Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 248: ……That's it?

Latest website: As Zhao Yimeng said, the accident happened to the company, and her family is still in good condition.

Although most of the Zhao family's wealth is in the Donghuang Group, there are also a lot of other assets. The conditions of the Zhao family are similar to those of the Su family. They belong to families with billions of assets. No one is stupid enough to put eggs in the same basket.

Therefore, although Zhao Yimeng was worried, he was far from exhausted.

If her father didn't get sick, it is estimated that the girl would not be worried about it. The main business of Donghuang Group is commercial real estate projects. Even if the price drops, the real estate itself is still there.

If it is not for the money owed to the bank, the worst situation is nothing more than a shrinking stock price and a depreciation of assets. When the real estate industry picks up, there is still a chance to rise again.

In Su Yehao's eyes, what Donghuang Group currently lacks is a large amount of funds to tide over the immediate difficulties.

Take a sip of tea.

Zhao Yimeng stared at Su Yehao, for some reason, she felt that this guy was very confident, and he didn't seem to be teasing her at all.

In other words, there might be a way to help her family resolve the crisis.

Thinking of this, Miss Zhao's heart moved slightly, and she asked back:

"Don't expect me to agree to a marriage, you said that it would be downfall, I can't agree. Apart from this, everything else can be discussed. If the two of us maintain a close and friendly relationship, all the real estate developers in the casino will not be rivals. "

"The market is so big. In my eyes, they are not rivals, including your family."

For a while, Su Yehao really didn't expect anything he wanted.

In the past, he might ask for a kiss, just like when he bullied Nong Qingying, but now that he is mature and tired, Jiang Yu lived under his nose for two months, and nothing happened.

After pondering it over and over again, he told: "The conditions are owed first, and don't talk to me about the specific situation of your company, lest I decide to go short and end up being blamed for insider trading."

"...You still want to short my family's stock!?" Zhao Yimeng frowned, admiring Su Yehao's cheekiness.

With a calm face, Su Yehao said indifferently, "Anyway, the situation is bad, and the stock price will also fall when the stock price evaporates. It's better to be cheaper than my house, what does it matter."

"The situation of Donghuang Group is bad, the stock price is likely to fall, and the short-term debt in April cannot be repaid. I have already told you. As long as anyone asks, I will report you and let you dare to make bad ideas!"


After hearing Zhao Yimeng's words, Su Yehao raised his **** and said in his mouth, "Isn't it naive, let me make a short ticket first, and then find a way to help your family earn it back, isn't that all right?"

"You can make money, what will the investors do?" Zhao Yimeng asked.

This question was beyond Su Yehao's expectations, and he said dumbfoundedly: "So there are major shareholders who care about the interests of small shareholders? I thought that in the eyes of you people, there are leeks everywhere, and the ones that have been cut one after another. kind."

Zhao Yimeng wanted to ask clearly what "you people" mean, but she saw that the topic was too far away, so she didn't go around in circles again and forcibly brought the topic back to the point.

She nodded and said, "Okay, as long as I can help my family get through this difficult time, I can promise on behalf of my parents that I will agree to a non-excessive request from you."

"It's not too much... the scope is too general. If you ask you to kiss me at that time, but you are too much, wouldn't you let me be a coolie for nothing? Thinking of a way, or to make suggestions for a listed company like Donghuang Group, it's very hard work. of."

Su Yehao didn't take her troubles as a problem, and was still in the mood to joke even now.

Zhao Yimeng bit his lip, thinking that this guy is still so hateful, a kiss is indeed a bit too much, but it doesn't seem to be completely unacceptable.

At least compared to when he was in high school, Su Yehao has changed a lot. Not only has he gotten rid of the title of ignorant prodigal, but he has also become a well-known outstanding young man, earning a lot of profits from his investments.

With a little dissatisfaction, Zhao Yimeng spoke soft words in a fierce tone:

"Just kiss! I'll be afraid of you? It's like being bitten by a pig. How much toothpaste I need!"


Su Yehao smacked his lips and stopped teasing her this time, telling:

"Suddenly I'm not interested, let's replace it with a real thing like a sports car, yacht, helicopter, and discount."

"My method is to continue to sell these assets, and then adjust the direction of development, and transfer the business to key areas in core cities in the mainland, such as near the Four Seas International Cultural Tourism City, or Lujiazui, the Shanghai market where I bought land."

"It is better to invest in shopping malls than hotels, and it is better to invest in office buildings than to invest in shopping malls. It is better to invest in residential buildings. If a large number of mid-to-high-end residential projects are built, Donghuang Group will be reborn within three to five years. Believe it or not..."

Zhao Yimeng paused for a moment and said, "That's it?"

Su Yehao was speechless and said helplessly: "I've said it all, believe it or not, it's up to you, these are slow-moving and slow-moving methods. If you want to make quick money, you can put the money into the Nasdaq stock exchange in the United States and invest in Amazon. , Oracle, or Yahoo, pay out 500 million principal, and your company will definitely clear its debt within two years.”

There are many examples of him digging his heart out to offer advice, but in the end he was regarded as a deaf ear.

The same is true today.

The two roads in front of Zhao Yimeng, no matter which one they take, belong to a promising road.

However, this girl has her own ideas, and she can't do the same as Nangong Tian and Nong Qingying, to follow Su Yehao's investment decision.

From this point of view, it can be considered that stupid people have stupid blessings.

Zhao Yimeng shook his head slightly at this moment, and said in his mouth:

"My company's situation can't stand the toss. Let's take a look at the projects on the document first. Are there any that interest you? For example, this piece of land in Taipa Island can build four thirty-two-storey apartments. It cost 260 million Hong Kong dollars to acquire the land two years ago, and now it can be sold to your family at the original price.”

A building with more than 60 million Hong Kong is just a land.

If there are two households on one ladder, the land cost for a suite will be about one million Hong Kong dollars. The size of the apartment is very large, and it belongs to high-end real estate, so there is definitely a profit margin.

"You heard that my dad is buying land in Taipa Island?"

Su Yehao asked curiously, and then continued, "What about the specific planning documents, did you bring them with you?"

"Take it, in the car."

After Zhao Yimeng finished speaking, he looked at Su Yehao, who was also staring at her.

After a moment of silence.

Su Yehao said, "I have flowers on my face? The documents are in your car, do you still expect me to get them for you?"

"...Take it, take it, you are so fierce."


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