Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 219: more mature

The latest website: Half an oversized duck, the meat is crispy and delicious, and the tangerine peel tastes very strong.

There is also fried squid, the soft skin wraps the fresh and crisp squid with a special sauce, which is good as a snack.

Su Yehao and Zhao Yimeng chatted while eating, and the topic quickly turned to school.

During the chat, I could see that the girl was very confused now, struggling between her parents' expectations and her personal dreams, and she could never really make up her mind.

With a nineteen-year-old body, he is full of energy and vitality, but Su Yehao's psychological aspect is much older than Zhao Yimeng.

The dreams of young people, the endless longing for the future, the pursuit of beautiful love, etc., these Su Yehao have already lost.

If possible, he would really like to experience the confusion of adolescence again.

Instead of being like recently, I like to hold a teacup in a daze. When I was nineteen years old, I lived a stable life as a middle-aged person ahead of schedule. Although it was quite comfortable, it was a little less youthful after all.

Zhao Yimeng answered the phone, his expression instantly became unhappy, and he told: "My classmates in London actually came here after you, you were already very impatient back then, this guy is even more hateful, his family is working in Malaysia. The oil and energy business, relying on a little strength, is so annoying!"

"I made you annoyed at the beginning, is it better now?" Su Yehao smiled.

Regarding someone pursuing Zhao Yimeng, he was very calm. After all, the girl in front of him was beautiful, similar to Jiang Yu, and both belonged to a particularly attractive physique.

Zhao Yimeng said calmly:

"Indeed, I feel that you are a lot more mature now. If you were like this when you were studying in Rose Middle School, and you weren't so concerned, maybe I would give you some opportunities. It's too late to say this now, you have become a veteran of picking flowers, and we can be friends. Don't have any unrealistic fantasies."

"...Yes, I'm also afraid that I'm too good. If you like me, I can't make you a concubine, it will be a headache."

Su Yehao was cheeky and put gold on his face.

There are so many girls around, it is indeed better to be friends, not to mention that both families are engaged in real estate business, keeping in touch may have the opportunity to cooperate and win-win.

Hearing this sentence, Zhao Yimeng wrinkled his nose, and then asked, "This guy asked me to meet, what should I do?"

"Take me as a shield. He looks handsome and has a lot of gold, a proper diamond king. If you bring it out to pretend to be your fiancé or boyfriend, it won't embarrass you. I have experience in this area, and Jiang Yu also often Being stalked and beaten, I helped her a lot, and now almost everyone knows that she is my fiancée, a fake fiancée."

Su Yehao burped after eating duck soup and soaked rice. After wiping his mouth, he asked curiously, "How handsome is that guy? How much is he worth?"

"Jiang Yu, fiancee... Are you really helping? Or forget it. That guy looks average and has no knowledge about his worth. It is said that he has hundreds of millions of pounds."

"Don't panic, maybe there are more than a dozen brothers and sisters in his family, and it's not his turn to inherit the family property. Malaysia has no regulations on family planning. This kind of thing is very likely. If you don't like it, you have to cut the mess quickly. Don't be sloppy, or you will definitely be entangled, which is very annoying."

After listening, Zhao Yimeng smiled suddenly, with a strange expression: "So you know this truth, I cut you off with a knife in the first year of high school, don't you often harass me? It means that it doesn't work when you encounter a thick-skinned rogue."

The corners of his mouth twitched, Su Yehao said:

"Who? It's not me anyway, I don't take the blame..."

The life experience is there, and he is more mature than Zhao Yimeng psychologically. When chatting, he is like a confidant, and he talks about many topics inadvertently.

Zhao Yimeng had never felt this kind of feeling in Su Yehao, but felt that it had changed a lot.

A meal from eleven o'clock to one o'clock in the afternoon.

The so-called rich family in Malaysia called her again. This time, Zhao Yimeng didn't answer. His face was full of impatience.

After leaving the restaurant.

Su Yehao asked her, "How did you come here, should I give you a ride or go back by yourself?"

"You're going back to Bishop's Mountain? I'm going to find friends to play. I finally made a trip back to the casino. There are many old friends who want to meet."

"Don't go home, drink coffee at the archway of the Great Sanba."

"Then I'll go too and take care of your business..."

The stalking in the early years was indeed not Su Yehao's fault.

The black pot left by the predecessors was detained on the head of the current one.

He clearly wanted to keep his distance, but Zhao Yimeng got a lot closer. On the way to the small building, Su Yehao had a headache thinking about how to explain to Yin Liuli, and then felt that it was not as generous.

There is nothing special about it, why be a thief with a guilty conscience.


The customers at noon just finished, and because the restaurant mainly serves Western food, the evening is the peak time for seating.

When Su Yehao brought Zhao Yimeng over, Yin Liuli was bathing the cats. She was wearing an apron and rubber gloves. She was quite skilled in her movements. She even pinched the cats' claws and trimmed their nails.

At first sight of Zhao Yimeng, Yin Liuli recognized her, and the two met at the tavern upstairs last night.

They smiled and nodded to each other.

Zhao Yimeng knew that the girl had an unusual relationship with Su Yehao, and said familiarly: "What cute puppet cats, are they all so well-behaved? I heard that cats are afraid of water and don't want to take a bath."

"It's called Boob, and I didn't like bathing before, but I'll get used to it."

Yin Liuli is afraid of contacting people, on the one hand because of her personality, and on the other hand because her Cantonese is too bad.

Living in the casino for more than half a year, coupled with deliberate study and exercise, it is not a problem to cope with some simple daily communication now, and the accent sounds strange.

Seeing Zhao Yimeng talking, Su Yehao took the initiative to help and said, "If you want to have a cat, I can give you one. The cats here are not neutered. They are originally fine breed cats. Some kittens have good personalities."

"Other people's cats are fun, so let's forget about raising them yourself. I had one when I was a child, and then I tore up my father's ancient paintings, and even urinated on the paintings, losing millions of dollars and going to bed every day. Drilling, it gives me a headache."

Zhao Yimeng waved his hand and teased the super fat cat koko.

The golden gradient, which is round into a ball, looks quite cute. She said to Su Yehao, "If it is this one, I would like to keep it."

"This cat is not from the store, Miss Yin's own pet, she likes it very much."

" Forget it."

I ordered a cup of milk tea and sat by the window to bask in the sun.

Zhao Yimeng had a good relationship with Jiang Yu, and during the period, he called Jiang Yu too.

This is really Mars hitting the earth, and the house leaks every night rain.

When Jiang Yu came and chatted with Zhao Yimeng, Yin Liuli looked strangely and asked Su Yehao, "Why are the girls around you so beautiful?"

"...There are also some that are not beautiful. You just haven't seen them. Don't pay attention to these details. I am not afraid of shadows. They have nothing to do with me."

She didn't know what Yin Liuli thought, but she didn't ask.

Compared with these troubles, what troubles Su Yehao more is how to stop Jiang Yu's mouth and stop her from talking nonsense in front of Xiao Nizi...


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