Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 244: Daxian Temple

The latest website: I have nothing to do, fish to pass the time.

There are not many large fish in the waters near the casino city. Su Yehao didn't expect to get anything, but by chance, he caught a 50-60 pound mackerel.

At this moment.

Looking at the mackerel who was still powerless, Su Yehao fell into deep thought and said speechlessly:

"It's over, there is no equipment on the boat. How can I bring it up? Fortunately, the fishing rod is expensive, otherwise it would have broken just now. Jiang Yu, you also have the word "fishing" in your name, jump down and hold it for me?"

Chatting with Su Yehao just now, it was hard to find some atmosphere.

As Su Yehao said these words, Jiang Yu's blood pressure rose again, and he said angrily: "I'll help you get the fishing rod, you can try to jump down yourself? Your yacht is too high to be used for fishing, right? , how about dragging it all the way back to the shore?"

"I still drag it back to the shore. I've seen "The Old Man and the Sea" a lot. Maybe it can attract sharks and bite off my prey in one bite. Mackerel meat is made into fish balls, which can also be marinated and fried in a pot. It’s still pretty good, so don’t waste it.”

Su Yehao didn't dare to give her the fishing rod. For a fish weighing 50 to 60 kilograms, his strength was not small, and he might let go if he relaxed a little.

Let Jiang Yu call the captain and bodyguards, use a rubber boat to launch from the stern, and row all the way to the mackerel.

The big guy was almost dying, and he was dragged into the rubber boat by the bodyguards without much struggle. With such a big fish, it was a worthwhile trip, and Su Yehao enjoyed it.

When the mackerel was moved to the deck, Jiang Yu squatted and looked at the fish. When he got up, his eyes were dark and he couldn't stand up. Fortunately, Su Yehao was quick-witted and reached out to help her.

Luckily, my hand was in the place where it shouldn't be, so I quickly let go and supported her.

Finding that the girl didn't relax for a while, Su Yehao asked, "What's the matter, take you to the hospital?"

"It's okay, anemia, plus a little seasickness, I often feel uncomfortable after sitting for a long time."

Jiang Yu has been frail and sick since childhood, and the reason why he was sent to learn dance, not piano or violin, also has the idea of ​​taking the opportunity to exercise.

Holding the lean Jiang Yu, Su Yehao said to her: "Look at your arm, you have few meats, you sleep next to you at night, and you will eat more. Next time you eat, remember to eat more. Look at Nangong, shouting all day. When you get fat, your appetite is quite good, but you can eat but don’t dare to eat, your body is amazing.”

"...don't talk if you can't talk, who wants to sleep beside you?"

Even if he was not feeling well, it didn't change Jiang Yu's habit of replying.

There is no one around.

After the fish was brought in, the bodyguards continued to go back to the cabin to rest. In this sea where the land can be vaguely seen, there is no need to worry about safety issues, as long as you don't fall into the sea.

Su Yehao sneered, dug out old accounts, and said, "It's not like you haven't slept, you know that you lied with a sponge all day long, and it's bigger out of thin air."

Jiang Yu, who understood what he was talking about, suddenly became darker, angry and embarrassed.

The arrest just now was an emergency, and she knew it wasn't intentional.

He was going to pretend that nothing happened, but Su Yehao brought it up generously and took the opportunity to laugh at himself. Can Jiang Yu endure this?

She gritted her teeth and whispered, "I still owe me an advantage, be careful with me..."

Su Yehao rolled his eyes and interrupted her, saying, "I know, tell Nangong, be careful that she overturns the vinegar vat and slips into your room at night to wrap your sack."

Jiang Yu, who didn't want to laugh at the vivid expression of "vinegar vat", held back very hard, and finally the corners of his mouth rose.

Sitting on a rattan chair to rest, he looked at Jiang Yu's fair face up close.

Su Yehao couldn't help but... He reached out and squeezed her face, pushed the tip of his nose up, and said with a smile, "Pig, give me a smile."

Jiang Yu opened his mouth and bit.

Seeing Su Yehao retract her hand, she snorted and said, "Child, you are the pig..."

More than 20 days of winter vacation does not sound like a long time.

But Su Yehao was also not busy before the vacation. His vacation started after graduating from high school, it has continued to this day, and it will continue.

The benefits of being a shopkeeper are simply wonderful, but after a long time, it is quite torturous, and there is less stimulation of hard work.

The difference between going and not going to the company is not obvious.

