Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 242: Daddy's pond, exploded

Latest website: 1998 has just arrived, and Su Yehao has no feeling of entering the new year at all.

It is said that the new year has a new atmosphere, and there are indeed a few good things.

First, the tat instant chat program in the mainland has developed rapidly. The number of downloads exceeded 6,000 times on January 7th. The user retention rate is very high.

Second, Yahoo's stock price rose again, and it once exceeded US$60 during the session.

Thanks to last year's expected earnings report, and the market's changing attitude towards the Internet industry, which pays more attention to growth investment, the word "Yahoo" has been mentioned by more and more investors.

There were even other major shareholders who wanted to buy out the shares held by Su Yehao at a premium of 10%, but he refused. Rating agencies continued to increase the valuation of Yahoo, and some even said that it would be the second "AOL". ”, the market heat rose again and again.

For Su Yehao, who opened the plug-in, these are only logical achievements.

The University of Hong Kong has not yet started school. He stayed in the casino and enjoyed a carefree little life, playing golf, going for a ride on a yacht, and tasting delicious food everywhere.

Such a comfortable vacation has made Su Yehao gain more than four pounds. It seems that it is time to continue playing tennis after school starts...

On January 9th, the sun is shining brightly.

The second concubine specially invited a cook and called Master Jiang's family and Su Yehao to go back to the mansion for lunch.

It's neither a holiday nor a birthday, it's just a family dinner.

As soon as he got home, Su Yehao saw his father lying on the sofa, resting weakly.

The second concubine made an excuse to call Su Yehao to the study. With a smile on her lips, she took the initiative to remind:

"Don't make your dad angry recently. In the past few years, he bought people a car, a house, and a boat, but he was kicked by the canary outside, and he was not ashamed at his age. I really thought that others liked him and had the ability. How is it now, when someone encounters a handsome guy, it's not just Pidianpidian running away, your dad is upset."

It seemed like a kind reminder, but that schadenfreude was quite obvious in his words.

Looking at the second concubine, Su Yehao's heart flashed a hint of greenness, and he raised his eyebrows and asked, "My dad's thighs are so thick, she is willing to throw them away? What's going on?"

"What else can be done, it's not like that, the canary outside, when he was poor, he wanted to live a good life by beauty, but now he has a house and a car and is not short of money, and his mind begins to become active. The white European , you also know that when it comes to emotionally speaking, it's time to leave, men like young girls, don't other women like handsome guys in their twenties?"

The second aunt did not hide her good mood at all.

She first sent Su Yehao's biological mother away, and then pushed the third concubine out of the house, and has not returned until now.

Now, the canary that was raised outside also took the initiative to leave, and made a large sum of money from Dad Su, euphemistically called it lost, and went to pursue a vigorous love.

After so many years, the second concubine finally cleared the clouds and saw the sky, there is a kind of expectation that a daughter-in-law will become a mother-in-law and finally be able to come forward.

No wonder she couldn't control her emotions and wrote "happy" on her face.

Su Yehao understood.

My father's fish pond... completely exploded.

Although it is not clear whether there are small wild ponds and small wild fish outside, but facing the green water, it is indeed bad enough.

When he didn't sympathize with his father at all, after all, he thought about the problem from another angle, and the good and the bad depended on each other, the old did not go and the new did not come...

Su Yehao had no doubts about his old man's ability, and it was quite attractive in the eyes of some girls.

Since he went off to do business in person and made a lot of money, Su Yehao has not cared so much about the future of his family property.

If nothing else, he is confident that in the next few years, he will accumulate a wealth larger than the size of his family's assets, so his parents' life will not have much impact on Su Yehao.

Su Yehao asked with interest in his tone of gossip at the moment, "How come I never heard of such a big thing happening?"

"Your soul was long ago taken away by the young daughter-in-law of the Nangong family. Since the school holiday, when did you come back to live?"

The second aunt asked back and added: "It's enough for you to know about this matter, pay more attention later, have a few glasses of wine with your dad, and don't mention it to anyone outside, it's not a good thing, spread it out. It's embarrassing."

A rich man with a net worth of billions of Hong Kong dollars has been dumped by his concubine one after another. Once the news is leaked, the Su family's face will definitely be dull.

The third concubine was kicked out of the house earlier, but she often choreographed in the circle how cold-blooded and ruthless Father Su Yehao was.

Fortunately, Father Su's reputation was just average, a concubine's words had no influence, they only added some after-dinner talk to people, and it quickly disappeared.

Su Yehao told the second concubine, "Don't worry, I know what to do. I only pour dirty water on myself if I don't have a good mind."

"Well, go downstairs for dinner, how is your relationship with that girl from Nangong's family recently, do you want to call over for dinner? It's close anyway, so you can wait a moment, right...let's forget it, I forgot that Jiang Yu was there too. , the elbows cannot be turned outwards."

The second aunt is very happy and smiling, she is pampered all the year round, she has not spent less money on maintenance, and she is in a good mood recently, her whole person seems to be four or five years younger.

And Su Yehao was thinking about his old man.

People often blame material problems for their emotional problems, and now it seems that it is not just about having money.

Don't forget the past, the teacher of the future, Su Yehao is learning from this lesson, and is thinking about being better for the girls in the future, so as not to repeat the same mistakes.

When going downstairs.

Su Yehao suddenly asked: "They all left one by one. What about you, second aunt, at the age of forty, it's easy to start over, right?"

"Why, second aunt, I usually treat you well, and you still want to drive me away?"

The second aunt asked in a joking tone, and then told:

"They're all for money, but I'm different. Although I'm not as rich as your father, there are small shops and shops that collect rent. Since I was young, I haven't had to worry about food and drink. The reason I fell in love with your father was because of his temper. Well, I have the ability. After so many years, I have always felt sorry for your mother, but some things are difficult to control, and I was too young back then, and I was confused like this. It is not easy for you to let me go, and there is a relationship between your parents. Originally, there were emotional problems, so I can't blame it all, and even if I leave, it may be difficult for them to reunite."

"...I don't mean Although Su Yehao is his own son, he is also like a half outsider. He can hear that what the second concubine said should be the truth.

If she is really ambitious, the second concubine should not be so Buddhist. After so many years, she has not managed to transfer the assets to her own name. This is the best proof.

When he sat down at the table, he understood the second concubine's intention for arranging the dinner today.

Probably wanting to use his own home to divert his father's attention, so Su Yehao poured wine for his father and Jiang Shiye, and said with a cheerful smile: "Come on, father, father-in-law, have a drink first? This year, I made another 100 million in stocks. , Celebrate my fortune, and do it first!"


Master Jiang smiled.

His daughter, Jiang Yu, gritted her teeth, and was taken advantage of by inadvertently...


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