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Wanting to understand the strategic planning issues after financing Meidi Group, Su Yehao continued to fall into the state of Buddhism and walked around with Xiao Nizi.

Neither of them could understand Japanese.

Occasionally I meet local people who think they can speak English. Listening to the pronunciation makes me hopeless, and I can't understand it.

At this time, it is the turn of the female public relations of the bank to help.

On the second night of my arrival in Tokyo, I was accompanied by several executives from the headquarters of the No. 1 Quanye Bank. They ate a characteristic kaiseki meal and drank shochu. It is said that a bottle costs 400 yuan. How many dollars.

Hokkaido tuna, Kobe snowflake beef, pastries with cherry blossom petals, and a delicious puffer fish soup.

In Hong Kong City and Casino City, the market is basically occupied by British banks and local banks, and the second place is European and American banks. Even some banks in Singapore have a higher market share than Japan's No. 1 Bank of Commerce. seized market.

So, after eating and drinking, the executive asked Su Yehao in English and asked him to help introduce more orders.

Su Yehao didn't care at first, but suddenly thought of Zhao Yimeng and her family's Donghuang Group, so he helped to say some kind words and tried to persuade the bank to take action and provide some loans for Donghuang Group for short-term emergency.

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by Android and Apple. 】

Businesses that operate normally will not seek bank loans if there is nothing wrong. .

The bank's corporate customers are nothing more than divided into two categories. One is Su Yehao, whose business is doing too well and urgently needs funds for expansion. His father and Cosmopolitan International also belong to this category.

Second, like Zhao Yimeng's Donghuang Group, it fell into the predicament of a shortage of funds.

A senior executive of the First Quanye Bank asked about the specific situation, and Su Yehao picked it out. For example, Donghuang Group has a lot of assets and has done a good job in property management.

Just helping out, but Nangong Tian next to her was thinking carefully.

Mainly because Su Yehao is usually too lazy, but recently he is often concerned about Donghuang Group. Although there is some cooperative relationship between the two parties, Nangong Tian always thinks of Zhao Yimeng subconsciously.

Think about it again... Zhao Yimeng's sister also seems to be a threat.

The vinegar jar swayed again, but Nangong Tian faced a bunch of outsiders, how could she be so stupid that her beloved brother Hao couldn't come down from the stage on such an occasion, sitting there without saying a word, seriously being a quiet little beauty, a lady while eating Extremely, you have to cover your mouth with your hands.

Growing up in different environments from childhood to adulthood, there are special etiquette courses during the study at Donghuang Rose Middle School.

In terms of social interaction, she never let Su Yehao worry about it.

On the contrary, it was Su Yehao, who was so carefree. After learning English for so many years, it was rare for him to come in handy, and because he drank more soju, he was talking nonsense with others and planning to save more money to buy a ski resort. .

Businessmen, it is definitely right to have a good relationship with the bank.

As for the bank, Su Yehao, who is also from an unusual family background, hopes to win over him and at the same time take the opportunity to break into the circle of the rich in Hong Kong.

As for the casino, the population is too small and there are few well-known companies.

The only well-known gaming industry is a money printing machine. Usually, I always deposit money in the bank. How can I still need a loan?

The current problem with the Bank of Japan is that individuals and companies have low desires, and they have money in their hands, but they cannot release it. , one after another overwhelmed many banks with weak foundations.

Opening up overseas markets has become a top priority.

If they were just entertaining Su Yehao, they would never come to the three board members all at once. They seemed to be competing with each other, and they treated Su Yehao with more enthusiasm.

On the contrary, the president of No. 1 Quanye Brokerage, who often deals with Su Yehao, can only sit on the side and be responsible for pouring wine and delivering food on such occasions.

The bank belongs to the parent company, and the brokerage business is only a subsidiary company. Considering that the president in charge of the brokerage business, the decision to leave or stay is all in the hands of the board of directors, so it is inevitable to lower his profile.

Su Yehao could already see the apparent rivalry at the dinner table.

I heard before that it is more worry-free to find a Japanese as a subordinate, with less job-hopping, more work, obedience and seriousness. At this moment, he is considering setting the planned home appliance R&D center in Tokyo, and with the help of local talents and technology, to follow. Japan's home appliance manufacturing industry competition...

It is only a cooperative relationship with the bank, and the topic of conversation revolves around business, and the atmosphere is not bad.

As for whether it can help Donghuang Group, there is no answer yet, and it needs to be said separately.

After the meal, Su Yehao refused the proposal to sing together, temporarily changed the itinerary, made an appointment with a private business jet, and set off for Sapporo, Hokkaido.

The rest of the inspection activities have been cut off. Tomorrow, I will go to hot springs and skiing. After returning to the casino on the New Year's Eve, there is no need to come back, which is equivalent to cutting off the travel arrangements for two days.

The leased private jet made Su Yehao feel the benefits of owning a business jet in advance. The travel arrangements are free and fast, and the voyage is quite comfortable.

The new Gulfstream business jet he ordered had already been ordered and waited to be manufactured. There were more than 20 aircraft in front of it, and early queue cuts were not allowed.

It is estimated that it will have to wait at least one and a half years before the delivery can be smooth, unless there is a temporary customer cancellation of the order.

I came to Sapporo without stopping and continued to stay in a hot spring hotel.

The environment and facilities are not as good as the one I stayed in last night. It has been in operation for a long time and the facilities are old, but the antique wooden buildings have a unique flavor.

Continue to soak in the hot spring, this time Su Yehao surrendered directly, making an excuse to say that he ate too much seafood and his stomach was uncomfortable.

Nangong Tian was a little disappointed, saying that she had prepared in advance, "The shirt~www.readwn.com~ is a pink kimono.

The strange thing is that when the little girl changed her clothes with the help of the waiter, Su Yehao's stomach miraculously recovered again, she gritted her teeth, and could persist...


Two people who can't ski come to the ski resort. Even if there is a coach to teach on the spot, the rookie is still a rookie.

Skiing in the morning, after visiting various scenic spots in Sapporo in the afternoon, and embarking on the flight back to the casino in the evening, it is pure tourism, with no bright spots.

New Year's Eve.

After the business is over at noon, KOKO restaurant and cat cafe are all closed at 2:30 in the afternoon, and will not resume business until the fourth day of the new year.

After Yin Liuli counted the cash and locked the door, he drove the car as usual and sent the money to the bank to avoid being stolen.

Due to the festival, the streets are busier than usual.

When she saw the blessing characters and Spring Festival couplets posted in other people's shops, she hurried to buy some, and returned to the small building to work alone, spending more than half an hour to put them all up.

Knowing that Su Yehao was away, Yin Liuli didn't expect to have a New Year's Eve dinner with anyone.

So I bought some vegetables, fruits and steak snacks by myself, and rented a few movie CDs, ready to go home for a few days.

Wait until six o'clock in the evening.

She had just made three dishes and one soup when she heard the doorbell ring.

Yin Liuli asked casually, "Who is it?"

"Property, collect electricity bills!"

Hearing the familiar voice, Yin Liuli laughed, read it through the cat's eyes, opened the door quickly, and asked, "Why do you come here when you are free, didn't you say the distant door?"

Su Yehao said:

"Of course I'm afraid that you will be bored, so I flew back here specially. My family doesn't want it anymore. Remember to pay me the New Year's money..."

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