Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 209: Seeing injustice on the road, draw a knife to help

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Su Yehao didn't bother the other employees, but he sent an email to John Zhou to ask him what the outsourcing work was all about.

Considering that there is a mix of dragons and snakes in Bangalore, it sounds reasonable and reasonable.

Anyway, it involved more than 300,000 US dollars, which is more than two million Hong Kong dollars. Now that you know the situation, of course you have to ask.

John Chow is on the west coast of the United States.

The time difference between the two places doesn't match. It is estimated that he will have to wait for him to read the email before replying to Su Yehao.

Therefore, after trying out the TAT1.0 beta version, Su Yehao first left the company to find Xiao Nizi, listened to a so-called "successful entrepreneur" giving a speech, and earned some extra-curricular credits by the way...

Nangong Tian is not interested in these successful speeches.

The reason why they agreed to come over was because the instructor had assigned tasks and asked them to participate.

The young businessman on the podium in the auditorium looked only twenty-seven or eighteen.

It is said that since the beginning of this year, he has earned 30 million Hong Kong dollars from the stock exchange market, mainly from shorting the stocks of real estate companies.

I saw him brag about himself, saying that real estate developers are greedy and harm others.

After hearing this, Su Yehao just wanted to doze off.

Ever since he heard that the other party only made 30 million Hong Kong dollars, he has been wandering the world.

This feeling is probably like a sixty-level boss, listening to a twenty-level player describe how to fight monsters in the novice village, and the other party is still a powerful, smug face, it is strange that Su Yehao would be interested.

He subconsciously compared the hairy guy on stage with Zheng Yongwen, and felt that the difference was more than half a star.

Speaking of Vice President Zheng Yongwen, his dream came true last week. He got his wish and became the chief financial advisor. When he held a press conference, he gave a series of suggestions, including reducing or exempting the corporate tax rate, temporarily reducing the stamp duty, and continuing to increase the rate of borrowing Hong Kong dollars. interest, etc.

International speculators mainly rely on borrowing Hong Kong dollars from banks in Hong Kong City, and then sell them in overseas markets, thereby putting pressure on the Hong Kong dollar exchange rate.

As long as the interest rate for borrowing Hong Kong dollars increases, there will be opportunities to increase the cost of international hot money, and there are concerns. This move is undoubtedly on the seven-inch.

Recommendations are recommendations, and many programs have not yet been fully implemented.

There are many problems involved, and it is no wonder that Zheng Yongwen does not continue to focus on his own business. It is true that he lacks energy and is not so persistent about making money.

If you want to realize your ambition, you must bear the corresponding price.

Looking at Su Yehao again, life is much easier. If he can get up early to attend classes at Hong Kong University, and he can sleep late even if he can't get up, even an unreliable excuse like "in a bad mood" will become a reason for him to be lazy.

Old dreams and the like have long been over-realized, and new ones are still brewing.

It's easy to fool people, such as shouting slogans and saying a few words "change the world with technology". If you come up with a full set of design ideas for smartphones, you may be called "the godfather of technology" in the future.

However, these are not Su Yehao's real ideals after all. He is a lazy person, and now he only wants to live a good life for himself.

Jiang Yu sat not far away.

Because of her outstanding appearance and pure and charming temperament, the young people on the stage have looked at her several times.

At this moment.

The young businessman in charge of the speech was the first to point at Jiang Yu in the interactive session, and said with a smile:

"This classmate, I just noticed you and listened very carefully. Now I am planning to provide you students with a few internship opportunities. I see that you have a very good image. Are you interested in being my secretary?"

Nangong Tian was listless from start to finish, and when he saw Jiang Yu being targeted by others, he instantly felt like he was slapped with blood.

She patted Su Yehao and said energetically, "Brother Hao! Someone is soaking in Jiang Yu!"

Su Yehao said helplessly, "Someone has always liked her. It's normal, why are you excited..."

not far away.

