Fight through the heavens

Chapter 36 Treasure Hunt

You can search for "Dou Po Zhi Chuan Tian Wanjie Sou Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"Bah, there shouldn't be here either..." Xiao Li grumbled as he climbed up from under a cliff and spit out the sand in his mouth.

After killing the Kagang group, Xiao Li discovered a serious problem, that is, he found that he could not find his way!

This Warcraft mountain range is steep and densely covered with forests. If you don't pay attention, you may go the wrong way and lose your way. What's more, Xiao Li was turned around here by Ka Gang?

Fortunately, this area is also infested with Tier 2 monsters at best, which poses no threat to Xiao Li.

After crashing everywhere for several days, it was hard to find the way. Just when Xiao Li started looking for the cliff, he found that things were a little more complicated than he thought.

There are indeed not many cliffs along the way. Some relatively short and bare cliffs can even be eliminated directly. This undoubtedly reduces the workload, but the remaining cliffs have a certain height. He fell to death, but because the cliff cave was described as hidden, Xiao Li could only go exploring one by one. If there were beasts harassed on the way, it would even take several days for him to explore one place.

"Damn, how can I write a book so sloppy? At least give me the specific location!" Xiao Li complained.

The information he currently knows can be summed up in one sentence. There is a hidden treasure cliff cave on the way of the Xiaoyixian medicine collection team. The specific location and the height of the cliff are directly unknown...

"The last place is left. If I can't find it, I'll do it again..." Xiao Li patted the dust on his body, drank some water and rested for a while, put the rope away, got up and went to the map The last cliff marked.

However, if this cave was so easy to find, the contents would have been taken away by the mercenaries who shuttled through the cliff to gather medicine. Where would it be his turn?

There is a distance of about ten kilometers between the two cliffs, and it only took five minutes to reach that cliff at the current speed of Xiao Li.

"I hope that cliff cave is here, I don't want to find it again." Xiao Li quickly tied the rope and took a deep breath.

The process of looking for a cave on the cliff is not so beautiful. It is good that Xiao Li hasn't encountered a monster. If he encounters a monster, he will most likely explain it on the cliff.

The monsters living on the cliff are generally only Tier 1, but their threat is not small at all. If this group of monsters directly attack Xiao Li, Xiao Li will not be so. The key is that some monsters have IQ and know Xiao Li's strength. Strong, they can’t beat them, so they generally don’t attack Xiao Li, but instead attack Xiao Li’s rope, and they are very skilled. At first glance, they know that many herbalists have been miserable. Some cliffs are not too high, Xiao Li directly There is no problem jumping down, but if some cliffs fall off, Xiao Li's whole body will be gone.

Xiao Li grabbed the rope and came to the edge of the cliff. With a light touch of his feet, he slid down the cliff, carefully searching every corner of the cliff with his eyes.

This cliff is very steep, the cliff wall is uneven, the strange rocks are rugged, but it is very clean, only a few places are grown with strange trees, dotted with a few green points, and the other places are gray rock walls, invisible. What a strange thing.

Of course, Xiao Li never thought that he could directly find the cliff cave. Just as Xiao Li was about to slide down again, his eyes fell on a withered strange wood that grew laterally.

Below the strange wood seems to be a raised stone shelf with some bones and other debris scattered on it. Many birds and monsters will nest in such places, so it is normal to present such a landscape. At first glance, there is no What's peculiar, but a closer look will reveal that this dead wood happened to completely block the back of the stone frame by accident, and the scene behind it was completely invisible.69 school bag

With his hand loosened slightly, Xiao Li's figure began to slide quickly on the cliff, then swayed slightly and landed firmly on the stone shelf.

Behind the stone frame, the area covered by the strange wood is a cliff cave. With the help of the sunlight coming in, you can slightly see the scene outside the cliff cave, and then there is darkness, and you can't see what's inside.

"It should be here," Xiao Li said excitedly. Although he had found one or two cliff caves before, there was nothing inside.

After making a simple torch, Xiao Li slowly moved forward with the help of the light emitted by the torch.

At the end of the cave is a stone gate emitting a pale yellow light. The light emitted from the stone gate vaguely forms the shape of some runes, which should have been added with the earth element technique to increase its hardness and strength.

"Actually at the last place, my luck is really..." Xiao Li was speechless.

The stone gate in front of Xiao Li's eyes was very thick, coupled with the additional mechanical skills on the gate, made the gate stronger, at least at the level of a fighting master.


Xiao Li blasted out with a punch, and the stone gate turned into fragments. The mechanism technique on this stone gate was obviously used to open the door, but Xiao Li preferred a simpler method.

The stone door opened, and a stone chamber appeared in front of Xiao Li's eyes. Moonstone was used as a lighting tool in the stone chamber to make the stone chamber bright and not dazzling.

With the light of the moonstone, the scene inside the stone chamber fell into Xiao Li's eyes. The area of ​​the stone chamber is not small, with more than a hundred square meters. The stone throne facing the stone gate is a stone throne with a skeleton sitting on top of it. A road is divided into left and right sides, and each side is divided into two parts. There are a lot of gold coins stacked on the left side, which seems to be nearly a million. Next to the stack of gold coins are three treasure chests, and on the right side is a bookshelf. Filled with bottles and cans, the bottom of the bookshelf is covered with dark fertile soil, covered with medicinal materials. Although Xiao Li does not know medicinal materials, he can also tell that the value of these medicinal materials is probably much higher than the gold coins on the left.

Xiao Li first walked to the skeleton, saluted, and then took the key from the skeleton's hand and the demon-burning demon image of the lotus flower in his hand bone.

Then Xiao Li walked to the pile of gold coins and took a deep breath. This pile of gold coins should be as large as a million, and it has been piled into a golden mountain. No matter in the past or this life, Xiao Li has never seen so many gold coins. !

After putting the gold coins into the system space, Xiao Li took the keys to open the three treasure chests, and took away the flying fighting skills Ziyun Wing, the colorful poison scripture and the mysterious high-level fighting skills Mad Lion Yin.

The bottles and jars on the other side of the bookshelf should be filled with pill, but because of the long storage time, the pill inside has been completely turned into flour, obviously no longer has the effect of the pill, but it is used as plant ash It should be possible to cultivate medicinal materials.

Finally, Xiao Li came to the small medicine garden. It stands to reason that the best choice for Xiao Li, a layman, is not to touch these medicinal materials. The more expensive medicinal materials are, the more precious they are. Any random damage will make them lose their efficacy. It was a waste product, but Xiao Li was a little unwilling to put it here.

"It doesn't matter what he does, it's the white prostitution. If it breaks, I won't lose any money, and I will earn a little less." Xiao Li gritted his teeth and directly started to dig out medicinal materials with cold electricity.

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