm not short of money now, let's go and have dinner at Yizhangxuan!"

Wang Shijing and the two children were full of doubts. Wang Shijing meant that it would be fine to eat bowls of noodles or wontons on the street, but he couldn't beat Shao Yunan, so he was dragged by Shao Yunan into the Yizhang Xuan. Sitting at the table in Yizhangxuan Restaurant, Wang Qing and Wang Ni were still stunned. Don't talk about going to a restaurant, the two children have never eaten out when they are so old, not even a single bun. Now sitting in such a grand and luxurious restaurant for them, the two patchy children don't even know where to put their hands.

The second of Yizhangxuan, like the second of Diezhuang Pavilion, did not show disgust because of the clothes of the four people, nor did they prevent them from entering the door. As long as it is the person who comes in, it is the guest. If the other party really eats the Overlord's meal, they will have their own way to deal with it.

Because many people are illiterate, and there is no such thing as a menu in the restaurant, they all report the name of the dish. Shao Yunan didn't let Xiaoer report it. He didn't know what the dish was, so he asked Xiaoer to serve three meat dishes, three vegetarian dishes, a pot of good tea, a pot of good wine and two more dishes according to the famous dishes in the store. dim sum.

Wang Qing and Wang Ni's heart thumped when they heard it. Wang Shijing tried to speak several times, but Shao Yunan stopped him with his eyes. After Xiao Er Duan brought tea, Shao Yunan filled Wang Shijing and his two children with tea and said, "Brother Ishijing, you can eat at ease. If I stay, I will be a part of this family. You will work hard to support your family, and I am the same. I have a way to make money, and I have already made some money, and our life will get better and better in the future."

Wang Shijing opened his mouth, and finally said, "Okay, you have your own ideas, and I won't ask more. If you need to speak, don't be polite to me. We are a family."

Wang Qing and Wang Ni stared at Shao Yunan, and Shao Yunan smiled: "Well, we're a family now."

Wang Shijing's mouth pursed tightly.

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