You can search for "Dou Po Zhi Chuan Tian Wanjie Sou Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Five days later, the injuries of the five leaders of Qianhedao finally stabilized, everything was ready, and everyone was on the road again.

The five people of Qianhe Road Chief were not traumatized or corpse poisoning, but internal injuries that were swept out by the royal zombies and hit everywhere. They were also cultivators who were strong and physically strong, otherwise they would be killed on the spot.

"Qianhe, since your injury is almost healed, let's not pass it." Xiao Li said.

Following Daoist Qianhe’s goal has been achieved, changed the plot, and gained points, but Xiao Li didn’t plan to leave this world directly. He was going to swallow all the Tier 2 magic cores before he was promoted to the Great Fighter. Back to the world of fighting and breaking!

The energy contained in the second-order magic core is ten times that of the first-order magic core. It can provide 1000 experience points. Five hundred second-order magic cores, which is 500,000 experience, should be able to advance him to the big battle. Division two stars.

"Thank you fellow Daoist for his life-saving grace. I am really sorry for what happened before, and I hope that fellow Daoist will not blame it." Dao Chang Qianhe sighed and said, his injury is not healed, Dao Chang Qianhe's face is a little pale .His previous behavior, Xiao Li didn't turn his face with him, it was considered a good temper, and he didn't expect Xiao Li to rush to Beijing with them.

"Hey, Qianhe, you are involuntary, and I am not a stingy person. How can I blame you?" Xiao Li waved his hand and said.

Xiao Li said so in his mouth, but in his heart he cursed Dao Qianhe with a bloody head. If Dao Qianhe had a crow's mouth several times, and finally blocked him from killing the royal zombie, how could things be so troublesome?

"I also know that what I did was wrong, but there is only one road leading to Renjia Town in this forest. If you are a fellow Taoist walking with me, when you arrive in Renjia Town, my brother is here. Let me thank you very much. How about leaving after Fellow Daoist’s life-saving grace?” Daoist Qianhe said.

"Renjiazhen? It's fine." Xiao Li replied after hesitating, the world given by the system is called the zombie world, not the zombie uncle world. It stands to reason that there is not only such a plot.


Three days later, Renjiazhen

The daylight in the early morning had just come out, and the streets were full of bustling people. On both sides of the street, all kinds of shops and stalls started to work, which looked quite prosperous.

On the street, Xiao Li and his group pushed a golden coffin forward, attracting a lot of attention.

The bronze horn golden coffin barely fell apart after repairing, and the place on the coffin board that was scratched by the royal zombies was also covered by a special talisman, and nothing could be seen.

"Wow, Golden Coffin, which family is this, I am afraid that the re-elected family does not have such luxury..."

"Looking at them, they don't seem to resemble the Central Plains."

"I think there is a royal family who died on the frontier. Otherwise, I won't let an elder brother come and invite him back. Humph, now that the royal family is exhausted, it is not certain who becomes the emperor tomorrow!

"Don't talk about these fictitious things, I heard that Grandpa Ren is going to relocate recently and is recruiting day laborers who excavate soil. Let's go together?"

"Of course! Where can I sign up?"


A lot of the words of passers-by fell into Xiao Li's ears. Old man Ren, words like relocation made him affirm his thoughts: "Sure enough, is there a plot of "Mr. Zombie" in this world?"

"Daoist, I'm going to go to my brother's Yizhuang to settle down for the prince first. Taoists can find a hotel to stay in." Dao Master Qianhe walked to Xiao Li and said.

In the Mr. Zombie movie, the four-eyed Daoist appeared as the younger brother of Jiushu, and Daoist Qianhe was the younger brother of the four-eyed Daoist. The three of them are in the same school, but not in the same vein. In the small talk on the road, Xiao Li learned from Qianhe Daochang’s mouth that the Maoshan School is divided into three veins: thunder method, fire method, and god fighting. Daochang Qianhe and Jiushu are both in the same vein, while the four-eyed Daochang is god. Take a pulse.Electronic Chinese Network

Originally, there was a line of corpse-raising in Maoshan, but the inheritance of this line is easy to make people wrong and deliberately harming people to raise corpses. Therefore, it was removed by Maoshan a hundred years ago. The line of corpse-raising was only passed down by the other three lines. Pass on together.

"Forget it, I'll go with you." Xiao Li thought for a while and said.

"Alright." Dao Qianhe nodded.

After discussing with Xiao Li, Daoist Qianhe ran over and said a few words with Wu Shilang, before letting people push the bronze coffin to Yizhuang, Wu Shilang and Seventy-one Elder Brother went to take office The Yamen of the home town is the police station.

Xiao Li watched the seventy-one brother go to the police station, probably because he wanted the local officials to receive them. He shook his head. In this era, the royal family is declining and warlords are everywhere. Local officials would not listen to the edict. If it were officials from other places, maybe I had to pretend to arrange it, but Xiao Li thought of Captain Awei again, and couldn't help shook his head.

Although Renjia Town is a small town, it is not backward, and it has developed quite well in all aspects. Along the way, even Xiaoli such as foreign goods stores and western restaurants have found several places.

The crowd didn't walk long before they came to a lonely house, and the slightly dilapidated gate had two characters written on it-Yizhuang.

The scale of Jiu Shu's Yizhuang is not small, and it is entirely made of firebricks, and it looks only slightly old, not shabby, or even luxurious.

In fact, the Taoist priests in this world are not poor. Take Maoshan as an example. After the Taoist priests are out of their teachers, they need to find jobs by themselves. Taoist Qianhe is doing things for the wealthy and wealthy in Shangjing, and Jiushu is in Kaiyizhuang, Renjia Town, Simu. Even if the Taoist leader lives in the barren hills and old forests, he can scavenge a whole box of yellow croaker occasionally to drive away the corpses.

What's more, this is a turbulent situation, dead people are common, and the Taoist priests who drive the corpses still feel in short supply.

"Wait a minute, I'll call the door." Daoist Qianhe said, walking to the door and knocking on the door a few times.


It didn't take long for Wencai's somewhat honest voice to come from inside.


After the door was opened, Wen Cai's head was exposed inside. After seeing the Daoist Chief Qianhe in front of him, Wen Cai asked with some confusion: "May I ask if you are..."

Because of the need to drive away the corpse, the Taoist Four Eyes would come to Yizhuang from time to time. The person in front of him in a red Taoist robe was obviously not the Taoist Four Eyes.

"This must be a nephew, my name is Qianhe, I don't know if Senior Brother Yimei is there?" Daoist Qianhe asked with a smile.

"It turned out to be Uncle Qianhe, please come inside!" Wen Cai hurriedly opened all the doors, enthusiastically.

Wencai combed a younger sister's head, with shallow wrinkles on her face. She looked a bit old, and with his hurried movements, she looked extraordinarily honest.

"You brothers, please!" Wencai said again after seeing Xiao Li and the four people from southeast, northwest and northwest behind Dao Master Qianhe.

"Nephew, this Daoist Daoist Xiao Li is not my disciple. If you really want to call, you should also call Master Uncle." Daoist Qianhe quickly explained.

The so-called masters are teachers, as long as they have the strength, they can get the corresponding seniority and the corresponding respect. Age is not important.

"Master... Master..." Wencai stammered for a long time without saying anything. It was really embarrassing to ask him to call someone younger than him Shishu.

Very good, worthy of me, the third watch has no effect at all

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