Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 257: Dou Jiafeng

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Su Yehao still remembers the embarrassment when he was praised by the music teacher Da Fei in class.

Therefore, after meeting the Lord, he did not come forward to say hello, so as not to die twice, after all, he was just a stranger.

There are many little stars in Hong Kong.

The probability of encountering celebrities in high-end neighborhoods and well-known restaurants is not low. Su Yehao felt that when he met a singer, in fact, he was not a celebrity in the eyes of others?

The one who came in with Yi Sen, staring at Su Yehao at this moment, looked and looked, and finally couldn't hold back and approached.

He came to the grandfather and grandson and greeted with a smile on his face: "Master Su, it's a coincidence that I met you again!"

Su Yehao turned his head to the side, and after a brief recollection, he suddenly realized: "I've seen you before, you seem to be a director, right? Show me the script."

"Yes, yes! You have such a good memory. I had a chat with you in a tavern once. My dear Dou Jiafeng, opened a film company called Sanfatai."

After Dou Jiafeng finished speaking, Su Yehao was even more impressed. He was drinking with Xiao Nizi one day last year and met this person once.

Mr. Tang was chatting with the owner of the tea restaurant and didn't notice it.

Su Yehao didn't mean to help with the introduction, he just smiled: "Director Dou, what a coincidence, I was just about to invest in a custom movie recently, and I was worried that I couldn't write the script. You know a lot of people in this industry, could you please invite me? Do you want to help?"

After listening to Dou Jiafeng, he immediately opened the chair and said:

"As long as there is money to be made, of course there is no problem! Many famous screenwriters are my friends, and I only went to play cards with the assistant director of "The True Color of Heroes" last time. No matter what you need, I will definitely help you with it!"

[In other words, the best app for reading aloud and listening to books at present, Mimi Read, install the latest version. 】

Su Yehao drank the frozen lemon tea, raised Erlang's legs, briefly chatted with Dou Jiafeng about the idea of ​​the movie, and explained his needs.

It is exactly what the bystander said.

Dou Jiafeng, who couldn't wait to show his abilities, reminded him at this moment: "In kidnapper movies, the kidnappers still use your company's products to demand ransom. Isn't this not good and will have a negative effect? ​​Many parents are not good at computers. Impressed, worried about teaching bad children, I feel that it is more suitable to make a love movie, and it is easier to get results at the box office."

Su Yehao, who had never thought about this, was instantly awakened.

It's no wonder that when I was thinking about the script, I kept bumping and bumping, and I always felt that something was wrong. It was difficult to connect the plot with the TAT instant chat program.

Thinking about it now, something went wrong from the project.

If you follow the previous thinking, it also seems to be contributing to cybercrime, which will leave people with a negative impression of TAT.

Su Yehao immediately agreed and told:

"Yes, it's still a love story. For example, the two netizens haven't met, but through online conversations, they feel that the two sides have a good heart and a tacit understanding. Then they meet offline and get a happy ending."

"Yeah! From the director's point of view, the cost of making a story in this way is relatively low, and it can save you a lot of money. As for the story of the kidnappers on the Internet... You can make another film completely, and the total investment will not cost much. ."

Dou Jiafeng has a big appetite.

It's hard to find a powerful investor, and he's already thinking about a second movie before it's finished.

After recalling the story in his head, Su Yehao realized that he really did not have the talent to be a screenwriter.

Thinking of handing over professional affairs to professional talents again, he looked at Dou Jiafeng and said, "If Director Dou has time, the project can be handed over to you to try it out. First come up with the script, as long as it meets my needs, The benefits will not be less.”

"Isn't this a coincidence? I just have a schedule recently. Master Su, what are your specific requirements for the script?"

"...The TAT must be highlighted. In addition, the story is complete and a little new. It cannot be spoofed or the three views are not correct. The plan will be brought to the mainland for publicity, so it is necessary to study the rules and regulations in the north."

After Su Yehao finished speaking, he continued to ponder the outline of the story, and then proposed: "Do you think that after a couple broke up, they accidentally became netizens after a few years. Lover, how about a story like this?"

"Okay! The audience loves to be hooked. You can write about one immigrant and the other because of an accident. It's reasonable to not recognize it."

Dou Jiafeng couldn't wait to win the project, and Su Yehao's idea was not bad, of course he was full of applause.

In just a few minutes, the promotional film project was finalized. After Su Yehao asked the price, he first wrote a cash check for 50,000 Hong Kong dollars and asked Dou Jiafeng to help find a master to write the script.

Before the script was finalized, Su Yehao began to think about male and female leading roles again.

For some reason, he always felt that Jiang Yu's temperament and image were in line with the positioning of youth love movies, and he naturally substituted her into it.

But Su Yehao didn't plan to act in person, and he was worried that Jiang Yu would fall in love because of the play, or that he would be noticed by countless people when the movie was released, and he would take another path by accident.

I simply gave up and thought it would be best to find a professional actor.

If Jiang Yu knew that because of Su Yehao's machismo, he had missed an opportunity to enter the showbiz and become a female star, and he would not know if he would hate it so much that he would pounce on him and bite him.


This little accident aside, the sandwiches in the tea restaurant taste very good, and the frozen lemon tea is also very delicious.

in the next few days.

No. 1 Quanye Bank paid for Su Yehao and officially bought the land in Taipa Island, and there was also news about the acquisition of Donghuang Central Plaza from Father Su, including three office buildings and a shopping mall, which is near the Lisboa Hotel. , with a price of 950 million Hong Kong dollars, the project is almost Probably stimulated by the departure of the fourth concubine, Father Su devoted his energy to the business.

Su Yehao was not told about the acquisition. He, his own son, accidentally read the news in the newspaper before calling Zhao Yimeng, confirming that the negotiation had come to an end and only the final signing was needed.

If you want to ask where the money comes from, of course, it is through bank loans. Now we just have to wait for the bank to give the exact information.

Other than that, nothing happened in the short term.

Su Yehao occasionally goes to the company for a stroll, and spends more time directly enjoying life. He occasionally goes to school for classes, and sometimes goes to the tennis club to exercise, which means he is supporting the HKU Tennis Club out of his own pocket. The members of the club are of course very polite to him. No one can beat him.

The twentieth of January.

Nong Qingying borrowed Su Yehao's yacht to receive the founder of Sohu, who came from Sijiucheng. The two sides negotiated a financing agreement to invest 4 million Hong Kong dollars, accounting for 45% of the shares through several phone calls, and she also enjoys priority financing. rights and the corresponding right to speak.

If you don't have the right to speak, in fact, 3.5 million Hong Kong dollars can be done, but Su Yehao suggested that she spend more of this small money, which may be of great use in the future.

Sohu is also developing a search engine, while Su Yehao directly acquired the existing technology at the end of last year, and the progress is faster.

It is expected that the portal website and search engine TOT will be put into the market by the beginning of February.

Starting a business burns 200,000 to 300,000 Hong Kong dollars every day, and the cost is still increasing. Su Yehao is also very worried. The reason is that the cost of attracting users is too high, and a user is worth thousands of Hong Kong dollars.

Fortunately, the prototype of the product is basically there. If more users are attracted, there is still a chance to reduce the cost.


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