Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 274: Linda Cloud

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After visiting the park.

This time, Su Yehao didn't need to make excuses and told Nangong Tian to go to grandpa's house for dinner tonight. In fact, it was mainly to see Nong Qingying.

She and her friends have dinner at noon, and she can also hitch a ride with her best friend.

So, Su Yehao left first, told his father on the way, and drove to the pier.

Yachts worth 200 million are wasted idle for a long time.

They are all by boat to and from the two places. The fare for ordinary people is less than 100 yuan by passenger boat, and the night ticket is 20 more expensive than the daytime ticket.

As soon as the engine of the Four Seas International yacht rang, there was a small whirlpool in the fuel tank that continued to swallow oil. Including the cost of depreciation of the yacht itself, the cost was even higher. The annual maintenance and depreciation cost was more than 10 million Hong Kong dollars.

Calculate the time spent on the way, in fact, not much.

It's the same trip, the difference lies in the quality. In the past, Su Yehao liked to pay attention to these small accounts, but after he started earning money, he calmed down, and he could afford it anyway.

From the beginning, I felt that my father was spending a lot of money, and now he has quietly bought a private business jet himself, only a few months apart. .

Quietly, days have indeed changed.

It's a pity not to hold a party on a large yacht with a length of more than 40 meters, but there are only a few friends around, and there are not many friends in the business field. The situation where people are whitewashed is obviously a big mistake.

In terms of interpersonal communication, Su Yehao found that he was indeed weak, not because of social fear, but simply felt that it was unnecessary.

Knowing more people often means more troubles. He feels that the probability of others asking him for help may be greater than the number of times he asks others for help, so he simply tries to be clean.

After all, only children talk about whether they like it or not. The relationship between businessmen is mostly maintained by interests.

Su Yehao doesn't have a network of contacts, but his parents and grandfather have it, so that's enough.


As soon as the yacht was started, the co-captain came to tell that something was wrong. A fuse was blown and needed to be repaired.

It was estimated that it would take about half an hour. Su Yehao sat on the deck and waited patiently with Erlang's legs crossed.

New Year's Day.

The sun is shining and the temperature is comfortable.

Leibus, Chu Jun and others from Yinhai called respectively, saying Happy New Year and so on. John Zhou, COO of TAT, also sent him a text message.

Looking up at the sky, a blue sky with sparse white clouds floating in the sky.

Just when he was so comfortable that he was about to take a nap, Su Yehao thought of Linda Yun again. He had to say that he was indeed unlucky enough. Although he was very confident in her conduct, he hadn't seen her for more than half a year, so he couldn't figure out what happened. What's up.

After a brief hesitation, he took out his phone and looked for the number.

When he got a new phone, the messy girls he met in his early years had disappeared from his address book, but fortunately he still kept Linda Yun's contact information.

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After dialing several times, she heard Linda Yun's voice on the other end of the phone. She asked with a little surprise, "Hey, it's really rare that you actually called me. I think you've been really good lately. You even have your picture on the front page of the magazine."

"What magazine, a lace tabloid?" Su Yehao asked with a smile.

Speaking of tabloids, it's easy for Linda Yun to remember that she had an affair with Su Yehao, skipping this embarrassing incident, she just said: "A serious business magazine, but there are so many good girls around you, you really should Be a little more restrained. By the way, Happy New Year, I am so happy to see you are so powerful, I really never thought that I would teach an investment genius."

"I'm not a genius, I just stand on the shoulders of my parents, and I wish you a happy New Year."

After Su Yehao finished speaking, he was thinking about how to bring up the business.

I don't know why, but he can always feel positive and optimistic emotions from Linda Yun, and he is very worried that he will not recover after being hit.

Through a brief conversation, I found that the other party seemed to be pretty good, and that ease was not deliberately pretended.

Linda Yun was the first to ask: "Is there something wrong with me on the first day of the new year?"

Su Yehao paused and said calmly: "I was walking with a few alumni in the park in the morning. I accidentally heard them mentioning your resignation. I was afraid that you would fall into a slump, and I planned to comfort you. It seems unnecessary now, it really is Linda. ·Yun, have you adjusted?"

"...I will definitely say some ugly things. Don't believe those gossips. In fact, I am so innocent. I thought I met a good man, and I only ate with him twice and watched a movie. I didn't know that before. What is three people becoming a tiger, I learned later, I was sad for a few days at the beginning, and then I thought about it seriously, it is not me who did the wrong thing, then why should I be troubled, I just resigned to prevent the school management from embarrassing. "

Linda Yun said in a serious tone.

There were rumors on one side, and Linda Yun, who had been in contact with him for a few months, Su Yehao naturally believed the latter's words, and suddenly realized: "Oh, it's still your fault."


"It's your fault that you're pretty, and it's easy to attract people's jealousy. If you change it to Fan Bawang, who teaches sports, it will definitely not make such a big fuss. The same is true for me. I'm handsome, and I'm also often targeted, and I've been in the newspaper with you. "

Su Yehao was obviously joking, and Linda Yun heard it.

She laughed, and her voice came out through her mobile phone: "Mr. Fan practice weightlifting, she must have developed muscles, in fact, she is very nice, don't call her casually. Maybe it's because of the scandal before, so this time I'm even better. , don't worry about me, I'm in pretty good shape, I just came back from a week in San Francisco."

"Where are you?"

"Casino, what about you? I promised to treat you to dessert before, and I will be free in the next few days." Linda Yun said.

Su Yehao said regretfully: "Unfortunately, I'm at the Nanwan Lake Wharf and I'm going to go to Hong Kong City. I'll accompany my grandfather for dinner in the evening. I'll talk about it next time. I'll contact you then. If you want to find a job, I can also help. "

" Lake? You haven't left yet? I'm just about to go to the port city to buy clothes. The tickets for the passenger boat are sold out. Can you take me for a ride?"

"Of course no problem, I'll wait for you..."


You don't need to bring luggage, just change your clothes and come here. Linda Yun only takes ten minutes in total.

She has just boarded the ship.

The captain just said "OK" to clean up, the yacht has been repaired.

After a few simple greetings and talking about work, Linda Yun said: "At first, I thought that teaching is all you need to do well, but later I found that things were more troublesome than I thought. Next, I was going to change jobs, and even thought about it. If you open your own bakery, you should be freer not to be restrained by others, but the streets are full of bakeries selling pastries, and it is easy to lose money.”

After Su Yehao thought about it, he said:

"If you want to find a job, you can come to me as a translator, or be my secretary, life secretary. Now that I am a grown-up, there are a lot of trivial things, and I don't feel relieved to be responsible for others. For example, in my private life, I have... Three girlfriends, if they get in the newspapers by the media, they will definitely make a mess."


Linda Yun was surprised at first, but then she thought about Su Yehao's previous style, and felt that it was normal to put it on him, so she asked curiously, "Who do I know, such as the beautiful lady who accompanied you to buy cats? "

In April and May last year, Su Yehao accompanied Yin Liuli to the cat show and happened to meet Linda Yun.

Nodding, he broke the jar and continued to say: "Well, if you can help me and manage the relationship with them, it is very suitable to get an annual salary of 300,000 yuan. For example, watching movies, eating, traveling, often make me head over heels. Big, I've always wanted someone to help coordinate..."

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