Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 211: 4 words in half an hour

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Jiang Yu hugged his knees and sat on the carpet beside the coffee table.

She was getting closer and closer to Su Yehao, her eyes were bright, and she observed carefully.

Hearing his rhythmic breathing, Jiang Yu even forgot that there was thunder outside the window.

It was rare to observe Su Yehao sleeping up close, which reminded Jiang Yu of the last thunderstorm night.

Until now, Jiang Yu still couldn't figure out whether Su Yehao fell asleep that morning, or whether he was pretending to be stupid and taking advantage of himself.

Considering Su Yehao's previous record, she doubted that this guy was deliberately bullying her at that time.

What's even more irritating is that not only was he taken advantage of that day, but he was also disliked by this guy afterwards. Jiang Yu became angry at the thought and gnashed his teeth.

However, Su Yehao's appearance after he fell asleep seemed so harmless in her eyes.

Take a closer look, this bad guy is quite handsome.

Jiang Yu was stunned for a while, not noticing Nangong Tian who was peeking through the crack of the door and was ready to jump out at any time to catch someone stealing.

Nangong Tian looked strange.

She only saw Jiang Yu's expressive expression, gnashing his teeth for a while, then smiling happily again, with a bit of melancholy between his brows, and she didn't know what she was worried about.

After thinking about it, Xiao Nizi thought that Jiang Yu must be spring, and planned to **** her brother Hao, so she sighed deeply.

There is no way, who makes Brother Hao too good and easy to be missed.

Xiao Nizi felt that she was too difficult, she had a feeling of powerlessness that her two fists were invincible to four hands.

After thinking about it, I always feel that it is cheaper than a stranger-specifically a beautiful female store manager surnamed Yin in the KOKO cat cafe in the casino city.

Thinking that it might be better to take Jiang Yu as a helper, so as not to harm outsiders again.


Su Yehao was already asleep and didn't know anything about this.

When he was woken up by the little girl who "unintentionally" came over, it was already more than one o'clock in the morning, and he went back to his room in a daze and continued to sleep, without dreaming until dawn.

The housekeeping aunt used the beef she brought back last night to make porridge with shredded beef and preserved eggs.

There are some Chaoshan casserole porridge seasonings in it, and the beef is very tender. Su Yehao drank two bowls, and the taste is excellent.

After eating and drinking, go out to Central.

After the establishment of Buck Tooth Jun's security company, experts were invited to take charge of the training. Recently, a new group of people seemed to be more professional at work. At least they already knew that they would surround the car door and open the door after observation.

When Su Yehao came to the office of TAT headquarters, he first contacted Nong Qingying to meet, and was going to ask her to help find a reliable decoration team to completely renovate the courtyard house in Sijiucheng.

Immediately afterwards, Su Yehao personally found the deputy director Miles.

Miles and the other programmers worked all night to perfect the product last night, with only two or three hours of rest on the floor.

Not only was Su Yehao eager to launch new products, but a group of employees including Miles also hoped to see the programs they wrote and used by people as soon as possible.

Working hard all day in front of the screen is inevitably boring and boring. After all, I don’t know what kind of results can be achieved through hard work, and I’m even more worried that the project will be miscarried before it comes out, and finally I have done useless work.

If you test while improving, and get feedback data from users, the work will be much more interesting.

Therefore, in order to prevent the little boss from changing his mind again, Deputy Director Miles made the final call yesterday and sorted out the 1.0 beta version from beginning to end in small groups. Everyone worked overtime all night and did not give Su Yehao a chance to temporarily go back.

Deputy Director Miles' eyes lit up and said to Su Yehao:

"Yesterday at six o'clock in the afternoon, we announced the news of today's updated version through the bulletin board in the chat room, and the time was set at nine o'clock this morning."

Su Yehao didn't change his mind, he only asked: "How to update, users need to download from the official website again?"

"Yes, it's done in a few minutes, it's very convenient."

Miles looked at his watch and asked, "Mr. Su, should we redesign the logo to make the icons more eye-catching on the desktop? The current icons are made casually by the artist, which is not powerful enough and lacks features. "

Su Yehao suddenly woke up and said with a smile, "This is a good idea! No wonder I always feel that something is missing. I thought about redesigning the icon before, but I forgot about it."

"Then it will be launched on time at nine o'clock. I will ask the artist to draw a few more creative drafts and show them to you?"

Miles deliberately distracted Su Yehao's attention, treating him like a hairy guy, worried that another moth would happen at the door.

Su Yehao used his brain and continued to tell:

"You ask them to design a cute fat animal, try rabbits, tigers, cats, etc. Take our company's TAT ​​text expression as the logo's mouth, or you can write it on the clothes, assign a task, draw 20 pictures Come out, then I will pick one myself."

It doesn't matter if the artists are busy, as long as things don't change when the beta version is launched.

Miles just wanted the TAT 1.0 beta version to be launched smoothly, otherwise it would always seem like he was playing a stand-alone game, very boring, and said excitedly: "Okay! Then I will arrange it now, I will go to the forum to post a post first, and I will also follow up with the operation. Say hello from the promotion department."

Su Yehao said: "The task of development is left to you, and I will arrange the promotion. It seems that it is time to invest in a customized promotional film..."

Miles Wang, Deputy Product Director, didn't know what the so-called custom promotional film actually means, but instead told: "The development of mailboxes is relatively easy, we directly acquired the full set of technology, only spent 60,000 US dollars, and changed a little bit. The change can be put into use, and it will take about two weeks.”

"Oh? That's better, can the mailbox send pictures?"

"Of course you can, Mr. Su."

"Okay, you go to work first, I think about how the movie should be Miles was stunned when he heard this, thinking that he is really going to make a movie? I can't keep up with Su Yehao's thinking at all, I don't understand. Why did he jump to the movie, and when he left the office, he closed the door softly.

The development of e-mail is much longer than the recent popularity of instant chat programs.

There are many ready-made products, and the technology is relatively mature. It is not difficult to develop a product, but the main difficulty is how to promote it.

For example, Yahoo Mail, with the popularity of Yahoo's search engine, its market share has risen steadily.

Su Yehao has ready-made ideas that he can copy. The matching mailboxes and mini games have been incorporated into TAT's development plan as early as September.

After Miles left, Su Yehao did seriously consider investing in a movie. If he was more economical, he would hire a few less big names. 10 million Hong Kong dollars was enough. The elders should also have a way to release them.

With more and more money on hand, many ideas can be put into practice, and I can just take the opportunity to help Nangong Tian plan a career and do what he says.

Without saying a word, I started to find pen and paper, combined with the movies and TV dramas I have watched, and thought about how to shoot it, so that it would be interesting and highlight the function of TAT.

Time passed by minute by minute.

At 8:50, Nong Qingying pushed open the door of the office, only to see Su Yehao as if out of his body, biting the pen in a daze.

She approached and read it, and found that "Internet Mystery Trace" was written on the paper, and asked in confusion, "Ahao, are you going to write a book?"

"No, the movie script, I want to customize a movie to promote the company's products."

"Tsk... have you thought about the story?"

Su Yehao shook his head and sighed, "What do you think after holding back four words for half an hour? I really don't have the talent in this area. Please spend money to find someone for help. I'm quite good at this."

Nong Qingying: "..."

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