Fight through the heavens

Chapter 168: Luo Rulie

You can search for "Dou Po Zhi Chuan Tian Wanjie Sou Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"Who is it?!" Luo Rulie, who was painful and happy, suddenly turned his head to look at a certain side of the cliff, and roared with a flash of black light in his eyes.

Luo Rulie didn't even realize that when he swallowed the energy in the black beads, his appearance was also changing. Scales began to grow on his body, his tongue began to grow, and a black horn slowly grew between his eyebrows. .

"call out!"

The answer to Luo Rulie was a spear with a silver-blue arc.

Luo Rulie looked at the spear that was swiftly shooting, a trace of fear flashed in his heart, but his body escaped the gun uncontrollably.


Luo Rulie, who avoided the shot, roared like an irritated beast. On the black horns above his head, a black water ball of several tens of meters quickly condensed, and between Luo Rulie's head shake, he shot out!

Seeing this, Xiao Li's fighting spirit surged, he sucked towards the ground, and quickly fell down. The bottom of Qianlongyuan's cliff was not completely covered by the black pool. The area where the black pool was located was only in the center, and the surrounding area was like after low tide The sandy beaches are average, covered with black gravel.


When Xiao Li landed, the water ball launched by Luo Rulie burst on the cliff wall, and the black water in the water ball splashed out, corroding a huge hole on the cliff wall. The black mist dissipated, and the fragmented space in it was like a thundering arc, hideous and terrifying.

"This guy..." Xiao Li looked at Luo Rulie with solemn eyes. He who had suffered from the power of space in the hands of the second veteran of gold and silver, he knew the horror of this power!

Xiao Li squeezed his palm, and the sky suddenly dimmed, and a one-meter thick thunder snake roared down.


The huge thunder sound was amplified again in the enclosed space, and the ground trembled with the falling of Razer, and the rock at the entrance of the cave began to fall downward.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

There were a few more deafening thunders, the rock at the entrance of the cave could no longer be supported and began to collapse, while Xiao Li turned into a silver-blue arc of thunder, jumping on the falling rock and climbing up.

After leaving Qianlongyuan, Xiao Li did not relax his vigilance, but flew in the air watching the movement below vigilantly.

Xiao Li naturally wouldn't think that only these few falling rocks could kill the monster below. His purpose was to destroy the cave entrance and move the battlefield.

Although the bottom of Qianlongyuan was about ten miles wide, it was too narrow for Xiao Li, and the other party could use the power of space, which was even more unfavorable for Xiao Li.

And destroying the cave entrance can not only transfer the battlefield, but also facilitate Xiao Li's escape.


Luo Rulie's roar actually started to be mixed with the sound of dragon chants, and the sound waves mixed with a coercion from the bloodline made Xiao Li a little dizzy.

At the moment when Xiao Li was in a trance, a huge boulder flew towards Xiao Li.Weishu Bar

Without time to think, Xiao Li took out Thunder Fang from the system space, and his arm quickly cut out at a speed that was hard to catch with the naked eye.

Countless silver-blue cross-shaped sword energy burst out from the boulder like stars, and the boulder also turned into a sky full of stones and fell down.


Luo Rulie roared, his back bent and arched like a wild beast, using his hands and feet together, stepping on the gravel and constantly approaching Xiao Li.

A hint of confusion flashed in Xiao Li's eyes, isn't this guy able to control the power of space?You should be able to walk through the air. Why do you need to use rocks?And this guy's breath... a bit weird.

The palms turned into claws, and he waved towards the collapsed Qianlongyuan, and a silver light flashed towards Luo Rulie's back.

Luo Rulie felt the strong wind behind Dao, and hurriedly turned his body weirdly away from the deadly blow!


As soon as Luo Rulie stepped on his feet, the rubble under his feet instantly turned into dust, and a wave of energy and air scattered on the soles of his feet, and Luo Rulie's speed suddenly accelerated a few minutes, quickly approaching Xiao Li.

Holding thunder tooth and cutting three times in a row, Xiao Li put it into the system space and greeted him with the cold electricity.

Luo Rulie didn't shrink from facing the three sword qi, the two claws covering the scales bounced off the two sword qi, and Luo Rulie directly crushed the last one with his teeth!

This is the first time Xiao Li has encountered this situation, but this is not enough to make him afraid. Although the strength of the guy in front of him is terrifying, he does not seem to use his energy, otherwise he will be as direct as the second elder of gold and silver. If he squeezed the space, Xiao Li didn't even have a chance to escape.

Xiao Li and Luo Rulie met in an instant. The cold electricity touched Luo Rulie's black mist-covered claws, making a cold sound of metal contact, and the lightning arc on the cold electricity continued to shoot on Luo Rulie's claws. With.

Cold electricity has always been the nemesis of evil, and this time is no exception. Xiao Li can feel the black fog on Luo Rulie's claws being consumed by cold electricity, but Luo Rulie, as if not afraid of cold electricity, unbridled contact with cold electricity , Or that he doesn't care about the energy absorbed by cold electricity at all!

The claws and the cold electricity kept touching each other, and the recoil force generated by the huge force bounced the two away, and then the two accelerated again and approached and hit each other heavily.

For a time, the two trainings, one black and one white, collided continuously. When the two collided, sparks burst out along with energy waves, crushing the black gravel on the ground, and thick black mist began to rise.

Several encounters made Xiao Li secretly startled. The high-intensity impact gradually cracked his tiger's mouth and his arms were a little numb, while Luo Rulie was like an okay person, rushing over again and again without his life. This guy was not afraid of cold electricity, and even wanted to catch cold electricity to attack Xiao Li.

"You have to work hard!" Xiao Li took a deep breath, turned on the electrotherapy state, and the silver-blue electric arc gradually throbbed on Xiao Li, stimulating his cells.

As for the blessing of the lightning barrier and the lightning fist, Xiao Li did not use it, because after several collisions, Xiao Li discovered that Luo Rulie’s attacks were accompanied by the power of space, unless he could also control the power of space to bless the lightning barrier, otherwise The lightning barrier could not stop Luo Rulie's attack at all!

A mouthful of cold air entered his abdomen, and the pain caused by the thunder core energy stimulating the body was slightly relieved. At this moment, Xiao Li's figure suddenly turned into a silver light and galloped towards Luo Rulie.

Seeing this, Luo Rulie's eyes also flashed red, and on the sharp corner of his forehead, a black water ball quickly condensed and blasted towards Xiao Li.

Seeing this, Xiao Li directly attached his grudge on top of the cold electricity, and threw the cold electricity out, pointing directly at the black water ball, while he flipped his hand to take out the thunder teeth, and after dodge the black water ball like a teleport, he continued to move towards Luo Rulie shot away.

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