Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 262: see also vice president

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Probably because of the compliments last night.

The next morning, Nangong Tian continued to make breakfast happily.

As soon as Su Yehao sat at the dining table, he saw Xiao Nizi bring a plate with two oversized oysters on it, more than twenty centimeters long.

After eating raw oysters for so many years, I have never seen such a big one.

Simply steamed, drizzled with a little soy sauce, looks very authentic and fragrant.

Jiang Yu looked at the oysters on Su Yehao's plate, then looked at the millet porridge in front of him, and said speechlessly, "Although I don't pay rent, it's too much. What oysters are so big?"

"French oysters, I ordered them from the supplier yesterday afternoon. This is the largest size 0 and the best, two priced at 2,000 yuan."

Nangong Tian finished speaking with a smile, then waved her hand and said, "I'm not treating you differently. I'll accompany you to drink porridge. Brother Hao is a man, so I need to make up for it."

"Why do men need to make up?" Jiang Yu asked suspiciously.

Nangong Tian told her, "When you have a boyfriend, you will know. The little girl doesn't need to know that much."

Jiang Yu was not a little white who knew nothing, he immediately stared at Su Yehao and looked at it carefully, as if he had discovered some great secret, his eyes were full of curiosity. .

Su Yehao hadn't moved his chopsticks yet. Guessing what Jiang Yu was thinking, he resolutely clarified, "I don't need this. Eating oysters in the morning is too greasy. It's still so big. I'll eat one, and you will share the rest."

This brand, I have never heard of it before, the price is so high, it is worth tasting.

One bite is equivalent to eating three hundred yuan.'s just the taste of oysters, with a hint of soy sauce umami, nothing special.

Because it is expensive, and this size is relatively rare, I feel a little different psychologically, and the cooking temperature is just right.

Su Yehao was not a picky eater before. Five yuan for a small bowl of fish **** on the street, and eight yuan for a sandwich from a mobile food truck could also be eaten with relish.

However, unknowingly, the taste of the delicacies changed in different ways, and the mouth slowly became tricky.

I have nothing to do with stewing ginseng chicken soup, and occasionally go out to the chef to buy some honey-sauce abalone, Buddha jumps over the wall, and the daily expenses of several hundred thousand a month are like this.

After eating and drinking, Su Yehao accompanies them to go out to class.

Today is Wednesday, the Spring Festival holiday is coming next week, plus two days of holidays, if you take a few more days off, you can make up about ten days.

Su Yehao and Nangong Tian were discussing where to play, while Jiang Yu was envious.

It’s okay to be a light bulb in normal times, but it would be too much to follow along with you when you travel far away, so Jiang Yu was embarrassed and offered to bring himself.

Consider Singapore first.

But Nangong Tian often went there, Su Yehao felt that the city was just a city, and he was tired of seeing it. A large number of Singaporeans traveled to the casino and Hong Kong city, which is enough to explain many problems and gave up decisively.

There is something interesting in Europe. Last year, I went to London on a school leave of absence. Nangong Tian proposed to visit Santorini in Greece or Milan, Rome, Venice, etc. in Italy this time.

However, Su Yehao was tortured by jet lag several times, and he didn't want to run that far for the time being.

There are quite a lot of places to play in the mainland, but after all, there is no sense of novelty. I have been discussing with the campus of the University of Hong Kong. Only then did I decide to go to Japan during the Spring Festival, go skiing, soak in hot springs, and deal with some business matters.

The headquarters of the First Quanye Bank had long since invited Su Yehao to be a guest.

If you choose to go to Japan to play, it will definitely be a one-stop service. Even if Su Yehao wants to pay for it out of his own pocket, the people in the bank will probably not agree.

On the one hand, he was spending money to play out of his own pocket, and on the other hand, he was entertaining at public expense. In addition, Su Yehao had never been to Japan, so he would put it first as a tourist destination for now. Anyway, there were still a few days left, so he could think about it slowly.

In addition to banking, Su Yehao is also considering planning ahead to find some home appliance manufacturing companies that are worth acquiring, and win their technology and talents.

In this era, there are many bankrupt home appliance manufacturers in Southeast Asia. However, in terms of technology and reputation, there is a certain gap compared with Japan.

The big project of Cosmopolitan International's financing of the Meidi Group is basically about to settle. Su Yehao is still not sure if his father will let him come forward. It is better to make some planning in advance than to catch the ducks on the shelves.

Midea Group is already one of the current mainland home appliance manufacturing giants, with a good foundation and a decent brand influence.

As long as the products and services are raised a few grades, relying on the advantages of cost performance, the future market prospects are extremely broad.


Su Yehao, who didn't know where the class was, followed Jiang Yu.

It didn't matter when Nangong Tian was present, but when the two were alone, Jiang Yu would subconsciously think of the scene when Su Yehao broke into her room last night.

What's even more ashamed is that while sleeping last night, Jiang Yu actually dreamed of Su Yehao, so that from morning to now, she was in a trance and deliberately kept the distance from each other.

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who I have known for ten years, Mimi read! It’s so easy to use, I rely on this reading aloud to pass the time before driving and before going to bed, you can download it here]

Seeing her dawdling, Su Yehao complained:

"Come on, I'm still expecting you to take me to the classroom, why do you keep backing away? Afraid I'll eat you?"

"...The famous Young Master Su, who doesn't know you in the school, I'm worried about Jiang Yu said.

After listening to a sneer, Su Yehao said, "It's about to be passed on early, so we still need to wait until now? I haven't been in class for a long time, and I want to run away again. Is this professor's class interesting?"

"You know, Deputy Dean Zheng Yongwen. Sometimes when he lectures, reporters will come to interview him."

Vice President Zheng Yongwen made a lot of money for Su Yehao before, but he left the business afterward and went to work as a consultant.

It seemed that the days were relatively leisurely, but there was still time to come and continue to teach the students. Su Yehao admitted that this guy was a rare talent, and said in his mouth:

"Then you have to hurry into the classroom, find time to chat with him, and try to invite me to be a consultant to help me make suggestions. Recently, I have made less money, mainly because I don't know enough. I didn't short the Korean won, and I missed the Hang Seng. The index fell."

"A few hundred million, still less?"

Jiang Yu was speechless, shook his head and said, "There are a lot of people who want to invite him now, but there is a conflict with the position of chief financial advisor, so I will definitely not agree to you, and I will have a chance to try it after I leave office."

"It makes sense. Besides, the vice president is not bad for money, which is a headache."

Su Yehao accompanied Jiang Yu and sat in the front row of the classroom, without asking her if she wanted to sit together.

The other classmates are used to it. Since the news of their "engagement" spread, the number of suitors who came to harass Jiang Yu has plummeted.

It should be because he has self-knowledge and understands that his own conditions are incomparable with Su Yehao.

Deputy Dean Zheng Yongwen stepped onto the podium, glanced at him, stared at Su Yehao, and said with a smile, "Small stock gods of Hong Kong City also come to my class, so appreciative?"

Su Yehao was stunned, wondering where the nickname came from.

Listen...that's pretty cool.


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