Seeing that the man on the stage suddenly pointed at him, Jiang Yu immediately smiled and shook his head: "Thank you, but forget it."

Her answer was beyond the expectations of the young man, and she asked in a daze: "At least with a salary of 150,000 yuan, I can still learn a lot of knowledge. Now the employment environment is so difficult, why don't you think about it?"

"Don't think about it, I want to get busy with my studies first." Jiang Yu refused again.


Skip this embarrassing scene, and after the interactive session, the speech is over.

Nangong Tian was going to the bathroom, and Su Yehao was waiting for her in the corridor.

During the period of boredom and daze, when Jiang Yu just left the auditorium, the young man chased after her again, talking to her, obviously as if he was stalking her.

After getting along for a long time, Su Yehao has a better understanding of Jiang Yu's character.

Seeing that the girl was starting to become impatient again, she simply walked slowly and leisurely to clear the siege, dozing off and saying:

"The world is going down and people's hearts are not old. Some people see a beautiful girl, and they call for someone to be a secretary. The annual salary is only 150,000 yuan. When I watch the door at my house, I can earn more than that in a year. Who, it's not easy. Don't throw your reputation here, thinking that college students are easy to bully? Jiang Yu, come here, he doesn't look like a good person."

Jiang Yu listened to his yin and yang strangeness, sneered and laughed, and laughed.

Although she also thought that Su Yehao was not a good person, but the relationship between the two sides was there, so she naturally walked towards Su Yehao obediently.

An unknown small entrepreneur frowned and asked, "Who are you?"

"Seeing injustice on the road, draw your sword to help, please call me the good man Su Daxia."

Su Yehao continued to lose his energy.

If you are not careful, the rank is too high, showing off becomes boring, and life loses a lot of fun.

Su Yehao didn't know many classmates, but most of them knew him.

A passer-by who is not too serious about the fun, said in an exaggerated tone at the moment: "Brother Hao! Next time you will give a speech, it will be more interesting, talk about how to make 100 million! This guy even dares to play with his sister-in-law. If I definitely can't stand it."

Others jokingly said, "Is it difficult? Just like Brother Hao, the family will give 200 million first, and you will earn it soon."

Su Yehao thought it was interesting, he smiled and waved his hands in a humble tone:

"It's just good I don't know how to do it. This year, I made 400 million Hong Kong dollars. The news outside is outdated."

As soon as these words came out, there was a lot of discussion around.

The title of the first brother of Hong Kong University is completely settled.

The one who was pestering Jiang Yu couldn't figure out what was true or not.

"The quality of the current Hong Kong university students is not as good as one year, and they are too lazy to care about you..."

After speaking, he left on the spot, for fear of making a scandal.

Reaching out and patted Jiang Yu's head, Su Yehao said, "Or go out and wear a mask? It's nothing if you want it, why is it so popular?"

Jiang Yu followed his line of sight and lowered his head slightly.

Suddenly out of anger, she opened the mouth and said:

"That's your blindness! It's still a hero, it's almost like a prawn!"


News spread quickly.

There are indeed people in Hong Kong University who are close to the newspaper.

That evening.

The Evening News published the news about Su Yehao again. The fact that he became the ninth largest shareholder of Yahoo was found out.

The next day, First Quanye Securities sent people to the door. They wanted to take the opportunity to advertise, so they came to ask Su Yehao's approval in advance.

It was said that it was specially airlifted last night, and they sent him delicious wagyu beef, mullet roe, sea urchin, etc., plus a shopping card of 200,000, hoping to allow them to use this matter for publicity.

People do not blame.

Su Yehao asked for five business jet leases without mileage, and felt that it would help Yahoo's stock price rise, so he readily agreed.

Anyway, it will be discovered sooner or later, it is better to take the opportunity to change some benefits.

When it comes to the means of maintaining customers, Japanese financial practitioners do have a set.

After hearing about the situation, the Tokyo headquarters directly waved his hand and gave him ten more free business jet rental benefits.


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