Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 195: miserable but happy

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The money placed with Zheng Yongwen will be credited to the account together with the principal and interest.

The 47 million Hong Kong dollars that my grandfather called was also quickly transferred to Su Yehao's company account. The verbal agreement was considered a loan, and no contract was signed.

Su Yehao went to the bank specially for this purpose.

On the computer in the VIP room, he saw the beginning of the word "3" followed by eight digits, and his head almost lacked oxygen.

A total of more than 300 million cash is deposited in the bank, which is not counting other assets such as houses, cars, securities, etc. Even if you have adapted to it for a while, when you really see this money that belongs to you, you can't help but beat your heart.

It's really puffed up.

First, say hello to the senior partner of Zhuganjia, and ask them to help plan tax issues. Since the previous investment in Zheng Yongwen was in the name of the company, the money given by the old man is also credited into the corporate account, and there is no need to pay high personal taxes and gifts. taxes, etc.

When he learned that Su Yehao had made such a large sum of money quietly, Mr. Sun Nan, the accountant in charge of the account, was taken aback and told him that the plan would be considered within two days to try to reduce the tax rate to the lowest level.

In just two days, Su Yehao can wait.

However, on the 24th, the Hang Seng Index continued to plummet, which made Su Yehao seem to have missed 100 million.

If you continue to gamble for a day and increase your positions and short Hang Seng Index options or futures, it is really possible to continue to make more than hundreds of millions of Hong Kong dollars. Unfortunately, both Su Yehao and Vice President Zheng Yongwen chose to get one vote and then ran away immediately.

There is no regret in selling medicine.

So regret is just regret. Because of the deep feeling of missing out on a large amount of profit, even the joy brought by earning money has been diluted a bit.


He promised to help Vice-President Zheng Yongwen to build momentum, but the other party hadn't contacted Su Yehao yet.

After leaving the bank, Su Yehao called Jiang Yu's father and went to meet Jiang Shiye.

In the past few days, Master Jiang has been in frequent contact with many travel agency bosses, trying to acquire their companies, but the progress has not been smooth.

At this moment.

Sitting face to face with Su Yehao, Master Jiang said with a headache: "As far as I know, the bosses of those travel agencies often drink tea and play mahjong together. I only contacted two or three companies, and the news spread quickly. Gao, everyone knows that I want to develop into this line of work."

Su Yehao asked him, "Do they know your identity?"

"Then I definitely can't tell them. I pretended to be the little owner of a hotel, because I had some money in the hands of land acquisition, but the circle of this industry is smaller than I imagined, and everyone will know if there is a little trouble."

Master Jiang was deeply troubled by this.

The previous plan was to integrate a group of ready-made travel companies, and after entering the market, find a way to expand on a large scale and go to the mainland to grab new tourist sources.

But as soon as he started asking the price, many of his colleagues heard the news, which affected the follow-up plans.

Once the integration begins, other peers will inevitably be vigilant. Even if someone is willing to be acquired, the price Su Yehao will pay will definitely be higher than expected.

Physical business, there are more troubles.

With surplus grain in his hand, Su Yehao did not panic, and said to Master Jiang in a calm tone: "The big deal is to spend more money, it is more important to seize the market as soon as possible. When the market share occupied increases, I am afraid that I will not be able to make money back? My side? The investment can be higher, and I have recently earned more than 200 million yuan from playing finance, and I always want to learn from others and walk sideways.”

"...Master, do you still have this ability? Are you kidding me?" Master Jiang was startled when he heard the words. He knew that Su Yehao had just received 20 million Hong Kong dollars of entrepreneurial funds from his home, and he knew that he was fiddling with it. own business.

When I first heard that I had earned more than 200 million yuan, Master Jiang was skeptical. After all, how could money be so easy to earn?

Su Yehao, who always wanted to walk sideways, smiled and said, "I can't even believe it myself, but it's true. There is an honorary vice president named Zheng Yongwen in our school. index."

"...Does your father know?"

"I haven't told him yet. I'm afraid that he will be forced by the Cultural Tourism City project and come to borrow money from me. My money will still be of great use."


