Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 259: 0 Jubilee Bet

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The family of three left the Taiping Hall and went out.

Father Su was very concerned about the issue of equity transfer, but there was only one child in the family, and it was a matter of time before Su Yehao gradually transitioned into the hands of Su Yehao.

After all, when her shareholding ratio is reduced, Father Su will become the nominal majority shareholder of Sihai International Group.

The left hand is just the right hand among the family members, but it is better to say it out loud. For many years, they have been wearing the hat of "eating soft rice" for many years. Even if the Four Seas International has developed to the point where it is today, it still cannot be removed.

When people outside mention Sihai International, they often talk about how the major shareholder "Tang Jiayu" is, but he, Su Sihai, has become a supporting role, especially after the news of the separation of the husband and wife spread, this situation became more and more obvious.

If Mrs. Tang "donates" 20% of the shares to the family charitable trust foundation, the nominal shareholding will be reduced accordingly. At that time, Mr. Su will indeed be the major shareholder of Cosmopolitan International.

The issues involved here also include corporate decision-making power.

After 20% less, the couple's right to speak is similar, then Su Yehao's decision becomes very important, which side he stands on will be able to control the management.

Of course, it mainly depends on how to stipulate the articles of association of family charitable trust foundations when making donations. It is not uncommon for examples of separation of equity and decision-making power.

Father Su slammed sideways and asked: "The equity of Sihai International is in your hands. It's good to think about it when you make a decision, but on the Earl Medical Group, your father and your sister will not have any opinions?"

"The old man has been admitted to the hospital twice in three years, and he divided the property in September last year. One share for me, one for my sister, and the remaining share for Xiaohao. The two percent of the shares were given to him by the old man. , but considering the issues of inheritance tax and gift tax, no actual operation was carried out, and it was temporarily managed by me."



After Mommy Tang finished speaking, the father and son were collectively dumbfounded.

Su Yehao had met his grandfather several times, but he was completely unaware of this matter. He was surprised to learn that he had privately divided the family property a few months ago.

His father laughed dumbly and said: "Indeed, there has always been news that inheritance tax will be abolished, but there has been no news for a long time. Going abroad to establish a charitable foundation can save a lot of money, no wonder you want to donate it. Go. Why have I never heard of you talking about such a big thing?"

Su Yehao's mother continued not to give a good face, and asked instead, "I was just dumped and became my own family again? Who are you, why do you have to tell you?"

With an embarrassed expression, Father Su scratched his face and said, "I asked casually, just that I suddenly gave the little **** a large amount of assets, and then he will definitely take the mortgage loan quietly..."


Su Yehao did have this plan, and he had even figured out how to distribute it.

40% will be used to increase Yahoo shares, 20% will be used to invest in Amazon, and the remaining 40% will be left to look for projects, mainly used to invest in mainland projects, including private equity investment and real estate.

That way, it's no problem to retire directly in place.

Although it is possible to retire now, but after all, the appetite has not been satisfied, the funds in hand have not been able to meet the needs, and there are too many places to be deployed.

"Hey, hey, let's talk about the topic that you were dumped by the fourth concubine, don't suddenly divert your attention!" Su Yehao felt a little guilty, and at this moment tried to forcibly bring the topic back to his father.

His mother didn't take the bait. After hesitating for a few seconds, she nodded and said, "It seems to be a bit hasty. The big deal is that I will take charge of the charity foundation for the time being, and then hand over the management rights when the time is right."

Father Su echoed and said:

"Yes, dogs that can bite don't bark. If he's not careful, he owes the bank more than 800 million yuan. If it wasn't for the last time I ate with the people from No. 1 Quanye Bank, I wouldn't know about it."

"I owe a lot of money, why don't you look at my assets? I have been making money, and the profit rate is still so high!"

Ordinary people don't need to know too much about family charitable trust funds, even small rich people worth tens of millions of dollars, there is no need to contact them.

However, in the case of the Su family, it is very important, and the long-term continuation of wealth can be achieved.

Su Yehao knew very well whether he could get the actual control and how big the interests involved. He added angrily at the moment: "Why do you have so little confidence in me? As long as you manage this asset, within five years, I have the confidence to be the richest man in SIPG, even the richest man in Asia.”

"...Listening to what you said, I don't dare to hold you accountable anymore." Mama Tang said with a smile.

"Yeah, this kid is unreliable. I used to have some pocket money to eat and drink, but it gave me the most peace of mind. Now it's different. It's fine when the wind is smooth. If there is some trouble, it will definitely be a big problem."

An old man surnamed Su, who was constantly flattering, followed suit.

Su Yehao almost fainted, was beaten in mixed doubles again, and finally sighed and said:

"Dare to take a gamble? Each person writes a management plan and agrees to open it in the future, which is equivalent to a time capsule. At that time, we will compare and see whose plan is more profitable, and then you will know what you have missed. It will delay me for at least two or three years."

"Twenty percent of the shares of Sihai International, plus 20 percent of the shares of Earl Medical Group, would be worth 1.67 billion Hong Kong dollars if they were listed on the market, but it would only delay you for two or three years? Sure enough, you are young and energetic, and your tone is not small. Since you want to A bet, then let's bet, what are we betting on?"

It was Father Su who was speaking.

When the time capsule will be opened in the future, Mama Tang naturally knows the function of this thing, and doesn't care about her son's objection at all, she just smiles:

"Okay, who wins to whom... 10 million? I happen to have a good idea to make money. The advantage of charitable trusts is that they are safe and secure. The idea of ​​always pursuing high returns is wrong. Xiaohao, you are too bold and ambitious. too big."

"The courage is because of confidence, 10 million Hong Kong dollars per person, right? Although it is not much, it is enough to subsidize the family."

As soon as Su Yehao finished speaking, his father smacked his lips and said, "How If it weren't for my son, I would want to beat you up..."

As fun, after getting pen and paper, write down a plan for each.

The family did not look at the management plan of the other party, so they bought a piggy bank temporarily. After putting it in it, Mama Tang took it home and kept it until the night of the millennium.

The actual management right of the family charitable trust fund is probably lost to Su Yehao, and his parents dare not let him take care of it.

It's not good to be too out of the limelight, too aggressive and frizzy.

Seeing his son sighing and looking like he was out of his body, his mother smiled: "Why, do you want to be in charge? Otherwise, after this jar is opened, as long as it proves that you can make a profit, I will transfer the management rights to you, do you think What? It's time for you to grow up and become more mature."

"...I have grown up. I will open the jar in the future and see how distressed you two are."

If there is no such thing, forget it, but the original plan was to let Su Yehao manage, and the duck that was about to reach its mouth flew away again, and there was inevitably a gap in my heart.

Su Yehao's plan is quite simple-loan one billion Hong Kong dollars and press Yahoo!

Considering that Yahoo's total market cap is just over $3 billion, and there is still plenty of room for growth, the question is how much it can make before the millennium.

Looking at his mother listlessly, Su Yehao stretched his waist and cheered up: "By then, I should no longer be short of money, so let the old rich stay on the list for a while longer."

Handsome but three seconds.

His father patted Su Yehao on the back of the head, and scolded with a smile, "Who is old, I feel you are targeting me..."

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