The family's business is getting better and better, and the stock in his hand is also rising all the way. Don't look at Su Yehao staring at TAT Network Company from time to time, wanting to take the opportunity to show his strength, but in fact, even if the project is cold, it doesn't matter.

Relying on strong funds, being able to ride on a ride in the future is not necessarily less than earning less money than starting a business in person, and it is also more convenient.

This is probably the root cause of Su Yehao's recent laziness to his bones and suffering from "intermittent ambition disorder" for a long time. After all, he doesn't need to worry about the future. With nearly one billion Hong Kong dollars in hand, his life is no different from before.

Sitting leisurely, letting the yacht go with the flow, Su Yehao chatted with Jiang Yu and was very relaxed.

He hadn't felt the word pressure for a long time. The only headache was the repeated weighing among the girls, so that in the face of Jiang Yu who was close at hand, he didn't dare to let go of his hands and feet and exert his accumulated skills for more than half a year. .

Talking about school and gossip about friends like that with friends is also a good taste.

It wasn't until he answered the phone that Su Yehao let the captain return.

As for the mackerel, he had someone put it in a box and put ice cubes, ready to send it to the restaurant as an ingredient...


The person who called Su Yehao was a salesperson in the Singapore office of Gulfstream Aerospace.

He asked the other party to meet at KOKO cat cafe to discuss the details of customizing the private jet.

Ever since I came up with the idea of ​​buying a private business jet, I hesitated for two or three months, read countless news and magazines about high-end business jets, and finally made a decision - I plan to buy the most advanced and comfortable Gulfstream V. .

Not for anything else, just to be comfortable and make it more convenient to go out later.

On weekends, you can go to the Mainland, Japan, Treasure Island, Singapore and other regions for vacation, and you can also go directly to Europe a little further away, and you can fly to London in one go with full fuel, and the speed is faster than that of civil airliners.

After KOKO Cat Cafe talked with Gulfstream's sales representative for a while, Su Yehao made up his mind completely.

If you don't enjoy earning money, then what is the "hard work".

At first, I wanted to ask first, but in just over half an hour, he not only chose the walnut and beige interior, finalized the layout of the cabin, but also signed a custom contract, stipulating that five hundred $10,000 deposit paid.

After all, the room could not be separated. Considering that there were flight attendants, assistants, and bodyguards following the flight, it was really strange to close the door and work as a coolie.

Moreover, the internal space of the Gulfstream V is not large enough. The length of the cabin is only over 13 meters and the width is 1.6 meters. After the room is separated, it will appear cramped and cramped, so forget it.

It is a pity that the zero-gravity seat can also lie flat, and it is equipped with a massage function, which is very comfortable when resting.

Before the big toy was in hand, Su Yehao thought about changing to a big plane in advance, preferably a super airliner like the Airbus A380.

If you want to enjoy it, you have to earn more money, which is considered to be established in advance.

After sending off the sales representative of Gulfstream, Yin Liuli, who was sitting on the side, sighed, "It's unimaginable to spend 36 million dollars in the blink of an eye."

"If you don't have it, you can make more money. You also have several million Hong Kong dollars in capital. When I limit the operation in the future, it is estimated that you can afford it."

"Bragging, how is it possible?"

Su Yehao was full of confidence and told her with a smile, "It's impossible, the money turns quickly, and when you have 100 million yuan, even if it's only 10% of the profit, it means you will earn 10 million yuan. So we will do well in the future. Yes, I will prove it to you."

The sensitive Yin Liuli rarely heard him mention the future and asked curiously, "What happened?"

" father's fourth concubine, ran away."


Yin Liuli asked, "What do you mean by running away?"

"I'm just leaving. Don't tell the public about this. When my dad is old, he wants face the most."

Su Yehao also meant to watch the fun. After all, he was only his concubine, not his own mother, so it was strange that he would care.

Emotions can change when they change. It is normal to separate and combine. It requires two people to work together.

Su Yehao, who knew he was wrong, had no confidence in this.

Because of this, I feel that I am worried that one day I will blow up the pond, for fear of eating melons and eating my own head.


It just started in 1998.

Father Su got up temporarily and called Su Yehao to find Huang Daxian together, and kowtowed in the Daxian Temple to worship incense.

Su Yehao was not interested at first. Considering that it might affect his business, he agreed to come along. He had met with the middle-aged Feng Shui Mr. Huang Daxian a few times before, and the cooperation between the two parties was quite pleasant.

This time is no exception.

Before going out, Su Yehao talked with Huang Daxian on the phone with his father behind his back and communicated happily for a few minutes.

