Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 276: Tao Tao Ju

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Going out to eat is too noisy.

For the family banquet on the first night of the new year, the chef was specially recruited from the mainland, the authentic chef of "Tao Tao Ju Restaurant" in Guangzhou.

This restaurant has a history of 100 years and is well-known in the local area. Tonight, I made a table of fried crab with **** and spring onion, West Lake chrysanthemum fish, shredded salt-baked chicken, gold medal honey sauce barbecued pork and so on.

When the sliced ​​duck was served on the table, the chef surnamed Zhang came over and explained:

"Here I want to apologize first. The hanging furnace has relatively high requirements on the temperature and heat, so today's hanging furnace duck uses the semi-finished product made this morning, and brings it to the port city for simple processing. Logically speaking, It was a failed roast duck, it shouldn't have been served, but I fried it twice and found it was delicious with dipping sauce, or you can try it first, if you don't like it, I'll take it ?"

a few minutes ago.

Su Yehao had already heard his grandfather talking, saying that in Tao Taoju, this time, taking advantage of the opportunity of being hired, he proposed to come to Hong Kong City to develop and open a restaurant together with Mr. Tang.

The main reason is that the funds are not enough to bear the potential risks. It is indeed a lot of peace of mind to ask an old rich man with money and connections to help.

Each line has its own rules, and there are many old-fashioned restaurants in Hong Kong City. It is not easy to establish a foothold here.

If there is no one to help, you can eat steel wire today, and go to the hospital tomorrow, and spend a few thousand yuan to find some street idiots for a few tossing, and you can make a restaurant that has invested millions of Hong Kong dollars completely cool.

The old man didn't say he wasn't interested, but offered to try the dishes first. .

It is a matter of whether Tao Taoju can do business in Hong Kong City. The chef tossing a new dish and hurriedly bringing it to the table is undoubtedly a risky move.

Mr. Tang is old and not interested in fried food.

It smells good, yes, but unfortunately it's almost blackened when it's fried, and he can't chew it with his teeth.

Su Yehao really liked to try new things, and he took the lead in saying: "I like fried food the most. I often eat fried chicken, and fried duck is relatively rare. Let me try it."

As soon as he finished speaking, a woman in her fifties immediately turned the dish to him.

The woman is the third concubine of the old man, and she is also Su Yehao's elder in terms of her seniority, but she has a soft temper and has no right to speak at home.

Su Yehao's mother was very prestigious, and even the old man couldn't hold back when she became stubborn.

For example, when he chose to marry Father Su, he had already planned a good marriage, but in the end he didn't follow her wishes.

Mr. Tang's two concubines were not young, but when they saw Su Yehao's mother, they felt panic, and of course they didn't dare to put on the air of elders in front of him.

Reaching out his chopsticks to clamp a duck leg, Su Yehao blew and took a small bite.

The duck skin was completely fried and crispy, and even made a "click" sound like potato chips. The duck meat tasted very woody, but it was fragrant and chewy. With the special dipping sauce, the more chewy it became, the more fragrant it became.

"I finally know why Chef Zhang dared to bring it to the table. The taste is indeed very strange, and I think it is very good."

After Su Yehao finished tasting it, he asked, "It has a strange taste, what is added to the dish?"

"...It should be Jinbuhuan, and some people call it a nine-story tower, fish coriander." Chef Zhang saw Su Yehao's high evaluation, and he breathed a sigh of relief at this moment.

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Beforehand, Chef Zhang also thought about removing this dish directly, but unfortunately there were only ten dishes tonight, and if I removed another one, the number of hard dishes was not enough, and it was too late to prepare again.

Su Yehao's aunt is adventurous and always curious about the unknown. After tasting it, she nodded and gave a thumbs up as she ate.

Chef Zhang has been cooking for more than 20 years, during which time he developed many new dishes.

Today's temporary try, can be successful also because of rich experience, know how to match.

Deep-fried nine-story towers are very particular, and it is difficult for ordinary people to get it just right. It is difficult for the meat to taste when the heat is not enough. If the heat is too high, it will have a burnt taste.

Su Yehao already has a cheap western restaurant, and investing in a Chinese restaurant is easy for him. Yesterday, he asked Yin Liuli if he wanted to expand, and she only said that the competition is too great and the ability is not enough.

If it is a cooperative operation, there is basically no need to worry about the initial preparations. Su Yehao is thinking at the moment, and he will talk to the people from Tao Taoju later.

This time it wasn't for his own investment. Su Yehao wanted to give her a business to earn money. It happened that the girl would celebrate her birthday next month, and she just didn't know what to prepare.

If you buy a luxury car, it will cost three to four million Hong Kong dollars, and Yin Liuli has experience in managing restaurants, which is just right.


In the short term, business is the same.

Busy all day, at home but reluctant to bring up the topic of career.

After eating and drinking, when I came to the living room and sat down, my aunt asked, "Ahao, are you in love? I know a lot of good girls. I'll introduce you when I get a chance?"

Hearing this sentence, Mr. Tang laughed and said in a mocking tone:

"Your nephew is much better than you, and there are so many girls around you that you can't handle it. If you have time, you should worry about your own affairs. However, if there is a good girl in the right household, you can try to get to know him."

"It's not a good habit to dislike the poor and love the rich. Feelings are feelings, and I don't want to be kidnapped. Isn't working hard to make money just to live comfortably, to force a match, what's the point of marrying a woman you don't like?"

Su Yehao said hard.

His aunt nodded again and again and echoed: "That's right, just like I'm doing well by myself, why do you force me to get married?"

I responded to the sentence of relatives between generations, but it doesn't matter if my baby grandson The old man just stared at his little daughter and said, "If you don't pay attention, you will become an old woman in someone else's mouth, and then someone else will The descendants are in groups, you must regret it."

"I don't regret it!"

Neither father and daughter were willing to back down.


Mother Tang, who was drinking **** tea, thought of a good girl, Zhao Yimeng.

Seeing that Su Yehao was about to turn 20, Hong Kong people got married early, so they could start to think about marriage.

In terms of fit, Zhao Yimeng is the best match for Su Yehao, regardless of family and growth environment, and the two are considered peers and can support each other.

I have nothing to do to think about it. In terms of emotions, Mommy Tang is reluctant to intervene.

After all, no matter Nangong Tian or Jiang Yu, they all know the bottom line, like a good seedling of a sage helper.

She doesn't want to be an evil mother-in-law who is battling the couple. The family already has the confidence to not rely on marriage. Even if she continues to move forward, her life will probably only be like this, and there is very little room for improvement.

The old man has been urging marriage, which reminded Su Yehao of Vice President Zheng Yongwen.

Su Yehao looked at his aunt and said, "Last time in class, I chatted with Zheng Yongwen for a while. He seems to be in charge of a project called Cyberport, hoping to attract high-tech industries to settle in."


The aunt sighed helplessly: "Suddenly talking about what he does, why are you so gossipy."

Su Yehao spread his hands and said, "Somehow I thought of it. I thought you would be interested in his news. My ex-boyfriend is living a good life, both beautiful and successful, but he has never been married."

"It's a long time ago, don't mention him. That guy is already in his forties. No matter how successful he is, he's still a stone in a ditch, stinky and hard..."

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