You can search for "Dou Po Zhi Chuan Tian Wanjie Sou Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"It's really bad luck, I met a fox like a man! I have to find a place to take a bath, it's disgusting!!!" Xiao Li cursed while looking for the water source.

As the world goes down, the monsters are not honest anymore, and they don’t have any tools to commit crimes, so they come out fishing!

Just as Xiao Li was looking for the water source, there was faint fire and noise not far in front, and the bonfire rising in the night sky was like a guiding light, especially obvious.

"Such a place like a virgin forest is actually crowded?" Xiao Li wondered in his heart: "Could it be another fox?"

After going through what was just now, he now feels sick when thinking of the vixen.

"Forget it, go and take a look first." After thinking about it, Xiao Li decided to go and take a look.

If it's really a vixen who wants to lure him into the bait, even if he stays where he is, he is not a fool, and he will definitely take the initiative. He has just verified that his strength seems to be good. The vixen can't beat him, even if he encounters it. , Confirm the gender first, kill the male directly, and charge the female interest, then kill!

If it were a human being, wouldn’t it be a blood loss for him to camp out all night?He also had a chance to take a bath when he found a gathering place.

After walking more than 20 meters in the woods, Xiao Li finally saw the source of the fire.

In a clearing four or five meters ahead, a fire was burning in the middle, emitting light and heat to the surroundings. Around the fire, three tents had been propped up, the largest of which was guarded by three guards outside The clothes of the guards are very special, unlike the costumes of the Central Plains. Several soldiers formed a team to patrol around the camp. On the other side, four soldiers in costumes are struggling to set up the last tent, one holding it. With the handkerchief, the'man' who pointed to the orchid was constantly cursing with a sharp sissy.

"Why don't you ask?" Xiao Li thought to himself that those soldiers are just ordinary people who have been trained, and the three guards who really have a bit of fighting power are only half of them. The monsters and ghosts are not even seen.

"Who?!" The guard with the double axe in his hand shook his ears, as if he had discovered something. Holding the double axe, he looked coldly in Xiao Li's direction.

The sound of the double-axe guard immediately caught the attention of the other two guards. The double-sword guard immediately ran in the direction that the double-axe guard was looking at, bowed, and the double-sword slashed towards Xiao Li's bottom plate.

Seeing this, Xiao Li quickly picked up the cold and electricity to block a blow. His physical body was indeed strong, but it did not reach the realm of invulnerability.


There was a sound of Jin Tiejiao, the double swords were blocked, the double sword guard immediately turned the blade, and struck Xiao Li's hands along the barrel of the gun.

The sword of the double sword guard had already cut off the weeds in front of Xiao Li, and Xiao Li's figure was extremely conspicuous under the reflection of the fire.

"Come here~ there are assassins~"

"The assassin is over there, you guys go up and kill that assassin, I will protect Seventy One~"

"What are you doing, what are you doing! Why is it so slow? If there is something wrong with Seventy-one, can you afford it?"


The sissy turned into a face of horror the moment she saw Xiao Li, screaming while arranging staff for Xiao Li's side.

The soldier who was called immediately put down his work, picked up the weapon and ran towards Xiao Li quickly.

"What am I..." Xiao Li looked at the screaming sissy, his throat almost sweetened, and a mouthful of blood came out.

I do not, I am not, don't talk nonsense!Yoyo Book Union

I wanted to sleep in a place, take a shower and eat some food, but I was treated as an assassin when I just came here without saying anything...

Xiao Li was depressed and depressed. Seeing the two swords swept over by the double-knife guard, he still honestly dropped his hand from the cold electric. The strength of the guard in front of him was not good, at most it was only five stages of fighting spirit. The strength, but the combat experience is really honest.

Seeing Xiao Li let go of his spear, the guards of the two swords immediately shot the cold electric knife. As long as the enemy lost his weapon, it was not a concern.

Shuang Dao photographed Leng Dian, Leng Dian did not waver, but the mouth of the guard of Shuang Dao was shocked.

The double-knife guard was slightly surprised. The force he used just now was not small. This simple spear may weigh hundreds of kilograms!

At the moment when the guard was stunned, Xiao Li seized the cold electricity again, because Xiao Li was the owner of the cold electricity, Xiao Li could easily use it.

Xiao Li, who caught the cold power, did not choose to press the gun to kill the double-blade guard, but stepped back.

Just as Xiao Li retreated, a pair of double hooks appeared in front of him. Just now, the double hook guard flew to the same height as Xiao Li’s head on the shoulders of the double knife guard. If he was still in place just now, Xiao Li's neck has been restrained by the double hook!

The cold electricity passed through the gap between the double hooks, with a slight arm force, the double hook guard flew to a big tree and fell heavily.

Before Xiao Li could take a breath, the double-axe guard had already flew into his face, and the double-sword guard had attacked his legs again.

Being attacked inexplicably, Xiao Li already had some anger in his heart, and if the pawns behind the two guards with swords joined the battle group, things would become more complicated.

Xiao Li immediately urged his anger and swung three shots in succession. When each shot was shot, a thunder snake appeared on the cold electricity to cling to it, and the breath emitted by the cold electricity became sharper. The cold electricity has been completely wrapped by the silver blue thunder, and the silver blue light will illuminate the surroundings!

Thunder arc three dance!




Xiao Li fired three shots on the two guards' weapons, and the two of them felt numbness and tingling in their hands, and the weapons in their hands were released.

"Everyone stop!"

A puffy voice came from the crowd. A middle-aged Taoist priest wearing a crimson robe, a black hat and a long sword behind his back walked through the crowd and walked in front of Xiao Li.

Hearing the shouts of the Taoist priests, the soldiers in front of Xiao Li withdrew their weapons. Xiao Li also took the cold power back when he saw this, but because there were so many people, he did not include the cold power into the system space.

The use of the thunder arc three-stage dance consumes fighting energy, each time it consumes about one-third of Xiao Li Qi Hai Nei Mo's fighting energy, that is to say, the fighting energy in his body is only enough for him to shoot nine shots!Of course, with the blessing of Lei's core, Xiao Li's fighting spirit naturally cannot be judged by common sense.

He didn't know this group of people. Standing in a bush and watching was a bit sneaky, and making enemies rashly was an unwise act.

And when the Taoist priest in front of him appeared, Xiao Li recognized him. This person is the brother of the four-eyed Taoist in the movie Uncle Zombie-Taoist Qianhe!

What a miserable author, every day I only collect something

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