Jiang Shiye didn't know whether to laugh or cry, shook his head and said:

"Sihai International has money in the account, and the more than 700 million yuan for the land acquisition does not need to be paid in one lump sum. It will be repaid in three years. The company basically has the money for reclamation and development, or else it will not be eyeing the neighboring Pearl City again. There is also the land of Taipa Island. I listened to your father's words, I paid half of it myself, and the remaining half will be borrowed from the bank. Now it is not your father who wants a loan, but the bank in the mainland begging him to take a loan. There was no president to accompany you at that time.”

The user saves, the bank makes less than a few dollars, but the profit of the loan is quite high.

As Pengcheng's "star real estate project" for the next period of time, it cost more than 1.7 billion yuan just to acquire the land. Those banks are not collectively frying, and they are all staring at this piece of fat.

Real estate development is Father Su's old line of business, and Su Yehao doesn't need to worry much about this matter.

Su Yehao continued: "I used to be a little tight, but now I don't have to worry about it. My idea is to first acquire one or two travel agencies with a good scale, and then recruit and train more talents, so that my investment will grow rapidly. Let’s talk to powerful colleagues in the mainland, and develop while groping.”

"Also, just relying on your head to think, no matter how much you think about it, is useless. You still have to start working as soon as possible so that you can formulate a plan according to the situation."

Master Jiang plans to spend 7 million this time. In addition to the 5 million that He Shaofan, Buck Yajun and the others have collected, Su Yehao will pay for the remaining 18 million. The initial investment amount is 30 million Hong Kong dollars. , if you are short of money in the future, you can also make capital contributions at any time, and adjust the amount of shares accordingly.

First entered the tourism market with 30 million Hong Kong dollars, the scale is really not small.

In today's Hong Kong city tourism industry, the market share is relatively fragmented, and few truly large-scale tourism companies can be found.

This is mainly because the port city is too small and it is more convenient to enter and exit. Many tourists flip through the tourist brochures and ride bicycles to play everywhere. Tourists from other places mainly choose to travel freely.

And this time, Su Yehao aimed at emerging markets in the mainland, intending to reap a wave of dividends.

When will it fail, whether it is profitable to cash out or adjust the direction of business, Su Yehao has seriously considered these issues, and even thought of the business of booking hotels and air tickets on the Internet.

At least in the short term, the market is still relatively Island Tour, Casino City, Xinmatai, etc. The prospects are also very promising.

If you can't eat one bite to become fat, the first step is to step out sooner or later.

Su Yehao kicked the ball to Master Jiang and said to him, "Anyway, you should contact him first, and if you find a suitable one, take it, even if the price suffers a little, it doesn't matter, the important thing is other resources, I mean channels, talents, and experience. such as."

"Well, if you say that, I have a clue in my heart. There are two companies with relatively high quotations, which are actually quite good..."


After pulling away.

Su Yehao thought that what happened next in the stock market crash had nothing to do with him.

However, on the 28th, after nine o'clock in the evening, I was watching TV at home.

He unexpectedly received a call from a brokerage, telling him that the U.S. stock market crashed at the opening, and Yahoo's stock price fell from $50 to $44, and it was still falling.

Ordinary investors don't have this treatment, mainly because Su Yehao mentioned before that he wanted to increase his position, so he was remembered by the VIP account manager and wanted to take the opportunity to improve his performance.

Su Yehao, who jumped up, ran to the study to turn on the computer under the surprised gazes of Xiao Nizi and Jiang Yu.

The boot speed was too slow, and he was still communicating with the account manager through his mobile phone. In just two minutes, Yahoo's stock price fell by two dollars again.

Although a large amount of money has been repatriated from the previous profits, Su Yehao, who holds more than 300 million yuan in his hand, is still very excited!

He hurriedly asked whether the money in the bank could be transferred to the account of First Quanye Securities in time, and he continued to increase his positions to buy Yahoo shares.

There are some formalities to go through.

Fortunately, the funds are located under the same group, which is more convenient. You can sign a new custody agreement through the Hong Kong Branch of First Quanye Securities...

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