Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 199: 3 years closed

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The next two days.

Yahoo's rebound is still continuing, the highest rushed back to around $43.

The total income of Su Yehao's investment in Yahoo once again exceeded 100 million, reaching about 140 million Hong Kong dollars.

To ask what kind of taste it is, there is probably only one word "cool" to describe it.

It's not that Su Yehao's ability is really that great. He wins because he has a lot of money. Calculate the profit margin from Yahoo, it's only about 34%.

A hammer in the east, a mallet in the west.

Since the accident happened in March, Su Yehao himself has earned more than 200 million yuan.

If you include the loss recovered by the design father selling the Gangcheng real estate, and the huge income that may be brought by investing in Pengcheng, it is equivalent to indirectly playing with several billions of capital, and your small treasury is becoming more and more abundant. .

Under this circumstance, both Xiao Nizi and Nong Qingying changed their expressions to praise his wiseness and martial arts.

The taste of success is very comfortable...

The last day of October 1997.

Su Yehao checked Yahoo's shareholders again and found that almost one-third of the top twenty seats had been replaced, and seven of the top ten shareholders were increasing their holdings.

This shows that his guess is correct.

The vast majority of institutions that are optimistic about Yahoo are still firmly optimistic about this company. Indeed, many people agree with his ideas. Taking advantage of the low period, they frantically increased their holdings and almost squeezed him out of the list of the top ten shareholders.

Previously, if you liquidated Yahoo, it is not easy to buy it back now. There are fewer and fewer outstanding shares in the market, and the stock price is also rising.

First Quanye Securities helped to inquire about some news, saying that Yahoo's board of directors is likely to choose a stock split, that is, one share is divided into multiple shares, which is conducive to stimulating the stock price to rise.

As a super big retail investor, Su Yehao has no interest in this kind of information.

Anyway, I just bought the stock and held it for a long time, and I didn't even sell it during the big drop on the 27th, let alone in normal times.

I still have some money left.

In addition to the funds expected to be used to invest in TAT, KOKO venture capital and travel companies, he barely left some pocket money, so Su Yehao rarely had the idea of ​​a luxury trip.

On the morning of the 31st, he took Nangong Tian to meet the general agent of Riva Yacht Harbor City.

The yacht of my friend He Shaofan's family is Riva, which is equivalent to the Rolls-Royce of the yachting industry. It has a long history and is very high-end.

The old man already owns a yacht more than 40 meters long, which is docked by the pier all year round to eat ashes.

This time, what Su Yehao wanted to buy was actually a speedboat. He saw an advertisement in a magazine - a special commemorative edition of Riva Aquarama, the last wooden speedboat code-named 784.

Discounted promotional price, only 2.99 million Hong Kong dollars.

I had communicated with the agent over the phone beforehand, so when I came to the store and actually saw this elegant speedboat, Su Yehao's bargaining didn't work at all, as long as there were three maintenance and one-week driving training courses.

It was hard to arouse Su Yehao's interest in sports cars and the like. He was fed up with the feeling of running against the ground all day and looking up when he saw the road.

Moreover, the traffic order in the port city is so congested, how can there be stimulation at sea on the road.

After paying a large sum of money, the truck was arranged on the spot, the speedboat was pulled to the seaside, and the launching matters were started.

Driving a speedboat also requires a driver's license, and it's no problem to be led by an old driver for a ride.

Su Yehao first took Nangong Tian to a restaurant for a meal. When he received the call, he rushed to the pier. The speedboat of about ten meters has already begun to be debugged. The brown wooden hull is classic and elegant, and its shape is charming.

On weekdays, driving was as steady as a dog, but Su Yehao didn't dare to try when he got the speedboat. The coach took them out to sea for a long lap, and he felt a little flustered when he couldn't see the land.

After all, I have everything on my yacht, and even if I drift for two or three months, I have enough food in reserve.

The speedboat is different, there is not even a place to go to the toilet.

The best match is actually to go out with the speedboat and the yacht at home, and find a place where no one is free to play.

It really counts as spending money to buy excitement. Su Yehao finally overcame the consumption concept that focused on "practicality". After walking on the sea for more than half an hour, he felt dizzy when he disembarked...


The decline in U.S. stocks has basically recovered.

On the Hong Kong side, it is difficult for the falling stock prices to rebound again. The mainland stock market also suffered thunder, and the house prices also fell.

Father Su is preparing to complete the reclamation work as soon as possible. The land has been obtained and he has already boarded the car. The short-term rise and fall of house prices will have little effect.

Su Yehao was worried that the old man would back off, so he got up and wanted to help.

Therefore, he wanted to come to the planning drawings of the cultural tourism city, and began to invite the new team of TAT Network Company to create a small game according to the design drawings of the cultural tourism city.

Personal space has already started preparations. This small game is expected to be launched along with the personal space. It is mainly based on the background of his own cultural tourism city. Growing and stealing vegetables is an attempt by Su Yehao in advertising placement.

The funds on hand are ample, and there is no need to spend money.

The North American R&D center of TAT Networks is still under preparation, and the project that the outsourcing team in Bangalore, India is responsible for, has not yet been completely completed.

The Hong Kong City market is limited. After the number of registered users of TAT exceeded 30,000, the recent increase has declined. However, some new people join in every The daily active account is maintained at about 4,000, and the situation is not bad.

Given the size of the market, it is useless to worry about some things. For example, there are more than 600,000 netizens in the mainland. Even if each of them applies for an account, the maximum daily activity is only 600,000 to 700,000.

After November comes.

Su Yehao often attends economics courses, and at the same time finds time to study speedboat driving courses, which is easier than taking a car driver's license test. The main difficulty lies in stopping the boat and docking, especially "reversing the boat into the warehouse". There is also a booklet required. remember.

The eighth day.

Nong Qingying found Su Yehao and told him, "Yinhai's documents have exploded after the price cut."

Su Yehao was helping her assemble the SLR camera. Hearing the words, he asked: "What does it mean to explode? The sales are very good?"

"Well, it's only been half a month, and more than 50,000 sets have been sold, but the total profit is only more than one million." Nong Qingying was lying on the table, lethargic.

Yahoo's share price rose for a few days and hit the $47 threshold again. Both of them made a big profit this time.

The 60 million Hong Kong dollars that Su Yehao lent to Nong Qingying and Nangong Tian have not been withdrawn for the time being. Anyway, it is enough to pay the bank interest, there is not much money.

"It's better to make money than to lose money. I don't have high requirements for Yinhai. I want to stabilize the market share in the short term and just survive. You don't have to interfere." The pictures on the screen are quite impressive.

Nong Qingying continued: "But I, the vice president, only manages Yinhai now. If I don't intervene, what do I do every day?"

Su Yehao said of course:

"Take a break, go shopping, watch TV, and travel. The venture capital industry will not open for three years, and open for three years. I will tell you when I find a new project..."

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