The focus of the conversation with the other party is nothing more than trying to seize the financing project of the Midea Group, and suspend the progress of the residential development in the Cultural Tourism City. If there is hope, I should also persuade the father to buy some shares of the Internet company.

The meaning is that, how to guide it is handed over to the more experienced Huang Daxian, who will definitely not explain the details so clearly, it needs to be packaged and processed.

With Su Yehao as a traitor, work is much easier.

When Huang Daxian was telling fortunes, he bluntly said that Father Su's relationship was not going well, and there was a big move with an investment of more than one billion in the future.

This made Father Su take a few glances at Huang Daxian's "skills", only to think it was very accurate and amazing.

Making the old man comfortable, Huang Daxian can naturally get rich rewards, so this time Su Yehao didn't say how much benefit he would give Huang Daxian.

In line with the idea of ​​​​small water flowing, Wong Tai Sin also did not mention it.

As one of the most well-known Feng Shui masters in Hong Kong City and Casino City, Wong Tai Sin's business covers Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand and other countries and regions, earning millions of dollars a year, and even set up a company specially, never lack of food and clothing, Of course it won't look too ugly.

Father Su didn't know anything about this, and he believed it when he was fortune-telling. After all, many points of view coincided with his thoughts, and the more he listened, the more reasonable he felt.

With Huang Daxian helping to guide, and Su Yehao personally controlling the direction, the business of the Su family was unknowingly turned on the right track.

When it was Su Yehao's turn to tell the fortune, Huang Daxian of course chose the best ones to say, pretending to choose some pretty words, and summed up in two words - good luck.

This feng shui master has already seen it, and Young Master Su doesn't believe this at all, otherwise he wouldn't intervene over and over again, affecting the family's decision-making, so try to make the father and son happy.

Seeing that Dad wrote a check for 100,000 yuan, Su Yehao just smiled.

Even if the guidance has a little effect, the profit will be calculated in 100 million yuan. Compared with the income you have the opportunity to get, this expenditure is not important at all.

Just as the father and son were about to leave, they accidentally saw a white Rolls-Royce approaching.

Father Su let out a sigh and said, "Boss Zhao's car of Donghuang Group is really a coincidence. I'll say hello to him after we leave."

When the white Rolls-Royce stopped, a girl walked out of the car first, but it wasn't Zhao Yimeng.

Su Yehao saw her first.

After Zhao Yimeng got out of the car, he also noticed the father and son, slightly stunned, and nodded.

"What a coincidence, come over to burn incense?" Su Yehao asked her.

"Well, Uncle Hai, today is such a coincidence."

Zhao Yimeng had just finished saying hello when her parents got out of the car one after another.

Looking at her father's face, it seemed that something was wrong. From the face to the neck, it was yellow, obviously jaundice.

Father Su was taken aback and didn't care to talk to Zhao Yimeng. He asked in surprise, "Mr. Zhao, what's the matter with you, are you sick?"

Zhao Yimeng's father sighed and told him, "There is something wrong with the liver. I came here to burn incense and pray to Buddha for safety. The doctor said it was cirrhosis of the liver. It can be saved if you recuperate well."

Su Yehao had met her mother, and this was the first time she had seen her father.

No wonder just now that Zhao Yimeng looked a little haggard today, because something went wrong at home.

Being sick is a big deal. When Father Su was chatting with the Zhao family, Su Yehao came up to Miss Zhao and said, "Have you been to the hospital? Is your father all right? My hospital is very good, or contact my mother. Arrange for a specialist to treat him?"

Shaking his head, Zhao Yimeng said, "I have already checked and said that I often drink and stay up late and have liver disease. I contacted a hospital in the United States and will leave tomorrow."

"Are you going with me?"

"I also want to but my dad doesn't agree. The family company needs to keep people watching. My dad asked me to accompany my mother."

Zhao Yimeng was in a low mood, and then said: "The stock price has been falling recently. Other shareholders heard that my father is sick and is secretly going down the drain. Except my mother, no one can take charge of the overall situation."


Su Yehao didn't know anything about these news, it should only be circulated internally at present, and there is no rumor outside.

But since Zhao Yimeng dared to say it, it means that he should be ready to make it public.

Not knowing how to appease, he finally said, "There is something I can help, so please don't be too nervous. Your dad is in good condition. The medical conditions in the United States are really excellent."

Looking at Su Yehao, Zhao Yimeng said enviously, "If only I were like you, so that I can help them, instead of being in a hurry."


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