Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 229: sea ​​fishing

Latest URL: The joy of fishing.

The problem is that you never know if a fish will be hooked in the next second, or what kind of fish it is.

Facing the blue sea and blue sky, there is a sense of tranquility away from the hustle and bustle and at ease.

After a sea wolf, Su Yehao caught several bonito fish one after another. His arm muscles were sore and he was out of breath.

The size of bonito is a bit similar to that of tuna. The two belong to the same family. The smallest is thirty or forty centimeters, and the largest can exceed one meter. When Su Yehao pulled a bonito with a length of more than sixty centimeters onto the boat, the taste of it, Incredible.

It's clearly just a fish weighing more than ten pounds, but trying to catch them takes a lot of effort.

Nong Qingying originally wanted to go for a night drive with Su Yehao, drink some wine, and talk about his thoughts, but now he realized that his attention was not on her at all, the girl said helplessly: "I thought only middle-aged men would like to fish, Go down in one net and catch it all, why do you have to use a fishing rod to catch it?"

Su Yehao didn't hear.

Father Nong shook his head and said with a smile:

"Others specialize in fishing boats and charge one or two thousand yuan for a few days and nights. Isn't there always a large group of people rushing to go there? There are also many women who like to fish. In a serious comparison, fishing is much more interesting than fishing. Radar fish finder, the situation under the water is clear at a glance, although it can make money to support the family, but it is boring."

"Then what's interesting?" Nong Qingying asked rhetorically.

Her father recalled for a moment and told: "When I was young, you once went to sea with your grandfather and wrapped a large yellow lip with an ordinary fishing net. The yellow lip fish of more than 100 catties can produce four or five catties of swim bladders. Selling 30,000 to 40,000 yuan, dry goods stores are rushing to collect them as the treasure of the town store."

"Why didn't I know, then what?"

"Then... your grandfather and I both thought that the fish was about to die, and I already hugged it. I didn't expect it to be suddenly thrown away as soon as I left the water. If I had brought a harpoon, I could change a suite in the city. "

Father Nong sighed and said regretfully: "Who would have thought that I could entangle a big yellow-lipped fish, and from then on, as long as I go out to sea, I have to bring a harpoon."

More than 100 catties of yellow-lipped fish are indeed very rare.

Most fishermen have been fishing for a lifetime, and it is difficult to see such fish, which are far rarer than bluefin tuna.

Nong Qingying saw his father sighing one after another, regret and remorse written on his face, and he was even more speechless.

She got up and came to Su Yehao's side, even the charm that always worked was useless. Su Yehao just asked her to help hold the fishing rod, and hurriedly went to the bathroom to run water.

What can be said?

That night, Su Yehao found that Nong Qingying was inexplicably angry, and let him sleep with the fish in his arms.

Oh, unreasonable woman...

The fishing boat ran all night and finally arrived near the coordinates where the large yellow croaker group was said to have been found.

After wandering for more than two hours, he has been circling the sea, but he has not found the shadow of the fish.

Going out to catch fish depends on luck.

After the preparation, I first tried to drag a net. The horse mackerel, grouper, black pomfret, and silver pomfret accounted for most of them. More than 400 catties were caught in one net, and they were sorted into the refrigerator.

After finally waiting for the boat to stop, Su Yehao was busy fishing again.

In the eyes of Nong Qingying's parents, the importance of this "future son-in-law" is much higher than that of a few nets of fish, so they are not in a hurry to set off the boat and let Su Yehao fish first.

The sailors on the boat have a little opinion, because the income from going to sea is related to their commission.

Especially the small boats that accompany the big boats out to sea, they didn't earn back the oil cost this time. They just want to work overtime to catch fish quickly, and don't want to waste time.

Father Nong didn't mention the conflicts in private in front of Su Yehao at all. He decided that the next time he went out to sea, he only needed the fuel cost, and the harvest would be distributed to the boats and sailors. The big guys just leisurely continued to watch the farmer's "son-in-law" fishing.

Someone had itchy hands, and they went fishing together, and actually... caught a yellowfin tuna that weighed more than 40 pounds.

Another person caught a halibut.

This made Su Yehao jealous.

There was still some harvest last night. Today, I have been guarding for more than half an hour, and there has been no fish bite.

Don't be afraid.

Many people are powerful.

Let the bodyguards and the others also help, and they all went into battle to guard the fishing rods, a total of three people and four rods.

It wasn't until Nong Qingying's father couldn't stand it any longer and sailed to another fishing spot, that Su Yehao managed to pull up a halibut.

"Sea fishing pays attention to skills. Different fish like to live in different sea layers and have different preferences for bait. This kind of experience needs to be accumulated."

After Daddy Nong finished speaking, he called his friend on the satellite phone and asked how to fish for tuna.

It's really different to have an old finger.

For example, Su Yehao failed to make the bait move all the time. In addition, the water depth was more than 100 meters, and the line was short.

I cut some freshly caught fish and tried to catch the tuna again. When the next fish was hooked, it was still a sea wolf.

It can only be said that in order to satisfy the baby son-in-law, Father Nong is willing to pay for it.

Hundreds of kilograms of mackerel were chopped into pieces and poured into the sea together with their blood. Many sharks were attracted nearby, and more and more other fish were found, but no tuna was ever encountered.

More than two hours passed quickly, and Su Yehao was guarding four fishing rods and caught more than 100 catties of fish one after another.

Wait until a certain pole sank suddenly and load the goods again.

This time, when he tightened the fishing line, Su Yehao realized that it was different, and said happily, "The fish is so big this time! I won't catch a shark!"

"Sharks are also very good, there are fresh shark fins to eat!" his bodyguard flattered.

Su Yehao is neither a vegetarian nor an environmentalist, but the practice of only taking shark fins from sharks and throwing live sharks without fins back into the sea is a bit cruel in his eyes.

Delicious food can be eaten, but it should not be wasted, especially the rare species, which should also be jointly protected.

Fresh shark fins can't appeal to Su Yehao's appetite. He only told him, "I'll get a closer look first and let go of the sharks when I catch them. The nutritional value is not as good as oysters. The last fish today is really not big. Forget the fish, I will continue to fish next time I go out to sea."

Nong Qingying has returned to the room for a lunch break.

After finally getting a chance to get along, Su Yehao's mind was on fishing, so it was no wonder she was a little dissatisfied.

On this fishing boat, there is not much to do other than to fish and have fun.

Looking into the reason, it is probably that Su Yehao went to Nong Qingying less frequently recently, so that the girl felt that she was not valued, and it had nothing to do with fishing itself.

It is also because of realizing that Su Yehao said that this is the last fish. After all, you can fish at any time, and it is more important to take care of your woman's emotions.

Fight with the big fish in the sea for more than 20 minutes, and pull it to the side of the boat little by little.

It was just a large amount of bigeye tuna, weighing about 60 kilograms. After the internal organs were cleaned, Su Yehao asked them to freeze it first. He planned to bring it ashore and ask friends to taste it together. He continued to ask the chef of the Japanese restaurant for help. deal with.

After taking a bath, I ran to the room to find Nong Qingying.

The girl was reading a magazine, rolled her eyes and didn't want to pay attention to him.

With a click, Nong Qingying found that Su Yehao had locked the door, and suddenly realized something, and said nervously: "Don't be fooled, the broken ship has a layer of iron, and the sound insulation is very poor."

"Here, my socks, bite yourself."

"...Go to hell."


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